#but like immediately after that scene with caleb in the alley willie is back to wearing his jeans and a sweater and i think that's really
lyxchen · 2 years
Okay but the way Willie's clothes are so closed off and layered on top of each other with long sleeves and long pants Until he meets Alex!!
And then the entire time they're with Alex and truely happy their clothes are so free and open and he wears crop tops and shorts and flowy shirts and that awesome hgc outfit♡
And then Caleb threatens him and he stays away from Alex again and the next time we see them they're wearing a sweater with long sleeves and long pants again and it stays that way for the rest of the show even when he and Alex hug..
Because for a short moment he was truely free and happy but then Caleb had to come and take that away again and to have that show in the way Willie desses is just so hhhhh
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So someone made a post about Willie and Noah Czerny being skateboarding ghost buddies and it got me thinking for some reason of an alternate reality where ghosts were more like Noah. Flickering from being alive to just being mute and hallow.
So look, the boys die and when Julie plays their demo they reappear. Only more gruesome. They look exactly like the second they died with empty eyes and sickly pale skin and clothes covered in the dirt from the alley and blood (because for some reason I imagine them throwing up blood don’t ask) Naturally Julie freaks out because this fucking Conjuring just appeared in front of her. She runs from the studio screaming. Once she gets the courage to come back she doesn’t find them again.
But they are still there. Just invisible and mute. They can hear each other and see each other but not by lifers neither can they interact with the world of the living. See the rules are that all people with unfinished business come back to resolve it. But they are literal phantoms of themselves. The longer they interact with other ghosts or the lifers (however one-sided) they gain back their humanity. They can start interacting with the real world. Most of the ghosts, however, try to contact their families after they come back. The trick is the dark room Reggie talked about. Because it’s a time warp. So many when they come back to come to a different year if not a decade. In most cases, the unfinished business is connected to their families but this also raises problems. See, one scenario is that the ghosts follow their loved ones around regaining their humanity and sometimes eventually crossing over. But usually, they just get discouraged or angry because they are very much not corporeal and they cannot be heard so they just get frustrated or resign and go back to their hollow form. Other scenario ties with revenge or anger that turns the ghosts into poltergeists which are extremally dangerous to both the living and dead.
So the boys are fairly lucky because they have at least each other to talk to. Not being able to interact with Julie they decide to check on their families. Luke goes back to his parents and it gave him some sort of comfort knowing that he was remembered. So he spends there most of his days. Reggie checks on his family but his house is sold and turned into a bike shack. He’s not angry. He’s sad and little disappointed but not angry. In a way, he saw it coming. But Reggie is also a people person. He’s shy at first especially with adults because adults were rarely reliable and trusting in his experience but nevertheless, he’s a people person and loves to interact with lifers. Even if it’s one-sided. Also alternatively Reggie has a younger brother because I adore that idea, fight me. So this is the two out of three. But not Alex. Alex doesn’t want to see his parents. But he wants to track his siblings because he gives me big brother vibes. So he looks for them.
The boys occasionally, mostly Reggie, hang in the house. They flicker on from time to time and Julie can see them for a second. It freaks her the fuck out. Because there are three very dead-looking boys in her house. But they look a bit better. The blood is at least gone. She goes back to the demo she played and finds the picture, then she googles Sunset Curve. She doesn’t know why three dead band members are in her house but she needs some answers.
When she plays their music they become visible but are still unable to communicate so the conversation is very based on yes and no questions. But they start hanging out more. Julie is still pretty freaked out but once she got the initial shock it’s not half bad.
At some point, the boys start to sing just messing around I guess. And she can hear them! They talk about music and how Rose loved it. This makes Julie reconsider singing again. So she does. And the boys join her. And something happens. They are not only visible and Julie can hear them but also they don’t look so hollow anymore. They still look phantomish but not as much as before.
They figure it is the music that brings them back to their old selves. And now they can interact with Julie more so that also helps. So Julie and Luke write some songs and they find a way to pick up things so they can talk more freely and the boys look almost as when they were alive only a bit bleached and transparent. So overall considering their situation it’s ok.
But then the shit hits the fan. One, the boys learn that Bobby stole their music. They are all pissed. Luke goes all poltergeist and it’s pretty terrifying. Julie rushes to Trevor’s house to stop it however she can. It’s chaos. Eventually, she salts them (because I watched Supernatural and I say so), because Reggie and Alex are not as fuming as Luke but they are still pissed and their combined energy is just pure chaos. It makes them disappear for long enough so they realise what is happening and get a grip. They could have hurt Julie in the process!
The other thing that happens is that Julie is obviously mad but also scared of what has happened. Because those sad boys just did that. And it’s scary as shit because what if you anger them and they lose control? So the are left to cool off. Luke goes off to his parents to ground him or stays behind and plays some music with Reggie because Reggie cannot go back to the house to hang with Ray or Carlos because it would upset Julie and also he’s scared that he might fuck something up like they just did with Bobby. Also, Carlos reminds him so much of his younger brother, this is canon now fite me!
But Alex, Alex needs to clear his head (and look for his siblings). So he walks down the Sunset Blvd and he meets Willie. More like Willie crashes into him but you get the point. And Willie, he is so ALIVE. He could be mistaken for a lifer if he hasn’t just phased through them. They talk and Willie offers to take Alex to Hollywood Ghost Club where they can be back to their old selves. No more hollow shell. They can interact with the real world. And Caleb can make them visible. It’s a tempting offer that he has to stomach so he tells Willie that he will meet him again when he decides.
Alex tells the boys about it and they immediately decide they are in. Luke is tempted by being made visible so he can get back at Bobby. The anger has dimmed but it’s still eating him inside. Luke can hold a grudge. Reggie just desperately wants to interact with people. He loves his friends but he wants to make people laugh and to make jokes so he won’t be left alone with the dark thoughts in his head. And Alex above all just wants to see Willie again.
So they agree and meet Willie who takes them to the HGC. And it’s amazing. Because for the first time, apart from when they played with Julie, they feel ALIVE. They are bright, and vibrant, and feel like they belong. Like it hasn’t been 25 years since they walked the earth. Of course, Caleb knew they boys are visible to Julie when they play but this is not the major point here because although he plays on their ambition to be successful musicians (because they can do it here with Caleb) it’s more about being alive than just a shadow of a person. And the boys know that they need to be grounded and connected to someone to stay the way they are. This place is filled with other ghosts and lifers that can see them so it’s so easy to find their place in the world. Out there, outside the HGC there is Julie and her family (and Willie) but that’s it. And in fact, Julie is the only one that can see them. That’s why this offer is so tempting. Because outside of Julie who might get bored of them, who will grow up and move on, they have no one. Luke has his parents but it’s not for forever either he knows. And they have each other but would it be enough? And on the top of that, there is their unfinished business that they have no clue what it is so they might spend an infinite time on earth just searching.
So it’s fucking tempting to just stay here. But they miss Julie. They brought music back to her life and she literally brought them back. They owe her. So for now they decline Caleb’s offer. But that tricky bitch is having none of that because it’s not about boys being visible to others when they play. No. It’s about trapping their soul here because it would make Caleb more powerful. He needs the souls to keep up this whole place and himself because he has no connection to anybody. So he feeds off souls to stay ‘alive’. If not for that he most likely let the boys go and let them whiter on their own, turn back to hollow shells or angry spirits. But he needs a fresh supply of souls to keep him ‘alive’. Willie is forced to help him and he is one of a very few, in fact, that is ‘alive’ contrary to how it looks like. It’s all a show. An illusion. Because Caleb is sucking the ‘live’ force out of the ghosts he has trapped here. So he stamps the boys.
The time passes, not considerably but it does and Julie sings with her new ‘hologram’ band. They start getting popular but of course, things go wrong. Because of the stamps. It’s different than in the show because it will not destroy them by the jolts. It’s not either crossing over or joining his house band if they don’t want to be erased. No. They are left free to be but Caleb will still take their ‘live’ force. They just don’t get the benefit of being a member of the HGC. The only indication that something is wrong is that they are being drained. Even when they play with Julie they are more transparent on the borderline of hallow. Playing and singing give them a boost that sustains them for a short while but then disappears again. And it shows when they appear while playing. They are no more almost alive happy himbos they are almost a scene out of a zombie flick. Which would be fine for the Halloween gig but not in ordinary circumstances.
Then Willie comes to the rescue. He explains what is happening and the only option to stop it is to end Caleb.
So I slept like 3 hours and I woke from a fever dream and I wrote this. It makes no sense. Please accept my contribution to the phandom.
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