#but like in a swamp instead of a desert yknow
maydayissleepy · 1 year
Creation lore for my AU GO!! !
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For those of you who thought this au was a recent thing for me I'm proud to say it's not. Just ignore the fact that I have less than half of the plot written I am chronically unable to finish projects
. Anyway it was ORIGINALLY just about the visual themes in my mind but then that lore bit about Chen and Clouse got me Thinkin and. Well. Yeah
I'll likely have a second post with like actual story and plot things but for this one I just wanted to show off the aesthetic stuff, because as much as I loved the vermillion and snake theme it did not mix in my mind with time travel.
So, for my AU, the Twins do not have the vermillion for their villainous faction (respectfully, I would still love for them to exist with the rest of the serpentine because their concept is so so cool) and, instead, I've created some steam powered robots to go with Krux's theme! And also attempted to redesign the Iron Doom to resemble a dragon more so than a snake. However for both of these I was once again realizing that I have a tad bit trouble designing robots and mechs
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Aaaaand the last visual aesthetic change I think I made was changing the swamp to an ancient city's ruins in the desert? Because, yknow, desert, sand, hourglass theme? But also I think a past city's ruins plays on Krux's past theme a bit
WAAH I don't have a good drawing for the ruins city so here take this and also a lego build of the clock tower
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I do plan to push the ninjas' outfits for the season more twoards steampunk or cyberpunk individually, but that's something I have yet to work on
But of course, as I will also note when I eventually make a post for the story things over my au, I do my best to write and draw these things as respectfully as possible! I genuinely appreciate feedback on my work and I want to create things that everyone can enjoy, though, having not really interacted with the fandom I may be a bit out of the knowledge on what you guys like and accept. Though I try very hard not to, I tend to be a bit oblivious at times, which is usually my main deter for interacting with fandoms. So being said, I would love and appreciate kind pointers if you guys have any feedback!
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universesrising · 2 years
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fun fact: this man was raised by chickens
that’s it that’s the post
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