#but like kirk turns him down of course and they're very chill about it until eventually they're macking on each other like teenagers
my-thoughts-and-junk · 10 months
Kirk and spock are really the ideal will they won't they couple because they both have reasons for why they wouldn't confess (spock is embarrassed by his own feelings and kirk WOULD be the guy who goes 'it's not anyone's business but my own how I feel for mr spock' and also because he's captain he's not allowed) but they also have reasons for why they would be the first to confess (spock is very logical and would come forward with his feelings if he thought even for a second they were interfering with how he does his job and kirk is. Kirk.)
#random thoughts#star trek#fucking love this shakespeare episode#but anyway i think spock confesses first. for the hilarity#he confesses fully thinking he's gonna be shot down but also knowing kirk won't make it weird and they can still work together#but like just as a 'im gonna just get this off my chest' moment#kirk goes from stunned silence to angry sputtering to hysterical laughter to both at once#because kirk is emotionally constipated you fucking KNOW he is. he's so mad about it#but like his main rationale for not confessing was that he's not allowed and spock doesn't feel the same way#BUT KNOWING SPOCK FEELS THE SAME WAY??? OUGH HE'S SO MAD#not like at spock but at himself and at starfleet and at just the universe in general#like after spock confesses and kirk's in the room they were in by himself he looks outside at the great wide universe he's exploring#and he hates it so much. fuck the universe fuck starfleet fuck EVERYTHING#my interpretation of kirk is very angry so far. im still on season one#but like kirk turns him down of course and they're very chill about it until eventually they're macking on each other like teenagers#like on a mission on some planet somewhere#kirk DOES pick spock up and he DOES slam him against the wall. very brokeback mountain of him#they're disguised as cowboys or something i've decided. mccoy is very much there but like in the distance#it's strictly making out for like a WHILE. and they never mention it#kirk thinks it's like this unspoken thing between them and it's mutually understood. it's NOT.#spock just had NO REASON to bring it up so far#idk WHY he brings it up. probably just during a casual convo while playing chess and kirk immediately gets weird about it#and spock's like 'is there something wrong jim' and kirk's like 'no i just thought we weren't gonna talk about this'#and spock's like ' . . . do you want me to . . . stop?' and kirk's like 'no you can go ahead i just thought we weren't talking about it'#'did we ever agree to never talk about it?' 'well . . . maybe not VERBALLY per se but' 'ah yes one of your earth customs of tacit agreement'#spock is just very casual about the whole thing because spock is very good at compartmentalizing his emotions#does spock understand WHY kirk doesn't want to date him? no.#does spock understand WHY kirk is making out with him spending all this time with him and also HOLDING HIS HAND??? also no#at one point spock asks about different types of human relationships and kirk gets into the distinctions including greek shit#it does not clear things up like at all but spock relates to agape love
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