bizmuth101 · 4 years
Soft Sex- Atsuhiro Sako
Kinktober Day 30
X Male Reader
The room was dark. Or at least it looked dark to you, the soft black cloth over your eyes blocking out all the light in the room around you. You weren’t sure how long you’d been here, a small room, mostly dark say for one swinging luminescent bulb hanging above your head. You knew that what seemed to be every few hours someone came to check on you. A warm and soft voice questioning if you were okay, if the ropes currently binding you were too tight, if you needed water or food. It was a nice change from the violent introduction that you’d gotten to the group of your captors. 
You didn’t have a quirk, however, you were fairly close with quite a few heroes and often got approached by people asking how you knew this or that pro and if you could get them to do things for them. You had gotten used to the mild fame that came with being seen in public with a pro hero, however, what you weren’t used to was the negative attention that it got you, especially when you came out of meetings with some of the pros. It had gotten you into a bit of trouble this time. 
Normally you didn’t pay much attention to what was going on around you in terms of villains and news, but you were beginning to think that maybe you should have after one late night leaving your friend’s house you were grabbed from behind, a suffocating cloth held over your mouth until you blacked out, only waking up later to the same blindfold on your eyes. 
You were battered and beaten and bruised and in pain from their initial interrogation which ended with them finding out nothing as there was nothing that you knew that would answer any of their questions. Unsure of how long you were in your restraints, you were growing weary that you’d ever be released, hunger, thirst, and exhaustion setting in slowly. However, something seemed different today. Early in the morning your binds were loosened, not enough to free you but enough to alleviate the pressure digging into your wrists and allow a bit of blood flow to return to your hands. The door closed again behind whoever had helped you and you were once more left in silence for a few hours more.
When the door opened again you shifted a little in your place, quickly hearing the soothing voice of the stranger that kept coming to give you just a bit of calm in the storm you seemed to be trapped in. 
“You must be thirsty.” The voice spoke, low and calm and as you nodded the head of a bottle was pressed to your lips. “Drink.” And you gladly did so, eagerly gulping down as much as you could. “What do you say about getting you out of those restraints?” You nodded slowly and shivered at the featherlight touch up along your arms to where the restraints held you in place. A low chuckle emanated from the other following your eager squirming. “Hold still now, you may lose your balance a bit once they’re unhooked.” He spoke softly and you felt cool metal brush against your wrists. You gasped as the rope was cut and you stumbled back, falling into strong and lean arms behind you. You rubbed at the raw marks on your wrists and sighed slowly, only getting more relief as the blindfold around your eyes was finally pulled free and the dim light of the room made you blinked and shake your head slightly. 
“You’ll need to give it a few moments, you’ve been without your sight for so long I’d imagine it hurts to see again.” A hand gently brushed through the ratted and bloodstained locks of your hair and you sighed, nodding slowly. You really only had one question left as you glanced behind you. 
“Who are you?” Your voice was hoarse and scratchy from yelling and you didn’t have the strength to fight against the other to escape. 
“I’ll answer your questions later, my pet. For now, I believe a bath and a nice meal for you are in order.” He spoke softly, brown eyes glittering a bit as he helped you to your feet properly. The mention of food and a bath had your head spinning a bit with disbelief, nodding quickly and making the other smile, not even taking notice of the pet name he’d given you. 
“Good, then let's go get you washed up.” he spoke slowly and kept a gentle arm around your waist to guide you out of the room on shaky legs. 
Before long, you were stripped down in a bath full of bubbles and oils that soothed your pain with the man who’d helped you directly behind you, fingers running gently through your hair to wash the red from your locks.
“Your hair has grown since you’ve been here. Already three weeks now.” His voice stayed soft and you seemed a bit surprised by the time frame. Had it really been so long? You let your thoughts wander a bit before leaning back into the touch as his hands moved carefully through your hair then over your body washing grime and dirt from you. 
“There. All done now.” He hummed and grave the top of your head a gentle kiss. You didn’t pay much attention to it, just trying to let yourself relax a bit. You had no idea how long this would last, or if it would last at all, but you wanted to relish every moment of it that you were given. 
Within the hour you had a big warm meal in you and you were being guided slowly to a room that the man said you could call your own. You pushed back your confusion as he led you to the bed and you were given clothes to change into. 
Once you were changed and you had settled yourself into your bed that was when the other finally decided to tell you who he was, where you were, why you were still alive. Atsuhiro you found was his name, one of the league of villains members and more so your current savior. He had disapproved of your capture and taken a liking to you when you were brought in, deciding to take care of you as best he could and in doing so, you now belonged to him. 
Despite what that entailed, you didn’t seem to mind all that much. He didn’t hurt you, he cared for you, he clothed you, bathed you, kept you safe. If all that you were left to do was belong to someone that had done you no wrong then maybe there wasn’t all that much to worry about? After all, it was a chance to get away from the monotone of your previous life living in the shadow of the accomplishments of others. Being a pet for a dangerous villain? It sounded… interesting, and so you decided to see how things went. 
Three months now had gone by since you’d been there. Your title as Atsuhiro’s pet keeping you safe as you could be inside the lion's den. Your months with him were more pleasant than you  ever could’ve expected. Every meal he ate was in your company, hours spent talking and playing games, quickly learning the other’s skill in magic tricks and illusions. You began to enjoy yourself and as he grew fond of you you grew in turn fond of him as well. You spent more and more time with him where you could and by the time you realized it, you had begun to fall for the other. And yet, despite your name as his pet, despite knowing just about everything you could about the other, his past, his hobbies, his likes and dislikes and him knowing everything there was to know about you, spending countless hours in one another’s company, he rarely touched you. It seemed that the calm and guiding hand on your first day with him wasn’t something regular. 
You would nudge his shoulder or touch his hand when you were together but he never touched back, treating you as if you were some delicate rose that would simply wilt if he touched you. It was fun in the beginning, but you hadn’t really expected to be treated like a pet and not touched. In fact, the longer you were there you began to crave his touch, the feeling of his hands delicate on your skin. Thoughts like this, you were sure, were going to get you in trouble. But the most he  could do was be told no, right? 
Tonight was much like any other night you were with him. He brought to your room a tray with food, setting it on a small table that you both shared in the corner of the room. You peaked up a bit from your spot on your bed, a book, one of many he had provided you, in hand as he greeted you. 
“I see you’re enjoying that one again?” He smiled a bit motioning to your book, mask being set softly on the table beside the tray of food. You gave a little nod and smiled back in return. 
“Yes. I like this one a lot. It was my favorite when I was little too.” You nodded a bit as you slowly stood to your feet and walked over to him.
“You do know there is more in here than just your books. If you keep on reading there won't be any left for you to read.” He teased slightly and walked to your seat, pulling the chair out for you with a small smile across his features. 
“Reading is fun, it’s like going to a whole other word every time you open one.” You nodded a bit and took the seat with a quiet, “thanks.”
“Well that doesn’t matter too much now, let’s eat, then we can talk all you want.” He nodded slowly and hummed a bit as he sat across from you with a kind smile. 
Dinner went slow, moving along steadily as Atsuhiro spoke about the day and what plans the league had for tomorrow, you listened to him closely, taking in every word he had to say to you and carefully watching when his expressions would change. Mask or no, he was a very expressive person and it showed when he was alone with you like this. 
As your supper came to an end you simply listened to him as he spoke, going on and on until you slipped out of your seat, earning a curious look from the other. 
“Have you finished your food already?” He tilted his head a bit only growing more curious as you nodded and stepped closer to him, slowly holding your hands out to take his, carefully pulling him to his feet. “What are you doing?” His voice was soft with curiosity as he stood and you smiled. 
“I’m tired, but I want to keep listening to you, so let’s lie down.” You nodded slowly and led the other toward your bed. He seemed a bit surprised but he nodded a bit and shared the small smile you had. 
“If you’re sure, I don’t want to impose your space.” He spoke calmly as you gently moved him back toward the bed, pushing him lightly to sit. 
“I’m sure.” You nodded a bit and once he was sat you gently pecked his cheek watching as a pleasant red flourished from the place you kissed, his expression otherwise unreadable.
“Wh-what was that for?” He blinked  up at you and you gave a small chuckle. 
“You seem surprised, is it really that odd for me to want to kiss the person that had helped me so much?” You smiled a bit and he nodded. 
“Yes.” He nodded slowly seeming beyond surprised by you which only made you chuckle a bit more, a hand moving up to gently brush across his cheek. 
“Why is that such a surprise? I like spending my time with you, I like talking to you, I think you’re very kind.” You spoke slowly watching his flush darken as he leaned a bit into the hand on his cheek. 
“You do know I am a villain.” He pointed out as if you didn’t know and you nodded a little. 
“Why should that matter to me? Even if you weren’t the only reason I’m still alive I would still like you. Talking to you is fun, and when you brought me here I thought this was going to be much different than it has been. I would very much like for this to be more than what it is now.” You spoke with a soft voice, your hand still gently on his cheek and he seemed to smile a bit more. 
“More as in what?” He spoke softly, a gentle hand reaching up to take your hand in his own and pull you a bit closer. The action made you hum a bit and your own cheeks gained a bit of pink as he carefully pulled you to sit in his lap. 
“You know what I mean. More like the name you gave me entails.” You chuckled lightly and smiled at him. 
“You mean my pet? You want me to treat you like you really are my pet?” He hummed and his other hand moved up to brush some of your hair back from your face, cool metal brushing across your face and you nodded slowly as his hand guided you closer until your lips were almost touching. 
“Yes, like that.” You blushed a bit more and leaned in to close the distance, gently pressing your lips together with his, humming as he gently pulled you back onto his chest against the bed. 
He was tall and thin, and while you weren’t exactly short he made you seem much shorter than you really were. 
His kiss was light against your lips, hands carefully moving to your back to hold you close. 
“Then I suppose it can’t be helped, can it?” He spoke with a hint of teasing in his voice, humming as he returned his lips to yours and the cool metal of his prosthetic slid up and underneath your shirt, running his fingers along the small of your back and making you shiver slightly as you pulled back just a bit from the kiss. “The way you’re acting seems like you’ve been waiting for me to say something about this?” You smirked lightly as he held you and nodded a bit. 
“I wanted you to make the first move. I wanted to know this is what you wanted.” He nodded slowly and kissed you deeply, his other hand brushing your hair back slowly, deepening the kiss just a bit as his other hand explored along the expanse of his back.
Your hands moved slowly as well, fingers playing with the buttons at the front of his shirt, playing with it softly as he kissed you and you just melted against the touch humming happily. 
Before you even knew what was happening the gentle kiss had deepened more and your shirt was being slowly lifted up from your back, sliding further up as he began to undress you, the kiss growing mildly sloppy as you worked on more of the buttons on his shirt getting it undone about halfway before you had to pull back to let the other remove your top, your eyes wandering down over the exposed part of his chest. 
A soft hum left you as you leaned down and pressed a few light kisses to the exposed skin, humming as the other shifted you both, moving both his hands around your waist before rolling so he was hovering over top of you and your back was pressed against the bed leaving him smiling down at you.
“You really have been waiting for this, haven’t you?” You smirked slightly as your hands moved back up to gently finish the job you had started, gently beginning to unbutton the front of his shirt, smirking a bit as you managed and he let you slide his shirt off while he leaned down and began to press featherlight kisses to your chest and neck, never leaving a mark, only soft kisses and light touches down your body. 
“Only a bit, my pet.” He cooed out slowly as his hands found the band of your pants and began to slip them off hearing no complaint from you as your hands explored over his body carefully, fingers grazing along the spot that his prosthetic met his skin watching as the other male shivered at your touch. You smiled softly as you kissed at his shoulder and he gave you a small smile once your bottoms were off, leaving you completely exposed and on display for him. His every movement was slow and cautious, waiting for you to tell him to stop even if you never did. 
“Atsu…” You breathed out his name, soft and slightly shaky with embarrassment as he looked down at you taking in your form with a small smile. 
“Forgive me for staring, my pet. You’re breathtaking.” He purred gently as his fingers carded through your hair and he leaned back down to kiss you hesitating a moment before he pulled back completely. “Would you mind waiting here a moment for me?” 
“Waiting? For what?
“There’s something I need to grab from my room before we can really begin.” He nodded a bit and smiled at you. You hesitated a moment before you nodded and he hummed disappearing off to his own room. When he returned it was obvious why he’d left as he held up a small bottle of pink lube, walking back to you. 
“You left just for that?” You hummed slowly sitting up a bit in your spot as he nodded. 
“It would be hard on you without it.” He spoke gently and easily crawled back over top of you, kissing you gently and passionately as he ran his hands along your body, fingers brushing your nipples and making your breathing hitch as he trailed a hand down and along the inside of your thigh. “Have you ever done this before?” He questioned with a kind expression despite the obvious arousal in his pants pressing forward against the zipper. 
“N-no.” Your voice was soft but truthful as he hummed a bit. 
“Then I will have to be sure to be careful with you, my pet.” As he spoke you heard the soft click of the bottle in his hand opening and watched as he poured some of the liquid into his hand and warmed it between his fingers, gently reaching down and circling your hole with his finger. 
You gasped slightly at the feeling and blushed as he eased the first finger inside you, slowly moving it in and out, curling it and stretching you as your moans began to slowly leave you. “A-Ah… Atsu…” Your breathing stuttered as he pressed a second finger in and began to carefully scissor them and stretch you, your moaning only growing more frequent as he found your prostate and began playing with it, pressing his fingers against you, curling inside you and making you moan more. 
“My pet makes such beautiful sounds~.” He hummed softly and kissed along your neck, your cock growing in hardness against your stomach while he fingered you open.
After what felt like hours he finally pulled three fingers out of you and slipped out of his pants. 
“Do you think you’re ready my pet?” He hummed a bit and rolled his hips against you a bit. With a whine and an eager nod you looked up at him and hummed a bit. 
“Y-yes, yes please.” You shifted a little in your spot to roll your hips back against him, letting out a slightly shaky breath against the skin of his neck as he leaned down to you and you caught his lips in a chaste kiss as he coated his own throbbing member in lube and lined up at your entrance, groaning as he slowly began to press inside of you. 
At first it felt like you were being torn in two, the pressure and bit of pain close to unbearable as he held you, whispering soothingly into your ear to calm you, wiping away the tears that pricked the edges of your eyes and kissing you softly a few times. 
“I’ve got you my pet. You’re alright.” He whispered in your ear encouragement and soft praises as he bottomed out inside you and stilled his hips to let you adjust to him. After a few moments of gentle words and his touch soft against your hips you finally nodded and rolled your hips a little to tell him he could move. He groaned when you rolled your hips but took the hint and slowly began to pull back, his hips easing back in against yours before he repeated the action a few times, fucking into you slow and soft, moaning softly into your ear as he moved. It wasn’t long before both of your moans echoed off the walls and your hands shook as you grabbed onto the sheets beneath you. 
His movements were cautious and careful and thought out, as soon as he knew you were alright he sped up and angled his hips upward a bit, rubbing against your prostate with every movement of his hips, gasps and moans leaving you as he edged you on further, your body trembling under his touch. 
“A-Atsu~!” You gasped out as you looked up at him, lips parted in a silent moan as he pulled you in for a deep and sudden kiss, parting only long enough to speak. “I’m close, my pet.” he groaned as his movements became a bit more erratic and uncomposed. You nodded quickly in agreement and rolled your hips down against him to meet his movements, gasping and choking on air as he fucked into you harder, only pushing you closer to the edge. You couldn’t handle much more, you head was spinning with pleasure as he touched you, one of his hands moving down to firmly wrap around your member and begin to jerk you softly, your moans going up an octave as his hips stuttered into you. 
“I-Im c-cumming!” You gasped out with a louder moan than you intended and you tightened around the other male, head tossing back as you came, body trembling beneath the body of your newfound lover. 
The way you tightened and twitched around him, Atsuhiro didn’t last much longer, a few more hard thrusts and he was spent, groaning as he pulled out and spilled his seed over your stomach and chest to meet your own, panting heavily above you with the lost loving and honest gaze you’d ever been looked at with before, leaning forward and taking your breath away with a long and caring kiss that shook you to your very core. 
You felt like a drowning man getting your first breath of air as you breached the surface, his kiss bringing you somewhere full of love and and hope and desperation. 
Your life before felt like a dull ache in the recesses of your mind, and this new one was full of passion and promise of the likes you’d never before thought you’d have. It was what you needed, what you wanted, and finally you were getting that and more, everything you’d ever desired all behind the kiss of a villain you’d grown to love. 
When his mouth left yours, both panting and gasping for more air than your lungs could hold, you sighed, carding your fingers through the hair he usually kept hidden away, staying a moment both in silent awe of what had happened. 
“Th-that was…”
“Perfect.” He finished the words that were stolen from you in the moment, pressing more light kisses to your lips before slowly pulling back to retrieve a box of tissues beside your bed. 
You nodded in agreement as he began to clean your chest and stomach of cum, slowly allowing you to relax against the bed, allowing you to lie there peacefully and watch as he so lovingly cleared the remanence of your previous activities and rendered both of you exhausted. 
“Yes, perfect.” You nodded a little and pulled the other down against you when he had finished and laid him down with you. 
Warm, lean arms wrapped securely around you as the warmth from his body surrounded you and he pulled the blanket up to trap in that heat. 
“I think it’s time to get some rest.” He spoke with a smile as he held onto you, pulling a slow nod from you. 
“That it is.” You smiled slowly and nodded a bit as he kissed your forehead. 
“Goodnight, my pet.” He brushed your hair behind your ear and watched as you closed your eyes slowly and began to drift off against his chest, humming softly as you fell asleep there, thoughts of this new romance heavy on your mind and heart, and even so, happy of things still long away and yet to come.
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bizmuth101 · 4 years
Dirty Talk- Keigo Takami 
Kinktober Day 29
X Female 
“Hey! Come on! Lighten up a bit would ya?” The voice of the all too familiar blonde sounded behind you. You were just trying to work, couldn’t he see that? There was a lot of paperwork that needed to be done when you were assisting in a large agency like Endeavors. 
You were one of many of his personal assistance, helping to arrange press meetings and organize important post-mission documents for the current number one hero. However, with that came the annoying blonde number 2, Hawks. If you were being completely honest, the man got on your nerves to no end. He was loud and clingy and horrible in an office space, he was outgoing and stubborn, and lazy… there was seemingly no end to the amount of pet-peeves he crossed off your list and now here he was, interrupting your work and making everyone on your third floor office space stare. 
“Would you get off my back already? For the hundredth time, no, I will not go drinking with you.” You grumbled, clutching a small stack of papers to your chest as you walked toward the elevator. “No, I am very busy so if you would kindly leave so that everyone can properly focus on their work?”
“Awe, come on, that’s no way to be. Come out and have a little fun! You’re always so uptight, you need to loosen up a bit, (y/n).” He smirked and leaned against the wall beside you so he could look at you. 
“What will it take for you to leave me alone? It’s only two o’clock and you’re being a very big disturbance.” You shook your head, not seeming all that impressed by the man currently hounding you for drinks. 
“You know what it will take. Come on…” he pleaded, “one night wont hurt that bad will it? And if you don’t like it that’s that and I’ll back off and leave you be. Just come get drinks with me this one time. It’s the weekend tonight anyhow, nothing to lose.” He gave a cheerful grin and you tapped your foot as you waited on the elevator that seemed to be taking its sweet time. 
“You’ll leave me alone?” You looked up at the other out of the corner of your eye, a lazy and cheery smile plastered over his features that made you want to slap him where he stood. 
“One night.” He nodded and smirked slightly, seeming hopeful. 
“You wont try to ask me out again? Ever?” You raised a curious brow. That deal was seeming pretty tempting right now. 
“Never again, so long as you don’t like it. But I’m sure I can manage to make you enjoy yourself.” You scoffed at his words and rolled your eyes again, quickly stepping into the overly crowded elevator, leaving no space for the winged hero. 
“One night, that’s it. I’ll meet you out front at seven, we’ll go for drinks, and then you won’t talk to me again. Got it?” You spat out with a small glare up at the other who seemed like an excited puppy, nodding his head and shooting a set of finger guns your way. 
“Seven o’clock. Got it. See ya then sweetcheeks.” 
“Don’t call me that.” You grumbled as the doors closed and you were finally left in peace. 
The rest of the day went by much faster than you would’ve liked, the other girls on your floor seemed to have heard about your little ‘date’ with Hawks, the office gossip spreading like wildfire. 
“It’s not a date. I’m only going out with him to get him off my back. He’s such an annoyance.” You clicked your tongue at one of your friends from the office who seemed all too excited to dub your outing a date and pair you with the blond hero. 
“Not a date my ass! He’s so into you!” 
“Yeah, I got that part. And I’m so not into him.” You shook your head slowly taking in a deep breath of the smoke from your cigarette. 
“Yeah right. Have you even seen him? You’re going out on a date with the number two pro hero, he’s totally into you, and you don’t even wantI to!” Her voice seemed damn-near offended by your statement and you simply shrugged. 
“He’s just so immature, and lazy. I don’t wanna date someone so entitled.” You shook your head slightly, flicking the ash from the end of your cigarette and taking another long puff before pressing the end to the ashes of a bowl on the terrace. 
“Imatture maybe, but famous, and hot, and rich. How can you turn that down?” She smirked and leaned back against the railing with a sigh. 
“Ugh, cause those things are stupid and pointless. He’s just like all the other hundreds of heroes there are at this point.” You scoffed and put your pack and lighter away before turning back to head inside. “I’m only doing this to get rid of him.” You restated once more as the glass door bumped shut behind you and you sighed slowly. 
The rest of the day you spent at your desk, avoiding the whispers and the questions as time for you to get off work drew closer. You clocked out as soon as your shift was done with and started home for a hot shower before you met up with hawks. 
Your house wasn’t much of a walk from the agency, a simple apartment only a couple blocks away. As soon as you stepped inside you were greeted by the soft purring of a small white cat, bright blue eyes staring up at you as you leaned down to pet her for a moment. 
“Hey there, cotton.” You hummed out slowly as you stretched your arms up above your head and started back toward your bathroom, stripping down and taking your sweet time under the water. When you were done, your usual tight pony tail removed and your hair dried, hair billowing out down around your shoulders and back, you put on a light face of makeup, nothing serious, just some lipgloss and some light mascara, never really one for makeup, and you started back to your room to get dressed. 
You blinked for a moment passing a clock that dubbed it was already a little past six and you grumbled slightly as you got changed into a simple pair of comfortable underwear and you tugged on some skinny jeans that fit your form well, a pair of knee high black boots and a black shirt, a halter top that cut down in the back and just barely went to your jeans but suited your figure well and didn’t require you wear a bra needlessly. 
By the time that you were finished the time was switching over toward the six-fortyfive mark and you grumbled once more. You honestly didn’t want to go, but it meant that the hero would finally leave you alone and let you be. You could deal with one night for that, right? 
You tucked your phone and wallet into your back pocket, your key slipping securely into your boot so you wouldn’t lose it, and you said a quick goodbye to your cat before locking the door behind you and heading back to the agency. 
You arrived just as the clock flipped over to seven and you found yourself looking up to see Hawks already waiting there, sitting on an empty bike rack and swinging his legs patiently. 
With his hero costume shed you had to admit that the male was at the very least very attractive. He seemed to be patiently waiting for you and as soon as his eyes found you he smiled slightly and slipped to his feet. 
“Hey! You actually came.” He smirked slightly as he walked over, a navy blue button up and comfortable looking black jeans and converse fitting him easily as he walked over, the sleeves rolled to just above his elbows and the collar undone a couple buttons down. 
You crossed your arms slightly as you looked up at him and shrugged. “I said seven didn’t I? I’m right on time. I’m no liar.” You mumbled and looked around before looking back up at the other. “So? Where are we going?” You questioned pulling a small laugh from the other. 
“Somewhere fun. Come on.” He motioned up the street with a nod and held a hand out for you.
“Don’t push it.” You shook your head and kept your arms crossed. “Just walk.” 
He chuckled and raised his hands in mock defense with a chuckle. “Alright, alright, no touching, got it.” He nodded along as he started off. 
“You are aware that ‘somewhere fun’ doesn’t tell me where we’re going right?” You complained as you walked, hands finding your pockets as you walked, looking around. It was nice out, just warm enough that you didn’t quite need a jacket and your focus moved on to that rather than whatever answer the flying hero said. You walked by his side for about ten minutes, him making small chat the whole way to a large club, thumping music could be heard almost a block away and you blinked as you looked up at him. 
“This isn’t just drinks…” You huffed as you looked up at him, your arms crossing once more.
“I never said it would be just drinks, I just said there would be drinks.” He smirked slightly at you, walking to the doors and opening one and holding it for you. “Come on, I come here a lot, it’s fun.” He assured with a smile as you begrudgingly walked in. 
“Long as this gets you to leave me alone, I don’t care.” You sighed as you stepped inside. The whole place smelled of cheap cologne and alcohol. Glitter practically covered the floor and everywhere you looked there were people wearing glowing bracelets and necklaces and luminescent paint. You shot a slight glare up at the other not appreciating being in such a loud and crowded place. However, the more you looked around it became surprisingly apparent that Hawks wasn’t the only pro beyond the velvet rope just after the entrance. There were a few others that you knew, all seeming to be having a good time. They were all younger pros, some less known, some more known and a crowd of other unfamiliar people and guests, but nonetheless, they were there. 
“I think you’ll have fun and be eating your words by the end of the night.” He chuckled to himself as the very large bouncer at the door pulled back the rope for you and Hawks. 
“Yeah right. In a place like this? Good luck.” You scoffed as you were let in and you began to look around a bit more intently. There were people drinking at the bar, a crowded dance floor, a dj’s booth with an overly excited bouncing dj, and booths and tables filled to the brim with people around the sides. 
“You can do more than just watch, you know. Let me buy you that drink.” He nodded and started toward the large and crowded bar in the back of the club. You sputtered slightly when he started walking away before you and turned to follow suit. 
“H-Hey! Don’t just walk away without me!” You complained and walked up beside him for fear of getting lost in that crowd of people. 
“I just figured you’d follow along. Seems like I was right.” He teased and you huffed slightly and rolled your eyes. 
“So? What do you like to drink?” He questioned and you just shrugged. “I’m not too picky, just no beer.” You mumbled slowly and he hummed for a moment with a small nod ordering both of you a shot each of tequila and lime followed by a ordering either of you a sex on the beach. You tilted your head slightly at the combo but took the shot and bit into your lime sparingly taking the second drink that was handed to you as well. “So? What now?” You mumbled, taking a sip of your drink as he repeated yoru first action and took a long drink of his as well. 
“We could sit and talk, or go dance, whichever you prefer.” He nodded happily and motioned around. Not much one for dancing, you motioned to probably the only empty booth in the whole place, a small half circle seating space with a round table in the middle. “Sitting it is then.” He smiled a bit and started toward the table with you following close, drink in hand. 
“You seem very familiar with this place. Why are there so many other pros here?” You questioned, looking up at the other curiously and tilting your head. 
“I do, spend a lot of weekends here hanging out. And originally this place was only open for heroes and one guest with them. They relaxed on the rules a bit but for the most part everyone here is desensitized to being around heroes so no one goes above and beyond. One of the places that heroes can still just go out have fun and act like normal people every once in a while. And when I say this place has everything I mean this place had everything that you could think of. There’s the normal club area, a strip club in the room over, they even have a billiards area where they have competitions and gambling rooms.” He smiled happily as he spoke and you just nodded along. It figured that places like this existed, you just never thought that you’d be sitting in one, let alone across from the number two pro. It was a little disorienting. 
“Makes sense. It’s really big though.” You nodded slowly as you sipped your drink, already about half through the small glass as you listened to the music around you. 
“It’s gotta be to accommodate everything.” He nodded happily and the song faded out of one and into another.
You took a long sip of your drink before Hawks gasped. “Hey! I love this song! C’mon, let’s dance a while.” He nodded and before even giving you a chance to respond you were pulled to your feet. You gasped in surprise downing your drink and setting it on the table as you were pulled toward a mosh of people in the center of the room, Hawks taking no time to pull you into the crowd with him. 
“Damn… I-I don’t dance…” You shook your head standing still with your arms crossed as you looked at the other who had already started dancing along. 
“Awe, come on, don’t be like that, just relax a little.” He nodded excitedly and nudged your shoulder. You stumbled slightly as a couple people bumped into you and gasped, letting out a little yelp as you tripped and landed against Hawks’ chest. “Woah, careful!” His arms were around you before you knew what was happening, his hands gently resting on your hips as he held you steady. 
“I-I’m fine!” You stuttered slightly and stood up straight again, your cheeks flushing slightly as the other just continued to sway and move along with the music. “You can let me go now…” You muttered slightly, your hands lightly pressed to his chest as if pushing him a bit would make him let you go, but pulling back only resulted in the general bump and grind of the dance-floor to push you forward more, pressing you flush with Hawks’ chest. 
“You gotta relax. If you aren’t moving you’ll get pushed around. Just try it.” He smiled at you kindly and you blinked a bit. It was the alcohol, it had to be, he hadn’t been that attractive from far away, so there was no reason that your heart was beating like this now. None at all. 
“I said I don’t dance…” You shook your head a bit, not even realizing that his hands were still on your hips, making you sway along with the beat. 
“But you’re already doing great.” He smirked and you flushed a bit as you realized that you really had begun to sway with him, and you weren’t quite sure if you were doing it on your own or not. 
“Sh-shut up!” You shook your head slightly and stiffened a little, almost immediately stumbling again and Hawks just chuckled, his arms wrapping around you just enough to keep you pressed up against him and you swore the music faded and everything froze for a moment as he held onto you with a bright and happy smile, messy hair falling slightly into his face as he looked down at you and the faded music of the club changed once more. 
“You alright there?”
“L-let’s...let’s just go sit down.” You muttered quickly and he shook his head a little. 
“No way. Come on, move those two left feet of yours and have some fun.” He nodded slowly and helped to make your hips sway a little more along to the bead of the next song. 
You rolled your eyes at the comment and shushed him again but before you knew it, you were moving on your own, hips swaying and head bobbing to the music as the other continued to make stupid jokes. You’d blame it all on the alcohol, but honestly, you were beginning to have fun, lots of fun. 
“There ya go! Move like that!” He laughed happily and spun you lightly in your own little world away from everything around you. You were smiling, laughing along and enjoying yourself more than you thought possible. 
“You’re ridiculous.” You shook your head slightly as his spinning you landed you against his chest once again and you just laughed quietly there, his smile widening a bit as you stood there, this time making no effort to pull away as you shifted to smile slightly up at him. 
“I told you you would have fun.” He spoke up, quiet enough that you could just barely make out his voice over the raucous of the crowd and you just flushed a bit. 
“Yeah, yeah, so you win.” You rolled your eyes, keeping that small smile on your face as he held onto you gently. You stayed like that for a while, the taller calmly holding you before slowly swaying and you both began to dance once more. 
You danced until you felt like your feet would fall off, smiling at him and laughing all the while until finally you were pulled from the floor, happy but tired. 
“It’s getting late.” He spoke up with a gentle smile, gently holding your hand that he’d used to pull you off the floor, and this time, you didn’t pull away. 
“We should probably head home then, huh?” You questioned with a soft smile and a nod. Sure it was the weekend, but you still didn’t want to spend the whole thing exhausted. 
“Come on then, I’ll walk you back to your place!” he smiled happily and you finally started out. You’d gotten there a little after seven, and pulling your phone out now to check the time you gasped slightly as the time on your phone flickered over to one am. It wasn’t the latest, but having started at seven? 
“Holy shit…” You shook your head slightly. “How were we there for so long?” You looked up at him, not really even noticing that he’d tossed his arm around you lightly. 
“See, time really does fly when you’re having fun, right?” He smirked at you and you just shook your head slightly. “Guess so.” you rolled your eyes slightly and nodded a bit as you walked, the sound of the club slowly disappearing behind you. 
“I’m glad you had fun.” He nodded slowly giving your arm a light squeeze. You’d both had the same amount to drink but he seemed fine while your body felt warm, and you were sure your cheeks were flushed. 
“Don’t go getting cocky on me now.” You nudged his side slightly and he laughed happily. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it, sweetcheeks.” He smirked as you walked and scoffed a bit. “Thought I told you not to call me that earlier.” You huffed slightly and shook your head as you walked home. 
The rest of the walk continued much the same until you got to your apartment building and stopped. 
“This is my stop.” You nodded slowly and looked up at him with a soft smile and he nodded slowly, seeming reluctant to pull back as his arm shifted off your shoulders and his hand slipped into his pocket. 
“Ah, yeah… We should do this again sometime, right?” He questioned with a light dust of just barely noticeable pink across his cheeks. 
“You know, uh… If you wanted you could come in and stay a while?” You suggested, rubbing the back of your neck slightly, a bit unsure why you were offering something like that, but the other seemed to light up a bit at the offer, the feathers of his wings ruffling a little which you had to admit was a bit cute. 
“Wait, really?! You’re inviting me in?” He smiled brightly and you just shook your head a bit. 
“Not if you keep acting so happy about it.” You teased and motioned to the door. “Lets go.” You nodded a bit and gave him a small smile, holding the door open slightly for him. 
It was pretty rare for you to invite someone up with you, into your home, your safe place, but he had seemingly done a good job at making you loosen up and have a good time, so you decided to hell with it as you stepped onto the elevator with him. 
You bumped the button for the fourth floor and stood close beside Hawks on the way up, teasing him and joking lightly as you got off and paused outside your door to bend down and slip off your shoe. 
“Why are you taking your shoes off?” He tilted his head in confusion. 
“My key is in my boot. It's the only place it won't get lost.” You chuckled softly as you fumbled in your boot for it and moved to unlock the door. However, before you even got a chance to finish unlocking it, Hawk’s reached out and gently pulled you closer, surprising you with a sudden kiss. 
Your body froze slightly at the sudden touch and after blinking a few times your body simply relaxed, eventually returning the light kiss while it lasted, your eyes falling closed. 
You weren’t sure how long Hawks kissed you, your cheeks flushing darkly as he finally parted from your lips and you were left breathless and confused. 
“Wh-wha...what was...you...uh..” You stuttered and stammered for a moment, just looking up at him in slight shock. 
“Sorry… I uh...you were in a good mood and I figured it was better to do it before we got inside. I’d rather you be mad at me before we get inside then to have you make me leave while we’re in there.” He spoke slowly, rubbing his neck nervously and biting his lip, pulling back a little as if planning to leave. It took you a moment to register what he said enough to nod, but as soon as you nodded a bit you shifted, dropping your shoe to the ground so you could stop the other from going and gently pull him back into another soft kiss. 
This time it was him that seemed surprised, gasping softly before he gladly melted against your lips and his hands found your hips, pulling you in for more. 
You were lost, no idea what you were doing or why you were doing it but here you stood kissing the winged hero Hawks after an unwanted date gone perfect in front of your own apartment. The kiss lasted far longer than you cared to admit and as it continued it only seemed to get deeper and somehow desperate as you were walked back toward your door, shoe being kicked in alongside you as the man in question pushed the door open and removed your key from the lock, pressing you back lightly against the door when it was closed. 
Your head swirled in your confusion, but you still didn’t pull away, your lips fighting with his as his hands began to run along your sides pulling a small shiver from you. He smirked as he pulled back, the door clicking as he locked it and tilted his head, kisses trailing down slowly along your neck and making you release a small but overly-excited moan from the sudden touch to sensitive skin. 
He seemed pleased by the sound you made, his fingers tangling with the fabric along the hem of your shirt, carefully slipping underneath and brushing along your sides more directly, slipping up further before he was all out groping your chest pulling a soft gasp from you. 
He smirked as he shifted you a bit, his lips once more pulling you in for a deep kiss as your hands shifted up slowly from his chest to begin to unbutton his top, feeling his lips pulling into a smirk as he pulled back. 
“Didn’t take you for the type to do this on a first date.” He teased, hands still warm on your breasts as you tugged the buttons of his shirt undone slowly. 
“Hm, maybe not. But are you complaining?” You questioned with a smirk as you pulled the last ones open and reached up to his shoulders, sliding hands under the fabric and over his built form to pull off the shirt and watch it pool on the floor just before your lips crashed against his once again and you moaned softly against his lips in an attempt to spur him on further. 
His hands moved slowly up behind your neck, pulling the tie of your halter undone and watching as the fabric slipped down, letting your breasts pop free and his hands move more freely as well. You shuddered at the feeling of calloused fingers brushing across the sensitive skin of your nipples pulling a small moan from you once more. 
“F-fuck.” Your breath was shuddered as you broke the kiss and he tugged you forward off the wall, pulling the rest of your shirt off to toss it aside, slowly leaving a trail of clothing as you pushed and pulled one another back toward the bedroom, hands roaming one another’s torsos and sides until finally you were pushed back onto the bed, the only thing left on your body the comfortable underwear you’d put on before you left, the same with him and his boxers, the last remaining thing between either of you. 
“God damn…” The man breathed out as he looked over you, smirking as he shifted to climb over you with a low chuckle. “I knew you were sexy but I didn’t expect you to be this sexy.” He hummed and leaned down to kiss and suck along your neck. “You’re probably already fucking soaked, aren’t you?” He smirked and slipped a hand down between you to press his fingers against you through your panties, clear slick immediately beginning to soak through the fabric making an evident wet spot as you moaned. 
“Ah~ Hawks!” You gasped and bit your lip as he touched you. He clicked his tongue in disapproval, shaking his head a little. “Not right now I’m not. Keigo. Call me by name.” He smirked and leaned down again to press his lips roughly against yours, his fingers still lightly massaging at that wet spot. 
You moaned against his lips and nodded in an obedient manner, shivering as his free hand played with your nippled slowly, his fingers then slipping under the fabric of your bottoms to tease your entrance. 
“You’re so wet. Fuck. Look at this.” He dipped a finger inside of you quickly and pulled his hand back to look at the strands of slick connecting his fingers now. You moaned and blushed darkly as he shifted to press his fingers to your lips. “Open your mouth, sweetcheeks. I want you to taste yourself~.” Your face felt like it was burning but you listened, your lips slowly parting as you sucked his fingers into your mouth, going along with whatever he seemed to want to do. He smirked and watched you seeming pleased. 
“Shit, beautiful. I really didn’t think you’d be this much of a slut~. You’re probably already aching for my cock aren’t you. You want me inside you don’t you?” He purred his words out low and sweet like they were simply laced with honey and you couldn’t help but listen, moaning around his fingers as he slipped them from your mouth and he nodded slowly. 
“God, yes…” You breathed out slowly as he ran his thumb along your bottom lip. 
“Question is where~? You want me to fuck you or would you rather I use this pretty little mouth of yours? Shove my cock down your throat until it’s all you can think about.” He hummed deeply and you shivered at the thought, the fabric covering your heat slowly being removed to expose you to the cool air of the room as his fingers gently began to circle your clit. “So what’ll it be, slut? You want me to fuck your cunt or that pretty mouth?” He smirked mischievously and you simply whined, shifting and rolling your hips down for his touch, mind fuzzy from the current pleasure he was giving you. 
“I-I want… ah~ fuck… I wanna suck your cock…” You managed to breathe out, your body shuddering as his fingers pulled back from you and he smirked shifting to stand and nodded. ��Alright then, get to it.” He scoffed slightly as he looked over you. You had to take a moment to compose yourself enough to crawl to your knees on the edge of the bed in front of him, hands carefully moving to pull down his boxers and reveal his cock standing perfectly erect and throbbing before you. You sighed slightly seeing him like this, you’d never wanted to admit just how attractive he was before, but now? You couldn’t deny it at all. He was gorgeous. 
You acted slowly, purely on what you knew, one hand slowly grasping the base and stroking along his length a few times before leaning down and kissing a long stripe along his length, looking up at him with a small smirk of your own. 
“You really are a little slut, huh? Done this before have you?” He chuckled deeply as he watched you kiss and lick along his length before taking the head into your mouth and swirling your tongue around him with a nod. “I can tell, you know how to handle a cock.” He chuckled deepl and let out a low groan as you pressed yourself down suddenly, taking over half his length into your mouth and hollowing your cheeks to suck hard around him. 
His head lolled back a bit and he groaned deeply. “Fuck~. Such a good slut, sucking it so deep.” He breathed out and let you begin to bob your head, one hand tangling into your hair to press you down more. You gagged a bit as he pressed you lower but kept your composure, moaning around his length as one hand of yours moved down to your heat, two fingers carefully slipping inside you as you spread yourself a bit farther apart on the bed, moning again as you began to calmly finger yourself while you sucked him deep and hard, his hand guiding your head a bit as you continued. You showed no signs of stopping even as the other began to roll his hips into your mouth, your sucking and twisting and licking pleasing him to the edge as he groaned. 
“Fuck~, I’m gonna cum soon.” He hissed out slowly and his hips rocked forward a bit, pulling another gag from you as you pressed down more and swallowed around his length. 
“Fuck yeah, swallow my cock, slut.” He groaned and continued to roll his hips for a few long moments before he groaned and his hips stilled, keeping your head held down. “You can swallow this too~.” He purred deeply as he groaned and came in our mouth, pulling back and leaving you sputtering for a moment before you swallowed what was left and panted slowly. 
You didn't have much time to recover before he was suddenly pushing you back against the bed again, pinning you roughly as his still-hard cock positioned against your aching cunt. 
“Did so good for me, now I’ll return the favor. Gonna fuck you so good., give you just what you want, slut.” He purred slowly as he pressed forward pulling a loud moan from you as he pushed his length into you slowly, bottoming out and beginning to slowly thrust. 
He wasn’t huge, above average but nothing special. However, what was special was the way he moved, angled upward so he hit against your deepest and most sensitive spots all at once, his thumb circling your clit as he pinned you down preventing you from desperately rolling your hips as he fucked into you. 
“Ah~ K-Kei!” You gasped and moaned out for him, your back arching up as best it could the way he had you pinned. “F-feels so good~ Please don’t stop~!” You gasped out and your hips rocked a bit down against him as he smirked. 
“And take this away from my little slut? Not a chance.” His hips snapped forward as he spoke, pounding into you roughly. 
When you pleaded harder, he pounded you harder, when you whined for faster his hips picked up the pace, if you wanted more he kissed you and fucked you more making you a sloppy mess as he fucked into you. 
“Such a good little whore like this. Wanna fuck you all night, use you up until youre panting and the only thign you remember is my name on your lips~.” He groaned deeply as he spoke, his own low moans making you whine for more as he fucked you, the coil in your stomach tightening more with each thrust of his hips. 
“I-I’m close… Kei~.” You breathed out slowly, your head spinning as you clung to him as best you could, his movements rough and lovely as he fucked you into the mattress. 
“Then cum for me, sweetcheeks~, I wanna watch you lose yourself on my cock, wanna fill you up with my cum.” He groaned out with a smirk as he leaned over you, biting and sucking a few marks against your neck, the sensation just enough to send you crashing over the edge as you back arched up off the bed and you came hard with a loud moan and a pitiful whine. He smirked as he watched you, enjoying the display and not stopping, continuing on as he watched you squirm beneath him, overstimulation slowly setting in as he slammed his hips forward and came hard inside you, painting your insides white and pulling out quickly to finish, the last of his release spilling over your stomach and dripping down as he held your thighs apart and watched his cum drip out of you. 
You weren’t sure how long it took for you to catch your breath, but in that time the other flopped down beside you, reaching for a tissue box beside your bed and cleaning bother of you as best as a box of tissues coil before he completely relaxed against the bed, one of his large red wings resting across your naked form and pulling you closer so he could sling an arm around you as well, using his wing as a blanket to hold you in rather than move to get a real one. 
You were both silent for a long time. Tired but both having something left to say. You bit your lip and after a while of slowing down ragged breaths you finally spoke up. 
“I think I can safely say you won. Even if that was more than just drinks.” You chuckled lightly and he nodded a bit with a smile, shifting to kiss you softly. 
“Does that mean I get a second date?” He smirked slowly as he held onto you and with a soft giggle and a tired yawn you nodded. 
“One more.” You smiled softly and closed your eyes, gently drifting off to the quiet sound of his calm laughter.
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bizmuth101 · 4 years
Choking- Tokoyami Fumikage
Kinktober Day 28
X Female 
Wow FT, it’s been a while. Almost October again you say? Haven’t finished last year’s yet you say? Don’t worry, I’m getting there. I 100% from the bottom of my heart promise that I will be done by THIS Saturday with last year’s kinktober and the list for this year’s will follow suit, I promise! Thank all my followers for having so much patience with me. Take a smexy birb boi.
You had always known Tokoyami to be a fairly shy boy. He was smaller and more frail than most of the other guys back when you were in 1-A together, and for the most part that hadn’t really changed much. He was only an inch or so taller than you now, even as a pro, and despite the fact that he normally never really seemed to mind being so much smaller than most other males his age, other days were like today. 
You could tell that it really got to him sometimes. The comments about his height, and most days Dark Shadow didn’t hellp all that much, sometimes adding a bit to the pressure and the teasing. Today was one of those days that it just didn’t seem like it was going his way at all. 
It was after a mission, at a small press meeting where the few comments started. Some reporters making questions and even some jokes about being a pro hero at his height. Others were from ‘fans’ in the crowd teasing and prodding him about you and ‘how he got such a beauty’. It aggravated him and he brushed it off but you could tell that it had obviously bothered him. After that, some friends dragged him out drinking and, having some paperwork to do, you headed back to your shared apartment to wait for him. All was well until he had gotten home, a little before midnight and your confusion sank in. 
When you heard the sound of the door closing you were excited to see your boyfriend and his other half, smiling softly as you closed your laptop and went to meet your presumably drunk  boyfriends. However, catching a glimpse of the time you worried a bit and walked out to greet him. He seemed aggravated, almost angry when he saw you and that only concerned you more. 
“Hey, Toko. You’re home pretty-” He cut you off almost immediately with a hand held up to silence you. “I don’t want some fuckin welcome home, alright? Just… lemme go to sleep.” He grumbled making you frown, reaching out to gently touch his shoulder as he stepped past you.
 “Hey… what’s going on? Something happen while you were out?” Your voice was filled with concern as you spoke, your eyes worried. He paused and looked over at you slightly, his anger fading just enough to let common sense sink in and he just shook his head with a simple, “I dont wanna talk about it.” 
You nodded your head slowly and carefully pulled him closer with a small smile. “Is there anything I can do to help?” You hummed out gently letting him think and breathe for a moment before watching him shake his head slightly. “I feel like I wanna punch something… or someone.” He huffed and you nodded once more. 
“If you can think of anything, anything at all. I will gladly help in whatever way I can.” Your smile always seemed to lighten the other’s mood a bit and he nodded. After a moment of pause he turned, a smirk spread over his bird-like features as he nodded. 
“Actually.” He paused. “I think there is one thing I can think of that might help.” He hummed out slowly and pulled you closer, gently leaning in and nipped lightly at your slightly exposed shoulder. “Can we do that tonight?” He hummed out slowly and your smile only widened a little. 
“If you think that will help you feel better than of course. He seemed to lighten up a bit more at your agreement and in seconds he was tugging you back toward your bedroom. 
You had done this for him many times before. It was his… outlet, in a way at least. He enjoyed it when the anger and inferiority sank in just a bit too deeply and he enjoyed being in absolute control. Not just of you, but of everything you did, said, felt… He needed that superiority from time to time. 
Today was like every other time. He slowly pulled you back to your room, shoving you back against the bed to make you wait. The same small smirk played over his face as he pulled out what you would need, the most important of the few things he grabbed, a matching set, a beautiful looking dog collar with a dazzling and bejeweled tag hanging from the front and a pairing leash made of a fine and soft leather that anyone would love the feeling of. 
Sitting on the edge of the bed you watched the other gathering up a few things before he gently kneeled on the bed beside you his beak gently nudging your cheek affectionately, a bit of calm reassurance before what you were about to do as he carefully let his hands slide up along your sides and to your neck with the collar in hand. He hummed slowly and gently clasped the collar onto your neck, taking care as he gently clipped the leash to the back of the leash smiling softly as he gave a small tug, smirking slowly at you. 
You let a small gasp escape you at the tug and you leaned your head back into the feeling of the leather against your skin. “Toko…” You hummed slowly and reached out, gently pulling Tokoyami closer, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. “I love you.” You cooed out soft and slow, your hands gently tracing along his sides, holding him close and giving a small smile. 
He smirked and nodded slowly, one hand moving to your hip to pull him closer. “I love you too.” He gave a soft nudge to your cheek once more, the leash wrapped firmly around his free hand as he held onto you, giving a few moments of calm and relaxation before giving your collar a rough tug backward making you gasp as fall back against the bed blushing a bit as he moved over you with a smirk. 
“God, you’re so beautiful like this.” He smirked and let the hand on your hip move and slide up underneath your shirt. Your breath hitched at the feeling and you slowly leaned your head back against the bed, a soft hum leaving you. You gave a small smile as his hand slid along the bare skin under your oversized lounge shirt, it had been late after all, you hadn’t exactly been expecting this turn of events. 
You hummed when he pulled back, letting go of the leash temporarily to pull your shirt up and over your head, tossing it to the side and looking down at you with a smirk. “Hm. On your knees, baby.” He cooed out slowly to which you quickly obeyed, rolling first to your stomach, left only on a tight pair of shorts now, and slowly pushed yourself up onto your knees. Tokoyami smirked, his hand trailing down to retrieve the soft leather of your leash, humming slowly as he looked over you. “So beautiful.” He hummed once more before pulling the leash taut, a strangled gasp leaving you from the suddenness of it, blushing darkly as he held the leash in place, keeping it tight and restricting your ability to breathe.
He kept the leash tight, the collar pressed firmly against your neck as you tried to breathe. After a moment he let it go slack, giving you a chance to gasp for air, a small whine leaving you as you leaned against your bed shakily. 
“T-Toko~...” You shuddered out his name as he shifted forward so he was sitting directly behind you. 
“You make such pretty noises when I do this, hon. You like when I take control, don’t you?” He hummed deeply, free hand tracing the cusp of your ass and gently squeezing before he tugged the leash lightly again. 
There was always such a thrill when Tokoyami did this. His words always seemed so soft as he choked you, the leather digging into your skin, sometimes leaving light bruises that he would comment on the following days. He was always so gentle otherwise, that grip on the leash showing his control. One pull too hard, one slip up was all it took, but you had absolute trust in your boyfriend. He wouldn’t hurt you, not in any real way. 
“L-love it… like I’m all yours.” You cooed out in response as soon as his light tug loosened enough for your lungs to fill with air. You could almost feel his smirk, the eyes on your back. The light dust of his fingers along your hips comforting you as you spoke and a small chuckle left him. He seemed to appreciate that you always went along with this. That you let him have his way, feel the control he desperately needed. And you were glad to oblige. However, his movements didn’t stay innocent and loving for long, as your body began to relax the pressure was once more against your neck, cutting off your airway as he brought his hand down roughly against your ass, a few digits striking against bare skin and leaving behind a pleasant burn as you tried to gasp in a breath.
He kept his hold strong as he rubbed his hand over the place he’d hit, eventually sliding his hand down the outside then carefully up along the inside of your thigh sending breathless shivers through your body as his hand slipped up dangerously close to your heat, already beginning to soak through the thin fabric of your shorts after only a few simple touches.  
“T-ah-Toko~...” You bit your lip as the other pulled tighter, completely cutting off the air to your already burning lungs. You moaned out slightly, the sound strangled by the soft fabric of the leash around your neck pulling tight and making you tremble. 
He held the leash tight for a few long moments, your vision blurring and your neck aching where the collar dug against your skin. As your body trembled beneath the strong grasp of your lover he finally loosened his hold, allowing much needed hair to desperately flood into your lungs. 
You coughed a couple times as you gasped for air, Tokoyami giving you little reprieve before his hand was moving again, striking down against your ass once more, gently sliding along the curve of your rear and up along the small of your back. For just a moment he dropped the leash completely allowing him to free you from the remaining clothes you still wore, his tight grip quickly returning and cutting your air back once more. 
“God, you’re so fucking soaked, (y/n). You absolutely love this don’t you?” He smirked slightly as you moaned softly and nodded your approval. You did, you really did; you loved when he acted so dominant and strong treating you like this.
“F-feels so good…” You breathed out shakily, your voice already becoming a bit hoarse from the lack of oxygen. 
“Good, then why don’t we continue?” He hummed and once more pulled the leash taut. You could feel your heart thrumming in your throat against the feeling of the soft leather when he pulled again, gasping in a last second of air as he held your hips tightly, suddenly pressing forward a bit and grinding himself up against your ass. “So pretty, trying to moan when you can’ even breathe right.” He smirked slowly and leaned over you, gently nipping at your shoulder and making you force out a strangled yelp, moaning softly as the fabric pressed harder against your throat and you felt dizzy. Before you even got a chance to complain, Tokoyami’s free hand slid down your side and hip and slipped behind you, suddenly pressing two fingers deep into your already dripping and aching heat, spreading his fingers apart and curling them roughly.
 Your head rolled back in a silent plea, legs trembling as they worked to hold you up, arms in the same boat, struggling to keep you upright less you fall and tighten the pull on the leash around your neck. 
“Fuck, do that again, babe~.” He cooed out behind you, his fingers curling again, hitting against your sweet spot and making you mewl, your back arching up slightly. 
You could feel his erection pressing up against the back of your thigh, mind racing with thoughts. You wanted him inside you, and you wanted him badly. 
You let out a small whine and pressed back against him slightly, only prompting him to tighten his grip on your leash, your vision blurring slightly as he pulled his fingers out of you and roughly bought his hand down against your ass a strangled groan leaving you. 
“You know the rules, you get what I give you. When I give it to you.” He smirked. “Unless you wanna beg for it.” He cooed and rubbed over the bright red mark his hand had left, a perfect outline of his hand now stamped on your rump. 
You nodded meekly, stilling your hips as he finally let the leash loosen and you gasped in, sputtering for a moment before asoft whine left you and you spoke up. “T-Toko, please~. I-I want you, please fuck me.” Your voice wavered slightly and you panted slowly, head spinning as the other smirked looking down on your desperate and needy form. Heat pooled between your legs turning into slick that now ran down the inside of your thighs in a couple of slow trails that dripped onto the bed, your lips parted in desperation as you pleaded for the release of his cock inside of you. 
Tokoyami seemed pleased by the display before him, a smirk finding his lips as he leaned over you and nudged your cheek, fabric moving behind you as he seemingly pulled his pants down. You felt the brush of his boxers before the head f skin on skin shot fireworks through your head and you moaned, your stomach aching with an animalistic need to have him inside, o have him fucking you, his body pressed against yours, your moans telling him just how much you needed him to touch you like this. And he could tell. 
The bird-headed male smirked and teased against your entrance driving you to the edge of tears as your desperation grew. You wanted him inside you and you wanted it now, but you knew that the only thing that moving your hips back would get you was another hard spanking and the thought made you moan. “P-please, Toko… please fuck me…” Your voice was soft and whiny, glancing back at him over your shoulder, prompting a sharp tug of the leash making you look down again, gasping when he suddenly and completely without warning thrust his whole length into you, angling right against your most pleasurable spot making white explode across your vision. 
Before you were even given a chance to moan out the collar around your neck tightened as Tokoyami pulled the leash and cut off any sound that dared escape. 
“So fuckin pretty for me, babe~. You like that, huh?” He hummed as he began to move his hips into you, fucking you at different speeds, starting slow, then slamming his hips foreward, then finding a steady pace only to slow down again. It was agonizing, it was amazing, it was making you lose yourself in his movements, his every motion sending you into another fit of silent and choked out moans. 
After a while, he loosed his grip and your moans spilled over, filling the room with whiny and loud cries of pleasure, your arms and legs finally giving out below you as you collapsed with your face down on the pillow below you. Tokoyami chuckled as you collapsed, your legs trembling as they sent you into a knee-bent split on the bed and you let out an obviously displeased whine when Tokoyami slipped out of you from the motions. 
“Awe~ Someone couldn’t hold themselves up, huh?” He smirked and you whined, nodding shamefully against the bed, trying to lift your hips back up to present yourself to him so he could be inside you once more, cunt dripping with the fluids of your sex and pre from Tokoyami’s cock. “That’s too bad, because if you want me to keep fucking you, you’ll have to put it in yourself.” he purred in a low and seductive tone that sent shivers down your spine and made your body feel weaker than before. 
“I-I can’t…” You whimpered slowly and bit your lip slightly. He gave a slight warning tug to your leash and you panted slowly trying once more to force your hips upward. Your hunger for his cock seemed to somehow overpower the weakness in your arms and legs and somehow you managed to regain your position enough to reach a hand behind you, face still pressed in the pillow as you positioned yourself and pressed back, gasping when your opening found the head of his dick and he thrust forward, once again filling your pussy and making you moan in satisfaction. 
“Fuck. You love my cock don’t you, babe~.” he smirked as he slowly dropped the leash, letting soft leather slip down your back and land beside your head on the bed as both his hands tightly gripped your hips and he found a rough pace, hips pounding against yours and sending the room full of the sound of skin on skin and your loud and breathless moans. His grunts and groaning followed suit and the lovely sounds that came with sex surrounded you. 
In that moment you were in your own little bubble, as tightness grew in your stomach and your breath was taken away with every thrust and every animalistic growl that left Tokoyami in response, you simply lost yourself to time and before you knew it the male behind you was leaning over you, your tell-tale sign that your lover was close. “B-baby… I-I wanna cum~...” You whimpered against the pillow beneath you with a shaky whine as his hips snapped forward and he practically jack-hammered into you with a small smirk and a nod, breath hot against your ear as he spoke. 
“Then cum, babe, tighten up so I can fill you.” He groaned and, almost as soon as your body was given permission, you did exactly as told, your walls clamping down and tightening around him, moaning out loudly, head throwing back as white hot pleasure washed through every vein in our body and you came, a release of fluid pouring down the inside of your thighs and pulling a deep groan from Tokoyami who snapped his hips forward a few more times before a satisfied moan left him and he spilled his seed deep inside you. 
He stayed there as the minutes passed, slowly letting both of your breathing even out and calm, your head spinning as he held you against his chest. Eventually he pulled out, a stream of fluids coming out with it, down onto the carefully placed blanket that had been unknowingly set out beforehand. He nudged the end of his beak caringly against your cheek and his fingers brushed along your sides soothingly. 
You teetered on the edge of consciousness for a moment as he touched you before effectively passing out, going limp in his arms. Faintly you could hear the male chuckle as he shifted you to lie down properly, moving the dirty towel to the hamper and returning with a warm, wet, washcloth to clean you off, taking care as he removed your collar, and with it, the leash, lightly nudging your cheek once in a while with a caring smile. As he cleaned up the room a bit, as well as both of you, he slowly crawled into bed beside you, pulling up a warm and fluffy blanket to wrap around your sleeping form and pull you closer. It didn’t take long before he was drifting too, exhausted from the day as he lied there. The last thing you just barely caught in your light sleep was the soft mumble of, “I love you,” from Tokoyami as he fell asleep beside you, both of you wrapped in one another’s warmth as the night finally took you.
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bizmuth101 · 4 years
Xenophilia- Ashido Mina
Kinktober Day 27
X reader
“Hey! (Y/N) Over here!” You heard a loud voice call above the crowd turning to face the sound. It didn’t take long to find the brightly colored female even over the seemingly endless sea of faces, it was decently hard to lose a loud, bubbly, bright pink girl even in a crowd she tended to make her presence known. You smiled slightly as you walked toward her, politely pushing through and weaving between people with a small smile.
“Ashido, there you are.” You hummed slightly once you got to her side shifting to stand closer to her. She barely hesitated to step closer leaning in and pecking your cheek.
“Where’d you get pulled off to? I saved your spot but some guy tried to take it.” She chuckled happily holding a bright smile as she took your hand.
You’d been with Mina since, about, your second year in high school. Now, you were two years out and couldn’t be happier to still be with the vibrantly colored female. She was amazing and you couldn’t have asked for a better girlfriend. She always seemed to know how to brighten up every situation, even as a pro hero she still managed time away from work to brighten your day, surprising you at home with lunches or little gifts. It was delightful having such a cheery person to love.
“Is it going to start soon?” You questioned with a small smile, moving to gently take Mina’s hand to keep close and assure you wouldn’t lose the girl in the seemingly overflowing crowd. She nodded excitedly as she looked up to you happily.
“Should be, any minute now.” She hummed with a bright grin. It was rare to get long times together like this because of her hero work but somehow she managed, surprising you from time to time like this. This time it had been about a week ago, concert tickets to go see a band that the both of you liked, some Japanese rock band and she somehow managed to get you tickets in the front few rows.
“I can’t believe you got us this close, Ash!” You smiled at her shifting to lean slightly into her side. You were a few inches taller than the vibrant female so it was easy for you to move to rest your head slightly on hers in thanks.
“It was way easier than I thought it was going to be.” She nodded excitedly.
Before long the concert got underway, the floor beneath your feet rumbling with the sound of the base thrumming and the drums roaring. The whole concert hall seemed to come alive with people singing along, or rather screaming along, to the songs that the band played.
You quickly lost track of time, singing along to every song you knew and danced along with Mina smiling brightly. It wasn’t hard to ignore everyone else around when you were with her, only seeming to be able to smile more as you both sang loudly.
The concert went on for hours without you even realizing it, adrenaline pumping all the way back to your shared apartment, laughing and bleating out song lyrics the whole way.
You thought you would absolutely collapse when you got back, having been pretty much singing and screaming and laughing and smiling all the way home. However, almost as soon as you got home it seemed that Mina had...different plans.
She smirked at you once the door opened and you had started peeling your jacket off.
“That was so much fun, Ash.” You beamed turning to her happily, being met with a set of lips pressing against yours quickly.
You gasped at the kiss but gladly returned it as the slightly smaller of you rested her hands on your hips gently and carefully walked you back toward your shared bedroom slowly, never letting your lips part even as she began to slide her hands over your sides and under your shirt.
She didn’t let your lips part until you were being pulled into the bedroom and she started pressing you back against the bed.
“Hm, the fun night isn’t over yet, sugar~.” She hummed softly and pushed you down against the sheets. You gasped and smiled up at her.
“Oh? And did you have something planned?” You smiled and shifted to kiss her cheek carefully.
“Maybe just a little.” She purred out, pressing both of her hands against your chest, pushing you back against the sheets. “Night is still young, sugar. Let's have a little fun~.” She smirked, slipping her hands under your shirt, beginning to tug it off playfully.
You let out a breathy chuckle, sitting up a little to help in the removal of your top leaning back to look at her as she moved her hands along your bare skin kissing down your neck gently.
“I think I can live with a little of your fun.” You teased softly, humming and leaning eagerly into the vibrant female’s touch.
“Good, cause I don’t plan on going easy with you tonight.” She smirked and leaned in more, kissing you deeply as she slipped between your legs grinding down against her. You hummed deeply against her lips shivering at the sudden contact watching as she pulled back and carefully slipped out of her own shirt, her breasts popping free of her bra soon after.
There was always something about seeing Mina shirtless that had you staring. She was, after all, beautiful. She let out a little giggle seeing you staring. “You like what you see, sugar~” She purred out reaching her hands up to squish both of her tits in her hands, obviously putting on a show for you. You bit your lip and blushed slightly purring out a happy hum as you nodded. Of course you enjoyed it, she was the most gorgeous woman you had ever seen.
“Mhm, you look fantastic.” You smiled at her, her smirk only widening at your admission. She giggled excitedly and reached one hand down to palm herself through tight jean shorts.
“Mmh, and I can’t wait to be inside you already~.” She cooed out seductively rolling her hips forward to meet yours.
That was the thing about Mina. When you’d first started dating her you’d thought the surface level was all that was a bit… different. The pink skin, horns, and black sclera… You had quickly been proven very wrong. In fact, Mina’s genitalia was probably the most odd and interesting thing about her anatomy. Rather than the usual female genitals in place of a normal female clitoris was a rather large, thick, tentacle-like member. It was usually tucked inside of her female sex just beneath but it came into great use when having sex, especially when she was in a mood like today.
You practically moaned at her words alone watching as she started to ease off your pants leaning down to kiss along your chest, sucking and nibbling at the skin.
“God, I want you inside so bad~.” You breathed out slowly, your hole twitching eagerly when your backside was exposed to the cool air of the room.
“Don’t worry, sugar. You won't have to wait long.” She smirked pulling back and taking off your pants the rest of the way moving to your beside dresser opening the drawer and grabbing out a small bottle of lube. She hummed excitedly, practically skipping back to you and shifting you further on the bed.
You instinctively spread your legs wider for her, allowing her access to your sex as she opened the bottle and poured cold lube down over your low abdomen and between your thighs. She hummed and squirmed eagerly in her spot, shifting back only a little so she could remove her pants.
She smiled at you as she slid a hand up between your thighs and carefully pressed two fingers into you, spreading and curling them inside of you.
“You’re already so eager for me, aren’t you, sugar~.” She hummed, kissing along the inside of your thigh as she prepped you.
You nodded quickly in response, heat pooling downward as you rocked back on her fingers. You let out a low moan and shivered slightly as you looked up at her.
“I want you, Ash. Please, I’m ready. Fuck me~.” You whined, spreading your legs more and shifting eagerly in your place. Her soft and lust-filled giggle only made matters worse, her fingers slowly leaving your sex as she reached down. She slipped the long tendril from her cunt with a small moan, a slimy liquid dripping from the tip and acting as further lubrication as she pressed the tip against you.
“You’re sure you’re ready for it, sugar?” She purred out, stroking along her length, obviously eager herself to enter you. You nodded again and bit your lip impatiently. She seemed to enjoy how eager you were and leaned down to press her lips gingerly against yours. “Good.” She purred as she slowly started to press inside of you.
It was always such an odd and pleasant feeling, slowly stretching down on her length. She had perfect control over it too, curling it and moving it inside of you to touch against all of your good spots.
You moaned out as she started to gently rock her hips moving her length in and out of you.
“You feel amazing, sugar. So tight.” She moaned out softly, pressing messy kisses along your jaw and up your neck, nibbling lightly on your ear as she moved.
Sloppy sounds echoed around you in the room as she picked up her pace, her hips rocking roughly against yours, the tentacle wriggling inside you brought such an overwhelming sensation that your legs were trembling only a few minutes in. Both of you moaned continuously as your hips rocked in time with her shallow thrusts, her member curling to press against a spot that had you seeing stars.
“Ah~ A-Ash~!” You called out, your back arching as she continued to move. You knew you weren’t going to last long, her movements bringing you close much sooner than you would’ve wished. “I-I’m close!” You warned, still trying to rock your hips down against her.
Her soft moans and the nod against your shoulder signaled just how close she was getting as well, her hips moving quickly to try and please you.
Within minutes your knees buckled and you were arching up off the bed. Your head swirled with orgasmic pleasure and you whined slightly as you tightened around the supple tendril inside of you.
Mina followed close after you, her hips trembling as she came with a loud moan, lips pressed against your ear as she pulled back, the tendril escaping back inside of her. You shuddered in your afterglow smiling up at her, letting your arms lazily wrap around her waist.
“That was amazing.” You breathed with a loving smile and she nodded happily.
“Oh, definitely. That was perfect. Perfect night with a perfect person. I love you, sugar. Hope you really liked the concert.” She smiled, moving to collapse gingerly on the bed beside you, capturing your lips in a chaste kiss.
You nodded and rolled to your side to cuddle up with her. “It was perfect.” You hummed out, closing your eyes softly, resting with your girlfriend after a long and eventful day.
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bizmuth101 · 4 years
Foodplay- Taishiro Toyomitsu
Kinktober day 26
X fem reader
Who’s bad at posting? IM BAD AT POSTING! I’m so sorry... here take this Beautiful man to brighten your day.
He was famous for his large size and even larger appetite. It was late. The bakery lights dimmed and the room empty when you heard the bell on the door. It was late enough that you had closed for the day. You hated telling people they had to go but it was late and you were putting the finishing touches on cleaning up. You sighed and turned forcing a bit of a smile. 
"I'm sorry but we're closed s..." You stopped when you noticed who it was and you shook your head. "What're you doing here this late, I said I'd meet you back at home." You chuckled moving to sit on the counter smiling wider. Fatgum chuckled and nodded as he walked closer to you.
"I know, but ya were taking too long and I got impatient... And hungry." He chuckled walking over to you happily leaning against the counter moving forward to give you a gentle kiss. 
"Of course you are." You rolled your eyes and pressed kisses to his lips a few more times before slipping off the counter in front of him. "Well c'mon then big guy. I've got some two-day-olds in the back that you can snatch." You chuckle motioning for him to follow you to which he happily obliged. It was hard to hide your smile as you pushed the door to the back of the small bakery open and leaned against it for Fatgum to duck into the room with you. He flashed his usual grin down at you and you shook your head. 
"Thanks Darlin'." He chuckled reaching out and ruffling your hair. 
"Oh you hush. I was gonna bring them home anyway. You just couldn't wait." You smirked and gave his arm a gentle push, not that it did much. you chuckled along with him as you walked to a box in the corner and opened it up. "Help yourself, hon." You smiled. 
"Aw, not gonna share one with me?" He smiled walking over hopefully. You hesitated a moment before letting out another sigh. 
"If you're gonna look at me like that then how can I say no?" You teased pulling a chuckle from him. "Let me guess, you want me to get the chocolate syrup for the normal glazed donuts don't you?" His cheerful nod made you smile and walked over to a large fridge in the corner of the room opening it and peering in. You bent down and reached as far back as you could trying to grab the bottle that had fallen over in the back of the fridge. You managed smiling as you turned around holding the bottle victoriously. "Got it!" You chuckled and walked over barely taking notice of the shaded tint to Fatgum's cheeks. 
He waited until you had turned toward the box again before he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your neck softly. You gasped and giggled gently leaning into his touch happily. 
"You keep it up and maybe I'll just eat you instead." He teased happily, his breath hot against your ear making you shiver. 
"H-hey! That tickles..." You felt your cheeks and ears tint a bit as you glanced over your shoulder at him. His normal grin and turned into a mischievous smirk as he leaned in again and gently nibbled at the top of your ear. You gasped and let out a little squeal as the large male held you close preventing any chance of escape for you. 
"Yer ears are so sensitive Darlin'." His teasing only made your blush worse as you felt his grip tighten a bit and he nipped at your neck, his hands moving so he was carefully gripping your hips, his hands large enough to cover much of your sides. 
"T-Taishiro..." You shivered again at the contact and bit your lip leaning your head to the side suddenly content to let Fatgum do as he pleased. He continued like this for a few more moments before he let go of your sides and turned you to face him tilting your head up and pressing your lips together. You melted against his lips and let both of your hands rest against the wide expanse of his chest. He smiled softly against your lips and gently lifted you up, setting you on the table behind you. You liked this height better as you now had the ability to gently wrap your arms around his neck pulling him farther into the kiss. Your heart was hammering in your chest as you sat, eventually pulling back for breath, your face now flushed. You took a few deep breaths as you gave the other a happy smile. 
"I did say I'd eat ya didn't I?" He teased again as he leaned back in and kissed you softly a few more times letting his hands slide slowly up and down your back and sides, one resting on the small of your back the other moving to your front gently finding and beginning to knead one of your breasts against the palm of his hand. You gasped at his actions and blushed deeply, your lips falling apart, giving him an opportunity to slip his tongue between your lips. Your breath was easily taken away as he touched you pulling you closer to him with the hand on your back letting it slide down your side to rest on your thigh squeezing it gently as he kissed you. You could barely breathe as you held onto the large male your heart throbbing in your chest. 
When you finally pulled back again for air Fatgum leaned in closer to you kissing down your neck. You were panting, your face red and flushed as his hands continued to explore your body. You bit your lip as he nipped at your collarbone letting a soft moan pass your lips. 
"T-Tai..." You shivered as he smiled against your collar, his hands carefully slipping up and under the fabric of your shirt, pausing for a moment before pulling it up and over your head, leaving your torso exposed. He grinned at you, his hands tracing the lines of each curve on your body.
"Yer so pretty like this, Darlin'." His voice purred out against your skin as his lips traced down your chest and stomach. You bit your lip and leaned back watching him as he moved further down your body, his lips brushing against your soft skin. He smirked and paused just above the hem of your flour dusted jeans stained with batter, chocolate, and cream fillings. You shifted in anticipation spreading your thighs apart just a bit as you watched the smirk on his face grow. "These are gonna have to go, Darlin'." He purred gently as his large fingers hooked under the hem giving a tug hard enough to make you slide forward a bit. Fatgum moved you so your legs were over either of his shoulders as he pulled at the button on the front of your pants playing with it between his fingers before letting the clasp come undone. You bit your lip again as he slid your pants off of you and let them rest in a heap on the floor with your shirt. You shivered at the cold of the room. With all of the ovens off the back room of the bakery grew to be very cold at night. Fatgum smirked again at you as he leaned back in kissing over your stomach. Your panties were already showing just how aroused you were getting, the space between your thighs was wet with slick and a dark spot was soaking through with your arousal. 
"F-fuck Tai... Don't just stare at me like that." You whined and shifted rocking your hips forward toward his face hoping he would show a bit of mercy to your already aching cunt. However, the deep rumbling chuckle that left him showed you that wasn't the plan. He pulled back a bit leaving your legs dangling over the edge of the table, your weight now supported on your hands as you leaned back.
"'M not gonna be that nice today, Darlin'. You kept me waiting so I think 'm gonna do the same in return." He smirked and you shuddered. It was rare for the cheerful male to tease you like this but when he did he was brutal. He would barely give you a chance to breath if he got really into it. 
"Mmh, babe please~." You let out a breathy whine as you looked up at him hoping to sway him a bit. He shook his head and leaned down kissing you deeply. 
"Don't think so, Darlin', not this time." He hummed against your lips as he dove back in his fingers now teasing your perk nipples making you gasp and moan at his mercy. When his fingers stopped he pulled back a moment taking in the sight of your lewd expression. He chuckled and watched you whine before an idea hit him and his smirk changed a bit darker as he hid his new idea kissing you deeply once more as his hand searched beside you. He let out a hum when his fingers closed around what he was looking for and you moaned against his lips once again rocking your hips hopefully as your arousal only grew. 
He looked over you as he pulled back once more holding the bottle of chocolate syrup in his hand. 
"I bet you'd taste great with a little bit of this." He teased kissing your neck teasingly. You jumped a bit as the lid clicked open and he pulled back a bit. 
"T-tai, you'll get me all sticky..." You complained mostly wanting to jump to the main course. 
"Don't worry, Darlin' I'll clean you up." He hummed turning the bottle upside down and letting the syrup pour out of the bottle and over your tits. The chocolate dripped down your body coating your breasts with the dark slickly liquid. Fatgum smirked as you bit your lip. "There, you look like a nice little treat now." He purred leaving down his lips quickly closing around one of your nipples pulling a loud gasp and a moan from your lips. 
You shivered and watched as the other slowly and teasingly licked the chocolate off of you. You blushed as his large tongue slid over your chest moaning whenever he'd brush against your nipples. He continued until every drop was gone before doing it again. He leaned you back and covered your chest and torso with chocolate watching as you squirmed. It wasn't until he was completely satisfied that he carefully slid your panties off. You were eager to feel him inside of you and he could tell. Your legs were trembling and your body felt like it was on fire. 
"T-Taishiro please. I-I want you." You whined and spread your legs apart more. He hummed, seeming to think for a minute before nodding. 
"Tell you what Darlin'. If you can make it through this without cumming, I'll give you whatever you want." He smirked and without giving you time to respond he began to pour more of the chocolate between your thighs pulling a gasp from you as it trickled over your heat even finding its way inside. "If not... Then I get to keep teasing you like this as long as I'd like." He hummed deeply. 
However, even his resolve was running a bit thin. Seeing you like that trembling because of him and begging for him to touch you more, it was driving him insane and the large bulge in his pants made that very clear. You bit your lip and watched as he reached over to the box now beside you head as you laid back on the cold metal baking table. He reached in with a smirk as he pulled out one of the cream-filled pastries and spit it in half. You watched as the cream poured out from inside and he smirked, tossing half in his mouth before letting the cream pour down as well, covering your lover half and dripping between your thighs. You felt your toes curl in anticipation as he lowered himself between your thighs adding insult to injury as he blew cold air over your heat. 
"F-fuck tai... Please." You moaned and rocked your hips forward, but this time he happily obliged letting his tongue loll out of his mouth. He quickly licked a long stripe between your thighs, the feeling of the wet muscle slipping over your folds almost made you lose it right there. You moaned out and your thighs closed a bit stopping as soon as Fatgum's hands grabbed onto either side of them. He hummed softly as he continued to lick the cream and chocolate from your cunt watching closely as your body trembled from his touch. He continued for what felt like an eternity before his tongue dove inside of you. You gasped at the suddenness before a loud moan ripped from you. His tong alone made you feel full, the large male able to easily please you as he curled the muscle inside you you was already fluttering around him. 
Your fingers dug uselessly into the side of the table as you tried to will your first orgasm to stop falling as your back arched and your hips rocked against Fatgum's mouth trying to ride out your first orgasm as best you could. When it finally passed Fatgum lapped up your juices before pulling back with a smirk. 
"Looks like you lost Darlin'." He hummed and licked his lips. You panted hard and shivered in your spot. He stood back up and thought for a moment before turning around and walking back toward the fridge. He stayed only a second before returning.you watched as he uncapped a can of fresh whipped cream and you bit your lip. "You know. I did say I'd share a treat with you." He hummed leaning back a moment his other hand palming at his cock through his pants. You could see the outline of his large member and that only made you all the hornier as you watched him pull his cock out and lean back against the island behind him. You looked on in slight disbelief as he shook the can and turned it upside down spraying whipped cream down the length of his rock hard member. 
You sat up and swallowed thickly. You wanted nothing more than to sit on his cock and let yourself be overwhelmed with pleasure but as the other motioned for you it was like all reason had gone out the window and you moved forward. 
"Go ahead, Darlin'. Clean it up." He chuckled teasing you again with his smirk. You hesitated for a moment before falling to your knees in front of him. You carefully parted your lips, licking a bit of the cream from the tip of his cock earning an approving groan from the other. You hummed softly before you slowly started to lick up and down the length of his cock your eyes never leaving his. You carefully took as much of him as you could in your mouth, sucking and licking on as much as you could. His hand found its way to the back of your head, fingers gently lacing into your hair as he let out soft groans egging you on. Before long you couldn't handle it anymore you pulled back and gasped softly a bit out of breath. 
"T-tai. Please, I-I can't wait any longer I want you. I want this inside me." To add to your point you gently stroked his member still looking up at him. The sight alone pushed Fatgum over the edge and he nodded letting out another groan. With a smirk he picked you up and set you back on the table. You gasped as he kissed you leaning you back a bit as he lined himself up. You shivered slightly as his hands slid over your body letting yourself be absorbed in his kiss. He teased you pressing against your wet folds lightly just enough that the pressure was driving you crazy. You moaned into his kiss and rolled your hips down eagerly hoping to get him to hurry even a little more. 
Your moans were cut off by a deep chuckle from Fatgum. He pulled back from the kiss with a smirk holding your hips still before he snapped his forward. You gasped loudly, your back arching up at the sudden stretch, having his full length inside you. Fatgum groaned deeply leaning down close to your ear. 
"Th-that quick enough for you?" He teased rolling his hips just enough to pull a loud moan out of you. You nodded quickly, your fingernails digging into his shoulders as the other slowly began moving, barely giving you enough time to adjust before he had you mewling again. Your legs trembled as as he started rocking his hips against yours and in moments the back room of your normally quiet bakery was filled with the moans and groans and sounds of sex. 
It didn't take long before Fatgum had your legs shaking his movements pulling loud moans from you. You were in ecstasy, your head was spinning with the pleasure the other gave you and the sounds that he pulled from you were downright sinful.
"F-fuck~ Tai..." You moaned his name loudly as your back arched again. You were beyond close, the angle Fatgum was moving as he was hitting your g-spot perfectly, his hips moving along with yours. You felt like you were losing your mind, a tight knot forming in your stomach as you tightened around his cock. 
His groans grew louder and his hips sped up as he grew closer to his own climax. 
"I'm c-close, Darlin'." He grit his teeth groaning against your ear sending shivers down your spine. He held your hips against his own thrusting forward enough to make the table beneath you rock with his movements. You nodded in agreement, your toes curled from the pleasure, that was the most you could manage through your moans and gasps. You let out a loud whine and arched your back as the other thrusted into you suddenly bottoming out, you felt your vision go white from the overwhelming feeling, your orgasm ripping through you roughly. However, Fatgum kept moving his hips, his motion making you dizzy as you clung to him biting your lip and letting your nails slide down his back as he thrusted deep inside you taking your breath away. 
He didn't last much longer, his thrusts got sloppier as you moaned holding onto him tightly until you could barely breath and he snapped his hips forward once more a long, low moan leaving him as he held you cumming deep inside with a shaky breath. 
You were both left breathless when the other pulled out still holding onto each other as you came down from the high. You could hardly sit up on your own, a pleasant arch forming in your lower back where you'd been pressed against the table. 
"F-fuck, Taishiro..." You spoke through your panting leaning your head on his shoulder earning a tired chuckle in return. "That was amazing..." You sighed happily and nuzzled into him letting your eyes close happily. 
"Yeah." His voice alone was enough to make your whole body relax. You smiled softly pouting a bit when the other let go and you forced yourself to sit up on your own. "Don' worry, Darlin, I'll clean up." You smiled as he kissed you on the forehead and let him take care of you. He wiped off the counter and floor and you before he helped you back into your clothes. 
"I think maybe I should stay at work late more often." You smiled up at him leaning into his side as you both left the store and he chuckled happily putting his arm around you. "Or maybe we just need to bring a bottle of syrup home." His teasing pulled a laugh from you and you smiled happily walking home with the man you were glad to spend the rest of your life with.
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bizmuth101 · 4 years
Threesome- Tamaki Amajiki and Mirio Togata
Kinktober day 25
X fem
Okay so I do absolutely no justice to this pair so if y’all want a really really good threesome with Tamaki and Mirio go check out Help a Friend by @angels-side-blog it’s soooo good!!
You gasped softly at the feeling of the slick tentacles over your skin, your breath hitching in the darkness as cloth brushed over your eyes. You sunk your teeth into your lip, back arching as skin pressed against you roughly the movement of hips rolling against yours filling you with pleasure. You gasped as you felt soft suction-cups pull against your perk nipples and gasped as fingers laced into your hair giving a sharp tug. Your body trembled as you felt something press against your lips using the gasp to their advantage as it pressed into your mouth and a low groan filled the silence of the room. You felt like you were in ecstasy as the two males pleasured you in every way possible, though, you couldn’t help but try to remember exactly how this had happened. 
You were one of Neijire’s best friends, you hung close to her through school and you were lucky enough to get into U.A. with her. Being close friends with Neijire, however, meant being relatively close with both Mirio and Tamaki as well. Most days that was a very good thing, though, it seemed today was a bit different. It started a while after your last class of the day, Mirio started to be slightly clingy toward you and Tamaki was talking much more than usual. That normally wouldn’t bother you cause Neijire was usually with you, but she was out with friends now. The pair typically left you alone when she was gone. Yet here they both were sitting on either side of you on the couch, Tamaki was quietly listening to Mirio chatter to you and Mirio, who had his arm thrown around you on the back of the couch seemingly to only make you all closer together, was droning on about something that had happened that day. However despite how cozy you felt you couldn’t shake a strange feeling you had that something was going on. 
It wasn’t until at some point Tamaki switched off the lights and Mirio began playing a horror movie that you really decided the duo were up to something. As the movie jumped and flickered on screen Mirio scooted closer to your side, his arm now warm and heavy around your shoulders. You glanced up at him and gave a small smile, the warmth he gave off made you feel like you didn’t have to be scared of anything. As a sudden sound and jump on the screen blared through the room Tamaki on your other side jumped and let out a little squeak his hand somehow finding yours. You relaxed him a bit as you gave his hand a little squeeze and he smiled back at you shyly. The movie seemed to help you relax a bit and when the credits started rolling you barely noticed you still had your fingers laced together with Tamaki’s and your head was resting gently on Mirio’s shoulder. 
“Comfy?” Mirio joked lightheartedly looking down at you. You blushed and chuckled sitting up quickly. 
“S-sorry...” You muttered as you looked at him biting your lip. He chuckled and Tamaki scooted a little closer to your side, though, he wasn’t looking at you. He looked past you to Mirio with a small eager smile. 
“A-ask her...” he seemed a little nervous but more so excited. Mirio’s smirk threw you off a little as you glanced at Tamaki again. 
“Ask me what?” You tilted your head curiously. 
“It’s not really a question to be asked.” Mirio chimed again as you turned your head toward him in confusion. Before you had even turned your head all the way Mirio had his hand on your cheek tilting your head up to press his lips deeply against yours. You gasped softly at the sudden attention your fingers still laced with Tamaki’s.
You weren’t sure what possessed you as you let yourself slowly melt into Mirio’s gentle kiss that only seemed to pull you in more. Your body shivered slightly when Tamaki squeezed your hand and you tried to glance over at him. However, you were a bit shocked to see him watching you closely. His face was flushed and he looked almost like he was enjoying himself. 
When Mirio finally pulled away you were breathless and panting softly. You were stunned and shaking yourself back to reality you let go of Tamaki’s hand and turned to Mirio in blind confusion. Just as you were about to open your mouth to question what was happening Tamaki was meekly wrapping his arms around you pressing his face into the crook of your neck and inhaling deeply. You let out a small squeal and bit your lip blushing as his nose tickled the crook of your neck. 
Mirio now seemed to be enjoying the show leaning back on the arm on the couch and watching you happily before leaning in close to you again as Tamaki took both of your hands in his own. 
“Just say the word and we’ll stop now. Otherwise...” he smirked and pecked your lips gently, one of his large hands now resting gently against your thigh. “You’re coming with us.” He spoke this in your ear sending shivers down your spine and pulling a small weak whine from you. It took you a minute to register what was happening, but that didn’t matter to them. As Tamaki reluctantly let go of you Mirio slowly pulled you along to his room with Tamaki following close behind. 
Mirio’s room wasn’t much different than yours in size and shape, it was everything in it that amazed you. It smelled like apples and autumn leaves, it was warm and cozy with so many blankets and pillows you didn’t know where they all came from. However, you didn’t have much time to admire things as Mirio tugged you over to the bed. He sat down quickly and smirked up at you. You bit your lip and turned toward Tamaki, who was still blushing madly. Mirio saw and took this opportunity grabbing you and pulling you backward down onto the bed in front of him. He scooted back a bit and spread his legs so you sat with your back flush against him. Just as you were about to ask what was going on Mirio moved the hair from the back of your neck busied himself with pressing kisses to your neck pulling gasps and soft moans from you as he began to gently suck and nip at the sensitive skin. You squirmed in your place as his hands slowly began to wander. Before long his palms were gently kneading your breasts through your shirt as slow moans began to fall from your mouth. 
“M-Mirio...” your breath hitched when one of his hands left your breast and slid down dipping between your thighs, his fingers pressing and rubbing against you through the damp cloth of your pants. You gasped and moaned squirming in your spot at your thighs tightened around Mirio’s hand and your body trembled. 
Tamaki watched silently, still standing just inside the closed doorway shifting awkwardly as his eyes took in every detail of your body,  the tent uncomfortable looking tent in his pants told you exactly what he was thinking. However, you couldn't help but shiver thinking wondering how it would feel to have this kind of attention from both of them. Without thinking your lips parted and you gasped out Tamaki's name. 
“T-Tamaki...” Your breath trembled as you looked half-lidded up at the male your voice trembling. He flinched and bit his lip obviously not expecting you to say his name. You shifted uncomfortably in your spot, pressing yourself back against Miro forcing your legs to part shakily, your body trembling as Miro seemed to catch on to what you were doing trying to get Tamakin involved. Miro chuckled deep in your ear, his hands both moving as he began to undo the buttons on your pants and pull them down leaving your bottom exposed. Tamaki seemed awestruck seeing you like that, legs spread open, dripping and on display, staring right at him. 
"Well Tamaki? I think she wants to see what you can do." Miro chimed with a smirk looking over your shoulder as he slipped one of his hands up and under your shirt to roughly squeeze your breast, the other placed so his fingers were scissored on either side of your dripping cunt spreading you open and giving  Tamaki an even better view. You heard him audibly swallow before he nodded meekly and started forward. 
You were out of breath and still a bit confused as to what was going on but you couldn't seem to stop yourself. As soon as Tamaki was close enough to you you leaned forward just a bit capturing his lips against your own. You had tasted Miro's lips earlier but now you were being greedy and you wanted to see how Tamaki tasted as well. You pressed yourself forward gasping loudly against Tamaki's lips as Mirio began to gently massage your clit sending little shocks of pleasure through your body letting Tamaki's tongue slip into your mouth past your lips. You felt like you were in ecstasy, your body trembling between the two males pleasure shooting through you... You were sure it couldn't get any better. 
Boy were you wrong. 
As the kissing continued you started to feel like you were losing your mind. Tamaki was taking your breath away and Mirio was refusing to let you get any more. It wasn't until Tamaki, red in the face and panting with a string of saliva connecting your lips, pulled back and let you gasp in air that you could begin to focus if only a little more. Though it didn't last long as Tamaki slowly began to kiss down your neck and chest timidly pulling soft purrs from you as he made his way further down. You gasped as Miro pinched one of your now hard nipples giving a sharp tug and pulling a low moan from you. Tamaki took advantage of this, his head quickly dipping between your thighs. You jolted a bit as Tamaki looked up at you and met your gaze as if to ask permission . You gave an eager nod before he carefully let his tongue circle your sensitive clit and dive into your sopping heat. Your back arched forward and your thighs tightened around his head pressing him harder against your heat. His groans pushed you down a path you didn't know was there as your body trembled. He curled his tongue inside you making your body shiver violently one of your hands moving to tangle into his dark hair. 
Your body felt like it was on fire as Tamaki moved his tongue inside of you and you were being pulled this way and that as Miro continued to play with your breasts and kiss over your neck sucking and kissing leaving little red marks all over. You were trembling and you were sure they were both going to push you over the edge until suddenly Mirio stopped and Tamaki pulled back, a pitiful whine leaving you from the loss of sensation. 
"Looks like someone enjoyed that a little, huh?" Mirio cooed against your ear as Tamaki shifted his blush spreading all the way to his ears, a shy wry smile pulling his lips up at the corners as he looked up at you from his spot. You were panting breathlessly as you leaned back into Miro shivering at the cool air of the room against your cunt. 
You felt like your face was on fire as you shifted in your spot. You wanted them, both of them, you could barely hold back your will to have both of them touching you again. 
"Please, God, don't stop..." You let your voice slip out shamelessly as you glanced back at Mirio and then back down to Tamaki. Judging by the looks on both of their faces, neither of them were expecting that reaction from you. 
That is what somehow led up to now. They had continued with you for what felt like hours before Mirio began to get restless, the bulge in his pants undeniably pressing against the small of your back as you sat in his lap. He stopped Tamaki and pulled you back onto the bed and after a bit of goading and convincing the far too shy Tamaki he asked if you were okay with wearing a blindfold. 
You graciously agreed and watched as best you could as Mirio tied a black scarf around your head covering your eyes. Having your sight taken away you were a bit overwhelmed with everything else that was happening around you. You were carefully moved to your hands and knees on the bed Mirio positioned himself behind you, his hands never leaving your body as he kept you calm and wanting more and Tamaki focused himself on pressing gentle kisses over your neck and face and shoulders as Mirio lined himself up. He leaned over you, his breath tickling your ear as he spoke. 
"You ready beautiful?" He purred softly, your head nodding a bit too fast as our fingers dug into the sheets and you felt him press into you, his large member stretching you pleasantly. You gasped and moaned as he entered you hearing a few muffled whispers as you moaned. 
As Miro began moving you shuddered as you felt something slimy moving over your body and you gasped letting out a loud moan as suction cups squeezed and pulled at your nipples and even finding their what to your clit. 
"T-Tamaki!" You pulled harder at the sheets hearing a soft groan from the male in front of you. You gasped and moaned again a bit surprised when you felt his cock press against your lips and you graciously took him into your mouth. You purred around his cock as Mirio's thrusts kept a steady rhythm pounding into you sending you forward a bit with every movement making you take Tamaki's cock into your mouth deeper. You were in ecstasy being pleased from every direction as you began to feel Mirio's movements become a bit more erratic. You were already close when the warning came from Mirio and a whimper of agreement was pulled from Tamaki as well. You gasped and moaned as best you could, voice muffled around Tamaki's cock. 
"C-Cumming!" The gasp came first from Tamaki as he came his hips jutting forward as he pressed his cock down your throat and came filling your mouth and pushing you over the edge as you tightened around Mirio with a moan your body trembling as you came as well. It wasn't but a few seconds more that Mirio jutted forward a few times and came as well a low groan leaving him as his fingers dug into your hips eagerly. 
You were all breathless. Your blindfold slipped off and you fell forward into the matters shaking and panting as you were lifted carefully to a much more comfortable position. Tamaki took his time cleaning you up generously and Mirio wrapped you up in a blanket and one of his jackets before they both settled next to you. 
"Y-you're not... M-mad at u-us. A-are you?" Tamaki's voice was uneasy as he looked over you hopefully. You couldn't contain the smile and laughter that bellowed out of you as you shook your head and happily reached out taking his hand and kissing his cheek. 
"Of course not! That was amazing. I could never be mad after that. Besides, you were far too nice for me to be mad." You smiled at both of them as Mirio happily tossed his weight into the both of you and pulled you into a hug. Soft giggles and laughter filled the room for a few more moments before you all replaced and began to drift off one by one in each other's arms. You weren't sure exactly how all of this was going to pan out, but hey, at least you knew one thing. It was going to be a lot of fun.
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bizmuth101 · 4 years
Also another update thank you for 100 followers! I still feel really new to being on here so it’s really awesome that you guys like what I’m writing even if it is sinful shameless smut but that’s the point right!?
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bizmuth101 · 5 years
Bukkake and Face Fucking
Kinktober Day 24
Mirio Togata x fem reader
I am a horrible person and can’t write things on time!!!!! It has now been two months and I have screwed myself into a hole I want to get all of these done by time is not on my side!!!!
It was after work hours, dark, every room in your apartment building was quiet. Every room, that was, except for yours. Your room was filled with sinful sexual sounds. Cursing from either party, loud moaning, deep groaning, it was unholy, and you loved every second of it. 
You had been with Mirio since high school, friends still teased you two, the high school sweethearts. Power couple of the school and kind to everyone, if only they could see you two now. With his cock down your throat so far you were gagging with every twitch of his member. 
On the outside Mirio was the nicest person you new, and that didn’t change much in bed, but he did have his own dark side when it came to sex. The one thing that tipped him over the balance more than anything was having his cock down your throat. He loved watching the faces you made when the head of his member hit the back of your throat, loved hearing the sloppy noises you made when sucking his cock, it pushed down on so many buttons on him he didn’t know he had until he met you. 
It wasn’t rare for you to drop to your knees as soon as Mirio got home, hell, you were even guilty of hiding under his desk once or twice at work to see how hard you could push him. But now was different. 
Normally you took control, Mirio, as much as he wanted to, didn’t want to risk hurting you. However, you’d been practicing. You wanted him to thrust into your mouth, to hold your head down and not let you move, you wanted him to break you. Which brings us to now. You knew that Mirio had been pushing himself between training and meetings and mission he was forcing himself up a wall and you wanted to bring him back down even if only for a short while, so as soon as he got home you had pulled him in the door dropped to your knees and did what you did best with him. 
You palmed him through his jeans until he was hard kissed his neck and fell to the ground in front of him blinking innocently up at him to push him farther as your lips wrapped sensually around his cock hollowing your cheeks and pulling back with a echoing pop that made Mirio tremble under your touch and pushed him just a bit too far. 
You teased him slowly, your tongue sliding over the slit of his cock lapping up the small beads of precum as they formed. You kissed up his shaft and down to his balls kissing and sucking on them as well. You sighed almost content when Mirio laced his fingers into your hair not expecting much from him, though when you parted your lips over the head of his cock you gasped when he pushed you down quickly a low groan leaving his lips. 
You’d never seen Mirio break like that, his gentle facade momentarily fading as you gagged on the length of his member. When he realized what he did, however, he pulled his hand back slowly and you looked up at him with tear pricked eyes but you didn’t move. 
“Shit, (y/n)... I-I didn’t—.” You hummed around his cock sending vibrations through him, his hand now placed gently on your shoulder expecting you to pull back, though you didn’t. You shifted a bit in your spot even going so far as to press yourself down farther on his member, your nose brushing against his pelvis. He groaned deeply and looked down at you, his hips rolling slightly. You gagged again and looked up at him approvingly bracing your hands on his thighs carefully letting him take control this time. 
Seeming to get the message his fingers laced back into your hair giving a light tug pulling a moan from you. To say Mirio was big would be an understatement, that bow was at least 10 inches long and had just enough girth you could just comfortably get your mouth around him, his cock was perfect. 
You moaned around him again as he stood up a bit straightedges allowing his cock to press deeper into your throat, your body shivered as tears pricked your eyes again and he slowly rolled his hips down your throat a low groan leaving him. 
You couldn’t think. Your throat felt like it was on fire, the pain causing an immense pleasure to pool between your thighs. As Mirio pulled his hips back a little his other hand joined the back of your head gripping your hair as well as he carefully thrust his hips back forward into your throat. You gagged again but moaned as well your fingertips digging into his thighs as he moved. Your head spun with overwhelming feelings and you could barely breathe. Though, as you heard the deep groan that Mirio sounded off you glanced back up. 
“T-take a deep breath baby...” The smirk on his face lit a fire beneath you that you didn’t know existed. You moaned and did as told taking a deep breath in through your nose relaxing your throat. You were a bit taken aback when Mirio pulled his hips back farther than last time and thrusted roughly forward. You gagged, but he didn’t stop. His fingers laced in your hair pressed you down farther as his hips thrusted again and again deep into your mouth. 
A low strung of curses flooded from Mirio as you gripped his thighs tears pooling in your eyes from the painful pleasure. You took in shallow breaths when you could letting Mirio fuck your mouth as you moaned. Your head spun as he continued, you’d never seen Mirio like this. He was leaned over you a bit, both hands on the back of your head pushing you farther and farther as his hips moved quickly to make you take more of his pulsing cock, he was covered now in a thin sheen of sweat, his face contorted with pleasure as your throat convulsed around his cock only making him want more, and you were more than willing to comply. 
As Mirio‘s thrusts grew in speed your moans grew louder. At some point one of your hands fell to your crotch, your fingers siding under the fabric of your shorts as you rubbed your fingers against your clit, dipping them inside yourself to pull more moans deep in your throat. 
The longer you touched yourself and the more sounds that left Mirio the closer you were getting, and it was obvious that Mirio was getting closer too. His thrusts were becoming more rapid and out of time and your body trembled. Your knees ached from the pressure on the carpet and you were sure that you would have burns on either knee but you didn’t care. You moaned loudly, muffled by Mirio’s cock as he thrust deeper and deeper into your throat. Your body felt hot and you were sure you were close to your own climax as your own fingers ravaged your soaked cunt and Mirio’s movements slowed. 
“(Y/n)! I-I’m close...” Mirio’s words filled you with pride and pleasure knowing that you’d been able to take his cock well enough to push him over the edge. You moaned in response as you curled your fingers inside yourself. Your body trembled and you gasped loudly when Mirio suddenly pulled back, his cock twitching as he came. White ribbons landed on your face and in your mouth some even landing on your neck dipping down to your exposed cleavage. The face the Mirio made while he covered you in cum gave you enough to push yourself over the edge as well, your fingers curling roughly inside yourself as you moaned out loudly and came as well your body spasming as you let soft whimpers leave your mouth. 
Both of you were out of breath and you were now a complete mess. Mirio panted softly his eyes looking over you before he carefully helped you to your feet. Your knees buckled and you fell against his chest happily out of breath as Mirio kissed your neck. 
“Don’t get too comfortable, baby~, I’m far from done with you.”
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bizmuth101 · 5 years
Praise Kink
Kinktober day 23
Tenya Iida x fem reader
I don’t know how, but I forgot to upload this. And I have had this done for weeks...
Your voice rang out low and soft isn’t he quiet room, your fingers gliding over bare skin as the boy in front of you blushed. 
“Tenya~. Just this once let me take care of you? I wanna make you feel good.” You purred rolling your hips in his lap and kissing him. His body shivered under your touch as you let your fingers run over his shoulders and neck carefully. You pulled back a bit looking at him with a smile. You tilted your head waiting for a response as he finally nodded, seeming unable to produce words. 
You smiled and leaned into him pressing your face into the crook of his neck kissing there softly. He shuddered as your lips traced his sensitive skin and you rolled your hips once again. 
You couldn’t answer what had you so inclined to try this, but it seemed that the older you got the more stressed Tenya was. He was always tense and on edge about something. You wanted with everything in you to take away some of his stress and let him relax a bit, and the only way you knew how, was in bed. 
When he got home, after far too much paperwork, he was beyond stressed and you could tell. What had started with a simple shoulder and back massage had ended with you in his lap kissing him softly letting him relax as you rolled your hips and gently pleasured him. Soft groans filled the room as your hips continued to move and your fingers laced gently through his hair. You smiled as you kissed him again and again, your body felt like it was connected to Iida’s. You smiled softly as he groaned against your lips and you pulled back slowly looking at him fondly. 
“You’re always so tense, baby, let me help you relax.” You purred gently against his ear as you kissed down his neck, your fingers moving down his back to his chest and tugging at the fabric of his shirt as they slid down further. 
“W-work...” he muttered, managing an answer as you slipped your hands under his shirt happily, sliding your fingers over the toned muscles of his chest. You let a soft purr leave you and you nodded as you gently kissed Iida trying to relax him further. 
“I know, baby, you work so hard. You’re such a dedicated hero.” You purred softly as you hooked at him watching him flush from your words. You watched as he swallowed thickly and you kissed over his neck. Your fingers pulled against the fabric of his shirt again before you carefully pulled the fabric over his head leaving his chest bare for you to continue. You hummed gently as you slowly began to kiss down his bare chest listening to the soft satisfied sighs that left him as your lips roamed over his chest in comforting motions. You smirked and let your hands slide down so you were supported on his thighs humming softly. 
“You’re gonna be a good boy for me and let me take care of you, right, baby?” You purred as you let your hips roll down roughly against his pulling a deep groan from the other followed by a small whimper. You smirked as he nodded and you slowly stood up sliding out of his lap letting your fingers trace down his legs before you carefully settled on your knees between his thighs. Your lips were curled up in a sweet smile as your fingers worked at the buttons of his slacks making quick work of pulling them off so you could trace your lips up the insides of his thighs and ghost your lips over the wet spot of pre on the front of his boxers. You purred out happily as you looked up at him letting your hands slide up his stomach before falling back down, your fingers hooking in the elastic of his underwear. You watched as Iida bit his lip and you smiled. 
“Why don’t you take your glasses off? Relax hon~.” You purred as he shook his head, face burning with blush as your hot breath only worsened the tenting erection in his underwear. 
“I-if I take them off I c-can’t see you...” his voice dropped as he cleared his throat and you smiled at him pressing light kisses over his clothed cock the outline now prominent under the thin fabric. 
“Aw~,” you cooed softly. “You wanna watch me suck your cock?” You hummed watching his face light up, feeling how his member twitched in his underwear. “So sweet.” You teased softly letting out a soft giggle as you slowly began to tug down his boxers. He shivered as his cock sprung free and you leaned forward letting your tongue run over the slit. His almost pained moan made heat surge downward wet pooling between your thighs. You let your lips part slightly as you kissed the head of his cock before carefully taking him into your mouth letting your tongue swirl around him beginning to slowly bob your head pulling slow deep moans from the male. 
You hummed as you pulled off his cock pumping his length with your hand and smiling at him. 
“You really are being so good for me. Sitting back and letting me take care of you, such a good boy~.” Your words purred out making Iida whine as you took him back into your mouth. 
His body jolted when his cock hit the back of your throat. You gagged and moaned around his member as you continued to bob your head, his hands suddenly lacing into your hair. You moaned when his hips thrusted up and a deep guttural moan left Iida. You rarely got to see this side of
The usually composed boy. But you had to admit, you loved seeing it. 
You took a deep breath as he repeated the action, your eyes glancing up lovingly as if to tell him he could continue. You moaned deeply as his hips continued to roll up slowly, your mouth still working around him as you controlled your breaths and he moaned. 
The sound was like music to you, you couldn’t have asked for something better than to literally hear Iida relaxing. 
You listened to him as his hips moved up and back slowly in and out of your mouth before suddenly letting go of your hair and bracing himself on the bed, his hips rolling up before you pulled off gasping for air. 
“F-fuck, (y/n)...” he breathed out deeply his body trembling though his cock still stool at full attention. 
“Bet that felt good? Don’t worry baby, I’m not done with you yet. You’ve been such a good boy I’m gonna take good care of you.” Your voice purred out like a song as you slowly stood up pulling off your top and letting your shorts fall to the ground. He purred deeply as you straddled him, suddenly your hips grinding down against him letting the slick pool coating your panties run over his member. 
His hands were on your hips in seconds as you hooked your arms loosely around the back of his neck kissing him gently. 
“All those sounds you were making were so hot, baby. Look how wet you’ve got me.” You hummed softly leaning your weight forward pushing him back against the bed happily and kissing him again, deeply. 
“You’re too good to me.” He spoke softly breaking the kiss to hold your hips gently, his hands shaking slightly in their place as you kissed along his jaw. 
“Only because you’re such a good boy~.” You smiled teasingly and kissed his neck softly as he held onto you. You grinded down against his erection humming happily as you felt his member press against you through the fabric of your soaked panties. Your body trembled in anticipation and you let you a shaky breath unable to contain yourself any longer. You pressed your lips up Iida’s jaw and nipped at his ear lobe. “Now why don’t you be an even better boy and fuck me.” You purred deeply, you could feel Iida’s cock twitch against you as his hands tightened their grip on your hips and he slowly nodded. You smiled and lifted your hips up chucking your panties to the side.
Iida shivered as he rolled his hips pulling a gasp from you as he teased your entrance. You bit your lip leaning back a bit as Iida pushed his hips up and slowly entered you. You moaned out loudly letting him watch as his cock stretched your folds wide, your body trembling as he pressed against all of your best spots. You heard Iida groan as he pressed farther into you rolling his hips as you began to move your own hips gasping and moaning in pleasure. 
“F-fuck~ Tenya, you’re so big...” you shivered and moaned as he began to slowly thrust his hips up into you. You moaned out loudly with his movements trembling as he hit a spot that had pleasure ticketing through you. 
“(Y/n), you’re so t-tight!” Iida groaned deeply gasping as your walls fluttered around his cock. You leaned forward into him as he bucked his hips up into you, your head spinning as you moaned. 
“It feels so good, baby, keep going!” You moaned loudly with a gasp trembling as he picked up his pace a bit, strong legs because of his quirk becoming a major help. 
You felt your hips rolling on their own pressing down roughly against Iida’s matching his thrusts. You moaned loudly as he moved his hips up into you and you trembled as you got closer to your release. 
“I-I’m close...” Iida’s voice groaned out in a gruff gravely tone, his cock twitching inside you. You nodded panting as you moved your hips along with his thrusts. Your body felt weak as you clung to the male gasping out soft pleas for him to continue. 
“I-I’m cumming~!” Your voice shook as you pressed yourself down roughly clamping around Iida’s cock as your orgasm ripped through you and you came hard. 
You felt Iida’s fingers dig roughly into your hips as he bucked his hips up roughly into you and came as well letting out a deep moan. 
You gasped and trembled collapsing against his chest as he pulled out of you. You let out a small whine and nuzzled against his chest. You smiled and bit your lip as you looked up at him kissing his jaw. 
“Th-that was amazing, baby.” You chuckled softly letting yourself sit up a bit. “Did that help you relax a bit?” You teased earning a happy chuckle from the other as he kissed your forehead and nodded. 
“I couldn’t have asked for something better.” He nodded happily and held onto you as you both lied down and curled up together for the night.
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bizmuth101 · 5 years
You can do it~ but yeah shoji has literally the best quirk for thirst its pretty ridiculous
And he’s such a soft boi too!! Thanks for the support I’ve got plenty of time today so I should be able to get a bunch posted and caught up!
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bizmuth101 · 5 years
Omg your bnha stuff is just some real good fuckin kush 👍👍👍
Thank you so much! I’m crappy at uploading on time but I appreciate the compliment and and glad you like it, now if I could get off my ads and finish kinktober that would be great...
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bizmuth101 · 5 years
Pegging and Crying
Kinktober Day 22
Kaminari Denki x Fem! Reader
To say that Denki was the adventurous type would be an understatement. He was always up to try anything, no matter what it was, or where it was, but when you brought up the topic of topping him you were surprised at his odd hesitation. 
He had dismissed you almost immediately, not saying yes or directly no before he simply walked away. You had been trying all day to talk to him and glad him down to talk but he was avoiding you. You were getting slightly upset when he would walk away from you and you needed to get him to talk. 
You spent all day chasing him down without success and finally managed to corner him in his room. He stood as soon as you walked in trying to make an excuse to leave. 
“Denki!” He paled when you raised your voice a little. You stepped in front of him and quickly wrapped your arms around him looking up at him cupping his cheek gently. “C’mon, I’ve been trying to chance you around wild goose chase style all day at the agency. Talk to me?” You spoke softly watching when he sighed heavily leaning into your touch. 
“I-I’m sorry, baby. I dunno what’s gotten into me. Wh-What you asked earlier got me really shaken up I guess.” He muttered looking at you with an apologetic weak smile. You shook your head and gently pulled him into a hug, your arms wrapping around the back of his neck. 
“You kinda freaked out on me. I hope you know I wasn’t saying you had to do anything. I wanted to know if you would try it. If you don’t want to I’m not pushing you.” You rubbed his back gently as you held onto him and his head rested on your shoulder. He shook his head and chuckled. 
“That’s the problem. I do want to. It’s something you want so I wanna try cause you do. If you think it could feel good I trust you, I just... Ive heard some of the stupid horror stories, I’m scared?” He spoke like it was a question. “A-And, you know, I dunno.” He shrugged biting his lip. 
“Baby, it’s not like I was just going to shove some foreign object into you. And I’ve done plenty of research. I’d take good care of you, baby. I’d make sure you feel good. Besides, you always make me feel good. It's my turn to return the favor. Get you to relax a little. And if you don’t like it, we don’t have to do it again.” You smiled looking up at him moving back a step so you could kiss him gently. 
He smiled at you gladly kissing you back, his hands on your hips. He hummed against your lips pulling you close as you smiled against his lips. 
“Y-you’re sure it won’t hurt?” He murmured nervously against your lips. You nodded reassuringly. 
“I’ll go slow. And it’s not like I got some fuckin dragon dildo for a first timer. It’s small. I’ll even show you before we start.” You smiled softly and pulled him down for another kiss happily holding yourself against him. You felt him relax a bit as you walked him back toward the bed a gasp pulling from his lips as he hit the mattress. 
“Just think of it like normal. I’ve been in charge before, this is just taking it a step further.” You hummed softly as you kissed his neck gently, moving so that you were on top of him, a hand on either side of the male as you kissed him. You nodded and tilted his head as you kissed his neck, his face flushing as your hands trailed over his chest. 
“O-okay... you-you’re in charge.” He nodded letting out a shaky breath when you carefully palmed the male through his jeans. You hummed softly as you slid your hands up under his shirt pulling at the fabric. He got the point as he sat up helping you to discard the shirt throwing it to the side. You kissed down his chest happily stopping to pay extra attention to his nipples. You hummed as your fingers rolled over his nipples, smirking when they began to harden under your touch. 
“Are these still as sensitive as I remember?” You smirked as you pinched one of his now perk nipples, your lips wrapping around the other letting your tongue swirl around it biting down gently pulling gasps and moans from Denki. You chuckled softly continuing to play with his chest as he rolled his hips beneath you. 
“Ah! N-not there~...” his voice whines out and you pulled back letting your thumbs rub over the perk buds. 
“Oh? Don’t you still like it? Look how hard you’ve gotten just from having your nipples teased a bit.” You prodded a bit rolling your hips against his growing erection. He whined and groaned under your touch as you kissed farther down your hands moving to pull his pants down. You looked up at him with a smirk as you kissed the tent in his boxers helping him to kick off his pants. 
“Hah, n-no fair. You’ve still got all your clothes on.” He groaned as you palmed him again under the fabric of his boxers. 
“Shh, let me take care of you, baby.” You hummed as you tugged down his boxers barely hesitating to wrap your lips around Denki’s cock pulling a loud moan from the male not expecting the sudden stimulation. His hands moved down quickly as he laced his fingers into your hair groaning as you bobbed your head around his member only repeating for a few seconds before pulling off and standing up. 
Denki whined at the loss of pleasure and looked up at you panting as you pulled your shirt off tossing it to the side and kicking out of your pants leaving you in a matching set, not quite lingerie, but still showy enough to show off your assets a bit. You watched as Denki stared at you and you sauntered over to your closest, reaching into a black shopping back at the back pulling out a few things. 
“See, baby~ I came prepared.” You teased softly holding up a harness and attachable dildo as well as a decent sized bottle of lube. The dildo was small, only about three or four inches long and only a bit over an inch wide, made for a first timer like Denki. You wanted to try a lot of things with Denki, but you would gladly work your way up. You smirked as you clipped the harness on your waist and Denki shifted on the bed swallowing thickly as you slipped your cock into place. He watched you carefully as you settled between his legs on the bed the bottle of lube in hand. You leaned forward and kissed him softly noticing how tense he was. “You okay, baby?” Your voice purred out softly as you kissed him. He nodded shakily and shifted in his spot. 
“Th-that thing is gonna fit inside me?” He swallowed thickly and you nodded, rubbing calming gentle circles into his hips. 
“You’ll be surprised at how easy this fits.” You hummed gently and popped open the cap of the lube pouring some into your dominant hand. “But for starters, let’s get you ready.” You hummed gently hissing his chest softly rubbing some of the lube in around his entrance. He shivered at the feeling and you leaned up capturing his lips. “Just relax, baby.” You purred out softly circling his hole with your middle finger. You hummed and waited before slowly pressing your finger in. Denki gasped at the sensation and you hummed gently. You slowly pressed your finger in further, curling it slowly to stretch him. “There you go, see, you’ve got it.” You hummed with a soft smile and continued the action, watching as his face contorted from discomfort to pleasure before adding a second finger and doing the same thing, scissoring your fingers inside the other. You kissed over his chest listening to soft moans and watching his cock twitch when you brushed against his prostate. He gasped and moaned out his body jolting when you did. 
“Ah! Wh-What the fuck was that?” He tensed around your fingers and you rubbed his thigh calmly with your other hand, your fingers not stilling as you attempted to repeat the action watching as he moaned out louder the second time you hit it. 
“Feels good huh? That’s your prostate.” You hummed in explanation as you kissed his neck, your hands moving to keep him calm and pleasured. He relaxed a little more as you scissored your fingers again before slowly pulling your fingers out. 
“I think you’re ready, baby.” You hummed gently opening the lube again pouring more into your hand rubbing it up and down the length of the dildo. You hummed softly as you kissed him adding more to his hole as well. 
“W-wait! A-are you sure? M-maybe it needs more stretching? Yeah, yeah that’s it.” He stuttered and stammered tensing up again. You shook your head and leaned in pulling him into a kiss gently rubbing yourself against him. 
“You’re ready. But baby, tell me if you need to stop. You’re going to be fine.” You reassured him softly as you lined up waiting for something of a ‘go ahead’ from Denki. He took a moment before slowly nodding  his body still tense and apprehensive as you pressed forward a bit. 
“You need to relax.” You spoke softly holding his hips gently as you kissed his neck pushing  forward a bit more surprised when you felt the dildo slip into him with little resistance almost immediately being stopped when he tightened and gasped tensing up. You paused and shook your head. 
“Ah! I-it’s not gonna fit, it won’t.” He shook his head nervously, his body trembling beneath you. You hummed softly and leaned forward cupping his cheek with one hand, the other moving between you and wrapping around his member. He moaned and trembled more when you began to pump your hand up and down. 
“It will, baby, you need to relax. It’s almost all the way in, baby. Focus on this.” You sped your hand up a bit watching as his body visibly relaxed a bit and you leaned against him. You rolled your hips forward just a bit more as your hips pressed against Denki’s. He moaned as the toy pressed flush against his prostate and your hand stilled a bit. 
“Oh~... I-is it?...” his voice trailed off as you looked down at him with a small smirk and nodded. 
“See, I told you it would fit. How does it feel?” You hummed softly letting your hips roll watching as Denki moaned his body trembling. You chuckled softly as he nodded his face flushed deeply while he gasped for a breath of air. 
“G-good~...” he breathed out looking up at you. You smirked and pulled your hips back a little before pressing back in leaning down by his ear and teasingly nibbling at his earlobe. 
“Were just getting started, baby~.” You purred deeply, pulling another loud moan from him as your hips rocked forward. You smirked as you started to pick up pace quickly. It was his first time so you doubted he would be able to cum without you touching him, which meant that was exactly what you weren’t going to do. You were loving the sounds you were getting from Denki, loud moans leaving him, some even sounding more like a girl than the strong hero everyone knew. You were never happier to know you were the only one to get to see him like this. His face was flushed, his fingers gripping the pillow behind his head as you fucked him. Your hips slapped against his, his cock twitching with every thrust of your hips. He looked absolutely wrecked, his eyes were rolled back into the back of his head and he was drooling from having his mouth open, moaning so much for you. 
“Ah~ (y/n)!” His voice echoed in the room and you continued your movements. Your hips slapped against his and you hummed against his collarbone kissing and marking his skin. At one point Denki wrapped his legs tightly around you, his hips had started rolling against yours like he was desperate for more and tears began to pool in the corners of his eyes moans now leaving him in overstimulated sobs. 
“You look so cute like this, baby~. I never knew you were so pretty when you cried.” You hummed biting your lip. You were absolutely head over heels for Denki, and seeing him like this, knowing that he tried this and did this for you, it was overwhelming. You smirked as you sat up a bit changing your angle as your hips slammed against his and a loud high pitched moan ripped out of him, his quirk flaring up a bit as little bolts of electricity buzzed around his head. You gasped at the feeling of the electric pulses going through you and you smirked continuing your lotion thrusting deeper into the other holding his hips as he moaned and trembled beneath you. 
“(Y-y/n)! I-I wanna, Ah—!” He was cut off quickly by your hips slapping against his, tears rolled down his cheeks in overstimulated streams his fingers grasped and pulled at the sheets and pillowcase beneath him and then at your back his nails sliding over bare skin and sliding down your body. You gasped when the electricity from small quirk flares flowed into you making you shake. You panted as your movements became labored. 
“Tell me what you want me to do, baby~.” Your voice purred out in his ear kissing him deeply as he sobbed out more pleasures moans. 
“Cum! I-I wanna cum. P-please! M-make me-ah~ make m-me cum!” He cried out desperately, his hips marching your thrusts, his legs trembling around you as his fingers grasped desperately at your back. You smirked continuing the action a few more times before your fingers wrapped around his cock. He gasped at the pleasure, his body shaking as his hips thrusted up and his body convulsed beneath you. He gasped and moaned out loudly as you began quickly pumping your hand on his length matching the pace of your thrusts. It didn’t take long. Denki’s back arched as he sobbed out labored moans, his toes curled and he left long, thin, deep scratches down your back culling hard up over his stomach and chest. He sobbed out silently as your motions slowed, and stilled. You let him catch his breath before slowly pulling out of him watching his body tremble as he collapsed. 
“Fuck, Kami~. That was so hot.” You purred deeply. Out of breath from your efforts. You leaned over him carefully thumbing away his tears and kissing him deeply. He held onto you weakly and smiled up at you shakily. 
“O-okay... th-that, was amazing.” His voice was shaky and hoarse from his loud moans. You smiled and kissed him happily nodding and tracing gentle shapes over his chest. You were expecting him to stop there, tell you that that was enough and he was ready to at least take a nap or something to regain some energy, but you had apparently guessed wrong. 
Before you knew what was happening Denki grabbed you and flipped you over onto the bed this time with him on top. He was still out of breath, but damn had you underestimated his stamina. 
“Now it’s my turn, baby~.” He smirked discarding the remainder of your clothing smirking down at you. You hummed excitedly and nodded. 
You were in for one hell of a night~.
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bizmuth101 · 5 years
Kinktober Day 21
Mezo Shoji x cubby reader
People always said chivalry was dead, but Shoji always made it very clear that was not true. He was an absolute sweetheart 24/7. He held doors for you, held your hand to help you down stairs, pulled your chair out for you at restaurants, even went as far as to ask before holding your hand or hugging you. He was beyond kind, and you loved it. Sometimes it was nice to just have someone to hold you and be kind like Shoji. 
However, the one thing that never seemed to come up in conversation was your sex life with Shoji. You had been with him for a few years now but somehow never managed to ever get intimate with him. You would admit that it bothered you a little, but never enough to push him. You figured that he would bring it up at some point, thought he would say something or do something but that wasn’t the case. 
It seemed that something else you didn’t know about was that Shoji got his release in other ways. Ways you never seemed to notice. When you would spend the whole day with him pressing into his side, sitting in his lap, pressing your face in his neck, it drove him mad. He’d never say anything about it, he loved making you happy, loved watching you smile, but the things you did without even trying were pushing him to his limits. 
It was late. The sun had set and you’d been out with friends all night, shopping, eating, in their cases drinking, simply having a girls night. When you got back to your apartment you didn’t bother to say you were home, expecting Shoji to be asleep, though when you heard groans from your bedroom you were corrected. 
You hung your jacket up not thinking about what was happening as you walked back to your room. The door was ajar and the dim light from the bedside lamp pooled out into the dark hallway. You could hear soft groans and the sound of your bed creaking softly. You tilted your head in confusion as you peeked into your room biting your lip at what you saw. Shoji was undressed, his boxers hanging loosely around his legs, his head hung back, his mask pulled down so you could see his face, one of the few times you had, one of his hands was moving at a steady pace over his large member, the others bracing him as he leaned back in a relaxed position. 
You couldn’t help but stare for a few long moments at the scene making heat pool straight between your thighs. You rubbed your plush thighs together biting your lip unsure of what to do. You couldn’t help the little gasp you let out when you heard your name fall from your lips, the idea that he did that, touched himself, while thinking of you made your body shake. You pressed your back to the wall beside the door listening to the soft groans that left the male your fingers digging into the wall as you thought of what to do. You stayed there like that for a few minutes longer before deciding . You couldn’t just stand there and listen, watch, you had to go in there. You were so beyond turned on seeing him like that, you wanted to be the one making him feel good like that. 
You took a deep breath before pushing the door open a little watching him for a few more seconds. His eyes were closed and soft moans of your name kept leaving his lips as you carefully walked over to the male. You didn’t want to scare him, but you were sure you would no matter what you did. 
You let a small smirk play against your lips as you slowly leaned forward and kissed his cheek making him jump back. You watched as his face flooded with a deep red blush and he rushed to try and cover himself, his head dipping low in an attempt to hide his face as well. 
“Ah! I-I didn’t— I thought you were going to be gone longer! I-I’m sorry, I-I wasn’t—.” You smiled and shook your head cupping his cheek to tilt his head up gently kissing him making him shiver noticeably. 
“Stop apologizing, hon.” Your voice was sugary sweet as you stood in front of the male. He tried to close his legs, the comforter barely pulled over his still throbbing length. “I wasn’t expecting to come home to that.” You giggled softly and kissed along his jaw carefully. He shuddered and pulled away a bit, his face still flushed darkly. “But that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the show.” You teased lightly watching his face darken. 
“Y-you, What?” He paled a bit which only made the flush of his face seem darker. You smiled and let your fingers trace over his chest a bit pressing your pillowy breasts together in your low cut shirt. 
“I heard you when I came in. I couldn’t help taking a little peek, but you were just so cute~. I never knew you thought about me like that.” You bit your lip with a purr as you’d hands traced further down his chest. He shook his head and looked so the side suddenly grabbing your wrists when your fingers grazed his hips. You gasped softly as his arms wrapped around you enclosing him against his chest. 
“I-I didn’t mean f-for you to see that...” he murmured, pressing his face against the crook of your neck to hide his face. You sighed and shook your head. 
“I know. But hon, it was really hot.” You purred again softly your wrists still being held in two of his hands while the others wrapped around you tighter holding you close. His body was shaking and his breath was still labored, the smell of sex filled the space around him and his body was still hot and slick with sweat. You were getting worse by the second. “Shoji~... you’re still hard aren’t you?” You cooed calmly feeling his body tremble at your words. “Let me take care of you?” You hummed gently and leaned forward kissing his neck gently. You could hear him swallow thickly. 
“Y-you don’t, you don’t have to.” His grip around your wrists loosened and you pulled your hands back smiling softly at the embarrassed boy. 
“I may not have to, but I definitely want to.” You hummed happily kissing down his neck slowly. He tensed a bit before his arms loosened around you and moved back behind leaning back and letting you move. You smiled and kissed over his neck gently, pulling soft satisfied hums from the male. Watching him relax under your touch made you smile. You kissed and sucked softly at spots along his neck and collarbone listening to his soft breaths. Your fingers slid down his chest again as you kissed further and further down, settling between his thighs. You hummed as you spread his legs  a bit wider resting on your knees. You felt him tense up a bit more when your hands reached to grab the cloth covering his member. You paused your motion gently kissing over the top and inside of his thighs smiling up at him comfortingly. You hummed again when he began to relax and you kissed higher as you carefully pulled the fabric away. Your heart skipped seeing just how large his cock was, fully hard and drilling pre right in front of you. You smirked slightly teasingly, licking your lips as you looked up at him. He flushed darkly looking to the side only for a moment as your hand gently gripped the base of his cock pulling a deep groan from him. He let out a shaky breath as your hand began to move, your thumb swiping over the head of his cock collecting the pre and using it to help your hand move easily up and down. He groaned and his head tilted back again, your name leaving him spurring you on and encouraging you to go further. You smiled and leaned forward kissing and licking slowly up the length of his cock taking in every sound you pulled from him. You smiled again when one of his hands tangled into your hair shakily and you watched his mouth fall open with shaky moans. 
You were getting more and more turned on by the second. The idea that you were the one making him feel this good was amazing, and you loved seeing him so laid back. You smiled as you carefully took the head of his cock between your lips pulling a gasp from the other when you gave a hard suck before beginning to bob your head up and down carefully, your tongue swirling around his length. His fingers tugged at your hair and his hips jutted forward while he lost himself in pleasure. You hummed happily around his cock, one hand pumping at the base of his length, the other gently sliding up and down his thigh comforting him and getting him to further relax and enjoy himself. 
The longer you moved the less you could contain yourself. Your body felt hot and you could feel the slick rubbing between your thighs as you shifted in your spot. You pulled back off his cock letting your tongue slide over the slit making Shoji shiver and groan as he looked down at you. His face looked absolutely wrecked and you had no idea how close he was. You couldn’t manage to keep yourself from standing up, your arms wrapping gently around Shoji as you kissed him deeply. You purred out against his lips while his hands landed all over you. Two on your back, two in your hips, two hesitantly on your ass. You pressed yourself flush against Shoji letting out soft moans against his lips and rolling your hips against his. You gasped as you pulled back looking at him with a  flushed face of your own. 
“I can’t take it anymore, hon. I want you.” You spoke softly, your thighs rubbing together desperately. He didn’t understand just what he was doing to you. 
He bit his own lip almost like he was thinking for a moment before pulling you against him, kissing you a bit tougher than you’d expected. You moaned unexpectedly when you felt a strange sensation against your hips glancing down in surprise to see a mouth, teeth grazing against your hip as he used his quirk. You shivered and swallowed thickly clinging to Shoji as he carefully bit your lip. Your body trembled when you felt teeth dig into the skin of your hip, then again on your ass almost like after all this time he was claiming you. You moaned again when he pulled you into his lap, his hands pulling away your skirt and shirt leaving you bare to press against him. 
Your body trembled as he pulled back from the kiss his eyes exploring your body hands grasping at your hips and ass making you moan. You weren’t used to this kind of attention, nor to Shoji being so direct. The way he used his quirk making teeth sink into your skin at random intervals as he kissed your neck and his eyes seemed to eat you alive. You trembled as he held onto you his hips rolling up against you slowly as he held your hips down. You were quickly covered in red bite marks. Your breasts, hips, sides, down your back and your ass and your thighs, your neck was being covered in hickeys and marks as Shoji explores your body confidently, your moans spurring him on. 
You held his hips tightly, your own hips rolling down against his. You could feel his hair member on your ass, pressing against you as your cunt dripped down your thighs.
“Sh-Shoji... I-I can’t wait anymore. I want you~.” You moaned out again gasping as teeth sunk into your collar and your hip while his hands squeezed at your supple flesh.
He groaned beneath you and nodded obviously feeling the same as he grinded his hips up against you. You shifted in your spot so that you were hovering over his member looking at him one last time gaining a nod of approval as you slowly sank down on his member. 
You moaned out as he filled you and his hands grasped as your hips desperately trying to keep himself from thrusting up into you. You leaned into the other bracing yourself on his shoulders as you sunk to the bad rolling your hips to pull a deep groan from Shoji. He held you tightly, his hips slowly beginning to roll upward, thrusting into you slowly as you began to carefully bounce up and down your breasts bouncing against your chest as you moved. Shoji continued his soft bites leaving you in bliss as he thrusted up into you gaining more momentum as he held onto you letting you ride him. 
It wasn’t long before your pleasure began to build up more and more, his member thrusting in and out of you quickly, your cunt tightening with his movements. Your legs began to ache from the movements as you pressed your face into the crook of Shoji’s neck moaning loudly. The sound of his panting and moaning so close to your ear only spurred you on more. You could barely keep moving as your release grew closer and closer your stomach ached for pleasure. Shoji groaned deeply in your ear, his cock twitching inside you. Your body trembled as you bounced a bit quicker, angling your hip so that his cock pounded into your deepest parts. Your body shook as you moaned out your head thrown back as your orgasm ripped through you. Shoji’s grip tightened on your hips as he quickened his pace muttering warnings in your ear as he held you close. You panted and moaned as he rode your orgasm out burying himself deep inside of you as he came as well with a groan, his teeth sinking into your shoulder as he rode his high. 
You sighed and shivered as he slipped out of you and you leaned against his chest happily letting the grace of your afterglow set in. 
“Shoji, that was amazing.” You purred softly as you held onto him as he nodded slowly leaning back against the bed keeping you in his arms. 
“S-Sorry I was so rough...” he murmured softly against your ear, his hands tracing gentle shapes over your body, one gently lacing into your hair. You shook your head happily and kissed him softly smiling. 
“Don’t apologize for that. I never could’ve imagined something better. And I really hope I don’t have to walk in on you to be able to do that again.” You teased softly making him blush as he rolled his eyes and you chuckled. 
“That was so embarrassing!” He groaned hiding his face in your neck. 
“I love you Shoji~.” You teased getting a kiss in response as he pulled the covers up over you both holding you close. 
“Get some sleep, beautiful.” He hummed gently as you nodded letting your eyes close happily as you fell asleep in his many arms.
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bizmuth101 · 5 years
Non-Human Genitalia
Kinktober Day 20
Half-Dragon Kirishima Eijiro x Fem! Reader
Fantasy AU
You let out a shaky breath, sword in hand as you stood at the mouth of the cave. You were a lesser known monster hunter, you took small jobs for commissions taking out smaller monsters like slimes and goblins. Never something like this. 
You had done some dungeon raids with friends, and some bigger hunts, but this was something way out of your league. You originally wanted to say no to the commission, but the reward was far too good to simply turn down. However when getting the details for this job you were growing more doubtful that you could manage. 
According to the people of a nearby town there had been sightings of a dragon in the woods and around the farms of the village. And your job was to take out the dragon. 
After finding tracks leading into the woods you’d somehow managed to find it’s lair. Your hands were shaking standing outside the cave, there were scorch marks on the rocks and what could’ve only been bone in places around the cave, what they were from you were far too afraid to find out. You could hear noises coming from deep inside the cave as you stepped hesitantly inside. 
The cave was cold, there were odd piles of things all over in the cave. Some treasures that sat at the front of the cave like some kind of offering, a large fire pit in the center, a pole with clothing and pillows in a nest shape close to one wall at the back, and what looked like torches spread around the walls. It looked less like a dragon’s lair and more like a small home. There were hand made shelves, badly made but handmade nonetheless, scattered with little things that resembled cups, large shells and oversized hollow acorns. 
While you busied yourself looking around you let your guard down, your sword hung loosely by your side as you looked at the odd trinkets and such around the room not sensing the presence of the male approaching you from behind. 
You reached out with one hand gently touching a large helmet on one of the shelves gasping when the shelf came loose and the shelves collapsed on each other. You let out a yell trying to stop the domino effect of damage you caused to the shelf when you heard someone clear their throat behind you. You gasped and spun around your sword swinging up the point landing about an inch from the neck of a tall male. St first you thought nothing of the man until you noticed the odd features. His hands had sharp claw-like nails and red and crimson scales over his hands and under the corners of his eyes, up his arms and over his bare chest. He had horns on his head that curved back to a point and sharp teeth and that looked like a tail swinging behind him as well as a wide pair of bright red leathery wings. He held his hands up with a nervous smile on his face as you held your sword shakily to his throat. 
“Hey now, watch where you point that.” He smirked as he looked at you and you yelped suddenly dropping your sword shakily as you took a step back and slipped closing your eyes as you plummeted down toward the broken shelf behind you. You gasped when you suddenly felt two strong arms around you keeping you from hitting the ground. “Hey now, careful, I can’t let my company go hurting herself.” He smirked again, placing you on your feet. 
“W-who are you!” You gasped looking up at him trying to take a step back only to be pulled closer to his chest. 
“I think you know who I am.” He smirked, glancing to your sword now on the ground. “Just another bounty hunter, huh?” He teased looking over you. “No one taught you the first thing about dragons did they?” He teased giving you a toothy grin. You bit your lip looking over the other before swallowing thickly and shaking your head. 
“Well next time, maybe someone should teach you that we aren’t all that mean.” He hummed keeping you close to his chest. “And someone should’ve told me that a monster hunter could be so hot.” He smirked looking over you. You blinked and tilted your head at the male. 
“What do you mean by that?” You spoke softly, your voice quiet when he leaned in toward you, his lips grazing yours making you shiver. 
“I mean, I probably wouldn’t be hidden all this way up in a cave if all the hunters that came after me were this cute.” He hummed softly, his voice a low purr. You were beginning to think that the commissioner that sent you in here knew something you didn’t about this dragon, and that he wasn’t really expecting you to come back.
You swallowed thickly as the male pulled you closer and you shivered feeling his claws against your back. 
“What are you planning to do?” You bit your lip looking up at him as he smirked. 
“Don’t be so scared, beautiful. I’m simply going to make you mine.” He purred deeply leaning into you more, his lips gently brushing against yours before capturing them in a kiss. You gasped giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. You tensed as he held onto you slowly letting yourself relax as warmth filled your body. You hummed as you leaned into the touch from the dragon male in front of you letting out a shaky sigh as his tongue explored your mouth. Your body quickly felt weak as you leaned into his body gasping for air when he pulled back. Your head spun and you bit your lip as you looked up at the other. 
“Wh-who are you?” Your body felt weak and hot as you looked up at him and he smirked. 
“My name is Kirishima Eijiro. But you don’t need to worry about things like names now.” He purred easily lifting you off the ground holding you in his arms bridal style. You gasped and clung to him shakily as he walked you over to the nest of blankets and pillows tossing you down. You looked up at him and shook your head. You couldn’t shake the dizzy feeling swirling around inside of you. 
“Wh-what’re you going to do to me?” You shuddered when the other stepped into the large nest with you. 
“I’m going to make you my queen.” He smirked sinking down in front of you carefully pushing you back against the plush bottom of the nest. You shivered as he kissed you again and you hummed carefully reaching up and wrapping your arms around the back of his neck. You weren’t sure why you were okay with everything that was happening, or why you were so willing to listen to him. 
“You seem very willing.” He teased softly as he kissed your neck gently. You shivered and held onto the other biting your lip. You gasped as you felt sharp teeth grazed your neck and your fingers dug into the skin on the back of his neck. You shivered and tilted your head giving him more access to your neck watching as his hands slid over your stomach and chest. You moaned softly when his fingers gripped your hips and his teeth nipped at your collarbone. You gasped when his wings wrapped around you pulling you closer. You shivered as he touched you his fingers running down your chest before palms pressed against mounds of flesh, sharp claws digging slightly against the flesh beneath your shirt. You trembled beneath him as the shirt you wore was carefully pulled off and tossed to the side. You had given up any resistance as you melted against the touch from the other. His smirk pressed against your neck as his hips rolled against yours. You gasped feeling the bulge in his baggy pants pressing against you. You bit your lip and shivered again when his tongue trailed up your neck nipping along your jaw. Your body felt like it was in fire, getting warmer and more desperate by the second as he held onto you. 
“S-so hot...” you shifted in your spot keening softly when one of his hands dove between your thighs rubbing his thumb over your clit thought the fabric, fingers sliding through pooling slick. You moaned, your legs spreading a bit more for him to better access your heat. His wings around you provided darkness, shelter, and comfort as he slipped your bottoms off of you pulling soft moans from you as his teeth grazed down your chest before closing his lips around one of your perk nipples pulling another moan from you. You shivered when you were left bare beneath Kirishima, his eyes burning into you as he moved his fingers carefully stimulating you, rubbing your clit and occasionally dipping  into your aching heat being wary of his claws. When he pulled off of your nipple a satisfying pop echoed in the cave making your body shake as he kissed down your body pausing above your heat to look at you with teasing eyes. Your hips rolled desperately as he chuckled and dove between your thighs the heat of his tongue pressing against your folds making you tremble. He rubbed over your clit with his thumb as his tongue dove inside of you curling deep in your cunt shooting waves of pleasure through you as heat built further inside your abdomen. Your hips rocked as he moved the length of his tongue allowing him to rewatch farther than any normal person as well as send heat radiating through you. He continued through long languid motions as you keened and moaned, your back arching in your place as you clung to anything you could grab, lacing your fingers into his hair and pulling as he pleasures you. When he pulled back you whined loudly, your legs trembling and desperate for more. You opened your mouth as if to complain but nothing came out as your eyes widened in surprise. He had kicked out of the large baggy pants he was wearing no longer leaving anything to the imagination. His cock was huge, bigger than anything you’d ever seen before. You gasped as he leaned back smirking while you admired his member. The head was flared out ending in a point, the shaft was almost as thick as your forearm, there were small beaded bumps that circled the base of the head and rubbery looking spikes that curved back toward the base of his cock, and to top it all off at the very base of his member there was a large knot at least the size of a softball. You shivered as you thought of that entering you and he chuckled deeply a toothy smirk playing his lips. 
“You like what you see? Or are you worried it won’t fit?” He teased and you shook your head as if to pull yourself from a trance swallowing thickly. Without thinking you leaned forward something in you losing all resolve as you settled in front of the male smirking up at him. You didn’t know what had gotten into you but all you could think of was getting a taste of his cock before it was inside you. His eyes widened when he realized what you were doing and he let out another chuckle. 
“I never would’ve guessed you’d be so eager.” He teased as you leaned down kissing the flared head of his cock watching as he shivered obviously not used to the touch of another person. You hummed and let your tongue slide over the slit kissing down his thick shaft. Your fingers traced over the spines pulling soft groans from the male as you pumped his length occasionally sucking and licking along the shaft knowing there was no way you could fit him in your mouth. You continued for a few long moments before you leaned back a bit yourself. Your cunt was aching for his attention and Kirishima knew that. He smirked and pulled himself back over you shielding you once again in his wings. You hummed softly as he kissed you, shivering as you felt him line up against you. You moaned softly holding him as you felt the head of his cock enter you. You clung to the half-dragon male in front of you, hands shaking as he pressed his length into you stretching you wide. You gasped and cried out when he was inside you sinking you down all the way to the top of his knot. You shivered and moaned at the idea of having that inside you as well your thighs shaking as you rolled your hips on his cock. 
He groaned deeply, his hips rolling up a bit before he began to thrust into you. His movements started slowly pulling moans of painful pleasure from you as the rubbery spines rubbed against your walls and the rivet-like bumps stimulated you deep inside. His thrusts quickly picked up pace as Kirishima held your hips. You moaned with each thrust shaking and clinging to the other. You weren’t going to last long, but with something that large inside you, and the way Kirishima groaned in your ear and twitched inside you, you knew he wasn’t going to last long either. 
Your body shook and trembled as you fucked you, your body weak as he moved inside you. Your clenched around him with every thrust and every thrust made your head spin. He was hitting spots deep inside you that you didn’t know existed making every part of your body shake in overwhelming pleasure. You could feel heat pooling in your stomach, growing more and more with each thrust begging you to cum. You trembled as you leaned forward into Kirishima moaning and shaking gasping and he hit a place that had you reeling. 
“E-Eijirou~!” You gasped out his name, your toes curling as you ran your nails down his low back pulling a deep animalistic growl from him as his fingers dug roughly into your hips. He nodded in understanding as his own hips picked up pace and your cunt fluttered around his member. You cried out loudly as you came, clamping around his member as he trusted roughly into you. He groaned deeply pressing his face into your neck as his thrusts continued growing  rougher and erratic. You gasped when you felt his knot pressing against you, his hips rutting as he tried to force it inside of your tight walls. You bit your lip as tears pricked your eyes and you cried out again his hips suddenly slamming against your forcing the large knot deep inside of you as you felt yourself quickly being filled with thick streams of cum. You trembled and let out soft sobs of pain and pleasure as you clung to Kirishima and he let out soft purring sounds against your ear nuzzling into you as his hips rutted against yours filling you to the brim. He groaned and held you close as you clung to him, your body overwhelmed as the heat of his cum burned inside of you. You shivered as he stilled and your preach panted out the smell of smoke filling your nose as you noticed the small pillars leaving his mouth with every pant his tongue had rolled out of his mouth and his eyes were lidded as he tried to regain himself. You bit your lip as he nuzzled closer to you protectively and comfortingly.
It was hours later when his cock had finally softened and deflated enough for him to pull out of you. Your body was weak and sore but the whole time Kirishima never let go of you craving you close like you were some prized gemstone. You didn’t know what caused him to do that, but in that moment you didn’t care. The commission didn’t matter to you anymore, after that there was no way you could hurt him, and it didn’t seem like he was going to let you go any time soon either. 
Maybe being a dragon’s queen didn’t sound so bad?
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bizmuth101 · 5 years
Ovi/egg laying
Kinktober day 19
Shuichi Iguchi x reader
Iguchi was never the easiest person to understand. He was shy, easily flustered, and hesitant in most things involving your relationship. 
You loved being with him, he was always beyond loving and careful with you. He handled you as if you were some kind of delicate flower and most times it was nice, comforting even. However, on days like today, you wanted nothing more than to have him pin you to the bed and take you all night. 
You’d done some things before, with Iguchi, but never gone all the way. You’d wanted to do it many times but were always stopped by the other. Iguchi always felt bad rejecting your advances but you understood completely. You always managed to calm him down when he apologized and ended up cuddling for hours afterward, but you had to admit that waiting so long was getting to you. 
You stretched and smiled when Iguchi walked into your room. You sat up happily slowly pulling yourself to your feet and wrapping your arms around the other. 
“Hey there hot stuff.” You teased watching his face burn with blush as he pressed his face into the crook of your neck. 
“Y-you can’t just say stuff like that...” he grumbled into your neck and you chuckled softly kissing his temple softly. 
“But you’re so cute when you blush like this~.” You smiled and looked over the other happily. 
“I-I’m not blushing...” he muttered and shook his head trying to recompose himself. You smiled happily and took Iguchi’s hands pulling him back toward the bed with a smirk. 
“Whatever you say, babe.” You chuckled and pulled the other down with you on the bed getting him to fall on top of you. He braced his weight on either side of your head, his face flaring red again. You sat up a bit gently kissing the other and wrapping your arms around the back of his neck pulling him closer. 
“(Y/n)...” He flushed a bit more when you kissed him and smiled softly. 
“Baby...” You shifted a bit in your spot pulling him down flush against you. “Can we?” Your voice lowered a bit looking up at him hopefully. Iguchi stilled and shifted as he looked down at you. “Please?” You bit your lip holding the other close gently kissing him again and again. 
“I-I don’t know.” He muttered shifting in his spot more as you let one leg lift off the bed gently pressing your thigh against him pulling a shaky breath from the other. 
“C’mon baby. I wanna try. Please?” You bit your lip again looking up at the other pressing your knee up a bit harder. 
Iguchi cursed under his breath and hesitated a moment before nodding. 
“O-okay.” He groaned pressing his face into the crook of your neck. Your eyes widened slightly and you smiled brightly. 
“Really?!” You pulled back a bit looking up at him happily and maybe a bit too excitedly. Iguchi nodded and gave you a shy smile back. 
“Yeah, I just should warn you—.” You cut off his words, kissing him quickly and humming deeply and pulling him against you. He shivered when you rubbed against him and he groaned against your lips. You smirked softly sliding one hand down his chest carefully groping him through his pants pulling a groan from the other. You felt his hips jut forward and you purred biting your lip again kissing along his jaw continuing the motion. You felt heat coursing through you when a primal growl slipped from Iguchi and you shivered. 
“F-fuck. Do that again.” You purred, rolling your hips up against Iguchi’s. He let out a shaky breath, his face burying into the crook of your neck. You shivered as you felt his teeth on your neck. You moaned when he gripped your hips roughly making you shiver as his hips jutted against yours. You cursed under your breath when his teeth sunk a bit into the juncture of your neck. You felt warmth pulse through you unnaturally as Iguchi held onto you tightly, your head suddenly feeling a bit dizzy. 
You gasped as he pulled you forward flipping you over onto the bed pulling your hips against his. He leaned over your back, his fingers gripping and pulling her the fabric of your clothes so hard you could hear seams popping and tearing. 
You moaned as his rough actions continued. You’d never seen him like this before, you assumed his primal nature from the lizard half of him making his motions rough and focused. Being mixed species made him infertile, though it didn’t seem that made a difference to the instincts he had. Your fingers dun into the bed when his hips grinded against you and your shirt tore. You felt the sharp of his fingernails glide over the skin of your chest as the fabric of your shirt was literally ripped away. You gasped and moaned at his motions, your body feeling hot and shaky. You couldn’t seem to understand the heat coursing through you something pulsed in the bite mark on your neck. You shivered and moaned when his sharp nails slid down over your chest to your hips catching on the fabric of your pants. You whined and pressed your hips back against Iguchi pulling another deep growl from him as the fabric tore again, his nails catching slightly on your skin. You gasped at the slight tinge of pain and pressed yourself back more against Iguchi. 
“Fuck, baby~! Please, do something...” you whined shifting in your spot desperate for more of Iguchi’s touch. Your head was dizzy as he groaned against your ear, the last shreds of your clothes falling away as he managed to kick out of his own pants. You could hear his breath panting behind you the cool skin of his body hunched over you as his hands grasped your hips desperately. It was like you had set something off inside the  reptilian male, and you didn’t regret it at all. 
You gasped when you felt something hot and wet against your entrance and your body shook something deep inside you growing more excited as he teased your hole with his cock. You could feel the flared head of his thin cock pressing against you and your body trembled at the thought of him being inside you, his member sliding over your entrance pulling another inhuman growl from Iguchi as he finally lined up against and pressed into you. You moaned when he entered you, gripping tightly at the sheets below you while he snapped his hips forward pushing his full length deep inside you. A low moan ripped past your lips as you pressed yourself back against Iguchi shivering when he groaned in your ear. 
“D-don’t stop, baby~!” You purred seeming to further spur Iguchi on as his hips suddenly began to rut roughly against your hips pounding roughly into you. You cursed as his fingers dug into your hips making you tremble as you moaned and your back arched. 
“S-so tight...” his voice grumbled out by your ear making you whine and shiver again. The normal apologetic nature Iguchi had was completely hidden as his hips rutted inside of you. You purred softly beneath him, keening as he fucked you roughly.
As his hips rutted into you and your moans filled the room you swore you could feel his cock swelling inside you stretching you out. You gasped when you felt a hot liquid pouring into you while Iguchi thrusted into you. It was too thin to be cum and too abundant, but it was warm and it simply kept flowing into you with every thrust of his hips. You moaned as you began to feel fuller and fuller your stomach going so far as to bulge a bit. 
“S-shu~!” You gasped when you felt the base of his cock swell. You shivered and pulled the sheets beneath you crying out loudly when you felt the knot press into you with a satisfying pop. You shivered as you felt the knot moving deeper inside of you suddenly becoming very confused as you glanced over your shoulder at Iguchi who’s hips had stilled. You flushed seeing the pleasured look on Iguchi’s face, his hips slowly rolling against yours. It took you a moment to realize what was going on as the first egg plopped inside of you and you gasped moaning softly. You shivered at the idea of him filling you up like that, clinging to the sheets beneath you as you felt a second of the eggs push into you and make its way down Iguchi’s shaft. 
The combination of Iguchi thrusting steadily into you and each egg pushing past your entrance into you were getting beyond close to your release. You moaned and gasped with every movement shivering as you grew closer. The flow of eggs and cum was slowing down as Iguchi’s hips snapped against yours, his grip loosening as he nuzzled into your neck still moving. 
As the last of the eggs pushed into your swollen stomach you clamped around his member and came with a loud moan. Your body trembled and shivered as you collapsed against the bed, your chest against the sheets with your ass up in the air. 
Your stomach was swollen and round as Iguchi pulled out of you. Your body felt weak as he panted over you. You heard a deep reptilian purr come from the male as you shifted in your place looking up at him face red as your hands moved to your swollen stomach.
“S-so is this why you waited so long?” You smiled softly up at him panting heavily. He nodded and nuzzled against you. 
“Sorry... I-I tried to warn you though.” He murmured softly refusing to let go of you, his hands instinctively moving to your swollen belly. 
“Don’t apologize. That was amazing.” You hummed happily as you looked up at him. “But uh... what about this?” You poked your swollen belly. 
“They should dissolve in a couple of hours. Then you can just shower and get everything out.” He chuckled softly and held onto you happily curling up around you. 
“Good. I love you.” You smiled, kissing his head, gaining a soft purr out of him and he nodded. 
“I love you too.” He hummed softly letting you fall asleep, your head resting against his chest as he held you protectively the rest of the night.
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bizmuth101 · 5 years
Face Riding
Kinktober Day 18
Tetsutetsu x fem! Reader
The topic has come up once or twice with you and Tetsutetsu. Your long time boyfriend always seemed to shy away from the subject. It was by no means that you two were vanilla on your sex life, however, he never really took to the idea of eating you out. 
He loved making you feel good! He always seemed so proud and happy when he’d get you to cum no matter how he did it. But that still only made you wonder how it would feel. You wanted to see the other between your legs. You wanted to have his mouth ravage you. You weren’t going to push him though. 
See all you’d gotten out of him, when you’d brought up the topic previously, was that he didn’t want to hurt you. You summed it up because of his sharp teeth he was nervous. But you couldn’t stand not being able to feel every part of him. With a bit of planning you were hoping to catch him off guard tonight and get him in the mood before asking. You wanted to try it, even if it was only once, but you thought it necessary. 
It was long after the hours of the day, some time about 10:00 when Tetsutetsu got home from some kind of hero meeting. You smiled in your shower when you heard the door close behind him. You finished up quickly drying off and loosely wrapping a towel around your waist. 
“Babe? Where are you?” You heard Tetsutetsu call out softly from the bedroom. You walked slowly out of the shower holding your towel up with one hand joining him in the bedroom. He looked a bit flushed when you came in the room and you smirked softly when he sat down on the bed. 
“I was in the shower.” You smiled softly letting the towel around you fall watching as he sucked in a breath and you walked over to him. 
“I see that. What’s the occasion?” He smiled as you carefully straddled his hips settling in his lap as his large hands rested on your hips. You chuckled softly and shook your head. 
“No occasion.” You smiled and gently leaned in kissing him softly. “Just wanted to surprise my overworked hero.” You let out a soft hum bowing your head down a bit to gently kiss his neck. 
In the years you’d known Tetsutetsu he had filled out a lot. He was taller, more muscular, and bigger in every way. He was an absolute unit, and you loved it. 
Having been at an important meeting he was still dressed in a suit, jacket shed at the door. You hummed softly as you let your hands slide up and carefully pulled his tie loose. You smiled, leaning in and connecting your lips as your fingers worked quickly at the buttons of his shirt. His large hands slid gently up and down your back as you kissed him and your hips slowly began to gyrate on his creating just a bit of friction between you. 
“You’re so good to me.” He hummed out deeply with a cheeky grin as his fingers traced your hips, his lips capturing yours as your hands slid under the loose fabric of his unbuttoned shirt and felt over the tight muscles of his chest. You kissed him back deeply, purring when his hips rolled up against yours and you let your kiss deepen a bit, parting your lips as Tetsutetsu’s tongue slipped into your mouth. You purred as the wet muscle twisted and tangled with your own expertly. He was good with his tongue so there was no doubt about that, and the feeling of him moving in your mouth piqued your curiosity and made heat shoot straight down causing you to rub your thighs together. 
Tetsutetsu groaned as your hips rolled and he smirked against your lips, one of his large hands moving to tangle into your hair. You gasped as he tugged your hair pulling your head back a bit as he moved to kiss your neck, humming as his tongue ran over your skin and his teeth grazed your flesh. You trembled beneath him and rolled your hips again pulling a soft groan from the male. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you let yourself get lost in his touch, his hands moving to grope your chest, large hands closing around mounds of flesh, fingers teasing perky nipples and then back to your hair as his tongue continued to press against your skin. 
It felt amazing, just the little things he did, and before you knew it you could feel Tetsutetsu’s hard cock pressing against you through the silky fabric of his pants. You moaned at the feeling, your head leaning back into his hand as his other pulled you closer from the small of your back. His teeth grazed your neck and you shivered fingers gently tugging at the loose fabric of his shirt.
“T-Tetsu~...” You breathed out his name softly earning a nip at your collarbone. You rolled your hips again and let out a shaky breath when he tugged your hair again. You felt him shift a bit beneath you, paying no attention as his hands moved to wander across your body again. 
You gasped as the movement became clearer and he suddenly flipped you over pinning you to the bed and letting his shirt slip off. 
Normally you would’ve let him do whatever he wanted with you, but today was different. You were already soaking wet, your cunt dripping from the actions of your boyfriend, and you so badly wanted him to move down. You wanted him to kiss down your body and disappear between your thighs, you wanted to cum and close your thighs around his head, you wanted to hear the sloppy noises he made when he licked you clean, you wanted it all. 
“Ah, w-wait!” You breathed, biting your lip and shaking your head. You sat up when he pulled away worried. 
“Something wrong? I didn’t hurt you did I?” He spoke softly, looking over you as you shook your head once more. 
“No, not at all, I just... I wanna try something new.” You bit your lip a little nervously not sure how he would react to your forwardness.
“Oh? Well in that case what is it?” He smirked playfully gently leaning back in and nipping at your collar again pulling a soft gasp and moan from you. You shifted in your spot whining and letting out a groan. 
“I-I don’t know how to say it...” You muttered, rubbing your thighs together a bit. 
“Baby, it can't be that bad. Tell me, what do you want me to do?” You paused for a moment and sighed.
“I-I want you to eat me out.” You spoke quickly and bit you lip your face burning with blush. Tetsutetsu blinked and looked at you for a moment. 
“I don’t want to hurt yo—.” You groaned, cutting him off somehow managing to catch him off guard enough to knock him backward when you lunged forward crawling on top of him. 
“You won’t! Baby, please~.” You bit your lip when he sat up and you leaned back your hips still straddling him as you scooted back a bit and spread your legs to give him a full view of your dripping cunt. “I’ve been thinking about it all day! I want you to wreck me with your tongue.” You felt odd talking like that your fingers from one hands moved down to spread yourself for him to see. 
Tetsutetsu was shocked, blinking as he watched the display in front of him, your whining voice making the bulge in his pants twitch. He stayed like that for a few moments before smirking and wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you up his body laying back on the bed. 
“You want me to do that? Then show me just how you want it.” He smirked stopping when your knees landed with one on either side of his head. You could see his smirk, your eyes wide as you supported yourself on the headboard of your bed. You bit your lip in confusion before his tongue lolled out of his mouth and you suddenly understood. He wanted you to ride his face. You trembled at the thought and nodded getting the point. 
“A-are you sure?” You spoke softly feeling Tetsutetsu’s breath against your aching cunt. 
He nodded and you tightened your grip on the headboard. You moved up slowly before Tetsutetsu’s hands pulled your hips closer and you gasped as you were now hovering right over his mouth. Your thighs trembled as you slowly lowered yourself down moaning immediately as his tongue lapped against your folds. He smirked against your folds as you lowered yourself more and he carefully slipped his tongue into you and you gasped letting out a loud moan. 
“F-fuck! T-Tetsu~...” you shivered and rolled your hips as he started to curl his tongue inside you. Your hips grinded down against his face and you moaned out again. You knew it would feel good but you never imagined it would feel this good.
It wasn’t long before your hips were rocking against his mouth pushing the pleasure deeper and deeper. Tetsutetsu moved expertly his hands gripping your shaking thighs as he slurped and sucked your pussy and your hips rolled roughly fucking yourself against his tongue.
You gasped as Tetsutetsu’s tongue curled inside you making you moan loudly, your hands moving down and tangling your fingers into his hair, pulling and gasping as he moved. You felt a knot in your stomach quickly threatening to release. You felt your legs shaking, tightening a bit around Tetsutetsu’s head as you moaned out. 
“Tetsu, I’m gonna—ah~!” You gasped as a moan ripped from your throat and your back arched as you pulled Tetsutetsu’s hair moaning loudly tears pricking your eyes as you came hard your body convulsing under the pleasure before you collapsed back supporting yourself with your hands braced on Tetsutetsu’s chest. You trembled as you slowly looked back down feeling Tetsutetsu shift beneath you. He wore a wide smirk on his face, lips cheeks and chin covered and dripping with your juices as he teasingly ran his tongue over his lips. 
“It’s sweet.” He chuckled and you rolled your eyes shifting so you were sitting on his chest and lightly hitting his shoulder. 
“You’re such a dork!” You smiled and shifted all the strength in your body depleted as you moved again laying against his chest. 
“So?” He smiled, wiping his face on the back of his hand as he wrapped his arms around you. 
“That was amazing, baby.” You smiled and shifted again biting your lip when your thigh brushed against the tent in his pants and you slowly smirked. “But it seems it’s not quite over either.” You hummed tracing his chest and he let out a deep chuckle before flipping you both over. 
“Not even close, babe, not even close.” He smirked, capturing your lips as you smiled letting yourself prepare for the long night ahead.
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bizmuth101 · 5 years
Fighting to Fucking
Kinktober day 17
Katsuki Bakugo x fem! reader
Fed up was the only way you knew how to describe your mood. You were pissed off, angry, and ready to hit something because of one single person. 
You and Katsuki Bakugou never got along. You clashed heads worse than coke and mentos and being in the same room usually resulted in an argument.
You weren’t sure what it was, but somehow every day he managed to piss you off. You didn’t know if he just hated you, or if there was some reason for his attitude toward you. 
However, that was just how things went with you. Like they had today. He had made some comment to you during class that had set you off and before you knew it you were pushing one another in a full screaming match. Your classmates had to pull you apart, Uraraka and Hakegure had to pull you back leading you back to the dorms.
Even now you were fuming pacing in your room with fists clenched muttering to yourself with Uraraka sitting on your bed trying to comfort you and calm you down.
“He’s so frustrating!” You groaned punching a pillow that Uraraka had previously gotten to float for you. 
“I know, I know. But hon, you’ve got to calm down. Bakugo is a jerk to everyone, be the better person.” She spoke softly watching as you stomped around the room. 
“What is his problem? I barely spoke to him and he just had to go and pick a fight!” You huffed in frustration as you three yourself down on the bed. 
“Why does it matter so much to you? Normally you don’t care what anyone says.” She looked at you raising a brow. You shrugged suddenly, falling silent as your arms wrapped around one of your pillows and you pressed the lower half of your face into the plush. Your face heated up a little at the topic and a slow smirk spread itself across Uraraka’s face. 
“You like him! Don’t you?!” She gasped in surprise as you groaned and pressed your face more into the fabric of your pillow. 
“I-I do not...” you muttered muffled into the pillow. Uraraka cackled. 
“You do! You totally do! Oh my god you have a crush on Kats—!” You leaped up cutting off your sentence with loud noises and a hissing.
“Shh!” Covering her mouth with your hand. “D-don’t say it so loud... his room is just across the hall.” You muttered biting your lip and shifting in your place before slowly pulling your hand from her mouth. 
“Admit it.” She crosses her arms and smiles
 at you. You groaned and flushed huffing and throwing yourself backward on your bed covering your face with the pillow. 
“Fine! I-I like him...” you murmured under your breath. 
“What? What was that? I couldn’t hear you?” She teased leaning closer and cupping her ear teasingly. You let out a grudge and sat up. 
“I like Katsuki, okay!” You snapped a bit, throwing the pillow at her making her laugh in disbelief. 
“Wow! Oh my god. Bakugou? Why him?” She smiled at you when she stopped laughing. You shrugged and leaned against the wall your bed was against. 
“I dunno. I just... do. Maybe I’m wrong but, I like him.” You muttered, shaking your head and sighing. “He just pisses me off so much though! It’s like I try to be nice to him and he acts like he’d prefer it if everyone yelled back!” You started getting more worked up again. Uraraka sighed and checked her phone, her eyes widening suddenly. 
“Oh crap! Sorry, (y/n), I gotta go! Momo and I are supposed to go to a movie. Wish I could stay and talk.” She frowned, grabbing her jacket and standing up. You shook your head storing away your anger as she got up. 
“It’s no problem if you made plans have fun. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You smiled and walked her to the door letting her out. 
You stayed in your room the rest of the night on your own, until about 6:00 rolled around and you heard a loud knock on your door and voices whisper-yelling back and forth. You crawled out of your bed curiously and walked to the door pulling it open, your eyes widening to find Bakugou with his back turned making angry motions down the hall, though when you glanced there was no one there. He jumped a little when he saw you had opened the door, your expression now upset still obviously angry about your earlier argument.
“(Y-y/n)!” His voice sounded alarmed and his face was weirdly flushed. 
“What the hell do you want, Bakugou?” You huffed crossing your arms. 
“Damn, calm down don’t be so snappy.” He growled back. You wanted to reach out and hit him right in his face. 
“Snappy! You’re gonna say that after the bull you pulled earlier?! You don’t have the right to come to my room and start a fight with me!” You growled turning and beginning to slam the door closed. However, a hand stopped the door with a heavy thud as Bakugou stepped forward intruding in your room. 
“I’m not the one starting the fight! And I didn’t start the one earlier either! I came to apologize but it seems you weren’t looking for an apology!” He growled stepping closer to you. You scoffed and reached out pushing his chest roughly to push him back landing him against the door closing it with a loud bang. 
“You were actually going to apologize!? That’s rich coming from you! I don’t think you even know how!” You were both yelling at this point. Bakugou pushed himself up off the door and stepped toward you standing in front of you in one step surprising you as his hand moved up and in seconds was around your throat. 
“You know, (y/n). Lots of people think I’m gonna turn out to be some villain. And let me tell you... you’re one of the reasons I wish I was!” He growled low and deep in your ear, his voice shallow and slow as he put just a bit of pressure on your neck and you closed your eyes biting your lip. You gasped as your breath began to return as he let you go and turned to walk away a smirk playing your lips as he turned. 
“Then prove it.” Katsuki’s eyes widened and he glanced over his shoulder. There was something there. When he touched you, the way he spoke, the feeling of his breath on your neck... you wanted to see just how far you could push that limit. “You hate me so damn much? Come prove it!” You smirked still angry as you stuck your arms out to the sides in that ‘fite me’ sort of way. 
“Hate you? That’s what you think this is about?” He turned and was back to you in seconds taking a step closer than last time causing you to fall backward onto your bed not realizing how close you were to it. 
“Why else would you have to be such a prick to me?” You hissed back hearing a deep chuckle come from him. 
“Oh really? You think I hate you? Then I’ll show you how wrong you are.” His voice held a dark tone, one that made your body shake as he pinned you down to the bed suddenly pulling a gasp from your lips as his hovered over yours. Feeling your body tremble beneath him he paused thinking of how wrong this could go, and suddenly, he didn’t care. He let his lips crash down onto yours making you tense in surprise as you closed your eyes. He let go of your pinned wrists moving one hand into your hair the other to your hip, pulling your hair hard. You moaned and your head tilted back, shocking Bakugou as his lips searched immediately to your neck, his tongue running up your skin. 
You whined as he bit down on your collarbone another small moan pulling past your lips as you shifted in your spot. Your fingers tugged at the front of Bakugou’s shirt weakly and his breath huffed out against your neck, his hand on your hip gripping tightly. 
“S-so this is what you meant...” you bit your lip, unable to fight against Bakugou, not even sure if you wanted to. So many feelings you’d been pretending to ignore rose back to the surface as Bakugou’s hands rand down your sides. He gripped your hips roughly as you rolled your hips up suddenly against nothing. He let out a breathy laugh against your neck as his fingers moved to begin working on the buttons of your uniform.
“You don’t seem to be that displeased.” He smirked at you, his hips moving down to meet and roll down against yours pulling a shaky whine from you. Your face flushed as he pulled your shirt off unceremoniously and threw it to the side. You shivered and your hands moved, suddenly self conscious, to cover your chest. You heard practically a growl from Bakugou and you whined as he moved your arms. 
“B-Bakugou!” Your voice shook a bit as his hands were quickly pressed to your chest. He squeezed your breasts roughly, pulling a soft moan from you as his hips rolled down against you again and his lips pressed against your jaw more gentle than you’d expected. 
“Don’t try to hide anything from me. Let me hear you, let me see you, let me have all of you.” His voice was low and deep as his lips traveled over your neck again before he kissed you once more, this time much deeper. You shifted in your spot, spreading your legs a bit as Bakugou continued to roll his hips against you. You moaned against his lips and slowly reached up with shaky hands, your arms wrapping around the back of his neck to pull him closer to you. He groaned against your lips and rolled his hips roughly against you pulling another moan from you as his tongue pushed its way into your mouth making you gasp. You shifted in your place letting Bakugou’s tongue explore your mouth taking your breath away with his every move. 
The longer your lips were together the slower and more passionate Bakugou got in his movements. His hips stilled against yours and he focused on the way his hands danced across your skin. His arms slipped around you holding you against him, pulling you into his lap as he kissed you. You weighed nothing to him, he moved you where he wanted you, lips never leaving your own. 
“K-Katsuki~.” You gasped out pulling away for air. You were pressed against Bakugo’s chest, your breaths heaving as you looked at the other, which seemed to make him uncomfortable. 
You smiled softly at him, your own lips crashing against his heatedly when you had your breath back, surprising Bakugou as he began to kiss you back. You shuddered as his hands slid under the fabric of your skirt, quickly moving his hands to cup your ass as he kissed you deeply. He parted from your lips again and kissed over your neck, he sucked gentle marks against your flesh pulling soft moans from you as your hips rolled against his. 
His hands felt huge where they rested around your waist, holding you in place as he began carefully rocking his hips up against yours. 
You shuddered when Bakugou started to moan into the crook of your neck. You were surprised at how sensitive he was. You rolled your hips again happily and Bakugou bit your shoulder to keep himself quiet. 
“You’re, r-really pretty...” you hadn’t realized you’d spoken until Bakugo’s motions stilled and his hands tightened around your waist. He was suddenly glad that his face was tucked away into the crook of your neck, his cheeks burning with a deep blush. “D-did you hear me?” You smiled ducking your head down slightly biting your lip as you tilted his head up, cupping his cheek. 
He scoffed and turned his head quickly pulling a small smile from you. You leaned in and gently kissed his cheek and down his jaw and neck letting one of your hands trail over his large pecs and abs before resting on the large bulge in his pants. 
He hissed.
His nails dug into your hips as you gently palmed the bulge in his pants and he groaned. You bit your lip and shifted in his lap, watching the faces he made seemed like watching some kind of erotica. You gently kissed his neck again before carefully sucking a few marks onto his skin, watching in awe as the red spots darkened against his skin. You kissed your way back up slowly, carefully squeezing the bulge under your hand, and pressed your lips against his ear. The smell of caramel filled your nose as you gently let your teeth run over his earlobe, the silence getting to you. 
“Katsuki~.” You purred his name softly feeling his hands shake a bit on your hips. You pulled back to look at him smiling at his bright blush biting your lip when he wouldn’t look at you. You shook your head and gently tilted his head back toward you. “Hey, look here.” You spoke softly, pressing yourself against Bakugou gently. “Why are you so flustered? And quiet. This isn’t like the Bakugou I know. What happened?” You spoke softly gently kissing the corner of his mouth frowning when he flinched. You pulled back and gently cupped his cheek. “Hey. You need to tell me what you want now. If you didn’t mean for it to go this far than—.” He cut you off with a kiss, his hands suddenly tangling into your hair pulling you as close as he could manage. He shook his head and looked at you. 
“I-I’ve never...” he scoffed and trailed off shaking his head and you suddenly understood.
“It’s okay. I can help. Just tell me what you’re worried about? Hurting me? Not feeling good?” He seemed to hum in agreement at the second one and you shook your head giving an innocent giggle. “Don’t worry about that. You’re obviously feeling good, and you’ve gotten me so worked up I’m not gonna last long anyway.” You flushed slightly at your words gently rolling your hips again watching as Bakugou bit his lip. He seemed to relax a little when you repeated the action, his grip on your hips releasing as his hands trailed up your body, his head returning to the crook of your neck as his fingers fumbled with the clasp of your bra. You hummed approvingly as the material peeled away from your sweat slicked skin and his breathing hitched as his hand grabbed at the mounds of flesh. 
“There you go Katsuki~. Give me back that confidence from earlier.” You blushed, rolling your hips painfully slowly against his pulling a growl from the other as he suddenly lunged forward pinning you to the bed again. 
This time was less rough and he kissed you softly first, his hands gently sliding up your thighs. You smiled at him hooking your arms around the back of his neck and he gave a triumphant smirk pulling a weak moan from you when his fingers pressed gently against your slick soaked panties. 
“N-no more talking.” He decided more to himself as he hiked your skirt up and hooked his fingers under the fabric of your panties.
You shivered as he looked over you and you pulled at his shirt and realization slowly hit him that you were now practically naked and he was still fully clothed. His face flushed and he clumsily tugged his shirt off as you reached down palming him again through his pants. He groaned before trying to unclip the belt and buttons on his jeans, his hands shaking and causing trouble. You shook your head and reached forward with steady hands pulling the latch of his belt and taking your time pulling the button undone and sliding the zipper down, kissing him softly as you did.
One his pants were finally off he kicked them to the side and moved back down to you, kissing you gently. You hummed and pulled him down more kissing him deeply and humming against his lips. 
“Relax, Katsuki.” You breathed against his ear gently as you palmed the bulge in his boxers biting your lip when your fingers hit a wet spot on the front. You whined in anticipation. He shifted in his spot as you rolled your hips up against his and he carefully pulled his boxers off. 
“Fuck, you’re hot.” He groaned against your lips kissing you as he kicked his blockers away. He gasped against your lips as you gently wrapped your hand around his cock giving a few slow tentative strokes. 
“And you’re very pretty.” He groaned against your neck as you pumped his length. You gently kissed his neck and rolled your hips. “And I’m soaked, Katsuki~. Please, fuck me.” Your voice was soft and calm, your words seemed to go straight to Bakugou as his cock twitched in your hand. He groaned and nodded pulling back from you a bit. 
You spread your legs, and helped Bakugou a bit as he lined up at your entrance. 
“R-ready?” You nodded quickly and rolled yourself down against the head of his cock sucking in air and biting your lip. 
“Just, d-do whatever feels good. I’ll follow.” You smiled and gently kissed him gasping in surprise when he snapped his hips forward and buried his length into you. 
The moan that pulled from your lips was unholy and the pleasures face Bakugou was making was even more so. You panted softly as you rolled your hips signaling him to move and pulling a groan from him. 
It didn’t fake long before the bed beneath you was creaking and soft moans and sloppy noises filled your room. 
“F-fuck, k-Katsuki!” You gasped when he hit a spot that had you seeing stars and you reached up wrapping your arms around his neck clinging to him as he continued to hit that spot. Host pace was quick, his hips slapping against yours in quick shallow movements that had you both shaking and moaning in each other’s arms. You’d never expected a fight to turn out this way, but you were loving every second of it. 
You could feel Katsuki’s cock beginning to twitch inside of you. He was towering close and it showed in his erratic thrusts. You moaned and rolled your hips as he fucked you making your legs shake. 
“I’m, c-close!” He groaned out his hips slapping against yours roughly. You nodded closing your eyes as you felt the way his member twitched and rubbed against your walls. You clamped down around him moaning loudly as he came his cock buried deep inside you. You followed quickly, your legs twitching and body hot as you clung to him.
When he pulled out he collapsed on the bed beside you and you hummed softly glancing over at him. You sat up and smiled at him shaking your head. 
“How the hell was that your first time? That was amazing.” You smiled wide, slipping out of the bed despite Bakugou’s groans of protest. You cleaned yourself up while Bakugou watched and before slipping back into the bed you couldn’t help yourself. You picked up Bakugou’s black skull shirt from the ground where it landed and slipped it on watching the fabric fall loosely around you. 
You crawled back in the bed happily and kissed Bakugou’s temple and gasped as you were pulled into his arms. You blushed softly when he kissed your forehead and you cuddled up to his chest. 
“Sorry for being a jerk...” he muttered and you shook your head. 
“It’s fine. If this is what dealing with you being a jerk gets me I don’t mind.” You teased softly looking up at him, his face red as you hugged him gently. 
He relaxed a bit more as you closed your eyes and he smiled. 
“G’night, (y/n).”
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