#but like ranking all the Gallagher she close to the bottom for me
mikhailoisbaby · 2 years
I might get hate for saying this but I'm not a fan of Fiona Gallagher...
Early season love her! has my heart ! until like season 3/4 she goes downhill to the point where she just annoys me.
Maybe it’s the constant cheating on people and then being shocked when someone does it back to her
Or how she dealt with the whole pregnancy Debbie and baby Franny situation.
or the fact she left to go to Florida when Liam was only a real parent and saw her as a mother more than any other Gallagher children as well as the fact he never got to say bye.
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boxwinebxtch · 7 years
Why Your Opinion is Wrong--Shameless Edition: Debbie is not the worst Gallagher
A very disturbing tweet has begun circulating lately, ranking the Gallagher family from best to worst, with Carl at the top and Debbie at the bottom-- placed behind even Frank and Monica. The rage and fury I feel over not only the mere existence of this utter bullshit, but also the popularity and agreement of this utter bullshit, is absolutely astounding. I was so thrilled when my favorite show in the galaxy started gaining popularity, but if this is what people are taking from it-- that DEBBIE is the worst of the Gallaghers-- then i’d just rather people not watch it all. Yes, i’m sure that most of the people who gave it a retweet were mostly joking but I read some of the replies and some people very firmly believe that Debbie is the worst. So to all of you Debbie haters out there, this ones for you. The main argument I saw against Debbie was that she was that the last few seasons Debbie has been a mega bitch. Words and phrases such as “terrible” “literally the devil” “worst character ever written” etc.. I can’t read the replies anymore out of fear that it will inspire me to go on a killing spree. Debbie was not only ranked after Monica and Frank (for FUCKS sake) but she was also ranked after  THE BROKEN DRYER IN THE FIRST SEASON. I guess the original tweeter added that in for comedic effect. I’M NOT LAUGHING. So first and foremost, i’d like to be clear that I am not defending Debbie’s questionable actions or unquestionable bitchiness in the past few seasons. She has done a lot of shit that makes me want to kick her in the shins. That being said, that is by no means grounds to be ranked dead fucking last. I know that this may all seem very dramatic. I know that the tweet is just meant to be funny. I know that I may be taking this a little bit too seriously. But hear me out so you can understand. I come from a family the same size as the Gallaghers. In fact, my family and I started watching it because the similar family dynamic peaked our interest. Additionally my siblings and mother were victims of parental/spousal abandonment, which resulted in a lot of financial struggles in addition to a shit ton of daddy problems for myself and and some other fun little side effects of your dad walking out on you. Shameless is not just a work of fiction to me, a lot of its content is deeply personally relatable and/or has been a situation that my family has been in too. The content is not only reflective of my own life, but it is also so fantastically well done that it makes it all the more important to me. The brilliant creators of Shameless captured life as a big family so beautifully. Not to mention the fucking amazing script writers, the complexity and depth of each character, etc etc X1 million. The show is very well done, is what i’m saying. And I feel like the quality of the show and the depth of the characters and the complexity of the challenges they face, is all too lost on a lot of viewers. I’ve seen and heard people make the joke a thousand times that “the Gallaghers make being poor look like fun.” I have never once felt that way when watching them struggle financially, but then again I know how it is to have 5 siblings and no source of income. It’s not fun. It’s fucking shitty as hell... my point is, people are watching it at face value and not truly experiencing it and understanding it at its full potential. People are watching it like they would a sitcom and that’s why, I believe, Debbie ended up at the bottom of the list. Debbie has made some bad fucking decisions. Debbie has been a huge bitch. But Debbie is so much more than that. Debbie is a single, teenage mother-- to be fair that situation could have been avoided, but nonetheless, a fucking single teenage mother. She wouldn’t even let Fiona, the woman who raised her, hold her infant for a long time, because Fiona so strongly urged Debbie to get an abortion. Debbie might have taken it too far, but she did it with her CHILD’S INTEREST AT HEART. Which is something neither of her parents did for her. Debbie’s bitch ass baby daddy ran the fuck off and is no where to be found, but she still hangs in there and takes care of the baby. What she wanted was a family and he abandoned her and she never uses that as an excuse to be a bad mother. In fact, she even tried to make peace with the father’s family, but to no avail. She  camped out in front of their god damn yard for DAYS when they took the baby away from her. Hell, she even named the baby after her own dead beat dad, because he was there for her during her pregnancy. Debbie is more forgiving of him than any of her siblings. And forgiveness is not fucking easy. Especially when it comes to neglectful parents. But yet she does it time and time again because Debbie’s core is extremely loving. Debbie put in work for her family from the time she was 9 (approximation) years old, running a day care from their house to help raise money for the squirrel fund. Girl is a hard fucking worker. Remember that one time when she was about 9 and she was suspicious of Jimmy Steve so she followed his ass all the way to Chicago to figure shit out because she knew he wasn’t doing right by her big sister? Remember how she had a meltdown when fake Aunt Ginger had to go back to the Nursing home because didn’t want her to be alone? Remember when she literally just wanted to be loved and cared for and all she ever did was love and care for people even if that love and care and desire to be loved and cared was sometimes trapped beneath a pile of negative behavior as a result of her upbringing? Debbie essentially has no parents. her baby dad bailed. She grew up in the hood. Shitty school. No fucking money. No one ever takes care of debbie. Debbie always takes care of other people. Fucking always. She is a nurturer but no one has nurtured her back and it’s clear that she craves that.  And that’s okay. It’s okay to want to be loved and cared for. It’s normal, in fact. I’m not saying that a hard life is a get out of jail free card by any means. What I am saying is that Debbie’s shitty fucking actions are not at all what they appear to be on the surface. Debbie is struggling a lot, that is evident in the latest seasons. She’s grasping at straws trying to create a good life for herself and she still is ending up with close to nothing. Home girl is bound to start acting out at some point. All of the Gallagher’s have done shitty fucking stuff usually as a result of their shitty fucking situations. Carl sold drugs and went to juvie for fucks sake. Lip is a destructive alcoholic who repeatedly acts like a giant dick to the people he loves. Fionna was careless and almost killed Liam via cocaine ingestion. Ian had an affair with a married man. Apparently, none of these things are grounds to be hated and deemed the worst character even though they are no better than Debbie’s actions. Most importantly, Debbie is in no way a shittier character than Frank and Monica. While their characters are also very complex and I hesitate to call either one of them “bad,” they are both without a doubt scummy individuals, and are intended so by the writers to be scummy characters. That’s part of the character description for both of those coked up dead beats. So, in conclusion, Debbie is not the worst Gallagher and if anyone needs more of an explanation I would be happy to oblige. If you think that any of the Gallagher children are terrible, then you don’t even deserve to watch the show because they are all fucking lovely in their own unique ways that make me want to cry 
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[HR] LaserChase
Sweat dribbled down Dheeraj’s forehead. He lifted a hand to brush the salty sting from eyes and discovered the weight of his weapon had crippled his shoulder muscles sometime during the battle. A scream filled the darkness, and Dheeraj realized that he might be in the midst of the best day of his life.
Pounding footsteps. With a cry of righteous fury, Dheeraj sprang his trap. He leapt from behind his cover—a rusted android—roaring. He squeezed the trigger, released and squeezed again as fast as his burning fingers would allow. Laser bursts ripped into the dilapidated jeep which marked the center of the arena. Shadows gave way to laser light, and a tall red haired boy, Connor Gallagher, was revealed.
Conner’s vest blinked red. He swore and found his foe.
“Deer’s on the jeep!” the felled boy shouted before disappearing into ruins of a futuristic city. He would wait out the thirty seconds before his weapon and vest reactivated, then Connor would gather his comrades and make a beeline for the jeep.
Dheeraj welcomed the challenge. He would make them wish they had never been born, or at least that they had picked green vests at the start of the game.
Dheeraj, who had been praying and thanking god since he knew the words, spent a moment giving a silent thank you to mothers. To his own mother, for insisting he attend Stewart Hamilton’s eleventh birthday party, and to Stewart Hamilton’s mom, for insisting that every boy in fourth grade receive an invitation.
Dheeraj retreated to Green Team Tower. He had to force himself not to skip with glee. Soldiers did not skip.
Another scream rent the air. This time, from the green side of the arena.
“On me!” Dheeraj called, inwardly cursing his teammates’ cowardice. That was probably Andrew Moses, who seemed to always have a dripping nose. He waited a moment, but Andrew did not respond to the summons.
From the crow’s nest of Green Team Tower, Dheeraj could see the entire arena. Little good it did him though, the room was pitch black and bathed in post-apocalyptic smoke, courtesy of the LaserChase smoke machine. Strings of glowing death flickered across the room, but the laser bursts were too fast to respond to. A gunman would appear, illuminated for an instant, then vanish before Dheeraj could get a shot.
A third scream.
From the unseen depths of the red city, “The green team are babies!”
That was Tyler Abercrombie. Tyler, who would trade with him at lunch and wouldn’t pick Dheeraj last for soccer baseball, had become the enemy.
Dheeraj fired in the direction of the criticism. He pulled the trigger three times and three green laser beams crashed into the mock city with impossible speed. In his imagination, he leveled concrete towers and cyborg factories, but he didn’t hit Tyler or anyone else.
A fourth scream, and this one sent a chill up Dheeraj’s neck, though he couldn’t say why.
Red laser flashed an inch to his left and Dheeraj dove behind cover. His heart rattled like a machine gun.
He counted to thirty, then sixty, then a hundred.
Another scream. This one lingered on the air too long. Someone had fallen down, probably scraped themselves on a sharp corner. Infantry from both sides would be drawn to the commotion.
But when Dheeraj rose from cover both teams had stopped firing. He waited. There were no lasers and no rolling thunder of footfalls.
Dheeraj fired his weapon into the dark jeep carcass, hunting for hidden foes. His laser punched the middle of the driver’s seat but it illuminated the whole vehicle. Empty.
“Come out cowards!” Dheeraj screamed. The shout echoed back to him.
There was no answer. Nothing moved in the arena. Was the game over?
The fog machine hummed on and on. The walls of the arena, the room of black paint and cardboard cutouts, seemed to close in.
Dheeraj wanted to leave.
He descended the tower ladder as fast as he could manage. If the guys were pranking him, waiting behind cover to scare him, or if they had snuck out to the lobby so that they could laugh while he wandered alone in the dark, Dheeraj could take it. He had endured worse.
But he didn’t think it was a prank, not this time. Thinking back, the screams had not sounded like furious cries of one fourth grader being lasered by another. Those were the screams of someone being torn apart by a shark.
He hit the floor hard, breathing harder, and hurried for the exit. The weight of his loose vest sloshed uncomfortably against his gut.
He rounded a corner, and in his rising panic, he tripped on his shoelace and he was sent sprawling. The impact caused the nearest cutouts and play equipment to shudder.
A snarl rose in the shadows.
Dheeraj scrambled to his feet. The exit was just ahead, in the same direction as that snarl. Had he imagined it?
Dheeraj turned the last corner, and there they were. His classmates had gathered by the exit. They were waiting for him.
Thirteen pairs of red eyes landed on him, and before Dheeraj had time to take in what he was seeing—fang-filled mouths, cracked skin, yellow claws—they attacked.
Stewart Hamilton was closest. When the birthday boy opened his mouth to reveal rows of sharp fangs going all the way to the back of his throat, Dheeraj did the first and only thing he could think to do. He raised his laser gun and squeezed the trigger.
A spot of bright green appeared then disappeared from Stewart’s forehead. The boy screamed, an animalistic wail of pain and non-comprehension, and collapsed. The other boys stopped charging. They were watching Stewart Hamilton, waiting to see what happened to him.
Dheeraj’s lips trembled. What had happened?
Stewart moaned and rubbed his forehead. A thin line of cigarette smoke was rising from behind his palm.
Did I do that? Dheeraj thought.
Stewart shrieked again, and leapt to his feet. He charged, and the other snapping demons followed.
They could do high school track and field, Dheeraj thought.
Part of his brain was begging him to find a corner where he could cry and suck his thumb, but a louder, fierce voice was demanding he bring up the laser gun for another burst. The second voice informed him it was fight now and fight hard, or die. He fought.
Backpedaling and roaring a battle cry he was hardly aware of, Dheeraj hit the first two boys above the shoulder and the third in the chest. The first boys howled in pain, but they continued forward, staggering. The third boy, Leonard Applebottom, clutched his heart where the laser burst had found him. Leonard made a sound, ack, and exploded into a tumbling cloud of dust.
“You like that?” Dheeraj roared.
The fanged things came on. Dheeraj grit his teeth and let them all have it.
Now that he knew their weak point—the heart—he could tear down his classmates as quickly as they could attack. He turned Tyler Abercrombie into dust with a pang of regret which emanated from a very deep place in his heart, and Matthew Hanscombe—the class bully—with sadistic indifference.
There was a moment of terror when Stewart, with a hole straight through his brain, leapt from the top of the jeep and tackled Dheeraj to the ground. Stewart’s new and terrible jaws snapped and clashed an inch from his face. He could smell Stweart’s rank breath. He could feel it on his face.
Dheeraj managed to get the gun between himself and Stewart, and lasered the birthday boy’s neck again and again until his head rolled off. Steam bellowed from the wound.
On his back, he brought down another classmate, then he got to his feet and ran into the city.
There were only two classmates remaining: Conner Gallagher and Robbie Barbara, and thankfully these two were hanging back. They seemed to be too stupid now, too animalistic, to figure out that they could take him if one struck from the front and one at his back, but they were smart enough to not charge blindly forward.
Dheeraj walked backwards into a wall. The red-eyed boys, with those fangs they had to be vampires or some adjacent creature, darted in and out of cover from a safe distance, looking for an opening Dheeraj would not give them.
“Come and get it!” Dheeraj screamed. Robbie leapt between covers, just managing to avoid a laser through his eye. “Come and get it you…you fucks!”
Dheeraj’s mouth snapped shut. Fire blossomed on his cheeks. It was his first swear.
Swears felt good.
He was smiling, starting to seriously consider taking the fight to them, when he became aware of a new sound in the LaserChase arena. Soft footsteps, and they were coming this way.
“Get back!” Dheeraj shouted. “It’s not safe!” but before the words were out of his mouth he knew it was safe for the thing coming next.
It was a girl, a tall girl, one he recognized. Stewart’s older sister was supposed to chaperone the party but she hadn’t shown up, until now. He couldn’t quite remember her name, Kate maybe, or Caitlyn.
She was a vampire. Like the boys, but a thousand times worse.
Her eyes were not just glowing, but a deep R-rated red. Her skin glowed so pale she appeared to be made of moonlight. Her fangs extended almost to the bottom of her chin.
Dheeraj brought up his weapon and fired, and Katy or Caitlyn did not dive out of the way. The moment before the laser beam made contact, the moment he pulled the trigger, she burst into a black storm. Maybe she wasn’t a vampire after all. Vampires were supposed to turn into bats.
The part of Dheeraj’s brain telling him to find a lonely corner was louder than ever,
I must be dreaming.
Dheeraj rapid fired into the cloud. It seemed to be made of bugs, flying clicking terrors, and while his laser beam did kill the bugs it touched, the mass held thousands of insects and each of his shots brought down about six. The cloud rushed towards him.
Dheeraj glanced around the room. He needed a miracle, and he got one.
The emergency exit was just where he had prayed it would be. The glowing red sign pointing out his safety was perhaps twenty feet away. If these were vampires, then he had a chance if he could make into the daylight.
Dheeraj turned and ran for his life as the insects bore down. The hefty LaserChase vest protected his back and his guts, but his arms and legs burned as though they were being forced through a paper shredder. Not content to merely sting him, some of the black bugs latched onto his skin with engorged mandibles in order to swing back and forth, stinging him repeatedly.
Then one hand was on the exit door. It would be locked, he was sure, but to his surprise and gratitude the door swung opened easily, as if the sun and light were pulling it open from the other side.
Somewhere behind him, Conner and Robbie screamed as sunlight poured into the LaserChase arena.
The wasps let go when the sunlight found them. Instead of flying back into the cover of darkness, they erupted into small fires. These balls of orange swelled like flash fireworks before vaporizing into spirals of smoke.
Dheeraj ran all the way home, only stopping one time to remove his LaserChase vest and toss it aside into a snowbank. He didn’t want to let it go. He had a feeling he had not seen the last of the vampires, and wanted to be ready, but the gun had turned grey and died when he’d stepped outside of the arena.
Dheeraj was finished with birthday parties.
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