#but like that aside jhgfds just vibes figuring out how to be a person yk yk
seldaryne · 4 months
finished velrith's playthrough & already lowkey miss her lmao
have decided the solution to this is while i still plan to play other characters i can simply run her again + bump up the difficulty a touch this time to justify it lmao
slightyyyy tempted to try the oath of the watchers class mod However it apparently functions pretty similar to oath of the ancients for the 'rules' so idk. i may also just be too attached to doing everything as similarly as possible jksgdf
as a side observation, im pretty sure wyll sounded Significantly more distraught when you romance him re: karlach combusting than when you don't? & i didn't romance her here either so i wonder why that is (possible im not remembering correctly but like. im pretty sure???) anyway once again im Very curious about what we didn't see for wyll's cut content & what exactly the dynamic was supposed to be between him/your character/karlach in a romance route.
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