#but look at me straight in the eye and tell me they are not redfinch coded
willowistic22 · 1 year
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They just know how redfinch coded they are so they keep feeding us tiny crumbs. Real not fake.
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1899-newsboy-strike · 5 years
Fears - RedFinch Imagine
Request: Redfinch with 6 and 34 please if you’re ok with it please? Ps I love you❤️
6 - You have to leave right now.
34 - I’m scared what if someone finds out about us?
Warnings: smallest heated make out(ends before the cut) slight argument, mention of homophobia
Summary: Finch finally talks about his relationship with his family and his sexuality
Albert and Finch had been dating for over a year, they never made it public, not thinking it was important for anyone to know. It wasn’t everyday Albert could come over to Finch’s, so anytime he could he was sure to show his gratitude. 
Finch was pinned down on his bed, both boys panting as they tried to catch their breaths. Albert started kissing his way down Finch’s jaw and neck admiring the small whimpers that were coming from the squirming boy under him. Everything seemed to come to an abrupt stop when the door downstairs slammed shut. 
“Oh my god.” Finch whispered to himself quickly pushing Albert off of him, fear already filling him. “You have to leave right now.” He explained, his voice wavering as his heart started beating out of his chest. 
“What? Why?” Albert asked, worry setting in when he took in the state of his boyfriend. 
“Albert please I’ll explain later. You just have to go.” Finch’s voice cracking while he started pulling Albert off the bed and toward his window. 
“The window? Babe this isn’t a movie.” Albert protested but Finch opened it anyway. “Hey look at me.” Albert said, grabbing Finch’s face to make him look up at him. “What’s wrong?” He asked, caressing his cheek with his thumb. The sound of a knock at the door made Finch jump. 
“I’ll tell you later. You’ll be fine, just slide down.” Finch explained in a rush, almost shoving Albert out the window onto the roof. 
Albert was left confused but was forced to oblige when he saw Finch’s curtains shut. Albert made his way home, the worried feeling never leaving him. He tried calling Finch, but each time the call went straight to voicemail which only made him worry more, until he decided to text him.
Call me when you can. I love you - Albert
Albert made sure to put the volume on his phone all the way up, putting it next to him on the nightstand. He couldn’t stop worrying, almost staring at his phone waiting for it to ring. After so many hours of waiting Albert’s eyes started to droop, sleep consuming him along with his worries. It had been days since Albert and Finch said one word to each other. It was clear that Finch needed his space, but after a few days Albert couldn’t take it anymore.
“Why haven’t you been talking to me? Did I do something wrong? I can’t make things better if you don’t talk to me.” Albert whispered to Finch as he leaned against the locker next to his.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Finch shook his head making Albert let out a frustrated sigh.
“Why? You don’t want to be with me anymore? Is that it? Do you not want to be the one who says it? I can take it Finch, you can’t just ignore me. If you don’t talk about it how is anything going to get better?” Albert asked, unable to comprehend all the emotions that were going through him.
“It won’t get better!” Finch exclaimed, slamming his locker shut, turning to look at Albert with tears in his eyes. “You don’t understand.” Finch shook his head, starting to make his way to the opposite end of the hall.
“Then make me understand. Obviously something’s wrong, and it won’t get even the slightest bit better if you just push me away.” Albert explained pulling Finch back to face him. 
“Fine.” Finch grumbled more to himself than to Albert, pulling Albert along to the private  place they’d always hang out at during breaks. “Do you know why I’ve never wanted to tell anyone we’re together?” Finch asked when they finally reached the secluded hallway.
“Because we don’t think it’s anyone’s business.” Albert explained making Finch scoff softly.
“That’s your reason Al, not mine. Did you know that if my dad found out I wouldn’t have anywhere to live? Or if he knew he’d try to beat the gay out of me. He’s made it clear where he stands on the subject, when he came home when you were there I-” Finch tried to explain but couldn’t get the last question out, tears starting to fall down his face instead.
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” Albert said, pulling Finch in for a tight hug. “I’m going to be here for you no matter what. You’ll have a place to stay, I’ll make sure of it.” Albert whispered, kissing the top of Finch’s head slowly rubbing his back in order to get him to calm down.
“I’m scared what if someone finds out about us and tells my parents?” Finch asked in Albert’s chest, tears still streaming down his face, starting to stain Albert’s shirt.
“Then we take it from there. One thing at a time okay? If you really don’t want people to know then we won’t ever do anything that makes it obvious. If you don’t want your dad finding out then I will make sure that never happens.” Albert explained, Finch’s face in his hands, wiping away his tears. “You mean too much to me for me to see you get hurt, so I’ll do whatever I have to if it means keeping you happy.” He continued, moving Finch’s hair away from his forehead.
“I love you, and your stupid ideas.” Finch sniffed, laughing softly.
“I love you too. Now let’s get you cleaned up and back to class before you get in trouble.” Albert explained, pulling Finch in for a small kiss before they made their way toward the restrooms.
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