#but man cyber week deals on healthcare???
marmolita · 2 years
today I got an email from a medical lab advertising for cyber week deals and I feel like this is a very American email to receive 💀
1. You can order your own lab tests, which you might do because there's no way you're going to be able to see a primary care doctor in a reasonable time these days and urgent care is expensive and the direct purchase costs are sometimes easier to deal with than your insurance
2. The implication that any random person on the street is capable of ordering the right lab tests and understanding the results
3. It's gotta go on sale after Thanksgiving??? are people buying each other lab tests as holiday gifts? cyber week discount HEALTHCARE god this is so very United States of Fucked Up
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top1course · 5 years
How To Create “Generational Wealth” w/ TRILLION Dollar Man – Dan Peña
Well then I mean I’m thrilled that you’re here, after so many years that were in the trophy room a lot of dead things in this room, and I’m looking forward to being with your group in 10 days, and maybe I’ll add a header to, from assembly, pictures, but seriously I’m looking forward to it, and for you to come back after all these years and see, such a dramatic difference, and at a seminar we were teasing me saying, when you were here, that was from 456 of you I gave you the information, i pounded for a week or so and then I kicked in the butt kicked out the door, no Mentor program no nothing no nothing you just did, just made it on your own and a lot of guys didn’t make it on their own, and so, cuz now, other than hold their hand when they’re taking a pee, I mean they have all this stuff that’s, it’s in the process of cyst, procedures, and templates after, the templates, mm slides and documents after document, why is my remarkable, 10 years later but it’s, am I, silent 27th year, it is quite remarkable and the fact that you saw on the webinars, the last of the second the second to the last guy, that was one of my current success stories, the Canadian even though I teased the Canadian, he’s making it happen, and when you guys go back on your 124, let’s go back to Canada there’s no competition, and it ain’t creating now you know what generational wealth, and you’ve already been a super success and now you’ve come back to, put some fine edges on your model, and to grow it based on your previous, success and based on your previous and current and future brand I mean you’re going to knock, Correct D1 you said that, i’m so familiar, immerse my, watch the video listen to audio, hundred, but, the castle seven, when I can, and I’m shocked, but how young, 20 something, 17 years, i’m doing deals, i’m from, man woman, from all walks of life, different backgrounds right, the different backgrounds, cretin, and the, and I kind of Shame, when we saw the 17 18 19 20 rolls, doing this you know I’m kind of Shame the older generation, hawaii demographics have changed, when you were here at there was a 35, and now it’s 15, 235, and we have a profound preponderance, avion kids, and you were actually the average age, abu, the oldest was 55, youngest was 18 in this group, and as averages a37, and it it’s quite remarkable and ever we had a lot of Canadians, in this group and we had five women which is not normal, they don’t know me at 5 we don’t have one to maximum 3, But the opportunities Hill.
As I said interest rates are the lowest rate in 5,000 years and they’re literally throwing money out the door at your group having to be, we are just at the ideal time because, 75% of all commercial bank loans are made the last 90 days of the counter deer and will why is it easier, videos at the end of the year, because the banks want to pay bonuses, i took a Bank employees is that, ionians, familiar with, it sometimes, see maybe beat, deals on, and they think I don’t know if, sometimes, oasis, about, you know self-esteem, and that’s part of it, but can you walk assuage, what’s the, as you mentioned it so, a commercial., that base model that I copied off of Andrew Carnegie, did he get a hundred years ago, and the old man, Acquainted. It was just out from down the road, ian Scotland he didn’t like Equity investors because it would reduce his ownership, so he did everything humanly possible just to borrow, money from Commercial Bank, and what it is we’re buying businesses to motivated sellers, motivational Normani mom-and-pop, from 1 to 325 million dollars in Revenue total revenue whereas, totally Finance from a bank and if the bank that cannot be covered by the existing free cash flow, then we had a great commercial debt like a Royal Bank of Canada Bank of America whatever, and they are we’re buying these and the kids, are creating generational wealth, well that we normally take 20-25 years, create and 3 to 7 years, 3 years if they do everything right, 7 years of alien, f****** something, and I’m currently am I poster child, is that an out 21 year old but he was 17 year old, josh camaquin kid, who is going to be a multi-millionaire, By riding his own jet plane now, he came to me, as a 17 year old had a 15 speed bicycle, that only after they had that was as collateral for the loan, and we’re buying in various areas, healthcare Telco, are the two hottest areas in Tellico has morphed into, cyber security, internet internet, exactly but Healthcare, it’s hot, i bet I mean is all kinds of species that are hot but slightly sarcastic, mortuary, crematoriums, funeral homes, are all hot assisted living is the hottest and we called bedpans the lowest level, an assisted living place in Country Club Assisted Living where they have golf courses tennis courts, basketball courts, all the way down to bed pans weather, poor old people in a in a room, and the doctor comes at once or twice a week Assisted Living especially for healthcare, my generation is going to die, And you spend, whatever my day and their families, cars mini whatever money the team alive to big success stories of my panties, one restaurant, the current senator of, state of Florida where I was born, he started, columbia Healthcare what’s going to be the largest Healthcare company in the world back in the late 80s early 90s, and here in Britain, we were the founders of the idea, four Seasons Healthcare, which was the largest Healthcare roll up, assisted Living, and you’re up, and again another one of my manatees was at the Forefront of that and those videos of the hundreds of millions and billions, but there is much smaller deal, that have been done in the middle, and the kids would no money of Their Own, that’s the key, no money of Their Own, fairly quickly build up net worth of several million dollars, Are you ready Canadian kid today.
On the webinar, from Toronto I believe it’s been gone from the seminar 37 days, your head to the seminar in July is knocking it out of the park he should complete his, his first acquisition in the next few weeks, any just attended East 34 years old, father of 75, and he saw me, truview, a lot of the kids see me through you can back in the group that it was here several of the kids are here because of you speak favorably, i mean they wanted me to high-tech his clothes in Coolmath with him, pennsylvania, then we talked about, my relationship with you, we showed some pictures of you 2003, wedge, is hard to believe that was you, but I know it was you because you hear some glasses, pimple face, and on the 13th request when my secretary said yes, which is a diopter, To say, understand like I was a kid, i got nothing to, to offer, you know what this, any wasn’t, anyone sing like, cleveland, not the, oh I spend 5 minutes with, we spend at, dragon breath, intense times, very valuable, didn’t notice, from Adam, the offer, but it’s, just to me it was, turning point of my, it’s almost like, having in, i believe in you, cuz I don’t like, beetling believe, tractor, what to do, you got some for 10, dolly Parton, well and Anna and I was fortunate that I am considered a good pic of talent, and I’m a good pic of Rothschild, but I saw that first of all you made the commitment to fly down, and I didn’t even think about the cost of the airline, didn’t even dawn on me because beds, that was not a a small speed bump for you, but you got down there and we had breakfast, Is a couple of a couple hours, and you did, much of what I suggested and we kept in contact over the years, ultimately a few years later, what kind of sandwich you know you’ve been one of the price of my mentorship and, my Association, baybayin, extremely successful your brand is a big f****** deal, and if I don’t say so myself, and into people I do, i’ve indirectly touched minions, oh yeah because you’ve touched, how do you stand to smell the leather, abilities, you’re picking up the phone right, fancy it just do closing, what is the same, spirit, cracked, it’s almost like, qla basic moon phases, the kindergarten, and the fact that you not attempted but you, brought to fruition being all you can be, and that’s the basic Ula, and you hear it in your voice you hear it in your whole grams I watch your videos of the kids don’t believe in them, Enough, you think that they could aspire to doing some of the things that you’ve done, and then you got it, what they don’t realize is that you were them, okay that’s hard for them to Grass because now they see where you are, today correct, imagine, how f***** up, we all buy a pair, and you will challenge, whatever whatever you believe, house, the program, looking for you, oh well they my dad was a believe in tough love, he transcended tough love to get whacked a lot, i deserved all the beatings I got I’m not complaining about that, but in today’s environment would be considered, child abuse continues to beat me up, but the the kids that we have live bubble wrap lives, the kids did you know I had really no week, Week week.
Saab, 11 parents of Love got the job done, we would be having Wars, if love got the job done, and religion in love got the job done today that would be the stripes, any battles around the world, but, my father used to ask his brother and sister, when they said Manny, my father’s first name, angelita Ruffin, come back and waist sister day, well how’s your crack w**** daughter doing, how’s your program with her working out, and how is your jail written son, to his brother about his son how is your phone working, and even though my dad was very harsh on me, is Pokemon, and I’ve been here a long time, and the one time they visited for a few days, and we’re walking we walked into the drawing-room what you’ve been in, and I got my arm around the shoulder and he looks at me and he says, Just tell me it’s not drugs, because the only thing that he can relate to, that made that much money that quickly, had to be drug-related, has to be legal, it’s kind of addictive but their your legal fees legal, and so that’s he was happy as hell but I mean your programs for the kids are watching age, how’s your program workout, how do self help for personal development workout for you, probably not too well, the only thing that probably is a workout for you, is Euro training to Dan here, and high ticket closing, i mean that’s that’s that’s why the kids wasn’t it so much, could you give me an opportunity to make, my name is super six figures, that’s a big number, the most people, most of their parents in Nexus player, and when we’re at the black tie event in a week or ten days I’m looking forward to what I’ve looked at the video from last year, How they’re all going crazy and how you’re throwing money Adam and, and yoga are you going to get my car and all that, i’m looking forward to that end and help, lift their self esteem, little b******, has come forward, and you know and and give them their money’s worth, give me a good joke, and a but I mean, i started sales you and I were late because I started the sale, how does cells help, it seems to me, the ones who have, natural, salesman, south woman, play tent, oh absolutely, because they understand rejection, they understand cold calling, okay numbers gave me understand that unless you’ve been through some kind of sales process you don’t understand that, i don’t understand, and the first time somebody hang the phone up on you or says no to you, And I you take it personally, and it’s not what happens to us in life, it’s how we interpret what happens to us in life, anna and salespeople know that you’ve got to take it to a lottery Jackson, a lot of nose, now the better you are the sales person, the better the closer you are, get last node, directions work, i even get nose and I consider myself a world-class salesman, i mean I get nose I get a rejection, but there are much fewer than when I started my career, you know decades ago, and I ended up getting back to the sales Visa V the qla, the more you can handle the rejection the more you can handle, the other nose, to get to the yeses, how are the probability you going to be all you can be, Sooner than later and that’s why.
Salespeople, the guys in the gals do much better in the beginning especially, because they’re used to, make a note sales calls never made a sales call, canova’s, anxiety, did you tell her you need a lot of, lawsuit, yep, 28cm is not different not all that different selling a product, selling the furniture, institution, and I think, most difficult thing is, because when we selling the product, we could say hey, this is the product this is, good or bad whatever, bacio a whistling noise, correctly put ourselves on the line, when we are pushing a board member, it’s a yes or no they’re not saying yes or no, to a product and yes, correct, adding decimals, correct and that we have two bank accounts in life we have emotional bank account we have a financial bank, most people are taught by their parents wrongly said that you should be more concerned about your financial bank, That’s not the one that your emotional baggage how well do you take, when things don’t go your way, how well do you take when your back’s against the wall and you got to perform, i ended the bigger your emotional bank account, ultimately the financial bank, following creates, generational welfare yourself we’ve been out of 26 years, we created a 775 billion dollars, trulia, 50 billion dollar man suit, but the, fast approaching a trillion dollars, and I’m here to stay until I reach a trillion dollars, and as I said during summer I’ve got three or four guys and gals still working on 23 billion dollar deal, that I’m obviously keeping my fingers crossed weather January 18th in London at the Sofitel Hotel, it’s the first time and I will have given, outside this Castle, in 20 years, The century to try to keep up with demand because our seminars are all sold out this year, and right now I’m holding back, my gunpowder I’m saying when mr. Trump gets re-elected if asked I Will Survive got the two movies, three documentaries and two books, that I’m studying with I’m going to go forward and that’s all out of work, okay, dental Works, consider a sphere lucky, vacuum, thank you in it and it’s great to have you and, and your wife and, and Desmond here I take a lot of time out of your schedule and I’m looking forward to you guys when you come back for the hardcore, jasmine Lister, the night’s not over so I’m not making any promises, choking, but I’m sure some of the b****** in your, remind me choking him program, has strict parameters, hi benchmarks because what gets measured gets a cop, And and we we could type measurement, on the kids as they go through the mentor program watch this, the seminar ends today, and when you go back to your homes are all over the world got a great group and they is my job my time, ask my Endeavor to keep you headed towards to go high for these next months, why you’re in the mentor program our relationship supersedes at because we’ve known each other a long time I get excited, window and when I see these things accomplished, and I just had my 74th birthday in the Paul I’m still fit I’m still healthy and I plan on doing this as long as I’m healthy and, until I reach a trillion dollars, okay, and I’m sure that the my house though hold-ups it’s been a lot of fun it’s this room, is remanence, the previous life and I used to be a professional Hunter cuz I’m not anymore I haven’t killed any, Animals in almost thirty years it’s very significant in.
That was a benchmark in my life now a trillion dollars is a big part of my life to seeing you so damn successful, is another Benchmark in my life, i’m into they said that I can assist you and moving forward as we discussed this week, you know you can count on me and the first step will be, for me to attend your seminar Sallie Mae Yorkshire why but they had some fun jumping, stage, choking some of those little s***,
from WordPress https://top1course.com/how-to-create-generational-wealth-w-trillion-dollar-man-dan-pena/
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Tute 6 - Cyber Warfare
I could not attend this week's tutorial due to some other commitments. But I talked to my friends and figured what the question was. Here are my thoughts :
The tute for week 6 consisted of discussions about the idea of cyber warfare. Students were asked to perform a threat analysis by coming up with possible types of attacks and methods to prepare for them.
Here are some of the attacks I came up with :
Denial of service attack
Man-in-the-middle attack
SQL injection
Ways to prevent them :
Distribution of assets in multiple places : This prevents a single point of failure in case one of the points get compromised.
Use an unbreakable encryption technique to encrypt all kinds of sensitive information.
Have control over operations in sectors like banking, education, military, don’t let outsiders have any kind of knowledge about it
Backup of all vulnerable things : Having a proper backup will help prevent total destruction
Contingency plan : Have a plan on how to approach each type of attacks and be ready to face the worst of the attacks
Strike first : We hack them / or have an insider before they do, so that if in case they hack, we will know about it and control it.
Build firewalls to softwares that deal with sectors like banking, healthcare etc.
Have your own set of responsible hackers  : this might help in a compromise with the attacker if in case our systems are breached.
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learnprogress · 7 years
WATCH: Trump Just Sent CNN Violent Video Message – WOW, This is SICK
Donald Trump just tweeted a DISTURBING video of him “assaulting” a personified CNN. This is breathtakingly irresponsible behavior coming from our president, and he’s going to get someone in the media KILLED if he keeps endorsing violence against the free press.
The edited video comes courtesy of our reality-TV president’s appearance at the “Battle of the Billionaires” during WrestleMania in 2007. The original scene in question was already fake and staged, portraying Trump “bodyslamming” and then “punching” WWE CEO Vince McMahon.
Somehow Trump came across a modified version of this scene which had CNN’s bright red logo superimposed over McMahon’s head, suggesting in meme-speak that Trump’s been putting CNN in its place with his recent unpresidential attacks against the network. So Trump had the BRIGHT idea to repost this immature video on Twitter in his capacity as President of the United States.
Agent Orange used the hashtags #FraudNewsCNN and #FNN to caption the despicable video. We should’ve seen it coming, since Trump tweeted out just yesterday, “I’m thinking about changing the name of #FakeNews CNN to #FraudNewsCNN!”
Is it just us, or does Trump sound like a 13-year-old internet troll who has eaten too much candy? Seriously, where’s Melania Trump’s cyber-bullying task force when you need it?
What’s even more horrifying is how Team Trump is trying to justify this outrageous behavior from the president. Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders just peddled the line that “The president in no way, form, or fashion has ever encouraged any form of violence.”
CNN isn’t having ANY of this nonsense, though. They immediately issued a scathing statement that put Trump in his place like the giant man-baby that he is.
#FraudNewsCNN #FNN http://pic.twitter.com/WYUnHjjUjg
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2017
“It is a sad day when the President of the United States encourages violence against reporters,” a CNN spokesperson commented to The Hill. “Clearly, Sarah Huckabee Sanders lied when she said the president had never done so.”
“Instead of preparing for his overseas trip, his first meeting with Vladimir Putin, ‎dealing with North Korea and working on his healthcare bill, he is instead involved in juvenile behavior far below the dignity of his office,” CNN continued. “We will keep doing our jobs. He should start doing his.”
As Trump’s behavior continues to become more shocking with each passing day, the stakes are getting higher. If Trump continues his sick diatribes against the media, he WILL get journalists killed.
POLL: Is Trump obsessed with the media?
What’s your take? Does Trump’s fragile ego explain his obsession with attacking the free press?
We want to hear from ALL our readers. Please participate in our poll below!
function googleBarChartInit() { google.charts.load('current', {packages: ['corechart']}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([ ['Answer', 'Count'], ["Yes", 0], ["No", 0], ]); var options = { title: 'POLL: Is Trump obsessed with the media? results' }; var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById("poll_values_8587")); chart.draw(data, options); } }
With so many different threats facing our nation today, we need strong leadership in the White House that will guide the American people into the future, NOT into the fascism of the past. But there’s been nothing “strong” about Trump’s leadership these past few weeks: he’s a pathetic, incompetent idiot.
Seriously, this is EXACTLY what some Trump voters wanted: a spectacle. So now that they’ve put a reality-TV star in the White House who’s wrecking the nation from the inside out, all we ask is was it worth it?
Everyone needs to know what’s really going on. Please share this story on Facebook NOW.
The post WATCH: Trump Just Sent CNN Violent Video Message – WOW, This is SICK appeared first on Learn Progress.
from WATCH: Trump Just Sent CNN Violent Video Message – WOW, This is SICK
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New Post has been published on Atticusblog
New Post has been published on https://atticusblog.com/accidental-hero-halts-ransomware-attack-and-warns-this-is-not-over/
'Accidental hero' halts ransomware attack and warns: this is not over
The “accidental hero” who halted the global spread of an unparalleled ransomware assault by registering a garbled area name hidden in the malware has warned the assault could be rebooted.
The ransomware utilized in Friday’s assault wreaked havoc on companies along with FedEx and Telefónica, as well as the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), in which operations were canceled, X-rays, check outcomes and affected person facts became unavailable and telephones did not paintings.
But the unfold of the attack became brought to an unexpected halt whilst one UK cyber security researcher tweeting as @malwaretechblog, with the help of Darien Huss from safety firm Proofpoint, determined and inadvertently activated a “kill transfer” within the malicious software.
Disruption from cyber-assault to closing for days says NHS Digital – because it passed off
British top minister thanks, NHS staff for working overnight after attack of ‘exceptional’ scale
Read extra
The researcher, who diagnosed himself most effective as MalwareTech, is a 22-yr-vintage from southwest England who works for Kryptos logic, an LA-based totally risk intelligence agency.
“I turned into out having lunch with a chum and got returned about 3 pm and saw an inflow of news articles approximately the NHS and the diverse UK corporations being hit,” he told the Guardian. “I had a piece of a check out that after which I discovered a sample of the malware at the back of it, and saw that it turned into connecting out to a selected area, which becomes now not registered. So I picked it up no longer knowing what it did on the time.”
Dealing With an Accidental Pregnancy
Pregnancy can be the most super experience for a lady and her companion. But this does not mean which you want to sense an on the spot reference to your toddler as soon as the stick gives you an effective result. Neither do you want to have an overflowing financial institution account to have an infant?
These are simply fabric standards we make ourselves consider that we want to achieve before beginning a circle of relatives. Sometimes an accidental being pregnant may be a blessing in conceal.
The time period ‘accidental pregnancy’ is often misunderstood to refer to a form of remorse or a horrible mistake. It is usually the idea to appear because of unprotected intercourse. In fact, a girl can get pregnant ‘by accident’ regardless of taking precautions to keep away from a being pregnant.accidentals symbols in music.
If you locate yourself in this example, you may have 3 clear options: What are your options?
1. Taking obligation on your toddler If adoption and abortion aren’t an alternative for you, then you may be going beforehand with your pregnancy. If you aren’t financially impartial and afraid to break this news to your parents, meet with a trusted friend or aged family member to help you with the identical. At this time, make it a factor to take proper care of your health and of path begin with pre-natal care. Educate yourself on a way to pass approximately your pregnancy with the assist of numerous books and online articles.thesaurus accidentally.
2. Finding a suitable home to your baby If you wish to go in advance with your being pregnant however do not feel comfortable to raise your child for your gift situation or environment, then adoption is what you’ll be counseled to lean closer to. There are many couples not able to conceive that could prove to be loving parents on your child. Through the best approach, you may discover the right domestic for your child.
Three. Terminating your pregnancy Taking the choice to abort your child is not a smooth one, to say the least. It has a profound impact on the fitness and the thoughts of a female. As this choice is an irreversible one, make certain to talk to are trying to find expert assist earlier than going beforehand with this kind of decision. Whichever state of affairs you’re in and something selection you are taking, make sure that it is, in reality, YOUR personal (and your companion’s) decision and now not something that you’re feeling pressurized into doing.accidentally in love chords.
Remember, an unintentional being pregnant is not the end of the sector. With a very good support gadget along with the proper information from your circle of relatives and professionals, this is a state of affairs that you do not want to be scared of.
Ransomware Attacks Show That Healthcare Must Take Cybersecurity Seriously
While healthcare carriers and healthcare industry vendors cannot come up with the money for to disregard HIPAA, a new hazard has emerged and is poised to come to be a lot larger: ransomware assaults on hospitals and healthcare companies that are not searching for to breach patient facts but rather render it inaccessible until the corporation can pay a hefty ransom.
In simply the beyond few weeks, the subsequent principal ransomware attacks on healthcare centers have occurred:
In February 2016, hackers used a piece of ransomware known as Locky to attack Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center in Los Angeles, rendering the enterprise’s computers inoperable. After per week, the hospital gave in to the hackers’ needs and paid a $17,000.00 Bitcoin ransom for the key to release their computers.
In early March 2016, Methodist Hospital in Henderson, Kentucky, was additionally attacked the usage of Locky ransomware. Instead of paying the ransom, the company restored the statistics from backups. However, the sanatorium was pressured to declare a “kingdom of emergency” that lasted for about 3 days.
In past due March, MedStar Health, which operates 10 hospitals and over 250 outpatient clinics in the Maryland/DC region, fell victim to a ransomware attack. The corporation immediately shut down its network to save you the attack from spreading and commenced to regularly repair information from backups. Although MedStar’s hospitals and clinics remained open, employees have been not able to get entry to electronic mail or digital fitness records, and sufferers were not able to make appointments on-line; the whole lot had to move back to paper. Likely, this is best the beginning. A current study by the Health Information Trust Alliance located that fifty-two% of U.S. Hospitals’ systems had been infected by using malicious software program.
What is ransomware?
    Itchy Penis: When Scabies Attack
  The intention of fantastic penis fitness is to ensure the penis is stored in high condition no longer just for sexual characteristic but to avoid mundane everyday issues. Since every now and then a “minor” trouble – like an itchy penis – can be caused by something of greater situation, it is constantly a good idea to take note of things like a sore or itchy penis to look what may be inflicting the difficulty. In the case of itchiness, one motive to be taken into consideration is scabies.
An acquainted call
Scabies is one of those phrases that many men understand but they have got only some vague information on what it’s far. So just what are scabies?
Sarcoptes scabies is the clinical call for scabies, and it refers to little bitty parasites. Scabies usually journeys in agencies, and while a troupe of them gets on someone’s pores and skin – say, on or near the penis – they regularly mate. The male then simply dies and is not a trouble anymore. The lady, on the other hand, decides that this penis might be a grand spot to raise her children. She digs down underneath the skin and deposits her eggs there. And we are speaking a whole lot of eggs – as many as 3 a day for up to 2 months, after which she dies.
But before she dies, those eggs are hatching. Scabies goes from egg to adult in much less than weeks, so whilst that first lady is laying eggs, her progeny is also getting busy and laying eggs. It’s smooth to see that this may result in a circumstance where a man finally ends up with a ton of scabies on his penis – and someplace else on his frame, as they are able to unfold quite easily.
Itchy penis
Scabies creates a rash that can simply, honestly itch. In some ways, this is a superb component because it alerts a man to the presence of those tiny mites. The problem is that it is able to take a month or extra for the itchy penis rash to develop, with the aid of which time dozens of mites can be everywhere in the frame.
Scabies can be stuck by using touch with an infected object (inclusive of a towel or bedclothes), however, most usually they’re spread via skin-to-skin touch. That method that they are able to quite without problems be spread during sex, so a person who has scabies have to refrain from associate-based totally intercourse until he is certain he has been cleansed of all symptoms of scabies.
So how does a guy dispose of scabies? First, he desires to visit a health practitioner to affirm that his trouble is indeed due to scabies. Once identified, the medical doctor will possibly prescribe a remedy the use of a pesticide called a scabicide, that is formulated to attack and kill scabies. It is a cream implemented to the complete frame; in a few cases, it desires to stay on for up to 10 hours on the first day of software. Some other types of remedy have distinctive time intervals.
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on http://webpostingpro.com/worried-about-your-online-privacy-mozillas-executive-director-has-tips-for-you/
Worried About Your Online Privacy? Mozilla’s Executive Director Has Tips for You
For the ones folks who believe privateness is an essential part of a healthful net, it’s been a bruising few weeks. Congress currently voted to overturn Federal Communications Commission guidelines that could have helped placed people on top of things of the way their internet provider providers manage non-public data. As an end result, Washington made the already-unsure future of online privacy that much more bleak.
It’s a setback in a privacy combat that’s developing more and tougher. The web today is largely surroundings wherein our non-public information is foreign money. The “loose” products and content material we interact with every day won’t lighten our wallets, but there’s a steep value: Our most intimate searches, clicks, and habits are tracked and transacted.
Replacing private data for a provider or app isn’t inherently awful.
however too often, this system is damaged. Customers aren’t in control of the way their facts is being used: In keeping with Pew, 91 percent of yank adults say clients have lost manipulate of how private facts is gathered and used by businesses. And In keeping with a recent survey from Mozilla, wherein I work as govt director, extra than 90 percentage of members admitted they don’t know a good deal about protecting themselves online.
Meanwhile, the internet is expanding exponentially, threading its way thru our cars and towns and appliances. The net these days is in which we flirt, gossip, commiserate, and plug tawdry questions into seeking bars. And there’s no shortage of businesses who want to look at.
All that is why final week’s news is so jarring. The FCC policies, had they no longer been dismantled, could have long gone into effect later this yr and supplied some comfort to those ninety-one percent of Americans within the Pew poll. however no longer.
The repeal must be a call to motion. And no longer simply to badger our lawmakers. It needs to be an impetus to take online privateness into our very own arms.watch republican debate live
How to Get Rich Online – Start an Online Flea Market Easily
With such a lot of possibilities on getting wealthy at the net, it is easy to lose sight of those which have demonstrated to be effective. The ones are those which have a network aid organization that offers ongoing assist to the market they serve. What I’m speaking about is a flea marketplace on the internet that anybody can installation. In case you ever had a storage sale or recognize everybody who has, why now not associate with them to launch one your own. It’s miles easier now than earlier than.
Community assist For Online Flea marketplace Vendors Is The key To Fulfillment
When was the remaining time you acquire worried with an online enterprise opportunity handiest to find out that there may be no assist for his or her contributors? That is a big trouble for a whole lot of Online commercial enterprise owners, in particular, the beginners with nearly no net advertising and marketing revel in any respect with regards to studying the way to get rich Online. Setting up the commercial enterprise Online with the aid of manner of an internet site is the simplest part of the equation. Your customers need to understand that you exist. You want traffic on your flea market internet site. Without it, you’re fishing Without bait.watch the republican debate online
The first-rate thing approximately launching a flea market On-line is that there are literally lots of Companies from many extraordinary areas of interest markets that have gotten collectively to create a social networking network with its supposed reason to serve their contributors.
Let’s assume you’re within the candle business. The flea marketplace network will certainly assist you to get your enterprise of their listings for greater publicity. They even offer all the marketing equipment that you may use to leverage the electricity of the internet to get site visitors to your website.
What about advertising and marketing Your commercial enterprise On eBay And Craigslist?
there’s nothing wrong with that technique. Let me remind you that opposition is absolutely fierce because of the fact that eBay and Craigslist encompasses an increasing number of the huge variety of marketplace niches in such a lot of extraordinary categories that is hard to maintain up with. As an instance, jobs, actual property, organizations, housing, offerings, and etc. None of these pertain to selling flea market gadgets.
Regardless of the reality that Craigslist and eBay get over four billion web page perspectives a month, you’re better off finding a tighter area of interest marketplace with much less competing traffic to serve your market more efficiently and successfully. by means of having your store indexed in a community internet site, this is focused on selling the standard stuff discovered in local flea markets, you have got a better risk of being determined because consumers go there for one motive best: to buy something from you that they need.
This Is Why Your Company Needs Cyber Privacy Insurance
The universe in which we stay in is so very exclusive than how it was once. Domestic and private lifestyles have been drastically stepped forward.The general distinction in our gift lives is specific obtrusive inside the way wherein business conducts activities. A generation has taken over sincerely each element of commercial overall performance in all industries – worldwide!
With the development, however, there stays extreme cyber and privateness breach legal responsibility. Groups that shield themselves with Cyber and privacy Insurance can relaxation assured that they have got the necessary coverage inside the occasion of a data breach.HIPAA privacy rule
Privateness Claims Instances that could Thoroughly Occur to any business:
• A massive healthcare company partnered with a national service provider to help with its workplace pass. In the center of moving, the healthcare provider discovered there have been some of computer systems missing. The laptops all contained private records of individuals. After consulting with a lawyer and forensic carriers affected parties have been notified and offered credit score tracking services. The healthcare company was investigated and became the defendant in a class motion lawsuit. information breach expenses reached $7,000,000 and privacy liability charges came to $2,000,000.
• An internet retail shop turned into hacked and consumers experienced fraudulent credit card charges. The shop’s tech aid employees requested the host internet company to check the saved server records. The net-corporation located a deadly disease and removed it. however, the breach compromised the privacy of virtually a million records, plus fraudulent usage of 50 credit playing cards. Besides this, the web keeps obtained fines and consequences because of now not being Charge Card Industry. statistics breach expenses amounted to $750,000 and privateness legal responsibility prices got here to $500,000.
• Two employees of a $100 mil retail outlet stole credit card info from a purchaser and fraudulently utilized it for private purchasing.
The employees were stuck inside the act and legal action was taken in opposition to them. The retail outlet store furnished credit score card monitoring services to its consumer (the victimized credit card owner) and furnished reimbursement to her for any associated damages. privacy legal responsibility prices amounted to $75,000.
• A $50 million commercial enterprise servicing employer organized a mailing undertaking for a patron and by chance sent out approximately 60,000 envelopes displaying account numbers. statistics breach charges amounted to $320,000.
• A neighborhood municipality mistakenly published tax licenses on its website, leading to the unsuitable launch of private information. The municipality used forensics services in addition to the services of an attorney’s and a public family members organization. The municipality additionally notified affected human beings and supplied credit monitoring offerings. statistics breach charges reached $a hundred and fifty,000.
Duties of Directors Under Cyprus Companies Law
Cyprus Corporations Law (Cap. 113) affords that every private corporation shall have at least one director and every public agency shall have as a minimum two directors (s.one hundred seventy). Moreover, every corporation must have a secretary and a sole director shall not be also secretary. However, within the case of a single-member personal liability organization, the sole director can be additionally the organization secretary (s.171).director vs manager
In line with section 174 of Cap.113, the acts of a director or supervisor are legitimate however any defect which may also afterward be discovered in his/her appointment or qualification. Because administrators have powers to take critical choices several obligations are imposed on them so that to guarantee that the Organizations’ hobbies are nicely protected.
Responsibilities of directors:
A. Fiduciary Duty
B. Duty to exercise skill and care
C. Statutory obligations
It ought to be clarified that there may be no distinction in principle between government, non-executive or nominee directors. Have in mind that the duties owed by means of the administrators are owed to the company and no longer to man or woman shareholders.
Fiduciary Duty:
In keeping with the Regulation, a Director owes an Obligation to the corporation to behave in properly religion within the quality hobbies of the agency. This Obligation is referred to as the ‘fiduciary Obligation’. In different words, the director is obliged to promote the profitability of the organization and defend employer’s hobby.
The essential Obligation of the director is to act in the fine pursuits of the company as an entire, and this is usually taken to denote the hobby of shareholders each present and destiny.
In an exercise, the fiduciary Responsibility can be explained as follows:
1. directors shall act incorrect religion in what they take into account to be the pastimes of the enterprise.famous movie directors
2. administrators must act in accordance with business enterprise’s charter,
E. The memorandum of articles and association, and shall exercise their powers only for the functions allowed by means of Regulation.
3. directors need to now not use corporation belongings, records or opportunity for their very own or absolutely everyone else’s interest, except allowed to by using the corporation’s constitution or in particular cases in which such use has been disclosed to the enterprise in fashionable assembly and the company has authorized it.
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://webpostingpro.com/worried-about-your-online-privacy-mozillas-executive-director-has-tips-for-you/
Worried About Your Online Privacy? Mozilla’s Executive Director Has Tips for You
For the ones folks who believe privateness is an essential part of a healthful net, it’s been a bruising few weeks. Congress currently voted to overturn Federal Communications Commission guidelines that could have helped placed people on top of things of the way their internet provider providers manage non-public data. As an end result, Washington made the already-unsure future of online privacy that much more bleak.
It’s a setback in a privacy combat that’s developing more and tougher. The web today is largely surroundings wherein our non-public information is foreign money. The “loose” products and content material we interact with every day won’t lighten our wallets, but there’s a steep value: Our most intimate searches, clicks, and habits are tracked and transacted.
Replacing private data for a provider or app isn’t inherently awful.
however too often, this system is damaged. Customers aren’t in control of the way their facts is being used: In keeping with Pew, 91 percent of yank adults say clients have lost manipulate of how private facts is gathered and used by businesses. And In keeping with a recent survey from Mozilla, wherein I work as govt director, extra than 90 percentage of members admitted they don’t know a good deal about protecting themselves online.
Meanwhile, the internet is expanding exponentially, threading its way thru our cars and towns and appliances. The net these days is in which we flirt, gossip, commiserate, and plug tawdry questions into seeking bars. And there’s no shortage of businesses who want to look at.
All that is why final week’s news is so jarring. The FCC policies, had they no longer been dismantled, could have long gone into effect later this yr and supplied some comfort to those ninety-one percent of Americans within the Pew poll. however no longer.
The repeal must be a call to motion. And no longer simply to badger our lawmakers. It needs to be an impetus to take online privateness into our very own arms.watch republican debate live
How to Get Rich Online – Start an Online Flea Market Easily
With such a lot of possibilities on getting wealthy at the net, it is easy to lose sight of those which have demonstrated to be effective. The ones are those which have a network aid organization that offers ongoing assist to the market they serve. What I’m speaking about is a flea marketplace on the internet that anybody can installation. In case you ever had a storage sale or recognize everybody who has, why now not associate with them to launch one your own. It’s miles easier now than earlier than.
Community assist For Online Flea marketplace Vendors Is The key To Fulfillment
When was the remaining time you acquire worried with an online enterprise opportunity handiest to find out that there may be no assist for his or her contributors? That is a big trouble for a whole lot of Online commercial enterprise owners, in particular, the beginners with nearly no net advertising and marketing revel in any respect with regards to studying the way to get rich Online. Setting up the commercial enterprise Online with the aid of manner of an internet site is the simplest part of the equation. Your customers need to understand that you exist. You want traffic on your flea market internet site. Without it, you’re fishing Without bait.watch the republican debate online
The first-rate thing approximately launching a flea market On-line is that there are literally lots of Companies from many extraordinary areas of interest markets that have gotten collectively to create a social networking network with its supposed reason to serve their contributors.
Let’s assume you’re within the candle business. The flea marketplace network will certainly assist you to get your enterprise of their listings for greater publicity. They even offer all the marketing equipment that you may use to leverage the electricity of the internet to get site visitors to your website.
What about advertising and marketing Your commercial enterprise On eBay And Craigslist?
there’s nothing wrong with that technique. Let me remind you that opposition is absolutely fierce because of the fact that eBay and Craigslist encompasses an increasing number of the huge variety of marketplace niches in such a lot of extraordinary categories that is hard to maintain up with. As an instance, jobs, actual property, organizations, housing, offerings, and etc. None of these pertain to selling flea market gadgets.
Regardless of the reality that Craigslist and eBay get over four billion web page perspectives a month, you’re better off finding a tighter area of interest marketplace with much less competing traffic to serve your market more efficiently and successfully. by means of having your store indexed in a community internet site, this is focused on selling the standard stuff discovered in local flea markets, you have got a better risk of being determined because consumers go there for one motive best: to buy something from you that they need.
This Is Why Your Company Needs Cyber Privacy Insurance
The universe in which we stay in is so very exclusive than how it was once. Domestic and private lifestyles have been drastically stepped forward.The general distinction in our gift lives is specific obtrusive inside the way wherein business conducts activities. A generation has taken over sincerely each element of commercial overall performance in all industries – worldwide!
With the development, however, there stays extreme cyber and privateness breach legal responsibility. Groups that shield themselves with Cyber and privacy Insurance can relaxation assured that they have got the necessary coverage inside the occasion of a data breach.HIPAA privacy rule
Privateness Claims Instances that could Thoroughly Occur to any business:
• A massive healthcare company partnered with a national service provider to help with its workplace pass. In the center of moving, the healthcare provider discovered there have been some of computer systems missing. The laptops all contained private records of individuals. After consulting with a lawyer and forensic carriers affected parties have been notified and offered credit score tracking services. The healthcare company was investigated and became the defendant in a class motion lawsuit. information breach expenses reached $7,000,000 and privacy liability charges came to $2,000,000.
• An internet retail shop turned into hacked and consumers experienced fraudulent credit card charges. The shop’s tech aid employees requested the host internet company to check the saved server records. The net-corporation located a deadly disease and removed it. however, the breach compromised the privacy of virtually a million records, plus fraudulent usage of 50 credit playing cards. Besides this, the web keeps obtained fines and consequences because of now not being Charge Card Industry. statistics breach expenses amounted to $750,000 and privateness legal responsibility prices got here to $500,000.
• Two employees of a $100 mil retail outlet stole credit card info from a purchaser and fraudulently utilized it for private purchasing.
The employees were stuck inside the act and legal action was taken in opposition to them. The retail outlet store furnished credit score card monitoring services to its consumer (the victimized credit card owner) and furnished reimbursement to her for any associated damages. privacy legal responsibility prices amounted to $75,000.
• A $50 million commercial enterprise servicing employer organized a mailing undertaking for a patron and by chance sent out approximately 60,000 envelopes displaying account numbers. statistics breach charges amounted to $320,000.
• A neighborhood municipality mistakenly published tax licenses on its website, leading to the unsuitable launch of private information. The municipality used forensics services in addition to the services of an attorney’s and a public family members organization. The municipality additionally notified affected human beings and supplied credit monitoring offerings. statistics breach charges reached $a hundred and fifty,000.
Duties of Directors Under Cyprus Companies Law
Cyprus Corporations Law (Cap. 113) affords that every private corporation shall have at least one director and every public agency shall have as a minimum two directors (s.one hundred seventy). Moreover, every corporation must have a secretary and a sole director shall not be also secretary. However, within the case of a single-member personal liability organization, the sole director can be additionally the organization secretary (s.171).director vs manager
In line with section 174 of Cap.113, the acts of a director or supervisor are legitimate however any defect which may also afterward be discovered in his/her appointment or qualification. Because administrators have powers to take critical choices several obligations are imposed on them so that to guarantee that the Organizations’ hobbies are nicely protected.
Responsibilities of directors:
A. Fiduciary Duty
B. Duty to exercise skill and care
C. Statutory obligations
It ought to be clarified that there may be no distinction in principle between government, non-executive or nominee directors. Have in mind that the duties owed by means of the administrators are owed to the company and no longer to man or woman shareholders.
Fiduciary Duty:
In keeping with the Regulation, a Director owes an Obligation to the corporation to behave in properly religion within the quality hobbies of the agency. This Obligation is referred to as the ‘fiduciary Obligation’. In different words, the director is obliged to promote the profitability of the organization and defend employer’s hobby.
The essential Obligation of the director is to act in the fine pursuits of the company as an entire, and this is usually taken to denote the hobby of shareholders each present and destiny.
In an exercise, the fiduciary Responsibility can be explained as follows:
1. directors shall act incorrect religion in what they take into account to be the pastimes of the enterprise.famous movie directors
2. administrators must act in accordance with business enterprise’s charter,
E. The memorandum of articles and association, and shall exercise their powers only for the functions allowed by means of Regulation.
3. directors need to now not use corporation belongings, records or opportunity for their very own or absolutely everyone else’s interest, except allowed to by using the corporation’s constitution or in particular cases in which such use has been disclosed to the enterprise in fashionable assembly and the company has authorized it.
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