#but marcille is so stupid it was out of character for her NOT to screw up entirely
revlushaun · 1 month
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easily the funniest moment of the episode. distinguished by fail girl behaviour.
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doedipus · 4 years
dungeon meshi?
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: the obvious answer is izutsumi, but I also really like chilchack, kabru, and misurn. just like,,, not as much as izutsumi lol
Least Favorite character: there aren’t really any characters I absolutely hate, but if I really had to pick, I’d probably say mr. tance. he’s just super crotchety and doesn’t really respect namari and the rest of his retainers much at all. also toshiro/sureau and most of his party come off as pretty unlikable. 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): izutsumi/marcille, farlyn/marcille, laius/kabru, I think there might be something in kabru/misurn and marcille/misurn too but I haven’t really thought about it further.
Character I find most attractive: basically all of the canaries are pretty hot. I think I unironically have marcille’s sense of taste lol. it’s not really the same thing, but izutsumi is another one of those characters that’s attractive in a way that I’d want to project onto them in a story or whatever 
Character I would marry: marcille or farlyn probably, maybe kabru if he transitioned
Character I would be best friends with: honestly most of the cast. chilchack seems like he’d be fun to go drinking with, and the thorden siblings seem like people I’d run into in a d&d group or online game lobby and immediately get sucked into their social circle forever
a random thought: I put all the touhou shit in my fanfic kind of as a joke originally, but after reading forbidden scrollery I feel like there’s actually a good bit of thematic overlap about like, the border between the human and the monstrous and symbiotic relationships between the two and stuff. also reimu would make a great canary.
An unpopular opinion: I think my “every elf is genderqueer” headcanon post is unpopular with straight fans lol, but outside of that corner of the fandom I guess maybe “senshi and farlyn are both kinda boring as-is and need more development” would do as a more generally unpopular opinion
my canon OTP: again, idk what the threshold for canonicity is, but marcille/farlyn is basically a reading comprehension exercise so I’m gonna go with that
Non-canon OTP: desperately hoping izutsumi/marcille graduates to canon at some point
most badass character: hard to say, there’s so many characters that are just super cool. misurn telefragging people owns, kabru’s party kicks ass when they actually get to fight stuff and don’t get instantly tpk’d, marcille is pretty badass during the resurrection scene and when she kills the griffon basically single-handedly, izutsumi taking on all the succubi by herself was awesome... I could go on. basically every character has gotten a couple scenes where they really get to shine and I love it.
pairing I am not a fan of: laius/marcille. arguably laius’ succubus implies that he’s into her, but I really just don’t see anything deeper than that tbh. not that they aren’t friends obviously, it just feels really forced to interpret that as romantic.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): there hasn’t been anyone yet where like, their characterization just veers off in a stupid direction or anything, but like I mentioned already, I feel like senshi kinda ran out of stuff to do around when they got to the water level with the exception of the griffon arc, and farlyn still needs more characterization imo
favourite friendship: just generally laius’ party seem to get along really well and I love the dynamic they have
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: I think basically everyone except chilchack is about my age (or equivalent) give or take maybe 5 years so it’s hard to say. maybe the thorden siblings as kids? a lot of laius’ flashbacks about how they grew up seems pretty dismal, especially how farlyn was shunned and stuff
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