#but mermaid gang would be really cool lmao
hi i NEED to know more abt your mermaid au (if you dont mind u.u)
so basically in this au, everything is prettyyy much the same except that aren is a merman..
after his meeting with kusuo, it becomes painfully obvious that kusuo doesnt belong there but aren still thinks hes just a cool foreign mermaid.. but he keeps asking so many questions about where hes from and kusuo is already in so much shock he cant keep up the act anymore and tells him hes from the land.. (he probably couldve just told him to leave him alone, but truth be told he had a hot merman right in front of him and he literally just found out mermaids exist ??? so why would he do that)
so after learning kusuos secret (which wasnt explained in full, he really just said he has powers and aren thinks its some sort of secret human magic) he begs him to give him human legs, and kusuo has to explain that he cant use his shapeshifting ability on other people, and the only similar thing is hypnosis, which wouldnt work.. SO kuboyasu introduces him to mermaid magic !! which isnt all that powerful at all.. they just have certain minor spells, charms, and incantations that can have small effects.. so they work together and find a way to make his shapeshifting ability work on kuboyasu!! maybe its a thing similar to saikis limiters, but its like a pendant or a pair of earrings infused with a combination of magic+kusuos powers+technology
and soooooo he transfers to PK!! (with kusuos genius+mind control, its easy to cook up a fake ID+birth certificate and all) and everything else is pretty much the same, including even how kusuo attempts to ignore him at school at first+then spies on him without his knowledge.. but theyre also secretly romancing each other outside of school hours in the literal ocean..
it definitely took a while for kusuo to trust him enough to take him on land btw so they also spent a lot of time in arens home but i havent put much thought into what/where exactly that is or about his family and mermaid friends and such..
either way, even when he trusts him, aren still messes up and almost spills various secrets a lot lmao.. it shouldn't be that hard because hes been told his whole life that humans were dangerous because they couldnt handle things they didnt understand (like.. magic) but somehow he still manages to slip up many times on BOTH of their secrets (good thing their friends are DUMB)
"so aren, where do you live??" "in the sea-" gets elbowed by kusuo "sea.. outh.. district??" "huh??"
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turtle-go-brrrr · 3 years
The gang plays Animal Crossing: NH
I haven’t played since Christmas because my joycons had ~ issues ~ but now I’ll be able to return to it pretty soon so here ya go ^^ (also took a while to make this as I dont know the English names of the villagers so I had to look it up lol)
Calls his island: Oshika
He makes a Japanese themed village and puts trees around all of the paths
There are flowers everywhere and he has a garden where he breeds every type of flowers because he wants all the colors
Only has cherry trees and bamboos
Never time travels (he thinks it’s cheating)
He doesn’t really cares about his character’s clothes because he pull all of his focus into his island, but still buys all the kimonos and other eastern dresses and robes
Waterfalls everywhere
He also puts lanterns everywhere (especially the small ones, he thinks they’re cute)
He loves the Japanese themed items and his island reflects this
His house has a really simple decoration, it’s more minimalist than the rest of his island
His favorite villagers are Bea and Kabuki
He will get rid of a villager if he doesn’t like their house tho
On his island he has: Bea, Chester, Chow, Croque, Drago, Genji, Kabuki, Margie, Pekoe, Snake (all choosent because he likes their house style and it goes well with his theme, except Bea, he just loves her)
Calls his island: Cretaceous
A collector
He mostly tries to get every fruit, bugs, fish, art pieces, DIY recipes, etc
Doesn’t really like breeding flowers but still wants them all, so he visits Leo’s island and steal his hard work (only one of each tho)
Time travels a lot because he doesn’t have the patience to wait months to get his bugs and fish
Goes insane whenever he completes a new fossil and tries to keep one set off every fossil for himself
He decorates his island with his favorites and tries to do a Jurassic Park theme
He hides them in forests, or he puts them in front of waterfalls and puts light spots under them to make them more menacing
There are almost no paths and they’re just dirt, trees everywhere and a few lanterns here and there
Also he puts the fake statues he got from Redd next to the shops to give an ~*°ambiance°*~
Has a library sort of space next to his museum
His character has a few outfits: Black Ninja outfit, Pirate captain outfit, hawaian shirt and floral shorts for when he visits someone’s island
His favorite outfit is: tortoise specs, avocado Explorer’s outfit, brown Traveler’s backpack
His favorite villagers are Mitzi and Lucky
On his island he has: Agnes, Avery, Beau, Lucky, Mitzi, Ozzie, Sparrow, Stella, Tad, Wolfgang (he loves ‘natural’ villagers, his two favorite being the exceptions)
Calls his island: New York
He’s terrible at naming and couldn’t care less about it
He make a very urban island
Surprisingly organized, with residential area, shopping area, etc
He has a few trees and flowers, but mostly puts them near the villagers houses and does little gardens for them
He also makes a park with trees and flowers, a few benches etc
He can't catch bugs and keeps getting stinged by wasps lmao
Relies either on Donnie or on Nookazon to get the stuff he wants
His island anthem is bonkers
Doesn't really follow a specific theme other than it reminds him of a city
Barely upgrade his house (he can't decorate it so why loosing all his bells?)
Also doesn't really have an outfit other than he always has sunglasses on
His favorite villagers are Apollo and Cherry
On his island he has: Apollo, Boomer, Cherry, Cousteau, Eugene, Gladys, Hopper, Naomi, Raymond, Winnie,
Calls his island: Lollipop
His island is super colorful
It’s an organized mess
The paths are clear and you can find them easily, but the decorations are all over the place
He loves making furniture of every color
Gifts his villager flower crowns so they’d hang them on their doors
Also gets his flowers from Leo
Likes candy / mermaid furniture
Has a Rickroll hidden somewhere and he changes it’s place every two weeks so his brothers get a surprise from time to time
His house has a different theme per room
So again, a mess, but each room is carefully thought through
Makes a lot of his own patterns, both for the paths but for his clothes too
Also customize his island anthem (it's either a really cool tune he made or a meme)
He likes the most colorful villagers
His favorite villagers are Filibert and Merengue
On his island he has: Bob, Caroline, Cookie, Drift, Filibert, Merengue, Loly, Tia, Renée, Wendy
She calls her island: Northampton
Really organized too
There's a Café, a big veggie garden with a farm, the campsite has a bonfire and all
She likes putting stairs everywhere so there are a lot of cliffs
Also has a residential area, but she puts the shops right next to the Residence Service Building and makes a huge plaza with a fountain and all
She has 4 loose snapping turtles on her island that she loves and cherishes
There are different kind of gardens all over her island
Theres also a picnic area
Decorates her pier and makes it a fish market
Also the rocky side is Pirate themed
There are mushrooms everywhere in her forests, and her flowers are mostly white, red, pink, black and purple
Her favorite villagers are Cranston and Frobert
On her island she has: Cranston, Etoile, Frobert, Goldie, Hopkins, Lopez, Portia, Prince, Rex, Willow,
He calls his island: Paradise
There's more water than land with all the waterfalls and rivers he puts everywhere
He turns it into a beach / summer heaven
Bridges everwhere
It's very light and colorful, and what he doesn't organize he makes it up in decorations and banners
Asked Mikey to make him some custom designs
He made a little restaurant by the sea and a dock area
Palm trees everywhere
Like he has other trees for the Miles Nook quests but that's it
Also likes to gift his villagers beach clothes so they would wear it and keep the theme going
Has a lot of aquariums in his house as well as a few mermaid furniture
His favorite villagers are Audie and Whitney
On his island he has: Audie, Bud, Canberra, Chai, Diana, Flora, Melba, Piper, Reneigh, Whitney
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albatris · 7 years
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so I heard there’s an oc promothon shindig going down over at @charlesoberonn and honestly you all know I will throw myself headfirst into anything of the sort soooo yep 
Anyway some of you know this merry band of losers already, Penwright, Horrie and Grace, a ragtag gang of enby kids who are so bad with directions they accidentally catch a bus into another dimension instead of their local shopping mall. They wind up in a bizarre sci-fi otherworld where people’s wandering thoughts and daydreams directly alter reality - an ever-shifting mess of a universe where nothing makes sense, nothing is consistent, and stratocumulus clouds are particularly skilled at origami. Shenanigans ensue.
I’m gonna ramble about the characters more under the cut ‘cause I don’t want to get too long on your dashboards lmao
From left to right:
Penwright Fitzpatrick, or Fitzwilliam, or Fitzgerald (it fluctuates - xe’s often affectionately referred to as just “Fitz”). Budding explorer, teller of bad jokes and dabbler-in of necromancy, Penwright is famous for xir uncanny ability to remain cool, calm and collected under pressure. This is less because xe’s a badass as most believe, and more because xe straight-up never has any idea what’s going on and usually doesn’t realise xe was even under pressure at all till a week later. Xe spends their days mapping unexplored lands and documenting wildlife, and would rather hang out with xir BFF Lancelot the bearded dragon than you. Nonetheless, an incredibly loyal and compassionate friend if you can peel back the layers of awkwardess.
Horatio “Horrie” Odell, avid sailor and haver of all manner of vague and unspecific sci-fi gadgets, named after a guy I know on facebook who owns a cool sword. Loud, boisterous and an inventor at heart, Horrie is driven by a desire to understand as much of the world as possible and is perhaps physically incapable of half-assing anything. They’re constantly jumping from project to project, from shenanigan to wilder shenanigan, searching for new ways to create and push reality to its limits. They’re unpredictable at times, but they’ve got a big heart and lots of love to give, and also a multi-functional robot arm, and a mermaid girlfriend.
And then Grace/Grayson LaTrobe, professional pain in the ass to draw, because I don’t actually… really know what he looks like? He doesn’t really look like anything? He sometimes doesn’t even exist, his mind wanders and he just forgets to. He’s a bit like that. Anyway. Sci-fi movie enthusiast, owner of too many wristbands, definitely an aesthetic blogger. Grace is curious and thoughtful and shy, easily stressed out but still determined to do his best with his lot in life. He spends a lot of time poking around various wildernesses, befriending other people’s forgotten creations and becoming one with the universe, and such. He’s entirely nonverbal and doesn’t like to be out and about without his face covered somehow, usually with a literal space helmet because it looks cool. Grayson has also been more or less adopted by a secret legion of tiny frog assassins. He is not sure how or why.
anyway those are my ridiculous children I love them thank you for listening
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