#but moreover evidence that jo never got to teach aoki how to shave so sad so tragic. dude probably insisted he could do it himself
Honestly I would buy that Jo speedran going gray... I mean, RGGJo did, and he's the youngest dude in the series to other than Takechi, but Takechi's aging and de-aging may as well have been supernatural. Compared to Y7Jo, RGGJo doesn't really even have anything to stress about (that we're aware of) other than Why Isn't Arakawa Chairman Yet lol
BUT YEAH FOR REAL Arakawa was SO ready with the jokes regardless of who crosses that line first, I love him 😭 it really is so special to get to grow old with someone isn't it... I can't think of another yakuza duo who did the same and were in each other's lives the whole time. I just wish Arakawa was able to live out his retirement in peace but Oh Well.....................
Completely unrelated and I know I just caught him mid-sentence here but I simply enjoy this image... I go 😬whenever Aoki is saying some bullshit too king... I feel like Jo's beard shadow is very rarely as apparent as it is in lighting like this too (same for Aoki), so I am noting it down. Uhhh I don't remember where I was going with this have some scruffy Tsutsumis
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with only one of the two arakawas to worry about in rggo, it all adds up that only half his hair would become pearl white </3
i have the memory of an avocado but im 90% sure arakawa and jo were the only yakuza to actually live the duration of their lives together.... and that coulda continued if. yk. 👁️👁️ <- pain
HONESTLY for a while i thought tsutsumi wasn't really capable of growing facial hair with how clean his face was in a lot of things (though VERY MUCH evidently that isnt the case: he's just. really good at shaving i guess. or im blind LMAO). in that regard, it's funny/neat that on aoki's model, the stubble along his jaw and chin is a lot more apparent compared to the faint shadow on jo's upper lip
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