#but most of the spirit junk is only seen by select chosen ones so you can't blame aubri
tinycrow · 3 years
Mama Fortuna
C-05: Trouble in Paradise
Note: This chapter just didn’t want to be written for some reason.
Though things hadn’t gone exactly to plan, they now had allies, resources, and a base of operations. The soldiers had honoured them with their bravery during the Mission City fiasco, and after the Decepticons were forced to retreat, Optimus Prime discussed with the appropriate human officials the importance of defence against the new threat.
Mission City remained a reminder to both humans and Autobots as to how important it was to unite against the Decepticon threat. NEST was born, and a new base was chosen.
Megatron’s body was buried in the ocean. The remaining shard was put under human protections after intense debate. It wasn’t ideal, but in the end, there wasn’t a better suggestion.
Guardians were chosen for the select humans that they had grown close to. Ironhide had gone with Major Lennox, and Bumblebee requested to stay with Sam Witwicky.
While Cybertronian life was a secret from most humans, there was hope that Earth could become a second home.
Oh my god.
I kneel next to the woman and put my index and ring finger to her throat to check for her pulse. Finding it, I then put my ear near her mouth to listen for breathing. She’s not breathing. I need to call for help.
What’s stopping me? I glance at the huge and lifeless metal body of an alien nearby. Being in a less populated part of town, there are no other witnesses, as far as I know. However, this woman needs help, and I cannot call for an ambulance or the police. It would call all sorts of attention, and none of it good.
There’s gotta be something I can do. I hover my shaking hands over the woman’s body. She’s organic. There is no way this is going to work. But I’m going to try anyway.
A quick flash lights the walls of the nearby buildings. In that brief moment, I can feel this woman’s spirit, such a kind and generous spirit, as my power moves through her body to fix the damage to her lungs. She’s changing. There was no other way about it. I feel regret for what I have done, but I remind myself that I have limited options.
The woman takes a gasping breath but doesn’t open her eyes. In relief, I then turn to my next problem. The alien.
What in the world am I going to do with this?
Hands still shaking, a grim expression forms on my face as I consider my options. If I heal him, he will just come after me and my family. If I don’t, someone will eventually notice the body and a different kind of attention will come here. I could bury him, maybe. It might be hard, considering how big he is.
I stare at the conjured metal spike that is piercing their metal heart. The alien had somehow noticed the presence of my children, even though they were in their alternative forms. As the alien posing as a car transformed into a large mech, I could only stare in panic.
I hadn’t noticed the woman close by until an unholy shriek pierced my eardrums. She was grabbed, and I could only imagine that her ribs were broken when she suddenly passed out. I made my move out of desperation in that moment, and the nearby concrete gave way to a metal spike that luckily took the mech out. The alien would’ve never expected a human to be able to do that. I was lucky they underestimated me.
Swaying in exhaustion, I wonder if I have the strength to bury my aggressor. Emboldening myself with grim determination, I stomp the ground once. Then twice.
It takes a few tries, but the mech is completely buried. Sort of. A piece of them is showing, but I don’t have the strength to do anymore. As long as no one looks closely, I’m sure it’ll be okay.
“Novatron is offline. Their last location was a small town in North America.”
A low growl and a curse in a foreign language fills the otherwise silent space.
“Their course was altered to avoid an asteroid in their path, and they landed far from where we are. Their last transmission reported a strange energy signature and the appearance of small Cybertronians of unknown affiliation.”
“So, there were Mini-bots. Why is this of concern to us?”
“Novatron was convinced they were not Mini-bots. They sent us a voice sample they overheard.” A 5-second sample was played.
“Sunshine, I know you’re excited, but you need to be quiet.”
Chitter. Beep. Chirr. Young, barely restrained excitement.
Many voices started talking as soon as the sample finished. They knew what those sounds meant, and if it was true, they hadn’t been heard in millennia.
“You, go investigate. If possible, bring back the sparklings. Do not let the Autobots find out what we are doing.”
“Hey, wake up. Wake up. Please open your eyes.” I gently shake the woman. I can’t carry a full-grown woman by myself, and dragging might hurt her. So, I am insistent on waking her from her place on the concrete.
A groan escapes her lips and her eyelids flutter open. She jerks awake and away from me.
Seeing her about to scream, I hold up a finger to my mouth. “Please don’t scream!”
She freezes, looking around frantically and then locking her eyes on mine. “What- Who are you? Where is that—that thing? “
“I’ll answer those questions in a bit, but first you need to know that you are safe. I killed the one that attacked you.”
It takes a second for my words to register. Her eyes narrow in suspicion and disbelief. I certainly don’t look like much, and I am seemingly unarmed.
I interrupt her thought before she can start, “Yeah, I know how I look. Kinda hard to believe. It wasn’t easy... look, I know you have questions, but if you really want answers, you’re going to have to trust me enough to go someplace safe to talk. Or, you can go back home and pretend this never happened. The choice is yours.”
“I don’t even know you, and you want me to come with you. Who are you?”
I sigh. “You can call me Ray. Do you want answers, or do you want to walk away?”
She considers my question, before hesitantly nodding and replying, “I need to know what just happened, and what that thing was. Please.”
Her look is so desperate that I feel a surge of compassion for this poor woman. Her world is about to be rocked to its foundation. I smile genuinely sympathetic at her and stand up. I offer my hand, and she takes it after only a second of pause.
“I found this great restaurant in town. How about we get to know each other on our way there?”
A couple weeks later...
“Linda! Linda!”
Said woman sets down her shopping bags in time to be jumped by metal children. Seeing this happen from my station near the stove, I call out with a stern voice, “Sunshine! Ellie! What have I said about jumping on humans?”
“-not to,” the two say simultaneously.
“Get down.”
Without much of a fuss, they obey. It hasn’t been the first time I’ve had to remind them.
Linda spares a lopsided smile for them as she turns to me to say, “Aw, it’s not so bad. It’s kind of cute... No need to be so serious, Ray.” She turns to her bags, waving the children away and rustling through them.
“It won’t be so cute when they get bigger.”
The woman looking through her shopping bags freezes for a second, and I side-eye her. She has been taking all of this remarkably well, but I know that she still has moments of terror when she remembers or dreams about the alien that she saw on the day we met.
“They have a couple ‘frames’ to go through before they reach their full size. Sunshine will be pretty small still, though Ellie may be the size of a human one day.”
No response from her. I continue speaking as if nothing is wrong, “They love you, you know.” They would never hurt you, I try to say between the lines. “I think knowing a human other than me is helping socialize them. I’ve seen them copying our mannerisms sometimes. It’s really cute.”
Some colour comes back into Linda’s cheeks. I smile encouragingly at her, and she gives a small smile back.
I joke, “So, what dost thou bring from yonder town?”
“I picked up that milk you texted me about. I bought some cereal—don’t look at me like that, you need to eat something in the morning. It’s the most important meal of the day!”
I restrain myself from whining and simply pout. My soup seems to be done heating and I lift it off the stove to pour into a bowl on the kitchen table. I look up to see Linda taking some metal scraps out of her bag.
“Woah, what’s that you got there?”
“Some junk we were going to throw away. I thought you’d appreciate it. Don’t let anyone know I gave it to you, though.”
“Is that all of it?”
“There’s more in my truck. I didn’t want to take too much or it would be suspicious.”
I whistle lowly. Just by this alone, I can tell that trusting this kind woman was a good call. I remember how scared she was when we talked in the restaurant, and how much I wanted to hide my babies from her. Fear has always been a motivator for terrible acts in human history... not that I remember where I’ve learnt that, considering my circumstance. It makes an interesting read now, however.
“How far along is the construction?” I ask her, taking a spoonful of soup and noisily slurping hot liquid.
We talk for a few minutes about her work in construction before we hit a lull in the conversation.
“Ray...” She says, catching my attention. I look at her inquiringly, but she doesn’t continue.
So, I prompt her, “Yes?”
“... I’ve been thinking.”
Now I’m wary. For the short time that I’ve known her, I’ve known she was kind and generous, but sometimes... there’s a flash of stubbornness, of determination to succeed in whatever she sets her mind to. I start having a feeling that whatever it is, I won’t be able to talk her out of it.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to start my own company. I just didn’t have the money or means to.”
My stomach churns with anxiety, and I get an inkling as to where this is going. The problem is, should I let it get there? We haven’t known each other for very long, despite how it feels like we’ve known each other for forever. After a tense moment, I make a decision. I would stand my ground, but I wouldn’t shoot her idea down until I hear her out.
“I see, and now?” I ask.
I’ve been getting random surges of anxiety when I’m out in town. I really can’t say where the feeling is stemming from, but considering the attack a couple weeks ago, I’m guessing it’s not good.
Both Linda and I decide it’s time to move, and boy is it an expensive one. I pay my renter for the current and next month I promised I’d be living in the farmhouse for, which would have brought my savings down if I didn’t sell the minerals I was creating in my spare time. With Linda’s guidance and help, we set up what would be the foundations of our ‘family company’, “Davis and Weber Co.”. Beside Linda and I, her brother and father are the only ones brought in on our secret. The humble farmhouse becomes a truck stop as, beside the Ford pickup Linda owns, both males bring a couple moving trucks to help me move my limited furniture, the ‘coffee machine’, and the materials I’ve been collecting with Linda’s help. The pickup trucks were one of the first purchases by the company.
I’m not sure what Linda told her boss, but she is free from her former job. She has been handling permits, selling, and purchases for our new company since then, though I know she had help from her father with that.
As for me, I’ve been getting better at creating small gadgets with aid from my powers and increasingly conscious knowledge, though nothing alive yet. A simple but secure communication device was one of the most recent, and we decided to test them on the road to the new warehouse we bought a few days’ journey from our current location. It looks like a standard earpiece with a mic, but has a barely noticeable black square—a fingerprint reader that works as a locking mechanism and an on-off button. The devices send data on an encrypted channel that is not usual for its kind. The hardest part was getting the fingerprint reader to work.
“Testing, one, two...”
“I hear you, James. Linda?”
“I hear you and dad. Oli?”
“Mama, Ellie is being mean,” we all hear on the com, and I resist the urge to face-palm.
“I’m here. I hear dad, sis, and Ray.”
“Mama! Sunshine hit me!”
“No, I didn’t!”
When I hear scuffling in one of the trucks, I walk up to it and move the mic away from my mouth as I bang the side of the truck. “Hey! Break it up! Don’t make me go in there!” The fighting stops, and I walk back to Linda’s pickup truck, moving the mic back to my mouth. “It’s a long ride, and I don’t want any unwanted attention on us, okay? There’s a lot of dangerous people out there.”
Everyone shifts uncomfortably at my statement. Linda’s brother and father both were told how Linda and I met, and it was accepted that aside from greedy humans wanting me and my babies for crazy new tech, hostile aliens might also.
“Sunshine, Ellie, do you understand?”
My voice isn’t loud, but they can tell I’m serious. I get a couple of quiet assents. I nod to myself and hop into the passenger side as Linda gets into the driver’s seat.
“Alright, let’s roll.”
We’re about a day into the journey when we see some suspicious activity around our small fleet of trucks. I turn around to look at the car tailing us, it’s an expensive car... and the only car for miles.
“It’s stalking us. It knows.”
“Just... keep cool,” I say lamely, even as I feel my body tense, “It could be coincidence that they’re on the road with us.”
“Guys, I see more super cars,” Oliver warns.
The car immediately tailing us changes into the oncoming lane and speeds up to just in front of us. It’s done so quickly that we don’t have much time to react. I barely have time to notice the car has no driver when it turns back into our lane, effectively blocking us in with the other car quickly coming up behind us.
“Linda, that’s—“ I start, but she cuts me off.
“—I know!”
The car in front of us stands up, and if it wasn’t for the fact that we were surrounded by empty farmland, we would’ve crashed trying to avoid it. Swears fill the com. I fear for my life as Linda’s truck swerves over a ditch and barbed fence, coasting into an empty field. The other two trucks stop hurriedly, Oliver’s truck barely slamming into the back of James’.
I jump out of Linda’s truck and sprint toward the truck with my babies.
“Everyone quiet on the com and if you can, run! Babies, stay there. Remember, it’s just like we practiced.”
Silence. I’m glad for it as I see the metal giant get a grip on the truck in front of them. I see the form of Linda’s dad (James) curling forward and down to avoid the shattering windshield glass. My legs and lungs burn as I try to get there as fast as I can. I can hear Linda’s voice behind me telling me to wait, but I simply cannot do that.
There are no pipes underground or metal around me to use, so I’m not sure what I can do to stop this one. If only I was stronger, more experienced... My eyes water as I reach desperately inward to that power that has been slowly growing. I reach my hand out to James’ truck. Please, save them.
A spark lights my fingers briefly, before an unseen wave of something knocks the air out of everyone. It even makes the giant stop. Then, they look at me.
Oh, shit. I dig my heels in and change direction. Linda shouts in alarm behind me and I grab her as I run back to her truck.
“Change of plan, Lin, we’re going to run.” I cup my hand around the mic and whisper harshly, “We’ll see if we can lead them away. Head to the warehouse.”
“What?” Linda asks fearfully, but I pat her shoulders and look her straight in the eye.
“No time for debate, Lin. Let’s go!”
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loruleanheart · 3 years
Desired Fate, Chapter 2
Read on ff.net
Read on AO3
Zelda, Princess of Hyrule, moved about her bedchambers. It was a vast room with grey stonework walls and old furniture that had been in the royal family for generations. One corner held a grand writing desk where she often carried out her research into ancient relics late into the night. Affixed to the wall above were her most treasured research notes.
The princess was dressed for bed, her thick golden hair in a protective side braid, but she wasn’t feeling too tired, her nerves shot by the day’s earlier events. It was the first moment of rest she’d had all day. She had been constantly in the presence of Impa and the knight her father had assigned as her guard. The knight, who she’d learned was named Link, was odd. He barely spoke a word, yet Zelda couldn't disregard that he had saved her that day when a large Guardian that had been unearthed at the Breach of Demise had activated somehow without warning. This, along with the increasing number of monsters throughout the kingdom made their trip to the Royal Tech Lab an arduous one.
Zelda turned over many thoughts in her mind. How the little Guardian that seemed so attached to her had traveled from a Hyrule of ruin. Her father had seemed so vexed by the Guardian’s appearance, although Zelda was not surprised that he would try to discern whether the Guardian could be trusted. The little one did feel somehow familiar in a vague way…. Not to mention, it brought with it a look into the future of the destruction the Calamity would bring. 
A heaviness was descending upon the princess. Impa’s sister, Purah had managed to extract visual data from the little Guardian’s memory - true to life images that showed what the future would hold. Zelda had taken a cursory look through a few images but had quickly become overwhelmed. This was the destruction that would befall Hyrule should she not be able to harness her divine power. But, perhaps the pictures might also hold clues on how the Calamity could be averted.
She powered on the Sheikah Slate, wanting to give the visual data a more thorough analysis before turning in for the night. She scrolled through the horrific images of destruction, this time not having others around whom she had to put on a brave, composed face for. As much as she loathed wallowing in self-pity, she had at least managed not to break down earlier in front of the others. The princess had sensed the understanding of her plight in Impa’s voice earlier as they looked through the images together. 
Not only was Hyrule Castle pictured, but the destruction seemed to be widespread. Akkala Citadel... Fort Hateno…. The Divine Beasts…. All in ruin or corrupted somehow, and the fate of the entire kingdom and its people were bearing down on her.
I will not allow this to come to pass… I’ll do everything I can to stop this… But without the power, how will it ever be enough?
Despair and dread were starting to set in as it often did more and more over the years. She’d already tried everything she could up until now, and still, the power that should have come so naturally seemed to be impossible to find within herself. And the longer her power remained dormant, the more frustrated and cold her father grew. Zelda shut her eyes, holding her hand over her face, trying to calm herself, but it was too late as the tears she’d been holding back for hours broke forth. She quietly sobbed, hoping to not alert the attention of any of her attendants who might hear her cries. She scrolled to the next image and then there was not a location or a Divine Beast, but a picture of a strange man and she went silent. Her green eyes moved over the image. There on the Sheikah Slate was a hooded man in a tattered purple robe, but she could tell he was very handsome, even if not by typical Hylian standards. She couldn’t help but stop and stare. He was very pale and had dark, collarbone length hair. There was a long braid that hung in front of his left eye and was tucked behind his ear, and another that was decorated with gold beads.
He wore a gold circlet and a thick gold collar that draped over his shoulders that reminded her of jewelry worn by Gerudo royalty, although this man clearly wasn’t Gerudo. No male had been born to that tribe in ages. There was an oddity about the circlet though, in that the red stone had what appeared to be a stylized yellow iris painted on it - sort of symbolizing a third eye.
Who was this mysterious man? He must have been on the slate for a reason. The slate’s screen went black, and she realized she’d zoned out. Her mind was flooded with so many questions and speculations. Could someone like him really be out there, somewhere? He looked more like he belonged in some distant past foreign to her. Were they destined to meet? Should she seek him out? She didn’t know, nor did she know how to raise the subject to anyone else. Her father, dear sweet Hylia, her father…. Would almost certainly chastise for wasting her time with images discovered on Sheikah technology which had been banned up until the recent past instead of dedicating every waking moment in prayer to unlock her dormant power. But to Zelda, this felt as crucial as researching relics, perhaps even more so. And then it occurred to Zelda who she could confide in - Urbosa. Based on the jewelry the man wore, maybe she might know something.
And just like that, the heaviness that had pushed her to the edges of despair had lifted, even if only a little bit. Zelda laid the slate on her nightstand before climbing into her stately canopy bed. She found she was able to drift off with relative ease, all things considered. Tomorrow, she was sure, would be another demanding day, and she was eager for the respite sleep would bring.
In her dream that night was a woman in a resplendent white dress, and Zelda sensed she was connected with her. Was this Hylia, the goddess whose blood was said to run through her veins? The goddess smiled to herself in a dreamy way, absorbed in her song as her fingers moved along the strings of a small harp. The goddesses appeared to be singing as her lips moved silently, Zelda not being able to hear her words. Perhaps it was a lullaby. Zelda wished she could hear the goddess’s song. The goddess seemed so passionate about…. something, but all she could do was watch and hope this dream to be a harbinger of good things to come.
His harbinger turned and left, having imparted to his disciple how it had come to be and how it planned to counter what its “twin” from a ruined Hyrule had set out to do. It was fate that Ganon’s hatred had followed that Guardian through time to possess the one from this era. 
And now, Calamity Ganon’s will can be fulfilled in this time as well… The Prophet of Doom thought. This was all a part of Lord Ganon’s plan to annihilate his enemies completely, leaving no room for victory, even in a separate path in time.
That Guardian by the princess’s side had the means to set this path on a different course, and the prophet knew he couldn’t let some meddlesome piece of junk alter fate’s rightful course. He would subdue the princess and her newfound ally. The thought of destroying the Guardian had already crossed his mind, even before Lord Ganon’s new directive. Now he just had to make those two degenerate, banana-eating goons do his and Lord Ganon’s bidding.
The prophet was elated that he could now receive such clear directives and revelations from Lord Ganon. Had he not met with the harbinger, he would truly be on his own. The harbinger was proof to potential allies that he had indeed been chosen and could know the will of Calamity Ganon, not just interpret it through the constellations or prophetic dreams. Gaining the trust of the Yiga Clan didn’t feel like much, but things were coming together. The Calamity would return and reign down its hatred on Hyrule, and the kingdom would come to its end, at long last.
“I have selected the candidates for the Divine Beasts. Zora grace, Princess Mipha; Goron vigilance, Daruk; Rito confidence, Revali; and Gerudo spirit, Chief Urbosa. You will go meet with each and explain their role to pilot their respective Divine Beast.” King Rhoam’s voice carried through the main foyer from his place on the balcony.
Zelda looked up at her father and responded. “Yes, I suspected as much… I will meet with Chief Urbosa first. I am... looking forward to seeing her again.”
Rhoam nodded. “Understood. It has been some time since your last meeting with her.” The king’s voice held a respectful tone, perhaps thinking of his late queen who had been close friends with the Gerudo chief. His gaze moved to the little Guardian, and his voice became cold. Zelda stiffened as the words left his mouth. “And? You’re taking this relic with you, I presume?” Rhoam narrowed his eyes at the small Guardian that was currently hiding behind his daughter.
Zelda could sense an admonishment incoming, yet she managed an explanation. “Yes. After talking to Purah and Robbie, we thought it would be best.”
Rhoam took a seat on his throne, considering this. The Guardian moved out from behind her as if emboldened by her voice. “I will remind you once again. Above all else, your duty is of the utmost importance. Are we clear?” Rhoam said, sternly.
For the briefest moment, Zelda thought of the hooded man she’d seen on the Sheikah Slate. “Yes, we are clear. I understand... And I will honor my duty.”
It wasn’t a lie, per se…. Zelda thought. After all I’ve been through, who can say what honoring my duty looks like. Prayer hasn’t worked. I’ve spent over a decade dedicating myself to prayer. If I could just focus my attention elsewhere, perhaps the power will find me in a way nobody could foresee.
Zelda, Link, and Impa departed the castle with the new Guardian in tow. The Princess breathed a soft sigh of frustration as she felt her father’s eyes boring into her, which didn’t go unnoticed by Impa and Link. And in time, the three were laughing and bonding over the little Guardian that acted as if it were a knight in the princess’s service.
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eddiejpoplar · 6 years
Reverie GT – Automobile-inspired chronograph
A new watch company based in Singapore launches this week on Kickstarter aiming to insert the spirit of driving in a watch. Samuel Tay, the owner of Reverie, has offered to let us in into the design process and philosophy of this gearhead-oriented watch.
I love cars, in particular classic cars with a fastback styling such as the Ferrari 365 Daytona or the Bugatti Atlantic. The GT is inspired by such automobiles and, cliché as it sounds, the spirit of driving. It is hard to describe this feeling in words. I wanted backers to experience it first hand and that was my brief to the film crew. The video had to capture the freedom and nostalgia of driving a classic sports car.
The crew painstakingly shot the video over two nights (no stock footage in there!). We managed to find a beautiful 1970s Porsche Carrera Turbo to work with. For context, classic cars are incredibly rare in Singapore. Due to car ownership laws and taxes, cars here generally only have a 10-year life span before being scrapped / exported. We spent months sourcing around and finally found someone willing to loan us his classic. I still remember that feeling of awe when the car drove into the compound. That raucous exhaust note, outstanding blue paintwork, and menacing black rims – it was perfect.
I cannot be happier with how the video turned out. It does an excellent job of conveying the spirit of driving and gives an insight into the inspiration of the GT collection. You can check out the video for yourself here. I can guarantee that it will be a minute and a half of your time well-spent.
The GT’s case
As for the GT’s specifications, let’s begin with the case. Reverie’s first two collections had cushion-shaped cases. I hence opted for a round case as a starting point for the GT. There are plenty of watches with round cases around so I had to do something special.
I designed the lugs of the case to resemble the Bugatti Superatlantic’s tear drop-shaped fenders, which is just such a piece of art. The contours of the fender are curved such that, on the GT, the lugs almost wrap around the wrist. It sure makes for a secure fit. To further enhance the design, I added a stepped bezel. The stepped bezel really adds drama to the profile of the case – it provides a visual frame and draws your eyes towards the dial. It took countless design adjustments to marry the elements but it came together delightfully in the end.
In terms of dimensions, the case diameter is 40mm, lug-to-lug width is 20mm and the case height comes in at 11.6mm. I personally lean towards watches with restraint proportions and to me, 40mm strikes a good balance between being refined and being suitable for the modern wrist. The height of the case also allows it to slip under a shirt cuff with ease.
The GT’s dial
We pride ourselves on the artistry and quality of our dials and that’s where I feel the GT really shines. The dial has three layers to create visual depth. The base layer has our signature guilloché effect, which for the GT, is evocative of a radiator grille. The paintwork is equally important as it really affects how a watch looks under different lighting conditions. If you own the Sea-Spirit or seen one in the metal, I’m sure you’ll notice how the dial almost sparkles, giving off various hues depending on your surroundings. We made sure to recreate that effect in the GT. You’ll have to see the GT in person to truly appreciate the way it shines with a flick of your wrist.
The lume we used was also important to me. When done right, it almost seems like the watch is alive in the dark. We went for Superluminova lume, which is really the industry benchmark, for the GT’s hands and hour markers. To make things more interesting, we used two different colors, such that the hands emit a blue glow and the hour markers emit a green glow. It is incredibly easy to tell the time in the dark given the brightness of the lume and the contrasting colors.
The GT’s movement
We had 3 options on the table when we were selecting the movement: 1) the Valjoux 7750, 2) the Seiko NE88, 3) Chinese-made mechanical movement, or 4) Seiko VK64 mecha-quartz movement. While a mechanical chronograph was ideal, we didn’t go for the Valjoux 7750 or the Seiko NE88 due to the high cost of the former and the scarcity on the market of the latter. Option 3 was eventually ruled out given the reliability issues we would potentially face with Chinese movements. The VK64, a hybrid movement which is powered by a battery but has a mechanical chronograph module, was ultimately chosen for the following reasons:
The VK64 has the accuracy of a quartz watch (something which the other mechanical options could not match);
While powered by a battery, the VK64’s mechanical module allows the chronograph hand to move in a sweeping motion and has an instant fly-back function upon reset i.e. characteristics of mechanical chronograph movements;
The VK64 had a reasonable cost; and
The VK64 had a slimmer profile as compared to the other options, allowing us to minimise the case thickness.
We ultimately chose the VK64 movement as it offers the best of both worlds: Japanese time-keeping accuracy and elegant mechanical action.
The GT’s straps
Another feature we thought about closely was the straps. A well-made strap really elevates a watch. In my mind, the leather had to be supple yet durable. Most importantly, it had to wear comfortably. Now, I can promise that the GT’s straps will be one of the most comfortable straps you will wear. They’re made of leather sourced from Italy are just the business. It’s a big claim but I stand behind it fully.
Each GT comes with 2 leather straps: the default strap is a perforated racing-inspired strap, and the second strap is a classic pebble-grain textured strap. Both straps have a spring mechanism which allows them to be swapped out without any tools (goodbye nasty lug scratches!). We also included a water-resistant lining on the undersides of the straps to maximize their life span.
In terms of colours, we wanted each GT to have straps that are versatile for use in a myriad of occasions. We ensured this by providing 2 leather straps with each GT. The ‘Mariana Blue’ GT comes with a royal navy perforated strap and a dark brown pebble-grained tang-buckle strap, the ‘Panda’ GT comes with a sharkskin grey perforated strap and a black pebble-grained tang-buckle strap, and the ‘Rose Gold’ GT comes with a dark brown perforated strap and a tan pebble-grained tang-buckle strap. Each GT offers 2 very different looks depending on the strap you put on, which really adds to the value of the watch.
The GT’s other specifications
Of course, the GT would be incomplete with the other bells & whistles one can expect from a microbrand today. The GT also comes with:
A water resistance rating of up to 5ATM;
A navy blue leather-bound travel case to store the watch (and bring it with you on your road trips!);
A medallion-effect case back with each GT’s reference number engraved thereon;
Free worldwide delivery; and
A 1 year international repair warranty.
I have attached photos of the case back and the travel case for your viewing pleasure below.
Ordering the GT
If you’ve made it all the way to this section, it must be fair to say that you’re pretty interested in the watch. The GT is currently available for pre-order on Kickstarter and can be found here. The GT comes at an early-bird price of approximately US$350 and will eventually retail at a price upwards of US$420. In exchange for your support, I can promise that prices for the GT will never be lower than the Kickstarter price.
It must be pretty evident that I’m really proud of how the GT turned out. It’s an achingly beautiful watch (in my biased opinion!) and one which has monopolised my wrist-time lately. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the GT as well so feel free to drop me an email at [email protected] and I will endeavour to reply as soon as I can.
  The article Reverie GT – Automobile-inspired chronograph appeared first on BMW BLOG
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