#but my ass is NOT keeping the fingers on the proper keys as you're supposed to. it just feels too cramped? uncomfortable? Bad???
leatherbookmark · 8 months
gkjfshgkjfshgfs tried doing a quick littol typing course and i am passable at typing shit like will ease life real but the second it's time to type actual words and sentences the way god intended i'm squirming out of my skin with how uncomfortable it is. i was born cringefail and i will die cringefail unable to touchtype properly
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aweebwrites · 5 years
Warning: swear words. Not a lot tho
Kozu hated summer. He hated seasons overall really. They were annoying and unnecessary. Well. Unnecessary in his eyes. What's the point of Ninjago being an inferno one quarter of the year and downright arctic the next? Why can't they have an Equinox all year around? He sat by the window in Cryptor's room, wishing he had the means to cool down somehow. He declined to have the ability to sweat. It was unappealing and disgusting to even think of. He gave an irritated sigh, glaring out the window. As a Stone Soldier, he was obviously made different from every other being in Ninjago. But he had soon come to be reminded that he was indestructible, not perfect.
Much like the serpentine, he couldn't regulate his own body temperature but the effects are not fatal nor does it inhibit him in anyway physically. He feels hot but it doesn't hurt him at all. So what was his problem?
Being overly hot or cold all the damn time is very uncomfortable.
It was during the hotter days when he and his brothers who also share in this misery, when they were all hot to the touch, that Kozu would leave to hang around the Ninja. Tensions around the apartment would grow high with all of them being annoyingly hot and unable to do anything about it. Yes, there was air conditioning but Kozu hadn't reached that far enough into their savings to afford it yet. His brothers were fine with that and him leaving but they weren't very comfortable around the ninja as yet. They did like to hear when he spoke of them however. Especially Cryptor.
Speaking of, said Nindroid walked in just then, pausing to look at Kozu.
"Still sulking huh?" He huffed, setting his swords down on his sword rack, the Mask of Vengeance at the top.
Kozu has heard of it from their father once before. He knew the mask was not a thing to be trifled with.
"You know, you hurt Lloyd's feelings though. I thought you and him got along." Cryptor hummed as he moved about in his room, Kozu stubbornly glaring out the window.
"The child should have known better than to put his nose where it does not concern him." He says, keeping his arms away from his body by holding onto the window pane and spreading the lower two apart on the bed.
"Maybe. But you didn't have to get personal." Cryptor countered.
He supposed saying 'do you not have a father to look for?' was taking things too far. He wasn't in the mood to admit it however. So he says silent, sneering to himself as the heat kept soaking onto him. Cryptor was unimpressed.
"Look, I hate forcing anyone to talk about anything so whatever." He says then looked over his overly messy, heavy looking bun.
It was unusual for his hair to be messy after just coming from his place with his brothers. Maybe something happened at home. Either way, if he leaves his stupid thick, long ass hair like that then it'll be hell to comb later. Good thing he's prepared. With that, Cryptor picked up a metal comb and a reinforced brush that was specially made for his difficult hair.
"At least let me fix that mop you call hair before it gets even more complicated." He gruffed, walking over as he spun the comb.
He took Kozu's lack of response as a yes, climbing into the bed and kneeling behind him. He pulled the red scrunchie from his hair, leaving it to spill down his back. Cryptor was pleased to see it as glossy as it was. It meant not only has he been washing it, it should also be easier to comb. He set it aside then began to brush the surface knots out. This was the easier part of the whole process. Once the brush didn't hit anymore knots, he replaced it for the comb.
Here we go…
He started from the ends, holding it to reduce the tugging it would be bound to start up. He then started to work his way up and hit a pretty stubborn knot. He growled then gave it an impatient tug.
"Ouch! Fuck! Be careful will you?" Kozu says with a growl in his voice.
"What the fuck do you think I've been doing this whole fucking time?" Cryptor scowled, working the knot free.
He did run into more knots- of course he did. This was Kozu's hair after all- but everything was less eventful. Other than a warning sign appearing in his field of vision, warming him that he was overheating.
"Oh fuck." He mumbled to himself then activated his cooling systems as he continued on making sure the comb could pass through his hair with ease before pulling it all back from his face.
He braided his hair, starting from the back of his head down, his mechanical fingers following the instructions researched with ease. With that done, he tugged a few parts, making the braid looser.
"Now was that so hard?" Cryptor huffed then patted his shoulder.
He moved to get off the bed- only for a hand to grab him by the arm and pull, sending the whole world turning dramatically. He blinked once he found himself wrapped tight in four arms, a stone cheek squished against his forehead.
"... Care to explain?" Cryptor asked after a moment since it was clear Kozu was content with silence.
"You're… Cool." Kozu mumbled after a while, pressing him closer to his body, laying down with him so he could curl up around him, a loud, happy purr rumbling through Cryptor as he did.
"The sentiment is appreciated but that doesn't answer my question." Cryptor pointed out.
"That is not what I mean Cryptor and you know it. Your temperature is lower." Kozu clarified. "Pleasantly so." He purred, rubbing his face against his forehead while Cryptor closed his eye against Kozu's rubbing.
"I turned on my cooking systems not too long ago. I was overheating." Cryptor says, not sure what to do in this situation but he wasn't inclined to rush anything.
"Can you get colder?" He asked and Cryptor nods, allowing his cooling systems to work a little harder to get him much colder.
Kozu's purrs somehow became louder as Cryptor tried to figure this out.
Maybe he just liked the cold? Cryptor doubted that very much. Almost nothing would get Kozu out and about during winter. Maybe he was just hot? That seemed more logical. He is made of stone after all. Do Stone Soldiers even sweat? He doubted that. He's never seen Kozu sweat before. Maybe he's a lot like a snake then. Unable to retain body temperature. That would make sense since again, he was stone. He didn't mind though. This. He had four arms which meant extra cuddling and hugging power. Extra support… it was good. Best yet…
Cryptor melts, purring mixing with Kozu's as wait Stone Soldier began to run his fingers through his hair slowly.
He can still be fully cuddled while his hair was pet and his chin scratched. Kozu didn't go for the chin this time. His hand brushed his neck before his claws began to gently scratch behind his ear and oh fuck. Cryptor was nothing but goo. That felt so fucking good holy shit…
Kozu was all too thankful for the relief from his misery, happily paying Cryptor back by petting him like he liked. Like they both liked. He hoped he didn't mind if he took a nap. Sleeping was hard to do when the nights were almost as hot as the day. He yawned then, just thinking of sleep, his fangs shining in the light of day as his long, pierced, forked tongue pressed itself against the base of his mouth. He nuzzled the cool metal of Cryptor's face and settled with a huff, his purrs cooling a bit.
He kept scratching and petting, even as his eyes began to close. They soon stilled as he dropped off, fast asleep. Cryptor laid their content, despite Kozu's hands stilling their petting. He wasn't very sleepy but he was still being firmly cuddled so that was a definite win. He kept his eye closed still. He could drift for a while…
When Kozu blinked his eyes open a few short hours later, he felt pleasantly cool and rested. Content. Soft purrs started up in his chest as he closed his eyes again to relish. He would have never expected to manage to cool down like that. Or even sleep. And it was all thanks to Cryptor. He lifted his head to get a proper look at him. Whom was asleep. Kozu huffed then continued to run his fingers through his short, fluffy hair, fiddling with a lock as he began to purr as well. He reminds him of his other stone brothers. His other stone brothers whom were no doubt suffering from the heat still. He wanted to- He blinked.
Cryptor cooled him down… Was still keeping him cool. He could do the same for his brothers… Of course! He untangled himself from Cryptor, careful not to wake him before scooping him up in his lower arms. Once Cryptor remained asleep, he made his move. He opened Cryptor's door and immediately headed out, his Land Shredder his goal. Surprisingly, he hadn't run into any of the ninja along the way. He didn't really care though. He set a sleeping Cryptor in the front and got in the driver's seat, starting it up and heading towards New Ninjago City.
Cryptor only stirred when he was less than half way there.
"Ugh, what the fuck?" He says as he looked around, confused as to why he was in a vehicle when he remembered falling asleep in bed. "Where are you taking me?" He asked Kozu who only smirked.
"You will see." He spoke and Cryptor casted him a wary look.
He doesn't believe Kozu's intentions were to harm but he still felt wary. At the very least, they were still in New Ninjago City, a place he knew like the back of his hand. Cryptor watched as the high rise technologically advanced buildings gave way to smaller, traditional buildings that had some age to it. The remains of the old city. It dawned on Cryptor then. He was about to finally meet Kozu's brothers, wasn't he? It was confirmed once Kozu stopped before an apartment complex it appears.
"Did you at least tell the ninja?" Cryptor asked as Kozu slipped out, following suit a moment after.
"No." Was all Kozu ssys, walking up to the building and pulling out his keys to open the door. "Come in." He says, walking inside.
"That's called kidnapping you know." Cryptor says as he walked in behind him.
"It is not kidnapping if you willingly came." Kozu ssys, glancing over his shoulder at him then stopped in the main living space where a few of his brothers were.
'Brother, you have returned early… And with a guest…' A warrior greeted in their native language, casting a wary look at Cryptor.
'Yes, I have. This is Cryptor, the one I often spoke of.' Kozu gestured to Cryptor who awkwardly waved his hand once, figuring Kozu was introducing them.
Stone language was something only Stone soldiers knew and they seemed content to keep it that way.
'Ah. The Nindroid.' The same warrior says as they all relaxed some. "Pleasure to meet you." He says, switching to Ninjagian language.
"Yeah. Same." Cryptor nods.
Cryptor wasn't very phased when he found himself scooped up and being carried off like some damsel in distress.
"I can walk you know." He says drily, crossing his arms.
"Maybe so." Kozu says lightly then deposited Cryptor on a surprisingly soft bed. "My brothers are also plagued by the heat. I would like for you to allow them to cool down as well." He said as a few watched curiously from the door.
"... You could've just asked like a normal person. Fine. I don't mind." Cryptor shrugs, sitting up.
He lowered his body temperature again since it went up during sleep, waiting a moment for him to cool more before nodding at Kozu. Said Stone Soldier turned to his brothers.
'He will help you all cool down.' He says and they perked up at the mention of cooling down. 'Go ahead. He is cold to the touch.' He encouraged and they all looked at each other before a stone Scout made the first move.
Being as small as he was, heat gets to him more than the others. He looked up at Cryptor from the edge of the bed that was manually cut low considering their height. Cryptor reached a hand out to the small soldier and they reached out hesitantly, taking it. The Scouts slitted eyes blew wide open, leaving him looking like a puppy before he scrambled onto the bed, clinging to Cryptor's arm and rubbing his cheek against it with loud, happy purrs. Cryptor snorted at the small soldier. Cute… That is, until he found himself pinned under 14 stone soldiers, eagerly purring and clinging to him.
Ok, so they were still cute then too. Like a gaggle of puppies. Cryptor laid there, resigned to his faith as a life sized cooler. But then someone began stroking his hair and it was even better. They all looked at him surprised when he started to purr- but the surprise only lasted a few seconds before they relaxed even further around him, guards lowered. Kozu watched them all with warmth in his chest. Pleasant warmth. He then headed out and up the stairs to find the three missing soldiers.
They weren't hard to find. They three scouts were all out hissing at each other on the 6th floor, ready to fight- that is until Kozu picked all three of them up by the backs of their shirts and carried them downstairs as they growled irritably. He didn't say anything, only brought them over to their brothers who freed up a spot on Cryptor's body for them to cling to. Immediately, their growls turned to purrs once they came in contact with cold metal. Kozu sat on the upper half of the bed, his back against the wall as he reached out to comb his claws through the closest head. This warrior so happened to have shoulder length straight hair.
"Are you alright Cryptor?" Kozu asked, glancing at the Nindroid face, the only part of him fully visible from the mass of purring stone soldiers.
"Yeah. M' good." Cryptor says, ruffling very short hair that pushed itself into his palms.
The cold he was emitted would have been uncomfortable without their warmth to neutralize it. Right now, with several, constant purrs rumbling like thunder, he was content.
Cryptor waited for them to fall asleep before navigating his way out of the stone pile around him later that night. He had to call the ninja and let them know he was alright before Kai burns the city down or something more moronic. Kozu wasn't asleep, his green eyes glowing into the night but he hadn't stopped him. He headed towards the bathroom he gestured to then activated his communicator. He paused then, looking in the mirror.
Well I'll be damned.
He looked his hair over in the mirror, noticing with a tilt of his head that the back was partially braided, cylindrical red beads holding the ends of the braids, preventing them from becoming undone. They left most of it as it as normal but just at the side of the metal playing covering the right side of his head, he could see tiny braids held by just as small, red beads. He didn't even feel them do it. He gave an awed huff.
"Cryptor?! That you?!" Kai yelled into his ear then and Cryptor winced.
"Fuck don't yell. Jeeze. Anyway, I'm fine. I'm spending the night at Kozu's." He says, brushing his fingers over the braids.
"Really? Why didn't you tell us? We thought…" Kai began to rant into his ear and Cryptor let a smile slip onto his face.
No wonder Kozu praises their skills so much.
"Kozu what the actual fuck." Cryptor says the next day, positively swimming in his borrowed shirt.
"It is either mine or one of theirs." Kozu simply shrugged, allowing his brothers to decorate his still braided hair.
Cryptor looked at the warriors who were closer to his body type but also shorter than he was. No doubt their shirts would ride up uncomfortably.
Cryptor looked down at the baggy black jeans and white t-shirts with extra arm holes.
He supposes he'll just have to deal until his laundry is done...
(Back at it again with the Cryptor stuff. Hnnn I just... Am trash for these idiots. Especially mAh boi Kozu but ye. Hope you liked it!)
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