#but no I’m still not over how happy I am that Soobin launched his own insta
cle-levanter · 1 year
like lately in my UB list, I have Felix as first place, and then Soobin second
That’s how much he’s grown on me these past couple of months
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chronicfangirling · 5 years
Hard-earned affection
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HongbinxOC | Fluffiest fluff | Dad!Hongbin AU
Words: 1530 Summary: Hongbin is convinced that this is his karma for a lifetime of cringing at affection, indiscriminate savagery, and tsundere attitude. A/N: I have the hardest time imagining 4VIXX as dads, except for this very specific situation of Hongbin being snubbed by babies that inherited his prickliness and he can only laugh-cry about it.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
"Soohan! Soobin!" Hongbin alternated between clapping and holding out his arms. "Come to Appa!"
The twins gazed up from their toy bricks. When their wide eyes met their father's identical eyes, they looked away with disinterest.
"Boys, are you really going to keep ignoring your own father?" he laughed, though there was a hint of despair in his voice.
Not even giving any sign that they heard him, they kept babbling in their own baby language.
Hongbin opened a Disney game on his iPad. "Here boys, let's play a game! You like games of course, you take after Appa--”
"Hongbin!" Hana scolded as she entered the living room. She set down the tray of fruit on the coffee table and planted her hands on her hips. "They're not even a year old, they can't play with gadgets!"
Her worry was unnecessary, however, the twins didn't even spare a glance for their dad. At the sound of her voice, both boys dropped their bricks and tottered on their feet. They were only ten months old and could barely take three steps without falling, but they toddled towards her on their wobbly, chubby legs, leaving the pile of toys by their favorite sunny spot by the terrace doors. "M-Ma! Ma, ma, ma..."
"They didn't care about the game at all, they only care about Eomma," Hongbin marveled.
"Of course they didn't," Hana giggled over the twins' heads as she received their cuddles. "You're the only one in this house who would choose a videogame over me."
"I like you much more than any and all games though," he mumbled.
"Hmm, what?"
"Nothing!" He slapped his flushed cheeks and sat next to them by the table. Both boys were clamoring for fruit, and Hana couldn't feed them both fast enough. He pierced a grape with a fruit fork and waved it. "Soohan, Soobin! You guys like grapes too, right?"
"Ma!" Soohan complained as Hana fed Soobin a grape.
"Soohan, buddy, it's okay, Appa has one for you too." Hongbin tried to feed the older twin, but the toddler's usual smile scrunched into a frown and he turned his face away. When Hongbin pushed the grape closer, Soohan backed away, stumbling and falling hard on his butt and immediately bursting into tears. "Maaaaaaa!"
Hearing the older twin wail, the more timid Soobin started crying as well. "Maaaaaaa!"
"Oh no, no, no, no, no." Panicking, Hongbin gathered the twins in his arms but they only sobbed harder and trashed in an attempt to escape his embrace. He gaped at his wife. "They're crying because of me. Again."
Hana giggled once more, watching him struggle to keep the boys from slithering to the floor. Soohan slipped away, falling tummy-first on the carpet. It was definitely the right choice to get full carpeting for the house considering they had twin boys.
"Don't laugh!" Hongbin whined, keeping a slippery grip on Soobin while he clutched at Soohan's shirt to keep the latter from rolling away. "Our children hate me!"
"Oh honey, you're such a drama queen sometimes," she teased. "They don't hate you, you're their Appa."
"I don't think they know what that means," he lamented. He saw Soohan immediately calm down when Hana patted his back. The toddler started crawling into her lap, hissing at his father's hand still gripping his shirt. Hongbin released him and reluctantly handed Soobin over to Hana as well. "I guess they think I'm some weird man living in the same house."
Soobin squeezed in beside his twin--their mother was a tiny woman so there wasn't much space on her lap, and they were both big for their age. They both nuzzled against her chest, babbling as they gazed at her adoringly. Dimples appeared on their puffy cheeks as they laughed.
"So cute!" Hana kissed each of them in turn. "How are your dimples so cute?"
They got those from me after all, Hongbin thought. "Where's mine?"
"Your what?"
"You were also oblivious like this when we were dating." I should have a kiss too. Before she could get annoyed, he remarked: "They really take after me. They not only look like me, they even act like me." He sneaked a pat on Soobin's head. 
"Cringing away from affection?" Hana teased. 
"No! I mean... yeah, they do that too," he confessed. "But I mean they love you too much."
"Ehh?" she protested playfully. "How is that like you? When did you ever give me as much love as Soohan and Soobin do?"
He sulked. "That's how we have babies, because I gave you so much love."
"Hongbin!" She covered the twins' ears, blushing.
As pretty as a flower. He smirked. "What? It's true."
"I guess it is," she conceded. "Honey, come closer."
He raised an eyebrow but scooted closer anyway. "Really? In front of the children?"
"Don't be silly." She slapped his arm then took his hand, putting it around Soobin's tiny fist. "Appa needs to get closer to the babies."
Soobin narrowed his eyes at Hongbin, who couldn't help but chuckle. "What's this... he even has the same judgmental look as me." He sighed, unable to hide his dejection. "I don't get it, I even took time off when they were born. And I come home every day. But they only love you."
"Of course they love you too." Hana assured him. "You're just all a little too much alike so your sons got your tsundere personality as well."
"Is that it, buddy?" Hongbin rubbed Soohan's chin. The baby pushed his hand away, but Hana whispered soothingly.
"Soohan, let Appa play with you too. You know Appa loves you two so much." As if understanding his mother's words, he didn't protest when his father rubbed his chin again.
"Soohan... " Hongbin couldn't help but melt. "Appa's so happy right now."
"You should hug him," Hana said.
"Oh, I don't think he'd like that," Hongbin fretted.
"It will be fine." She transferred Soohan in his arms.
Hongbin limbs stiffened, preparing for an outburst. But the baby nuzzled against his shoulder, short arms clinging to his body. He laughed with pure joy, cuddling his oldest son. "Appa loves you, Soohan, you know that, right?"
After a few more moments, Soohan pushed off him and settled with Hana, replacing Soobin who had been getting fed with fruit. Hana led Soobin into Hongbin's embrace.
"Appa loves you too, Soobin." For a moment, it felt like he would attempt to wriggle away, but he looked over his shoulder and his mother smiled encouragingly at him. Soobin rested his head on his father's shoulder and started patting the latter's back with his pudgy hand. "Cute!"
All too soon, Soobin ducked away from the hug and called for Soohan. Holding hands, the two of them ran to their pile of toys, chattering animatedly. 
"It kind of feels like they're gossiping about the weird man who happens to be their Appa." Hongbin shook his head. "It's going to take so much effort to win their affections, huh?"
"They are your sons after all--oh!" Hana squeaked when he pulled her into his lap. Before she could say anything more, he pulled her into a tight hug, her cheek pressed against his chest and her head tucked under his chin. 
"Noona, I'm sorry. I made you work really hard for my affection too. It must've felt like this. Except worse." he sighed. "You had to make a boyfriend out of your prickly friend, and I was definitely not as adorable as these two little guys."
"It was difficult," she confessed. "But you're worth it."
"How am I this lucky?" he mumbled, mostly to himself. He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. "You know I like you much more than any videogame, right? I'd choose you every time."
"I know." She nodded.
At that moment, her lips were so pink and glossy they looked like they were begging to be kissed. So he did.
He didn't know how long they were kissing before two angry screams rang in unison and small blows scattered upon him.
Hana slid off his lap, staring at Soohan and Soobin as they pounded their tiny fists against Hongbin's arms. "What's wrong, my babies?"
"Oh my God," Hongbin laughed. "I think they're jealous. Our Soohan and Soobin only want Eomma for themselves? But what to do, Appa loves her too?" He pecked her on the lips.
Soohan yelled in protest and launched himself towards Hongbin, who let himself fall backwards, hugging the little boy in his arms. Soobin took the opportunity to kiss Hana, then he pinned down Hongbin just as Soohan escaped and jumped at Hana for his own kiss. 
"Did you see that? They're teaming up against me! They're so smart!" Hongbin gushed. "We made such smart babies, isn't that amazing? They're amazing!"
"You're totally wrapped around their little fingers." Hana cooed, still accepting kisses from the boys.
"Of course I am, they're perfect," Hongbin declared, sitting up to hug all three of them at once. "You're perfect too. This is perfect."
"Soooo cheesy! What happened to my prickly Hongbin?" she teased.
"I think the children stole my prickliness," he chortled, stealing kisses from Soohan and Soobin while they couldn't turn away from him. 
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