#but no edits will be made or posted throughout january. come feb i may return but it will depend on how im feeling
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Taking a well earned rest....
19 notes · View notes
homestuckhiveswap · 7 years
END OF YEAR 5 - Since the Hiveswap kickstarter was funded: A hopefully final development chronicle
via /r/homestuck
Some of you might be too young to remember the heady days of mid-2012. A time where Homestuck still updated pretty much every day. The fandom had rode strong and true through the EOA5 hiatus and crashed through to the unexplored pastures of Act 6 with nary a whinny of hesitation. And after the coolness that was [S] Caliborn: Enter, Hussie returned from a hiatus with a troll ancestor walkaround to open A6I3... and an extra project: the 'Homestuck Adventure Game', and its corresponding Kickstarter.
The plan is this. I'll finish Homestuck some time in 2013 . . . When Homestuck is done, that's when our full attention will be on actual development. The game will be scheduled for release in 2014.
-Homestuck Adventure Game Kickstarter campaign (Sep. 4 2012)
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As we now know, the Kickstarter was a big hit, and reached its funding goal 32 hours after its launch, on September 5, 2012, at roughly 10:30 pm. Five years ago, to this day. The campaign went on to end with $2.5 mil on October 4, however no one expected to see much more on the game until Homestuck ended. Eventually, Hussie paused for two months before A6A6 started (on 4/13/13) to work on the game, and intended to finish Homestuck in the upcoming months after the pause.
This is Homestuck's final push . . . To alleviate some of the suspense and wild speculation, I will give you a very loose estimate of my schedule, from now until the end of HS. Please observe these facts, as organized by this really awesome "html table" I have designed for this purpose.
-MSPA news update (Apr. 13 2013)
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Then a bunch of A6A6 happened. The dreaded, terrible, Gigapause began. Hussie planned to continue making Homestuck, but handling the final section of the story in one big chunk, instead of regularly updating. And also work on the game. He didn't even give a time estimate on the Gigapause's length, probably to avoid tying himself to any expectations.
I also have to allocate some time to work on the Kickstarter game . . . I'll probably have a more substantive update on that before the end of the year. There hasn't been much to report yet since it's mostly been in a high level planning and writing phase. And firming up tons of legal minutiae.
-MSPA news update (Oct. 17 2013)
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It took until New Year's Eve for us to get our first news on the game itself. It wasn't much to see, but one fact that is important to us is that it seems that Hussie had already agreed to create the game with The Odd Gentlemen, as he said that he didn't want to announce the developers of the game at that time. It took another six months of Gigapause to get another update on the game, which was when the partnership with The Odd Gentlemen was formally announced. The game seemed already to clearly be on schedule for late 2014 at the very earliest.
Note there was no target month given, because I really didn't know what the timeframe was down to that level of specificity . . . When the Kickstarter ended, that is not really when development began in earnest. That's when we began getting a lot of boring legal stuff in order, which took a while. Probably around six months I'd say . . . So if we are behind schedule (which may not even be technically true), I guess it could be by that amount of time. But I'm anticipating a major surge in development in the latter half of 2014.
-Kickstarter backer update (Jun. 20 2014)
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The Gigapause finally ended a year after it began. And soon after it ended, Hussie outlined an entirely new plan for the Homestuck Adventure Game, now finally revealed to be titled Hiveswap. There's a lot that was said in that update (available here). But to condense it to one point: Hussie decided to pull development of the game in-house and over the last 'couple months' set up a What Pumpkin game studio for that purpose. Remember that it had been only four months since The Odd Gentlemen were revealed as the developers, which means that the decision to take back developing duties happened very promptly after the developer was announced!
The original plan had us testing the game by this point. Looks like testing within first half of next year is more likely. One major change to the plan I've settled on is to release the game episodically, to shorten the gap between now and when something is ready to be released.
-Kickstarter non-backer update (Oct. 30, 2014)
It took until after A6A6I4 had concluded for our next update, which was promising: Hiveswap had a website (since redesigned) and actual screenshots. Hussie stressed how development had amped up, especially considering that "Back in October of last year we hadn't even bought, like... computers.", and was overall very optimistic about the development progress, both in terms of speed and quality.
This point and click adventure has 3D graphics, puzzle solving gameplay, and an original story spanning four content packed Acts that will release throughout 2015.
-What Pumpkin Studios press release (Feb. 17 2015)
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The future seemed bright. There was an asset reel, a playable demo at conventions, and a trailer ("Have you noticed that we're posting more updates lately? That's because things are really moving on the game right now, and there's a lot of exciting progress to report."). A second press release mentioned a mid-2015 release date (the press release was later still available - with the date edited out!). However, time came and went... and nothing happened. Just as A6A6I5 was ramping down with the Omegapause about to begin, we received more news on the progress of the game. It said that the WP Studios operation at NYC was expanding, and necessitated a bump in the development of the game.
So we'll be taking the little adjustment period this month to revise the schedule and come up with a new date to reflect the amount of polishing and testing we think the game could still use. We'll announce a new release date once we're sure the estimate will be final.
-Kickstarter non-backer update (Jul. 20 2015)
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We kept waiting for EOA6 and A7, waiting for Hiveswap, and then suddenly finding ourselves in utter radio silence again. But something extremely worrying started to happen: in late October, a large amount of WP Studios NYC employees were laid off at the same time - surely a sign that the game was being abandoned. With no official word on the matter, people started trying to glean the truth by following said former employee's social media presences. The hysteria rose to such a point that on this very subreddit, someone took it upon themselves to dig up everything they could on these employees in a dangerously insensitive way. (And then Makin fucking stickied it without even fully reading the post. He says "I'm sorry".) The resulting backlash ended with Hussie saying that news on the game was coming before 2015 ended just to calm everyone down. And news did come:
We've been taking the last several months to pause production on Hiveswap and revise the overall approach to the game, as well as the visual direction, to make things a little more cost-efficient, and more rapidly producible over the full span of the series.
-Kickstarter non-backer update (Dec. 25 2015)
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Hiveswap had transitioned to 2D, and in the process WP Studios NYC had been shut down (the expansion earlier that year seemingly for naught) and development was moved to a decentralized operation with less physical presence. Even though the previous update claimed to have a release date coming soon, no hint of any such thing was made now. Fans were relatively pacified after months of thinking that the project had been cancelled, and turned their attention to the upcoming end of Homestuck. It was generally assumed that Hussie was working on getting Homestuck done by 4/13, and that after that he would be free to turn his full attentions on the game. Our last crumb of official news came six months after the last, in the newspost for the release of Volume 10.
Since 4/13 I have been preoccupied with a wide variety of projects. Some are related to Homestuck, some are not . . . I have kept busy, and do not feel there is much to report yet. But there probably will be over the next couple of months.
-MSPA news update (Jun. 12 2016)
Four months came and went in deadly silence. Hiveswap was still under active development, but from the outside, nothing appeared to be happening. All official forms of communication were silent. The official website hadn't been updated in a year and a half, and still contained screenshots of the 3D version of the game. It seemed like the project had died (yet another) silent death behind the curtains. But suddenly, unexpectedly, one little update showed up on the game's website:
Hiveswap: Act 1 will be released January 2017.
-Hiveswap.com news update (Oct. 1 2016)
(quickly deleted, then undeleted on Oct. 6 2016)
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A launch date??!? A new trailer! The 2D style makes it pretty now! THE GAME IS COMING OUT! After such a long time with a seemingly dead project, things were suddenly moving at breakneck speeds. Hiveswap was submitted to Steam Greenlight (in December) and overwhelming support got it approved almost instantly! Plus, we got the Homestuck credits flash and the snapchat stuff that's happening! Could this be a revival? Wait... isn't January almost done already, how come we haven't heard anything el-
Status of Hiveswap: the game is just about done. It could still use some more testing to be absolutely certain we are not releasing a buggy piece of shit! To that end it will be worth waiting another several weeks or so.
-MSPA news update (Jan. 26 2017)
Oh. Well, alright. It did seem a little odd though, since we never got an exact release date, and the game is getting delayed for 'bug-fixing'. But that means it's essentially finished anyways, so we just have to hang on a little longer. Say, 4/13 is coming up - and three months' time should be enough to quash any pesky problems. Of course, we'd gone back to not hearing anything about Hiveswap, but it seemed like a reasonable expectation given the timeline of things...
So, the game is nearly done . . . Some things take longer to implement or polish than we anticipate, but our intent is not to mislead you. I promise. We want to keep you in the loop as much as we can . . . The next time you hear a release date from us, it’ll be because the game is about to launch. In the meantime, we thank you, one last time, for your continued patience and understanding.
-What Pumpkin tumblr post (Apr. 13 2017)
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Well, we'd gotten another trailer. And an apology. And by the time those two started to wear off, we got what we should have had all along: semi-regular communication from WP in the form of a series of developer interviews, art, and track releases. It was, at least, something to look forward to while waiting. But the lack of real MSPA content of any kind combined with the passing months meant dissatisfaction continued to mount. It was supposed to be just bug fixing, after all! Until finally:
We’re excited to let you guys know that HIVESWAP: ACT 1 has a release date, and it is September 14th!
-What Pumpkin tumblr post (Aug. 29 2017)
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Here we are, everyone. Act 1 might actually be released. It's been a long and hard wait as the years went by, but the light at the end of the tunnel draws near. I hope you're all as happy and excited as I am about it! And I fervently, desperately hope not to have to repost this next year. But at the same time, there's one vital, inscrutable, heart-tightening question that we will have to find an answer for soon...
When's Act 2 coming out?
150 notes · View notes
junker-town · 7 years
Russell Westbrook was the best thing about the NBA all season
Why not? The Thunder star made the NBA worth watching from start to finish.
The Year of the Brodie began the same way as every classic tale of vengeance, redemption, and maturity: with a text message. When Kevin Durant notified Russell Westbrook he was leaving Oklahoma City for the rival Golden State Warriors with that text, the most transcendent individual season in recent NBA history was set into motion.
Russell Westbrook’s assault on the basketball record books has been the biggest story in the sport ever since. Westbrook may not be the best player in the NBA, but there’s no denying he’s been the league’s most captivating figure throughout its marathon 82-game regular season and first round of the playoffs.
This was the season Westbrook became the first player since Oscar Robertson to average a triple-double, but it was so much more than that. Westbrook’s year of inhuman achievement was powered by an emotional core any fan could relate to. He was petty, funny, embarrassing, disappointing, and spectacular, often all at the same time.
Westbrook completed the Year of Russ by winning his first-ever NBA MVP award and brining the entire experience full circle. Westbrook gave us a season that will endure decades from now. This is how it happened.
The Cupcake Instagram post
HAPPY 4th YALL....
A post shared by Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) on Jul 4, 2016 at 10:40am PDT
When Durant announced his decision to leave OKC on July 4, Westbrook’s initial response was seemingly innocuous: he posted a plate of cupcakes from his holiday party on Instagram. We know now there was a hidden message behind the picture.
The story comes from the great Lee Jenkins of Sports Illustrated, who included this anecdote in his preseason profile of Westbrook:
When Kendrick Perkins played center for the Thunder, he called teammates “cupcake” if he thought they were acting a little soft. Westbrook and Durant adopted the term in jest. Westbrook posted a bittersweet pic on Instagram: three plates of cupcakes topped by red and blue stars and sprinkles.
Is it still a subtweet if it’s on Instagram instead of Twitter? Either way, this subtle dig was incredible. It set the tone for everything that was to come.
Westbrook commits to OKC — and gets a hero’s welcome
The moment Russell arrived to his press conference. Man of the people. #Thunder http://pic.twitter.com/APLu9zMGEA
— Up The Thunder (@UpTheThunder) August 4, 2016
Westbrook was slated to become a free agent at the end of the season. He could have jumped ship to a bigger market and better team in the wake of Durant’s decision, but he decided to stick with OKC instead.
When the Thunder announced Westbrook’s three-year, $85 million extension, fans showed up at the arena like it was a game day. Westbrook loves Oklahoma City, and it loves him right back.
Meet Joe Dirt
Yo Brandy where you at?? #joedirt
A post shared by Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) on Oct 21, 2016 at 9:44pm PDT
The MVP race was over before it even began.
A perfect reaction to an angry fan
Game No. 1 in Russell Westbrook’s historic season did not start off with a triple-double, but it still contained one of his most memorable moments. A Philadelphia fan flipped Westbrook the double bird, and he gave us a reaction that can be meme’d forever.
Westbrook handled that better than a lot of other people would have.
The first 50-point triple-double
Westbrook didn’t wait long to start re-imagining what was possible in the modern NBA. In only the second game of the season against the Phoenix Suns, Westbrook finished with 51 points, 13 rebounds, and 10 assists. It was the first 50-point triple-double since Kareem Abdul-Jabbar did it in 1975.
This was just the beginning for Westbrook. He would finish with three 50-point triple-doubles on the season.
“Official Photographer”
The world was watching when Westbrook’s Thunder and Durant’s Warriors met for the first time on Nov. 4. The hype was out of control for this game and Westbrook took it to another level when he showed up at Oracle Arena wearing a pinny that said “Official Photographer”.
This was immediately perceived as another subtle shot at Kevin Durant, who enjoys taking photographs in his free time:
Westbrook said got the outfit in Madrid and that it wasn’t a shot at KD. Sure.
Westbrook dunks on Clint Capela rather than running out the clock to beat HOU
The guile, the explosion, self-assuredness, it’s all here. In a season full of brilliant Russ moments, this might be the best one.
The Shamgod
I have watched this 500 times and still can’t comprehend it.
First try! Russell Westbrook warms up on Christmas Day. RT to #NBAVote for Russ for #AllStar. http://pic.twitter.com/5bqpbzkaQX
— OKC THUNDER (@okcthunder) December 25, 2016
Kyrie Irving had just stunned the Golden State Warriors on Christmas Day with a falling fadeaway at the buzzer. The Thunder were warming up to face the Minnesota Timberwolves in the next game as it happened. It sure sounds like Westbrook yells “THANK YOU, KYRIE” as he ran into the tunnel after hitting his last shot.
Westbrook denied it, of course. He said he was saying “Thank you, Jayme,” in reference to the daughter of a team trainer. Unfortunately, ESPN’s Royce Young also debunked the Kyrie dig.
Westbrook forgets he’s supposed to dribble
Only Westbrook could turn this into a lovable moment.
Westbrook to Zaza Pachulia: “I’m gonna get his ass back”
There was never a boring second when the Thunder played the Warriors this season.
Case in point: Westbrook getting leveled by Zaza Pachulia and vowing to “get his ass back.”
Westbrook on the Pachulia incident: "I'm gonna get his ass back for that one." http://pic.twitter.com/yJDYes2nXn
— Royce Young (@royceyoung) January 19, 2017
Westbrook goes on a 15-0 by himself to beat the Grizzlies
Westbrook went into hero mode against Memphis in early February. With the Thunder trailing the Grizzlies late, Russ closed the game with 15 straight points in the final 2:14 to carry the Thunder to victory.
Westbrook and Durant get into a shouting match mid-court
The tension in the Russ-KD cold war finally boiled over on Feb. 11 when Durant made his highly anticipated return to OKC. With the Warriors starting to pull away in the third quarter, Westbrook and Durant began jawing at mid-court.
You can see Westbrook yell “I’m coming!” repeatedly as the teams head to the bench. This was a weird night in general and the entire NBA community was probably glad when it was over.
Westbrook and Durant connect for a heartwarming All-Star alley-oop
If only for a moment, an All-Star game alley-oop squashed the beef in the Westbrook-Durant feud. A simple give-and-go play ended with a Westbrook dunk and momentarily made everything right in the world.
The best part was how their Western Conference teammates reacted:
If you're wondering what it sounded like on the Western Conference bench when KD and Russ reconnected... #NBAAllStar http://pic.twitter.com/ueqcoH7XWR
— NBA TV (@NBATV) February 20, 2017
Even Kawhi cracked a smile.
Westbrook announces he will become a father
A post shared by Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) on Mar 1, 2017 at 9:49am PST
In a season full of firsts for Russ, this is the best one.
Westbrook on Steph Curry: “Who is he?”
Earlier this week Steph Curry said James Harden should win the MVP over Russell Westbrook. Today RW responds: "who's he?" http://pic.twitter.com/kqeiWJiMrC
— Faizal Khamisa (@SNFaizalKhamisa) March 16, 2017
Steph Curry, reigning NBA MVP, was asked about this year’s race. He said “James (Harden) will probably edge Russell out.”
Westbrook was asked about this and issued a classic response. The eye roll at the end really brings it home.
Westbrook throws the pass the season — maybe the decade
This pass is impossible for like 100 different reasons. Tom Ziller broke it all down at the time.
If this was intentional, Westbrook is a wizard. If it was luck, then it’s just another example that this really was the year of Russ.
Westbrook named MVP by Migos, gets a shout-out from Kendrick Lamar
Migos brought out Russell Westbrook in OKC and remixed #badandboujee aka the MVP Edition. (via @sneakerreporter, h/t @bleacherreport)
A post shared by Sports Videos (@houseofhighlights) on Feb 28, 2017 at 12:39pm PST
Westbrook joined Migos on stage during a show in Oklahoma City and crowned him MVP in a “Bad and Bougee” remix. So that settles that.
Westbrook was also named dropped in a new song by Kendrick Lamar.
Tables turned, lesson learned, my best look/You jumped sides on me, now you 'bout to meet Westbrook/Go celebrate with your team and let victory vouch you/
Just know the next game played, I might slap the s— out you/
This might have made Russ happier than anything else this season:
Russell Westbrook on getting mentioned on Kendrick's new song: http://pic.twitter.com/DIL64V0tZz
— ㅤ (@GoatRapLines) March 26, 2017
Westbrook gets a triple-double without missing a shot
Congrats to @russwest44 on his big night! Westbrook picks up his 35th triple-double AND makes NBA history shooting 100% tonight! #ThunderUp http://pic.twitter.com/dWYfWluGDL
— FOX Sports Oklahoma (@FOXSportsOK) March 23, 2017
In a March 22 win over the Sixers, Westbrook finished with the triple-double (18 points, 14 assists, 11 rebounds) with zero misses. He went 6-of-6 from the field and 6-of-6 from the foul line.
Westbrook breaks triple-double record, sinks Nuggets at the buzzer
Westbrook broke Oscar Robertson’s record for triple-doubles in a season with his 42nd on April 9. That’s only part of the reason this night was so memorable.
With the Thunder trailing by two on the final possession, Westbrook drained a 35-foot three-point to give OKC the win. He finished with 50 points, 16 rebounds, and 10 assists on the night — his third 50-point triple-double of the season.
Westbrook’s season ended in the first round against the Rockets in five games. Somehow after 87 games, it felt like we still needed more Russell Westbrook in our lives.
Russell Westbrook wins 2017 NBA MVP
There was only one way this incredible season could have ended, and that was with Russell Westbrook winning the MVP. It’s the ultimate award for the ultimate season. Not only did he win the award, his speech had tears also as he thanked his family for all of their support.
"I look up to you." -@russwest44's message to his brother during his 2016-17 KIA MVP acceptance speech. #NBAAwards http://pic.twitter.com/RTQOB8BonJ
— NBA on TNT (@NBAonTNT) June 27, 2017
Who knows what we will see from Westbrook next season but we’ll always have the Russ Revenge Tour in our hearts.
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
Russell Westbrook was the best thing about the NBA all season
Why not? The Thunder star made the NBA worth watching from start to finish.
The Year of the Brodie began the same way as every classic tale of vengeance, redemption, and maturity: with a text message. When Kevin Durant notified Russell Westbrook he was leaving Oklahoma City for the rival Golden State Warriors with that text, the most transcendent individual season in recent NBA history was set into motion.
Russell Westbrook’s assault on the basketball record books has been the biggest story in the sport ever since. Westbrook may not be the best player in the NBA, but there’s no denying he’s been the league’s most captivating figure throughout its marathon 82-game regular season and first round of the playoffs.
This was the season Westbrook became the first player since Oscar Robertson to average a triple-double, but it was so much more than that. Westbrook’s year of inhuman achievement was powered by an emotional core any fan could relate to. He was petty, funny, embarrassing, disappointing, and spectacular, often all at the same time.
Westbrook gave us a season that will endure decades from now. This is how it happened.
The Cupcake Instagram post
HAPPY 4th YALL....
A post shared by Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) on Jul 4, 2016 at 10:40am PDT
When Durant announced his decision to leave OKC on July 4, Westbrook’s initial response was seemingly innocuous: he posted a plate of cupcakes from his holiday party on Instagram. We know now there was a hidden message behind the picture.
The story comes from the great Lee Jenkins of Sports Illustrated, who included this anecdote in his preseason profile of Westbrook:
When Kendrick Perkins played center for the Thunder, he called teammates “cupcake” if he thought they were acting a little soft. Westbrook and Durant adopted the term in jest. Westbrook posted a bittersweet pic on Instagram: three plates of cupcakes topped by red and blue stars and sprinkles.
Is it still a subtweet if it’s on Instagram instead of Twitter? Either way, this subtle dig was incredible. It set the tone for everything that was to come.
Westbrook commits to OKC — and gets a hero’s welcome
The moment Russell arrived to his press conference. Man of the people. #Thunder http://pic.twitter.com/APLu9zMGEA
— Up The Thunder (@UpTheThunder) August 4, 2016
Westbrook was slated to become a free agent at the end of the season. He could have jumped ship to a bigger market and better team in the wake of Durant’s decision, but he decided to stick with OKC instead.
When the Thunder announced Westbrook’s three-year, $85 million extension, fans showed up at the arena like it was a game day. Westbrook loves Oklahoma City, and it loves him right back.
Meet Joe Dirt
Yo Brandy where you at?? #joedirt
A post shared by Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) on Oct 21, 2016 at 9:44pm PDT
The MVP race was over before it even began.
A perfect reaction to an angry fan
Game No. 1 in Russell Westbrook’s historic season did not start off with a triple-double, but it still contained one of his most memorable moments. A Philadelphia fan flipped Westbrook the double bird, and he gave us a reaction that can be meme’d forever.
Westbrook handled that better than a lot of other people would have.
The first 50-point triple-double
Westbrook didn’t wait long to start re-imagining what was possible in the modern NBA. In only the second game of the season against the Phoenix Suns, Westbrook finished with 51 points, 13 rebounds, and 10 assists. It was the first 50-point triple-double since Kareem Abdul-Jabbar did it in 1975.
This was just the beginning for Westbrook. He would finish with three 50-point triple-doubles on the season.
“Official Photographer”
The world was watching when Westbrook’s Thunder and Durant’s Warriors met for the first time on Nov. 4. The hype was out of control for this game and Westbrook took it to another level when he showed up at Oracle Arena wearing a pinny that said “Official Photographer”.
This was immediately perceived as another subtle shot at Kevin Durant, who enjoys taking photographs in his free time:
Westbrook said got the outfit in Madrid and that it wasn’t a shot at KD. Sure.
Westbrook dunks on Clint Capela rather than running out the clock to beat HOU
The guile, the explosion, self-assuredness, it’s all here. In a season full of brilliant Russ moments, this might be the best one.
The Shamgod
I have watched this 500 times and still can’t comprehend it.
First try! Russell Westbrook warms up on Christmas Day. RT to #NBAVote for Russ for #AllStar. http://pic.twitter.com/5bqpbzkaQX
— OKC THUNDER (@okcthunder) December 25, 2016
Kyrie Irving had just stunned the Golden State Warriors on Christmas Day with a falling fadeaway at the buzzer. The Thunder were warming up to face the Minnesota Timberwolves in the next game as it happened. It sure sounds like Westbrook yells “THANK YOU, KYRIE” as he ran into the tunnel after hitting his last shot.
Westbrook denied it, of course. He said he was saying “Thank you, Jayme,” in reference to the daughter of a team trainer. Unfortunately, ESPN’s Royce Young also debunked the Kyrie dig.
Westbrook forgets he’s supposed to dribble
Only Westbrook could turn this into a lovable moment.
Westbrook to Zaza Pachulia: “I’m gonna get his ass back”
There was never a boring second when the Thunder played the Warriors this season.
Case in point: Westbrook getting leveled by Zaza Pachulia and vowing to “get his ass back.”
Westbrook on the Pachulia incident: "I'm gonna get his ass back for that one." http://pic.twitter.com/yJDYes2nXn
— Royce Young (@royceyoung) January 19, 2017
Westbrook goes on a 15-0 by himself to beat the Grizzlies
Westbrook went into hero mode against Memphis in early February. With the Thunder trailing the Grizzlies late, Russ closed the game with 15 straight points in the final 2:14 to carry the Thunder to victory.
Westbrook and Durant get into a shouting match mid-court
The tension in the Russ-KD cold war finally boiled over on Feb. 11 when Durant made his highly anticipated return to OKC. With the Warriors starting to pull away in the third quarter, Westbrook and Durant began jawing at mid-court.
You can see Westbrook yell “I’m coming!” repeatedly as the teams head to the bench. This was a weird night in general and the entire NBA community was probably glad when it was over.
Westbrook and Durant connect for a heartwarming All-Star alley-oop
If only for a moment, an All-Star game alley-oop squashed the beef in the Westbrook-Durant feud. A simple give-and-go play ended with a Westbrook dunk and momentarily made everything right in the world.
The best part was how their Western Conference teammates reacted:
If you're wondering what it sounded like on the Western Conference bench when KD and Russ reconnected... #NBAAllStar http://pic.twitter.com/ueqcoH7XWR
— NBA TV (@NBATV) February 20, 2017
Even Kawhi cracked a smile.
Westbrook announces he will become a father
A post shared by Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) on Mar 1, 2017 at 9:49am PST
In a season full of firsts for Russ, this is the best one.
Westbrook on Steph Curry: “Who is he?”
Earlier this week Steph Curry said James Harden should win the MVP over Russell Westbrook. Today RW responds: "who's he?" http://pic.twitter.com/kqeiWJiMrC
— Faizal Khamisa (@SNFaizalKhamisa) March 16, 2017
Steph Curry, reigning NBA MVP, was asked about this year’s race. He said “James (Harden) will probably edge Russell out.”
Westbrook was asked about this and issued a classic response. The eye roll at the end really brings it home.
Westbrook throws the pass the season — maybe the decade
This pass is impossible for like 100 different reasons. Tom Ziller broke it all down at the time.
If this was intentional, Westbrook is a wizard. If it was luck, then it’s just another example that this really was the year of Russ.
Westbrook named MVP by Migos, gets a shout-out from Kendrick Lamar
Migos brought out Russell Westbrook in OKC and remixed #badandboujee aka the MVP Edition. (via @sneakerreporter, h/t @bleacherreport)
A post shared by Sports Videos (@houseofhighlights) on Feb 28, 2017 at 12:39pm PST
Westbrook joined Migos on stage during a show in Oklahoma City and crowned him MVP in a “Bad and Bougee” remix. So that settles that.
Westbrook was also named dropped in a new song by Kendrick Lamar.
Tables turned, lesson learned, my best look/You jumped sides on me, now you 'bout to meet Westbrook/Go celebrate with your team and let victory vouch you/
Just know the next game played, I might slap the s— out you/
This might have made Russ happier than anything else this season:
Russell Westbrook on getting mentioned on Kendrick's new song: http://pic.twitter.com/DIL64V0tZz
— ㅤ (@GoatRapLines) March 26, 2017
Westbrook gets a triple-double without missing a shot
Congrats to @russwest44 on his big night! Westbrook picks up his 35th triple-double AND makes NBA history shooting 100% tonight! #ThunderUp http://pic.twitter.com/dWYfWluGDL
— FOX Sports Oklahoma (@FOXSportsOK) March 23, 2017
In a March 22 win over the Sixers, Westbrook finished with the triple-double (18 points, 14 assists, 11 rebounds) with zero misses. He went 6-of-6 from the field and 6-of-6 from the foul line.
Westbrook breaks triple-double record, sinks Nuggets at the buzzer
Westbrook broke Oscar Robertson’s record for triple-doubles in a season with his 42nd on April 9. That’s only part of the reason this night was so memorable.
With the Thunder trailing by two on the final possession, Westbrook drained a 35-foot three-point to give OKC the win. He finished with 50 points, 16 rebounds, and 10 assists on the night — his third 50-point triple-double of the season.
Westbrook’s season ended in the first round against the Rockets in five games. Somehow after 87 games, it felt like we still needed more Russell Westbrook in our lives. Who knows what we will see from Westbrook next season but we’ll always have the Russ Revenge Tour in our hearts.
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junker-town · 7 years
Russell Westbrook was the best thing about the NBA all season
Why not? The Thunder star made the NBA worth watching from start to finish.
The Year of the Brodie began the same way as every classic tale of vengeance, redemption, and maturity: with a text message. When Kevin Durant notified Russell Westbrook he was leaving Oklahoma City for the rival Golden State Warriors with that text, the most transcendent individual season in recent NBA history was set into motion.
Russell Westbrook’s assault on the basketball record books has been the biggest story in the sport ever since. Westbrook may not be the best player in the NBA, but there’s no denying he’s been the league’s most captivating figure throughout its marathon 82-game regular season.
This was the season Westbrook became the first player since Oscar Robertson to average a triple-double, but it was also so much more than that. Westbrook’s year of inhuman achievement was powered by an emotional core any fan could relate to. He was petty, funny, embarrassing, disappointing, and spectacular, often all at the same time.
Westbrook gave us a season that will endure decades from now. This is how it happened.
The Cupcake Instagram post
HAPPY 4th YALL....
A post shared by Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) on Jul 4, 2016 at 10:40am PDT
When Durant announced his decision to leave OKC on July 4, Westbrook’s initial response was seemingly innocuous: he posted a plate of cupcakes from his holiday part yon Instagram. We know now there was a hidden message behind the picture.
The story comes from the great Lee Jenkins of Sports Illustrated, who included this anecdote in his preseason profile of Westbrook:
When Kendrick Perkins played center for the Thunder, he called teammates “cupcake” if he thought they were acting a little soft. Westbrook and Durant adopted the term in jest. Westbrook posted a bittersweet pic on Instagram: three plates of cupcakes topped by red and blue stars and sprinkles.
Is it still a subtweet if it’s on Instagram instead of Twitter? Either way, this subtle dig was incredible. It set the tone for everything that was to come.
Westbrook commits to OKC — and gets a hero’s welcome
The moment Russell arrived to his press conference. Man of the people. #Thunder http://pic.twitter.com/APLu9zMGEA
— Up The Thunder (@UpTheThunder) August 4, 2016
Westbrook was slated to become a free agent at the end of the season. He could have jumped ship to a bigger market and better team in the wake of Durant’s decision, but he decided to stick with OKC instead.
When the Thunder announced Westbrook’s three-year, $85 million extension, fans showed up at the arena like it was a game day. Westbrook loves Oklahoma City, and it loves him right back.
Meet Joe Dirt
Yo Brandy where you at?? #joedirt
A post shared by Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) on Oct 21, 2016 at 9:44pm PDT
The MVP race was over before it even began.
A perfect reaction to an angry fan
Game No. 1 in Russell Westbrook’s historic season did not start off with a triple-double, but it still contained one of his most memorable moments. A Philadelphia fan flipped Westbrook the double bird, and he gave us a reaction that can be meme’d forever.
Westbrook handled that better than a lot of other people would have.
The first 50-point triple-double
Westbrook didn’t wait long to start reimagining what was possible in the modern NBA. In only the second game of the season against the Phoenix Suns, Westbrook finished with 51 points, 13 rebounds and 10 assists. It was the first 50-point triple-double since Kareem Abdul-Jabbar did it in 1975.
This was just the beginning for Westbrook. He would finish with three 50-point triple-doubles on the season.
“Official Photographer”
The world was watching when Westbrook’s Thunder and Durant’s Warriors met for the first time on Nov. 4. The hype was out of control for this game and Westbrook took it to another level when he showed up at Oracle Arena wearing a pinny that said “Official Photographer”.
This was immediately perceived as another subtle shot at Kevin Durant, who enjoys taking photographs in his free time:
Westbrook said got the outfit in Madrid and that it wasn’t a shot at KD. Sure.
Westbrook dunks on Clint Capela rather than running out the clock to beat HOU
The guile, the explosion, self-assuredness, it’s all here. In a season full of brilliant Russ moments, this might be the best one.
The Shamgod
I have watched this 500 times and still can’t comprehend it.
First try! Russell Westbrook warms up on Christmas Day. RT to #NBAVote for Russ for #AllStar. http://pic.twitter.com/5bqpbzkaQX
— OKC THUNDER (@okcthunder) December 25, 2016
Kyrie Irving had just stunned the Golden State Warriors on Christmas day with a falling fadeaway at the buzzer. The Thunder were warming up to face the Minnesota Timberwolves in the next game as it happened. It sure sounds like Westbrook yells “THANK YOU KYRIE” as he ran into the tunnel after hitting his last shot.
Westbrook denied it, of course. He said he was saying “thank you Jayme,” in reference to the daughter of a team trainer. Unfortunately, ESPN’s Royce Young also debunked the Kyrie dig.
Westbrook forgets he’s supposed to dribble
Only Westbrook could turn this into a lovable moment.
Westbrook to Zaza Pachulia: “I’m gonna get his ass back”
There was never a boring second when the Thunder played the Warriors this season.
Case in point: Westbrook getting leveled by Zaza Pachulia and vowing to “get his ass back.”
Westbrook on the Pachulia incident: "I'm gonna get his ass back for that one." http://pic.twitter.com/yJDYes2nXn
— Royce Young (@royceyoung) January 19, 2017
Westbrook goes on a 15-0 by himself to beat the Grizzlies
Westbrook went into hero mode against Memphis in early February. With the Thunder trailing the Grizzlies late, Russ closed the game with 15 straight points in the final 2:14 to carry the Thunder to victory.
Westbrook and Durant get into a shouting match mid-court
The tension in the Russ-KD cold war finally boiled over on Feb. 11 when Durant made his highly anticipated return to OKC. With the Warriors starting to pull away in the third quarter, Westbrook and Durant began jawing at mid-court.
You can see Westbrook yell “I’m coming!” repeatedly as the teams head to the bench. This was a weird night in general and the entire NBA community was probably glad when it was over.
Westbrook and Durant connect for a heartwarming All-Star alley-oop
If only for a moment, an All-Star game alley-oop squashed the beef in the Westbrook-Durant feud. A simple give-and-go play ended with a Westbrook dunk and momentarily made everything right in the world.
The best part was how their Western Conference teammates reacted:
If you're wondering what it sounded like on the Western Conference bench when KD and Russ reconnected... #NBAAllStar http://pic.twitter.com/ueqcoH7XWR
— NBA TV (@NBATV) February 20, 2017
Even Kawhi cracked a smile.
Westbrook announces he will become a father
A post shared by Russell Westbrook (@russwest44) on Mar 1, 2017 at 9:49am PST
In a season full of firsts for Russ, this is the best one.
Westbrook on Steph Curry: “Who is he?”
Earlier this week Steph Curry said James Harden should win the MVP over Russell Westbrook. Today RW responds: "who's he?" http://pic.twitter.com/kqeiWJiMrC
— Faizal Khamisa (@SNFaizalKhamisa) March 16, 2017
Steph Curry, reigning NBA MVP, was asked about this year’s race. He said “James (Harden) will probably edge Russell out.”
Westbrook was asked about this and issued a classic response. The eye roll at the end really brings it home.
Westbrook throws the pass the season — maybe the decade
This pass is impossible for like 100 different reasons. Tom Ziller broke it all down at the time.
If this was intentional, Westbrook is a wizard. If it was luck, then it’s just another example that this really was the year of Russ.
Westbrook named MVP by Migos, gets a shout-out from Kendrick Lamar
Migos brought out Russell Westbrook in OKC and remixed #badandboujee aka the MVP Edition. (via @sneakerreporter, h/t @bleacherreport)
A post shared by Sports Videos (@houseofhighlights) on Feb 28, 2017 at 12:39pm PST
Westbrook joined Migos on stage during a show in Oklahoma City and crowned him MVP in a “Bad and Bougee” remix. So that settles that.
Westbrook was also named dropped in a new song by Kendrick Lamar.
Tables turned, lesson learned, my best look/You jumped sides on me, now you 'bout to meet Westbrook/Go celebrate with your team and let victory vouch you/
Just know the next game played, I might slap the s... out you/
This might have made Russ happier than anything else this season:
Russell Westbrook on getting mentioned on Kendrick's new song: http://pic.twitter.com/DIL64V0tZz
— ㅤ (@GoatRapLines) March 26, 2017
Westbrook gets a triple-double without missing a shot
Congrats to @russwest44 on his big night! Westbrook picks up his 35th triple-double AND makes NBA history shooting 100% tonight! #ThunderUp http://pic.twitter.com/dWYfWluGDL
— FOX Sports Oklahoma (@FOXSportsOK) March 23, 2017
In a March 22 win over the Sixers, Westbrook finished with the triple-double (18 points, 14 assists, 11 rebounds) with zero misses. He went 6-for-6 from the field and 6-for-6 from the foul line.
Westbrook breaks triple-double record, sinks Nuggets at the buzzer
Westbrook broke Oscar Robertson’s record for triple-doubles in a season with his 42nd on April 9. That’s only part of the reason this night was so memorable.
With the Thunder trailing by two on the final possession, Westbrook drained a 35-foot three-point to give OKC the win. He finished with 50 points, 16 rebounds and 10 assists on the night — his third 50-point triple-double of the season.
There was no other way the year of Westbrook could end. Sing a friend to sleep and do a little dance: Russ did it for the culture this season, and for that reason, he should be MVP.
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