#but no...you guys don't have functioning brains and go comment on their shit and anonymously to boot
I hope you realise that minimising or ignoring incidents racist abuse just because it happened to Izzy fans is straight up racist. Saying it ‘doesn’t matter’ if Izzy fans get harassed when the harassment in question was (for example) anon messages sent to two black trans people saying they deserved to be hatecrimed for liking Izzy is racist. If you’re willing to cap for fictional POC but not real life POC then your supposed allyship means nothing!
Ok let me help you out here man. I don't minimize or ignore, I just straight up haven't seen it happening to you guys. I go to blm protests when I can and I support the POC that I'm friends with/are in my family irl. And I have been supporting poc in fandom by calling out racism when I see it. It's just that a lot of that racism is coming from one spacific end of the fandom and I'm sorry to tell you it's the Izzy stans. It's not racist for me to focus on the racism I'm seeing. No one should be harassed simply for liking Izzy and no one should experience racism ever. But I can't make any comments on it when I haven't seen it. I'm busy worrying about the harassment being levied at my mutuals of color by racist Izzy stans which I do see because they're my mutuals. If you want to bring it to my attention that's cool I can make a call out post or block and report or whatever but so far I've only been bitched to in vague terms about the harassment that Izzy stans are allegedly receiving. But I have seen a whole lot of racism coming from y'all. I'm going to continue addressing and calling out racism wherever I see it. I don't go out of my way looking for nastiness, the nastiness comes to me. I don't have a magic sixth sense that tingles whenever racism occurs. I can only ever do my best with the information I have, which is what I intend to keep doing. But if you keep coming to me like x y z is happening and then don't give me evidence of even point me in a direction to look for it all I can really say is "wild if true, sorry about that."
That said, I don't know why you guys are so fixated on the anons, man. I've been told all kinds of heinous shit on Anon including anons saying they hope I get killed for being trans. Like it's not ok but it's certainly not Izzy stan or even OFMD community specific. I just fail to see why I should be extra upset about it happening to you guys when it's happening to literally everyone who hasn't turned the Anon function off. I just have chosen not to give a fuck about Anon inbox harassment regardless of who it is happening to (including myself) or what about unless doxxing is involved. Sometimes I respond to it if I think it's interesting or funny to do so but Anons are faceless freaks who literally have nothing better to do than say whatever the worst thing that pops into their brains is and they've realized they can do it without consiquences and if you don't want it happening to you the only solution is to just turn off anon. Like I'm sorry that that's the case but it is. Come back to me when someone says they hope you get hate crimed on main I'll block and report that person but I can't do anything about the anons. If you allow anonymity on the internet a certain subset of those anons are going to be demons who crawled over here off of 4chan and there's nothing I can do about that. Expecting people to get up in arms about that when they're fending off their own anons is kinda self centered idk. Didn't I teach y'all how to turn off anon? it's right there in the settings.
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