#but normal houses and they have no interesting pictures on the walls? all funiture and decoration was bought in one ikea trip
barksbog · 5 years
That is the best gremlin cave I have ever seen, any tips for other gremlins who need to make their caves better?
okay so important things
first of get many shelfs to put your things onjars for small things
if you see a cool rock? take it
if you see a cool stick? take it
if you see a cool bone? take it
display all your favorite toys.
sheep skins, blankets or just really anything soft.
buy way too many plants. alternatively there are guides on how to legally steal plants. if you can´t keep plants alive get some Decorative Fake Plants. no shame in that.
wallpapers. the wildest one you can get. alternatively paint or stamp your walls.
carpets. i enjoy rainbow ones. you can buy them or wait until you inhert them from your grandfatherlava lamps.
fairy lights. really any tacky lighting you see and can obtain. obtain it.
if you don´t want exotic pets or inverts. or can´t have them. you can just get tiny vivariums for plants and that´s still going to give you that Peak Aesthetic.
 for the aquarium aesthetic i suggest marimos in glass bowls or vases. or just a planted tank. you can really get that aesthetic without animals don´t worry.
if you have animals tho. you know what´s the best aeshetic. really nice enclosures with a lot of enrichment. nothing looks better than happy pets
make some art. put it on that wall. yes even if you don´t consider yourself An Artist. i don´t care. make some art. have some fun. hang that up. so much better than those horrible stock images they sell at furniture stores.
rainbow washi tape is the most valid way to stick anything to your walls.
go to fleamarkets or on a website of your choice because you get funky things there for low prices.
 i don´t have any matching furniture because i either bought it to work for me or got is gifted and honestly. it works. don´t listen to ikea and the minimalists. your furniture doens´t have to be monotone and matching. i have three different desks and chairs and they all have different uses because i need different things from them.
 clear plastic bins are great to store things in if you like to always see everything you own because you have no object permanence like me.
for the same reason you can just take furnitures doors off. show of your things. all of them. constantly.
keep seasonal decorations around all year. it´s always gremlin season.
 if you can´t build a whole massive loft bed with a cave underneath it´s perfectly valid to have a semi permament pillow fort.
most important is however to just do what you like. a gremlin cave should feel like you even when you are restricted with how much you can do because of money, or the rules of your place, or the people you live with. get some rocks. get some sticks. no one can stop you.
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