#but normally they have a strick 'no nemesis' rule bc they don't have time for it and they don't want each other
probably delete later and also just a general warning for blood and gore and me rambling about my ocs lol
i want to write so bad. i want to write about parker unmasking wraith [genesis] and i want them to be wrestling to try and get the upper hand so they can end this game of cat and mouse once and for all.
i want parker to have gotten a hold of genesis' dirk and sickle, and in a twist of their usual roles, parker stabs wraith. and instead of parker, genesis is the one to react with teeth and nails.
and i want genesis to learn of all 206 bones in the human body, there's an odd bone in your throat called the hyoid. it's not connected to other bones, it's the only bone in the human body that isn't. and i want him to learn that when through all the blood and gore, he feels it knock against his teeth.
i want parker to be the first person he's ever killed without the use of his knives. i want genesis to be so disgusted by it that he flings himself out of the driver's, and forces percy to take control of the body.
and i don't think he takes control back for a long time, to the point where percy would think he's alone in their body if it weren't for the chilled presence in the base of his skull.
and i think it's parker's death that ends up connecting everything back to them.
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