#but not that it was necessary for apollo's char development
fearlessinger · 2 years
Idk who needs to hear this but Jason’s death is NOT what triggered Apollo’s change. Jason’s LIFE is what did it. Jason’s willingness to stand up before Zeus for his half brother that he didn’t even know, knowing it would for sure gain him nothing and very probably lose him his father’s favor, for absolutely no reason except that he felt in his heart it was the right thing to do, is what did it.
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baby-secrets · 8 years
First aid for burns
Burn - is damage to body tissues caused by exposure to high temperatures, chemical liquids, electrical shock or exposure. There are 5 degrees.
1 degree: the upper layer of the epithelium damage. It is characterized by redness, swelling and pain. After 2-4 days there is a full recovery. The victim was exfoliated epithelium, traces of destruction remains.
Degree 2: epithelium damage to sprout layer. Forming bubbles with serous contents. Heal in 1-2 weeks.
Everyday First Aid: Burns
3 Degree: affects all layers of the epidermis and the dermis itself.
3A degree: partially affected the dermis, the bottom of the wound looks like a scab, "crust", black or gray. Pain sensitivity is reduced.
3B degree: total destruction of the dermis.
4 degree: destruction of underlying tissues, charring subcutaneous fat, muscle, bone.
Burns - First Aid
Pro area burns will not tell, who are interested - write separately, or you can look in the internet.
First aid for burns is the impact of the termination of the temperature factor.
It is necessary to free the victim from the clothes, but in any case not to take "glued" pieces. Then, the skin surface was washed under running cold running tap water for at least 20 minutes. There is no need to smear the burn butter, put the potatoes and the more "sanitized" by the advice of grandmothers on the bench - potassium permanganate, and the more urine.
Next, apply a clean, dry bandage, give pain medication and immediately call an ambulance!
The question of calling 03 the controversial all. For in the small towns and villages, especially while this 03 will get faster by the drive to the hospital.
By the way, this is not the best in Moscow. If you have your own car under the window faster to roll baked in a clean sheet and go at least to the nearest trauma center. It is necessary to show the doctor burns, especially burns child. If adults normally get out after 20% of 2-3A degree burns, the burn shock children may develop even at - 5% of the second degree or higher.
No need to open your own bubbles - the risk of infection and thus a longer healing has grown significantly. If a chemical burn (acid, alkali) - still only cold running water, no soda to acid and vice versa. Of course there are exceptions, but in everyday life they almost never occur unless the quicklime. It must first be carefully removed from the skin and then rinse.
Burns of hands and feet is necessary to impose a bandage so that blistered fingers do not touch each other.
With extensive and severe burns victim need to hide - the heat loss is life-threatening and can lead to various complications.
From my own experience - good to have at home gel Burns dressings and "Apollo". He is a very good analgesic, literally in the first seconds of application, cools and prevents infection of the burn surface. It can be used in all age categories. Everyone's favorite "panthenol" and "olazol" caused in the first few minutes, our Combustiology not favor, and often angrily hiss parents, their poor zapenivshih baked chadushek. Because the protective film "panthenol" does not penetrate the media, which should be applied.
Separately, for those who pour oil on the burns as daveshny grandmother, and I am sure that this is the best help. It creates a film on the surface, thus blocking the access of air, and then penetrates the skin thickness and draws thermal energy for a burn. In other words, it works like a thermos, eventually burn, even a little, "burning" any longer. And because this can increase the degree of damage. Yes, this match will be longer. Burn patients received "namaslennymi" receive normal care only 2-3 days, for all this time oil "works" as long as it wears off, it is impossible to help.
We thank the paramedic station accident and emergency, for such a useful and detailed material.
Children First Aid: Burns
"Children mail.Ru»
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