fearlessinger · 57 minutes
It's incredible how people have been protesting pants and skirts not having pockets but not a single peep is heard over the fact that skirts no longer have underskirts by default. Underskirts (or lining) was a thing when I was a child, no skirt would be made without lining, you didn't have to think and check if your whole ass is visible in a skirt because lining was a thing!!!! Now most skirts don't and it's simply because it's cheaper, fuck the fact that a customer doesn't want their panties shown in broad daylight, it saves a couple of cents on material.
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fearlessinger · 1 hour
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buona liberazione e fasci appesi 
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fearlessinger · 2 hours
Poll for writers and artists
Whether you write fanfic or original works or paint/draw, be it fan art or original work or whatever else - I have to know, because I have a feeling this is going to be very decisive:
Please reblog for sample size!
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fearlessinger · 3 hours
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fearlessinger · 4 hours
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all the new god portraits (so far) in hades 2 !!!
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fearlessinger · 5 hours
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Oggi e sempre ✊
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fearlessinger · 5 hours
Dietro il milite delle Brigate nere più onesto, più in buonafede, più idealista, c'erano i rastrellamenti, le operazioni di sterminio, le camere di tortura, le deportazioni e l'Olocausto; dietro il partigiano più ignaro, più ladro, più spietato, c'era la lotta per una società pacifica e democratica, ragionevolmente giusta, se non proprio giusta in senso assoluto, chè di queste non ce ne sono.
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fearlessinger · 6 hours
"Giacomo Matteotti fu assassinato da sicari fascisti il 10 di giugno del 1924. Lo attesero sotto casa in cinque, tutti squadristi venuti da Milano, professionisti della violenza assoldati dai più stretti collaboratori di Benito Mussolini. L'onorevole Matteotti, il segretario del Partito Socialista Unitario, l'ultimo che in Parlamento ancora si opponeva a viso aperto alla dittatura fascista, fu sequestrato in pieno centro di Roma, in pieno giorno, alla luce del sole. Si batté fino all'ultimo, come lottato aveva per tutta la vita. Lo pugnalarono a morte, poi ne scempiarono il cadavere. Lo piegarono su se stesso per poterlo ficcare dentro una fossa scavata malamente con una lima da fabbro".
"Mussolini fu immediatamente informato. Oltre che del delitto, si macchiò dell'infamia di giurare alla vedova che avrebbe fatto tutto il possibile per riportarle il marito. Mentre giurava, il Duce del fascismo teneva i documenti insanguinati della vittima nel cassetto della sua scrivania".
"In questa nostra falsa primavera, però, non si commemora soltanto l'omicidio politico di Matteotti; si commemorano anche le stragi nazifasciste perpetrate dalle SS tedesche, con la complicità e la collaborazione dei fascisti italiani, nel 1944. Fosse Ardeatine, Sant'Anna di Stazzema, Marzabotto. Sono soltanto alcuni dei luoghi nei quali i demoniaci alleati di Mussolini massacrarono a sangue freddo migliaia di inermi civili italiani. Tra di essi centinaia di bambini e perfino di infanti. Molti furono addirittura arsi vivi, alcuni decapitati".
"Queste due concomitanti ricorrenze luttuose - primavera del '24, primavera del '44 - proclamano che il fascismo è stato lungo tutta la sua esistenza storica - non soltanto alla fine o occasionalmente - un irredimibile fenomeno di sistematica violenza politica omicida e stragista. Lo riconosceranno, una buona volta, gli eredi di quella storia? Tutto, purtroppo, lascia pensare che non sarà così. Il gruppo dirigente post-fascista, vinte le elezioni nell'ottobre del 2022, aveva davanti a sé due strade: ripudiare il suo passato neo-fascista oppure cercare di riscrivere la storia. Ha indubbiamente imboccato la seconda via".
"Dopo aver evitato l'argomento in campagna elettorale la Presidente del Consiglio, quando costretta ad affrontarlo dagli anniversari storici, si è pervicacemente attenuta alla linea ideologica della sua cultura neofascista di provenienza: ha preso le distanze dalle efferatezze indifendibili perpetrate dal regime (la persecuzione degli ebrei) senza mai ripudiare nel suo insieme l'esperienza fascista, ha scaricato sui soli nazisti le stragi compiute con la complicità dei fascisti repubblichini, infine ha disconosciuto il ruolo fondamentale della Resistenza nella rinascita italiana (fino al punto di non nominare mai la parola "antifascismo" in occasione del 25 aprile 2023)".
"Mentre vi parlo, siamo di nuovo alla vigilia dell'anniversario della Liberazione dal nazifascismo. La parola che la Presidente del Consiglio si rifiutò di pronunciare palpiterà ancora sulle labbra riconoscenti di tutti i sinceri democratici, siano essi di sinistra, di centro o di destra. Finché quella parola - antifascismo - non sarà pronunciata da chi ci governa, lo spettro del fascismo continuerà a infestare la casa della democrazia italiana".
Antonio Scurati e la versione integrale (non censurata dalla Rai) del suo monologo scritto in ricorrenza del 25 aprile 2024, Festa della Liberazione dal nazifascismo in Italia.
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fearlessinger · 6 hours
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viva l'Italia antifascista, buon 25 aprile oggi più altre volte
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fearlessinger · 9 hours
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penelope but with gray hair <3
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fearlessinger · 11 hours
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Carrie Fisher, Los Angeles, 1978
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fearlessinger · 18 hours
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Wonder Woman from DC comics x Talia al Ghu from DC comics vs Posiedon from Percy Jackson X Incitatus from Percy Jackson
Propaganda for Wonder Woman x Talia:
Inspired by this tweet https://x.com/taliasghul/status/1631064684152471553 , its about the parallels. Both being the only children in an adult only space and would be able to relate to each other despite the difference in being raised
Propaganda for Posidon x Incitatus:
I founded the ship, I've had a lot of fun writing for it, and I just think it's hilarious for Poseidon to hardcore-crush on Caligula's evil talking horse.
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fearlessinger · 22 hours
hilarious drama going on on reddit, the least respectable social media site i use. someone goes to r/legaladvice with a question about a shitty interaction with a cop. pretty normal post.
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some users replied with regular advice, but one r/legaladvice moderator came in saying it was OP's fault, defending the cop. when OP requested they "please read the post", they equipped their next reply with their little mod hat and told them that showing attitude would result in a ban.
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after receiving hundreds of downvotes (and many replies, all of which were removed and banned), the r/legaladvice mod nuked the thread in a fit of anger.
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so you'd think it'd stop there, right? well, that's where you're wrong.
there's another subreddit called r/bestoflegaladvice, where the more interesting r/legaladvice threads are reposted for audiences to take the piss out of. and of course, a mod throwing a tantrum and nuking a thread because they were asked to read would make that cut. so it was reposted! and of course, everyone started rightfully calling the mod a bootlicker.
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people then started pointing out that the r/legaladvice mod team has cops on it, at which point, part two of the drama starts: some people are mods of both r/legaladvice AND r/bestoflegaladvice, and they get really mad when you call them cops (derogatory).
so of course, they take the best course of action, which is to angrily reply to comments calling them cops and then use mod powers to delete the comments they don't like, insisting that only ONE r/legaladvice mod is a cop, so it's totally fine!
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the r/bestoflegaladvice thread was then deleted and locked by mods, presumably for "republicizing deleted comments".
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the same thread was then reposted to r/bestoflegaladvice. again, the thread fills with people calling the r/legaladvice mods cops.
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this thread was also deleted and locked by r/bestoflegaladvice mods.
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but it doesn't end there! because there's ANOTHER subreddit called r/subredditdrama, where the juiciest drama from all manner of subreddits gets reposted. and you'll never believe what's gone on long enough to count as drama.
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here, free from the shackles of reddit's legaladvice world, users were free to dunk on the mods as much as they want.
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the r/subredditdrama thread was eventually deleted as well (but not locked) just because they don't accept links to nuked threads since the original can't be read, but thankfully, everything had been archived by that point.
and just because the streisand effect should never go unrealized, i'm reposting it here, to tumblr. who knows, maybe someone will bother to screencap this and put it on r/curatedtumblr, and it will eventually live on in reddit again.
as for OP, they reposted their situation to r/nostupidquestions and later posted this update:
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moral of the story: never go to reddit for legal advice, because the legal advice subreddit is run by ONE cop.
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fearlessinger · 24 hours
ship of theseus except it's people joining and leaving the discord. is this anything
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fearlessinger · 1 day
Here’s a video so you can hear the water and the thrushes. I took it for you because you couldn’t be there. <3
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fearlessinger · 1 day
Heater argument without saying a word
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fearlessinger · 2 days
I'm gonna reblog with some videos of people speaking various American Indian/indigenous American languages, because I think most people don't even know what they sound like. Not to be judgement of that—just, you know, I think people who want to be informed should know what they sound like!
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