#but now it's tfa
brandwhorestarscream · 10 months
TFA jettwins in Cybermorphs AU could totally just be SS and Megs getting curious what would happen if they did it the other way around? Like normally SS sires and Megs makes eggs right? So what if Jettwins is just the two of them being like
("Would this even work?" "Idk" "Wanna try it?" "Sure.")
And next thing we know, The Twins. (Extra angst for the whole trines idea.) Normally Seeker eggs are in threes? But because of the wonky cybermorph genes, one eggy doesn't make it. Luckily vosimorphs are less predisposed to needing trines, so the twins only need each other.
Ok so I really, really like this as a concept (like! Stick a pin in this! We can definitely apply this elsewhere), but it doesn't quite fit the TFA jettwins vibes. They are, first and foremost, autobot warriors/weaoons. I don't wanna remove that part of their character, it's so tragic and interesting
So! Hear me out 👀
Since there's no Soundwave during TFA's war (that we know of), that means Megatron has no chosen cybermorph King to be his main commander. In TFP Starscream is a normal born mecha, but I wanna switch it up here. Keep it fresh
Way, waaay back in the day. Megatron's carrier, as a flight capable warframe (hi Galvatron) is an accomplished gladiator while his mate is a humble miner. Maybe he took up pit fighting in an effort to get money for Terminus's treatment after he lost his legs in the famous mining accident, or maybe he was yeeted in there as punishment for some offense or other. Regardless, he's an absolute monster in the ring, and quickly becomes a fan favorite for his sheer brutality and graceful fighting style alike.
Pivot to Vos. One of Winglord Hurricane's mates is planning an offworld excursion. Maybe for scientific study, maybe as a vacation. Hurricane isn't able to accompany them, and isn't comfortable letting them off so far away even with some of the armada as an escort. For extra protection, he opts to hire a gladiator or three. The best of the best: anyone would think twice about going after royalty that's not only attended by a Vosian fleet but also protected by arguably the best warriors on the planet. Galvatron accepts immediately, especially when the Winglord is kind enough to give him 25% down right away. It's more than enough to cover Terminus's surgery and recovery time off work. It's enough to get them their own private apartment in Kaon! He jumps at the chance. This is the kind of thing warframes on the southern side of the planet dream of, a once in a lifetime opportunity to make things better.
And, well, you know what happens next 🤭 whilst exploring or vacationing or whatever, they fall into an abandoned xenomorph nest. Galvatron is first, as the royal embryo that eventually becomes Megatron is dominant even in the ovimorph state: it gets to hatch first and latch onto a host. There's of course lots of screaming and panic: a few seekers go down, the Winglord's mate included, as well as all 3 gladiators. The first generation of cybermorphs begins incubating, and there's probably only about 7 of them to begin with. Shaken, the party immediately begins to head home to Cybertron, as the afflicted seeker Lord desperately wants to go home after that
Because they're not organic incubators, and the cybertronian genetic code is more dominant than the xenomorphs, it probably takes multiple weeks for them to pop. They grow very slowly, compared to when they use human incubators. They're all scanned when they get home but there's no traces of anything malicious or contagious, so they're not subjected to quarantine right away.
From there, stuff basically goes the same for quite awhile: the babies burst and the southern half of the planet is immediately locked down. That's the catalyst for life spiralling out of control and becoming so bad that the war is eventually ignited. Vos, as a flying city that self governs independent of the Senate, refuses to surrender the newspark morphlings. Lord Skysoar, Starscream's carrier, is bonded to him at the spark. They have a parent-child sparkbond and separating them would likely cause both of them to die. The Winglord refuses to rip them apart, and though Starscream isn't technically his, he's still raised as Vos's rightful prince. The first child the Winglord's mate has beared, technically.
Anyway. Starscream and Megatron meet before the war. When the dual bombings happen, they swiftly agree to allyship and fight the Senate together. As the leader of the vosimorph armada, Megatron's second in command, and, likely, the most prominent sire in the hive: he's selected to become the cybermorph King, like Soundwave was in TFP. Shockwave was also a candidate, but politely declined, as his work in espionage and science alike didn't leave him enough time to be an effective commander.
Things likely devolve between them over time: a King can't rule a hive, only a Queen can, but with the way the war ends they don't have a hive anymore. The cybermorphs are pushed to the brink of extinction by the autobots extracting the Allspark and making waves after waves after endless waves of soldiers. They and all warframes by extension are banished from Cybertron and put on a Kill On Sight list. Starscream and Megatron are at each other’s throats constantly, blaming each other for the loss of Absolutely Everything: all of their children are dead and gone, they have no incubators to make more, and now they're doomed to slowly die out. Even if they can manage to get their hands on stray autobots, they barely have enough energon to sustain themselves. There's probably less than 100 cybermorphs left in existence
Now, having said aaaaall of that! We can finally jump into the jettwins!
When Starscream is captured by the Elite Guard, millions of years and several generations have past. Almost no one that remembers the cybermorphs is still around, and there's next to no data on how they work. They try in vain for months to get a baby out of Starscream, but he's not a Queen, so he's completely sterile and infertile. He can't carry a sparkling to term, and he can't get anyone sparked up. He's subjected to this harsh, brutal reality for countless cycles, having to endure their assaults and forcing aphrodisiacs into his body in increasingly desperate attempts to get him to make them some offspring they can use.
Something they're entirely unaware of is that only Cybermorph Queens can reproduce, they're the only ones that can make eggs and the only ones that can sexually impregnate. They assume that Cybermorph Kings must have the ability as well: they don't think it's possible for their entire species to be sterile. They're starting to think that they just got a bad specimen, that Starscream is just an unlucky mecha that can't be a parent.
Now, the thing that makes Kings special is that, aside from being a hive's natural commander, they're the only other type of morph that can reproduce, but not in the typical way. Interfacing doesn't work with them. They're able to actually implant an embryo directly into a host with a special organ on the tip of their tail, grabbing them in magnetic pincers and impaling them with a sharp spine in the center, directly into their fuel tank. Idk what triggers the actual impregnation: maybe they've drugged him with something new, maybe he's finally cracked from all the abuse and flies into a defensive rage after using his own acidic energon to melt through his restraints. But he manges to transform to his full vosimorph form, just long enough to grab someone and impale them in self defense. I'm impartial to Sentinel cuz I really fucking hate that guy and wanna see him get doubly chestburstered, but Perceptor is also an option. He's usually the one I cast as the jettwins' other parent, sooo
Really long story short: Jetfire and Jetstorm are the results of the autobots capturing vosimorph king Starscream. He... probably escapes during this time, I would say, and doesn't reunite with them until they've undergone their first several molts. As they were King implants, not fertilized eggs, they grow very quickly, and are ready to be dispatched into the Elite Guard after only a few months. The autobot government is very happy with their new obedient little cybermorph weapons, right up until they get to earth and the twins run off and/or turn on them in the presence of more morphs, especially a King or Queen
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ihatebrainstorm · 8 months
The (Hopefully) Comprehensive Guide to Drawing Transformers! [1]
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[Chapter 1/5?]
Decided to make a little quick guide to drawing transformers/humanoid mechs because some people asked! (Plus I thought it'd be fun lol) .... Hopefully it makes sense and helps some people out :'D
[Next] -> coming I dunno when, I keep adding to my WIP pile......
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bluelicorfino · 2 months
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Jettwins lore, right?
Based on this:
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th3e-m4ng0 · 4 months
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jetsandflowers · 8 months
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context: I think he got hit too hard and it swapped his faces
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kenna-cube · 2 months
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Bee is enjoying the novelty of a smaller Blitzwing ever since he got split into 3 (◞ꈍ∇ꈍ)◞. Also I need to draw more hothead smooches. (人´∀`) though work started up again so my free time is gonna go away now _(:3」∠)_
This comic was actually Inspired by an anon who brought to my attention that random always gets the kisses and that’s a travesty. All of the blitzwing’s faceplates deserves kisses ( ¯ ³¯)♡
Bonus Sketch!
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compaculaaa · 1 year
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Guys I made a terrible discovery
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mfdragon · 11 months
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The slut (affectionate) is done.
I REALLY enjoyed adapting his design and he might be my favourite so far!
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blitzy-blitzwing · 7 months
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Tongue. 👀
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cybertron-after-dark · 7 months
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Watch me draw smaller and smaller bulkheads until I eventually just draw a circle with a jawline
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lolathepeacocklord · 3 months
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emomomortal · 5 months
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theyre watching a scary movie
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paradimeart · 2 months
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not final but i havent posted properly in what feels like forever soo. tfa megaempress and flowspade :3 #feminist
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blighted-lights · 6 months
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nothing much, just a sketch of them
(plus the actual proper design of my tfa rav here, where she's not just a blob)
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thewiglesswonder · 2 years
The entire plot of Transformers Animated really is just “Megatron was successfully assassinated, but he got better”. 
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