#but oh yeah he dpes
halaboyz · 3 years
pairing: surfer! jongho x gn! reader genre: fluff !! word count: 2.4k warnings // notes: mentions of ocean, and starting pistols, profanities, no more that i know of ;; #3 of @ficscafe's fourth dpe !! "can you shut up? everybody's staring at us."
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"y/n! get your ass in here!" you groaned, dragging your feet through the warm sand.
"this was such a wrong decision," you mumbled, regretting to have accepted your friend's favor of taking over her part-time job for a day as one of the organizers in some kind of event for surfers. "coming!" you reply, bowing to the contestant in front of you that you were managing.
"i'll handle it here, go to the other tent and help them. there are a lot more contestants there," the supervisor, who was shockingly one of your despised seniors at university, ordered.
you just gave her a nod and dragged yourself once again to the next tent a few feet away, quickly sending a text to your friend when you have finally realized the reason she wanted out today.
yn: if you have said the bitch at univ was supervising today, i could've at least prepared myself mf frenny: i'm sorry, i'm just so sick of her face lol i'll buy you lunch for a week!
tucking your phone back to your pocket, you have asked the organizers around what they need help for, and that was to aid some of the severely sunburnt surfers and to complete the attendance by asking around.
"we.. have surfers to aid.. because they're sunburnt?" you dumbly ask, staring at the girl before you weirdly. "..surfers? like.. professional ones because they wouldn't have joined this event because.. okay what the hell," you sighed. you didn't get it. if they were professional surfers, they would've at least known how to take care of their own skin.
she just chuckles at you and nods, pointing to where a few of surfers waited for their ointments. after giving you a few instructions of where it was, you walked to them.
little by little, the tent got crowded more and more because of the stinging heat- everybody wanted to shade their skin before starting the event.
"hi, excuse me, you're next," you smile at the woman waiting, letting her take the seat in front of you.
your sour mood worsened when people kept on pushing you around in hopes of getting more shade, and you swear you could've just shouted out in frustration.
then this man just.. was your last straw.
patting the ointment on the woman's neck, you gasped in pain when a surf board hits you in the head, and you tremble in annoyance.
"oh shit!" he turns around, the other side of the board now hitting your leg. "fuck!"
taking a sharp breath to suppress your anger, annoyance and pain, you turn your back slowly to the man, glaring at him.
he gives a low chuckle, "sorry.." and he mumbles.
his gummy smile beams at you, and if it weren't for his clumsiness you would've found a reason to stay.
trailing your eyes to his temporary id that was hung on his neck, you give him a tight smile.
"choi jongho," you spat under your breath, "it would be really nice if you could keep your board away from the tent. as you can see," you motioned your hands around the tent, "it's packed already. it may hurt somebody else too," gritting your teeth, you smile and return your attention back to the woman who had a worried smile on, asking if you were okay.
"sorry.." he mumbles before throwing the board behind the tent. "i was just about to do that," he gives another wary chuckle, leaving with his lips pressed together.
"oh, you were the last one," you mumbled, looking around for other surfers who needed aiding.
"yeah, thank you," she smiles, handing you the pack of ice gel to put in your head. "you were hit quite hard," uttering a sound of disapproval, her eyes found the board. "that board.. has one of the best materials too so it's a really good board because it's strong," she pats your shoulders and leaves, and you mutter a small thank you.
"choi jongho," you scoff, the name leaving bitterness in your mouth. you take the free seat occupied by the woman earlier, holding the ice pack to your head. you feel it tingle, making your eye twitch as you stare in the distance.
"i told you to help," your senior comes stomping right in front of you, "not to bum out," she tugs at the ice pack on your hands, throwing it on the sand as she glared at you.
clicking your tongue, you almost wanted to poke her eye out and leave the scene. almost. if it wasn't for another hand stopping your senior's hand that was just about to push you.
"i accidentally hit her head and leg with my board. if there's anyone you're angry with, i believe it should be me," your senior embarrassingly retracts her hand, and leaves to her tent but not before giving you another glare.
"mr. choi, i totally would've gotten that. at least would've given me a reason to leave this event," you sigh, turning your back at him to clean the kits you have used and picking the ice pack up and putting it back to the cooler.
"feisty now, are we?" jongho chuckles, hopping in front of you and craning his neck to catch your attention. "just awhile ago you were winking at me,"
"i- winking?" you stop on your tracks, furrowing your eyebrows at him while he raised his. "when did i even-," your brain, as if it flashed something, making you let out a light scoff.
"you remember now? it just happened a few minutes ago though," he chuckles once again, grabbing ahold of his board that was splayed on the sand behind the tent.
"mr. choi, for your information, i wasn't winking. but you do you," you shrug, giving him one of your cheeky smiles to throw him off.
he finally lets out a sincere laugh, just like music to your ears. you have now taken this chance to glance at him, his gray rash guard tightly wrapped around his body and his surfing shorts that stopped just below the knee.
"now you're checking me out," jongho nods cockily, turning to the side to show off more of his muscles under the clothing.
"whatever makes you happy, mr. choi," you snicker, trying to leave but he just needed to tail you.
"come on, you can call me jongho!" he beams, a little bit of sway evident in his steps while dragging his board with him.
"mr. choi, if i may, i still have some work to do," you turn to him, shutting all his questions down.
"then at least tell me your name first," he smiles and stands straight, as if offering you a good deal.
"y/n. are we good now?" your question was rhetorical. but he didn't just get the memo.
"nice meeting you! i'll see you later, y/n!" even when you started walking, he shouts at the top of his lungs and louder than every chattering happening in the beach. tucking your chin lightly to your chest, you acted as if you didn't know him as you did your final errands.
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you should be heading home before the competition even started.
but then you see yourself getting comfortable on one of the seats, waiting for it to start while your eyes searched for a certain design of surf board, slapping yourself after realizing.
"looking for me?" jongho whispers from behind you, the sudden proximity making you jump out of shock.
"you wish," you mumble once again, looking back to the vast ocean where a lot of surfers were already warming up.
"oh i do wish," he chuckles for the nth time, looking at you who ignored his presence.
after a few minutes of peace, you finally whipped your head to him. he was silently leaning on his board, looking at a distance with a small smile on his face.
"shouldn't you be like- i don't know, warming up with the others or something?" you raise your brow, finding this annoying man's presence weirdly comfortable.
"oh?! you're worried about me now?" he smirks, and you could only roll your eyes and trail your eyes back to the swarming contestants in front of you. "i should be," he mumbles, sighing in relief as he stands right in front of you, his board dangling in his arm.
"so go?" your face crumpled in confusion, his sly smile in his face giving it away he was thinking of saying something more.
"can you give me your number?" he confidently asks, craning his head sideward while he waits for your response.
feeling your heart skip a beat, his doe eyes stare at you with such anticipation, but the fingers that anxiously tap on his board say otherwise that made you chuckle.
"isn't it enough that you know my name, mr. choi?" you smirk, craning your head sideward to mock him.
he sighs, feeling challenged at the sudden turn of tables.
"fine," he nods and points to the ocean, the sound of clashing wave making you feel calmer than your mood just awhile ago or maybe it was because you had company you somewhat enjoyed too. "if i win this, you owe me your number and a date,"
"i do not owe you any-,"you scoff, but jongho cuts you off.
"your number, and a date. just one. you can dump me afterwards," he raises his hands, trying to defend his point.
you sigh, squinting your eyes at him.
"and if you lose?"
"that wouldn't happen so i won't have anything to hold for that," he cockily shrugs, smirking at you. you were unfazed, raising your eyebrow at him. "fine. if i lose, i'll let you walk off this beach unbothered," he gives you a smile, one that showed his charming gummy smile and his eyes turning crescent, waiting for you to reply.
"deal then," you watch him jog to his place, his confidence rising up to the roof- which, there was none, so you could only imagine his amount of confidence.
you didn't know how great this man is, no. all you knew was his name, and age- and that was because of the papers you held for the attendance awhile ago. yet no part of you, even a fiber, regretted accepting his stupid deal.
hell, you didn't even know if he was that good to be that confident.
before swimming to the starting line somewhere in the ocean, jongho turns to look at you and give you a wink, making you chuckle.
"this is for you!" he shouts at the top of his lungs for the second time around, pointing at you then started swimming. clicking your tongue in embarrassment, you looked the other side to avoid the stares you were getting because of the man.
ou didn't know anything about surfing. but you do know some about swimming. you just knew that even just by swimming, jongho is indeed a good one. he had a good stance, a good pace. compared to the other participants, jongho stood out with his simple moves, yet he was the first one to arrive in the line.
everyone seemed nervous, but jongho wasn't. a smile was still plastered in his face, glancing at you from time to time.
as everyone got ready, you anxiously tapped your foot on the hot sand, unconsciously nervous for the man.
cutting off your thoughts, you finally heard the starting pistol go off, signaling the start of the competition.
waiting for a big wave to come, jongho effortlessly stood in his board, a determined look in his face as he rode the incoming wave that threw a lot of participants in.
you didn't know anything or surfing nor liked it. yet you were so immersed.
"choi jongho is still participating in small events like this?" you hear one of the viewers from behind you gossip, and you can't help but listen too.
"yeah, even though everyone literally hates him, he loves to see the faces of his opponents when they fail bringing him down," another voice answers, making you scrunch your face. "but a lot still respect him. still say that it'll be a good experiencing battling with an all-time winning surfer,"
"true, his winning streak still hasn't been defeated since he started surfing,"
you gasped in your seat, scoffing. he played you good. and you admit it, he planned it well.
before you know it, everyone was cheering and clapping- the competition was nearing its end as jongho and another participant rode the last wave, and the other one was thrown off.
jongho raises his fist in success, jumping off his board to dive in the deep ocean- helping the last participant to hop on his own board and swim to land.
jongho catches you squinting and he only shrugs, feigning ignorance as he shook his head to shake the water away. he gets his board to hold in his arm, and you take this opportunity to try and sneak away.
"hey, y/n! you're not fair!" you sense the playfulness in his tone, making you more embarrassed than you should. jongho runs up to you, still full of energy even after the literally- breathtaking competition. "where do you think you're going?" he catches up to you and walks backward in front of you, while you tried to avoid him.
you sigh, trying your best to walk away while the background chatter and cheers fade second by second, jongho just lovingly staring at you.
"come on! you're not fair!" he continued to throw a fit, his dolphin noises still heard by the people around.
"look who's talking- you didn't even say that you're an all-time winning surfer! an all-time!" you defend, pushing him lightly- but you can't help your heart beating abnormally.
"you didn't ask! come on.. you agreed!" your feet found itself going back to the crowded place, going in circles. "y/n... y/n... y/n.." he whined, every mention of your name getting louder and louder. "y/n! y/n.. y/n!" he continued, tugging at your arm.
every person that you walked by gave you a dirty look, jongho destroying their time of peace on the beach.
"fine! now can you shut up?! everybody's staring at us." say under your breath, your hand unconsciously gripping on his wrist lightly to stop him.
jongho gives you a rather shy smile, and the crescents in his eyes appear again. he drags you to the tent, grabbing his things, more than excited to take you to a date- but not before getting your number and getting changed.
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[When first taking it in youe hands the envelope seems a bit heavy]
Hey again guys!
As promised I am back in business ;)
But first things first...I am confused...Did I really go through such a personality change as Jake and Max told me? If I had realised I'd probably flip out by now...But I didn't and thinking about it gives me just a nice, calm feeling. I don't think that's too bad then.
About Goldie, Max told me that he wrote something over my part of the letter just after he sent it for us. I did not know, did not see it. A little bit weird, right? But maybe Goldie just put his part after I wrote my letter?
What I am worried about, though...He said he could not read what Goldie wrote. But his writing seemed...more brownish than golden? And now you're asking if he's okay. Is it even normal that I worry about an entity? And what do you mean with red text? I also apologise for reading this part that was for Goldie...I didn't see at first that it was for him.
I'd also like to no, aMiro? Weird. I don't know why, bur I believe it could be a name...What the name is, though...I have no idea and don't believe I'd know a name with all those letters.
Now to the past letters, I think I should explain myself: As Max already said we, we are not get any of the letters. When I woke up yesterday morning it just hit me. Knowledge of letters we never got. And those were many letters. It took me some time to line up my thoughts and knowledge of what you all wrote. So no, I won't open the dirty letter. I wouldn't even if I got it, promised [a smiling face is drawn here]
It is also good to be back, I just wish you wouldn't have to worry that much. But I guess somehow all of us do; with our lifes it cannot really be different I guess. Also, yeah, I believe black ink is easier. Or bitch. But I don't think I should always insult them.
To some things of the past letters, at first to what you two, Yu, Skei, encoded:
Sa'hh oqvahu xa wxha pk pwhg hega pdeo eb jaazaz.
Uqrkj, ukq'hh bejz w swu! E gjks pdwp!
Then to Rai: I am glad he was able to sleep and got a new job. He really needs some peace.
And for the love of..God? Goldie? Gods? I don't know. I'll find something that sounds more fun. I really hope there haven't been and won't be more 'Yuvons'. Or Liskas. Or Rais. Or Matts. I don't know, no one deserves to go through hell.
Flower is interesting..I don't know what more to say about them, maybe I'll come back to it!
And hm...Oh yeah, there was one more thing I wanted to try. It seems black ink was not able to properly send the 20 bucks.
Flower otherwise could send the crayon.
We are humans, but what if we try to send something? I'll put something inside the envelope, maybe it'll work and maybe not. Who knows, but I believe it is worth a try!
And I am sorry for not letting Jake or Max add anything to this letter, but I believe both of them are still asleep. (I kinda forced Jake to get some more sleep already. At least I know he's not online, so maybe he dpes sleep or maybe he does not. And Max..He is Max.)
~ Lis🔥🐾
[At the end something falls out of the envelope. It is a small magnet in form of a fox. It has a silver shimmer until you touch it for the first time. The magnet seems rusty on the back but is otherwise pretty intact.]
Hallo, Lis :)
Yuvon is sleeping in right now, for once in her life, so I will be answering all letters until she wakes up. I'd rather not wake her, you understand. I will catch her up later, and she will likely write a letter addressing you all later.
I am unclear what, precisely, Yuvon meant by "red text" as well. I see nothing of the sort. Yuvon seemed to be under the impression that Aur was weary, or drained somehow, and I shall take her word for it.
Actually, I believe you do know a name that uses all those letters :) You mentioned once you are a fan of the Mario games, yes? I doubt very heavily that is our answer, but I thought I should point it out.
Intriguing. I would presume that is Aur's doing, then. And it is good you will not open that letter; the description of what it did to Rai and the possible implications of what else it is capable of are disturbing.
No, actually, I do believe you should insult "Black Ink" as much as possible. Then again, I am biased.
I hope there will be no more Yuvons in danger this way as well, especially knowing that she will be alone for quite a time before she accidentally draws my counterpart to her world.
I do not think, though I admit I do not know for sure, that Flower was the one to send the crayon; Flower simply tweaked it in transit. As Flower seems to be... somewhat passive, now, I hope it will not happen again. And, yes, I received the magnet :)
I quite understand letting them sleep in, as you may imagine. I imagine your Jake may not be asleep, though: Jakes, or at least I as a Jake, drink coffee and energy drinks. I unfortunately have had to substitute sleep, as of late, due to the lack of caffeine.
If you would kindly stop reading here, Lis, and transmit a quick message to your Jake for me :)
Thank you,
Jake, something silver seems to be tying itself to Lis, somehow. It seems benign as of yet, and possibly benevolent, but do be aware.
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