#but ok me?? obsessed with this lowkey insane fam?? you bet
leejiieuns · 2 years
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GET TO KNOW THEM → The Park Family of Seoul
Park Jiho (Jun Ji-hyun)
It should come as no surprise to anyone who know the family that the eldest daughter would be just like her father: intelligent, business-savvy, cutthroat. And yet, when Jiho was named COO of the Park Enterprise, questions about her competency were raised, but time and time again, she squashed any doubts about her like a bug with her five inch heels. She’s been credited a lot for the recent successes of the Park Enterprise, and anyone who works for her knows she runs a tight ship. Her marriage to Captain Shin Suhyeok and the birth of her twins have made her quite an interest to the general public, but very little is know about Jiho as she keeps her private life, well, private. She’s ruthless, when she wants to be, and is perhaps the least forgiving out of all the Park children. 
Park Jiseok (Ahn Bo-hyun)
Perhaps one of the more famous of the Park children, and sometimes not for the right reasons. His party boy reputation definitely precedes him, and it seems he has no care whatsoever what that entails. Jiseok has been named one of South Korea’s most eligible bachelor, but if the tabloids are any indication of his dating life, he doesn’t exactly have the makings of a reliable boyfriend. But he’s charming, and has a way with words, and he owns the most raved about members-only night club in the city, Neverland. Fitting for a boy who does not seem to want to grow up. While it may have come as a surprise to some that the Parks’ eldest son did not follow his father’s shiny footsteps, Jiseok has never had any interest in the family business, and he looks quite content with running his club, and jet-setting around the world.
Park Jitae (Kim Jae Young)
A sharp contrast to most of his siblings (except, perhaps, Jiseok), it seems Jitae has no interest in the family business, or any other kind of business for that matter. Despite being a business major in one of the most prestigious universities in Seoul, his interest is seemingly limited to five-star restaurants, expensive bottles of wines, and of course, his impressive vintage car collection. But he’s definitely the easiest Park to get along with, as long as you don’t piss him off. His time abroad in exclusive boarding schools has gained him some friends with equally impressive last names, but unlike most of them, Jitae is content with being away from the public eye. He probably should have a record in a precinct or two, but he’s always had daddy’s money and lawyers to help him make sure nothing ever tarnishes his reputation.
Park Jihwan (Joshua Hong)
A modern contrarian, a disapproving frown is almost always present on Park Jihwan’s face. Don’t say anything stupid in his presence, for he’ll definitely call you out on it, and then lecture you some. He loves being the smartest person in the room, and loves making people feel uneasy in his company. With his looks, however, he can easily be charming when he wants to be, but he rarely wants to be. Older twin brother to Jin-ah, there’s always been a certain closeness to the two of them that he doesn’t have with his other siblings, but who can blame him? His two older brothers are idiots with no ambition, and he puts his eldest sister on a pedestal. He’s cunning, definitely, and he’s not above using what he has to get what he wants.
Park Jin-ah (Kim Doyeon)
She became a household name at 11, when she first won her gold medal at an international figure skating competition, carrying with her the flag of her country. Jin-ah then became a force in the figure skating world, winning one grand title after another, and with every win, her popularity grew. With her show-stopping routines and off-the-rink fashion choices, the public was quick to take an interest in the youngest Park heiress, and she easily became the favorite of a lot of brands for whatever she was seen buying, so would a lot of people. No one exactly knows if Jin-ah loves the limelight when outside of the rink (she does) for she’s always seen with her trademark ‘cold expression’, but she’s a darling in the way she welcomes the attention of the press, and she’s surprisingly easy to get along with, too. Or so would others think.
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