#but oooh the feminine women are sooooo underrepresented🥺
rebeljyn-moved · 1 year
Had to rant and it got long so I’ll put it under a cut
Whenever someone says they’re sooo happy that a female character is “strong and still feminine” as if that was something that was so unheard of it pisses me off lmao WHERE exactly are you seeing strong masculine women in media? Where are the tall buff masculine women you’re implying is the standard? The only character I can think of that fits that description and isn’t absurdly stereotyped is Vi from Arcane. That’s IT.
There’s barely any short haired women in media already and the ones that exist are basically all feminine in all other aspects. The more ““masculine”” characters are put either into the category of the man hating lesbian or the not-like-other-girls girl who gets a makeover at the end.
Literally the price female characters pay for having any kind of strength is to be feminine and palatable to the men watching… that’s literally what they did to Leia when they put her into that horrendous sex slave fantasy outfit. That’s what they did to Black Widow. And even with less obviously sexualized characters, specially in superhero themed media, they’re always the beauty standard. And even then they get hate lmao…
Even if a female character is the prettiest woman in the world, the moment she does anything actually human and actually strong that men would love to see in male characters, they get hate. So how in hell do y’all think an actually maculine female character would survive in that environment lmao
Feminine characters are hated for doing things associated with women, but they still fit the physical standard expected of them. Masculine characters are hated for not being hot to men, for not conforming to the body standard, for not wearing make up, for not wearing tight/revealing clothing… for not being women the right way.
I don’t care if you like being feminine and you like to see yourself represented. Do whatever you want and be happy about it. But don’t go around acting like feminine women are the least represented type of woman of all.
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