#but people don't make the same amout of money here as they do there
skull-ishcloud · 5 months
I may or may not have been schemed by the most well known binder stores in my country. Like I paid R$ 73,00 reais in this little shit, their Whatsapp number isnt working, they haven't returned my email, their site hasn't said anything about seeing the package's transportation. Why didnt I think it was sus before I bought it? Because it was midnight I was crazy dysphoric thinking about my graduation and how I may not have an actual binder by then. SO I WAS IMPULSIVE. also because I've been meaning to buy it for like months. Also because it only got that weird after I had sent the money. Also because I trusted people online saying it was a good site.
I'm feeling so dumb right now. I hope they send me a sign that they are actually gonna deliver it.
Not even getting to the thing that made me take so long to buy it, that someone might catch me (I'm not out yet), but I could convince my mother (who knows how uncomfortable bras can be) that layering three tight sports bras was more "comfortable" so it's probably fine right??
0 notes
darklingichor · 2 years
Spare, by Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex
Let's get the obvious out of the way
I'm from the US, I've never really followed the royal family much. Though I'm about a year older than Prince Harry, so I grew up knowing about Princess Diana. I always liked her, thought she did the world so much good with the short time she had on it, and was shocked at the tragedy when she died.
My perspective on the monarchy is that, as an institution, and as a concept, it is outdated, and (from what I understand) is a drain on the British people. But, I don't feel like I can opine on that very much considering that I don't know enough, and don't live with it as a presence in my contry.
It goes without saying that the royal family has a massive amout of privilege and money.
I know the old saying that money can't buy happiness, isn't really true. Money helps because most people would be happier if they didn't have to worry about how their bills, family, and needs were going to be taken care of.
Taking all of this into consideration, I can't be angry at the princes for the life they were born into. I can't say that if I were born into money and such, that I would simply give it all up for ideological reasons. It's easy to insist that I would be like Siddhartha, or that I would fight to make things fair. But I don't *know* that. Especially considering that there seem to be a maze of rules to navigate.
Am I envious that these guys never had to worry about how they were going to pay for college, or about student loans, or do the "Shit, rent is due, but I had to go to the doctor" shuffle? Yeah!
But the flipside if that is that I never had to worry about whether or not my friends or anyone I may have wanted to date would have to be "approved" of by a committee, lead by my grandma. I didn’t have to worry about everything I did being photographed. All because of shit I couldn't control. I'm not going to go into any money stuff here.
So, now that all of that is out there, onto the book.
It's an interesting read. I don't know what I was expecting when I started it, but I was hoping it wouldn't be a gossip filled expose, I always feel sort of grimy when something I am reading takes that kind if turn. For the most part, I don't feel like this book is like that, what it is, is the memoir of a person born into an impossible family business, dealing with grief and expectations. It's a very human story.
I know that one of my friends expects this book to be nothing but Prince Harry bad mouthing all the other royals, and I figure that a least some other people might expecting the same thing. You don't really get that either. There is a fair amount of tension between the brothers, as they grew older. Not surprising considering royal succession added to the typical big brother little brother dynamic. There were serious disagreements and at least one fight, but I never got the feeling that the reader was suppose to walk away thinking that Prince William was a bad person. The same can be said about hhis father. Later in the book there are some unflattering things reveled about Charles and Camilla, but to me, it felt less like malicious gossip, and more like hurt resignation at the way his father reacted to certain things.
There is a lot of sweet remembering about Queen Elizabeth. It's clear that Prince Harry loves his family, and this book was not meant to be a club to swing at them. The real villains of royal life is the press. US tabloids are bad, paparazzi in any country is simply a gathering of worms, but the British press always struck me as more predatory and cruel on the whole. I mean yeah, Prince Harry did some epically stupid stuff. He addresses these things. He was dumb, uninformed, and he deeply regrets them, but the press won't let it go. Worse, they pursued him even into a war zone, risking the life of him and the people he served with, and for what? No good reason at all.
It's baffling that people would risk life and limb, theirs and others, for a story. It's not like they were looking for a hard hitting story, either, just gossip, this all sounds familiar, right?
Diana and the press looms large. Diana is a huge presence in this book, and understandably so. Prince Harry didn't process his mother's death until he was well into adulthood, and part of it was because the protocol of the royal family not showing emotion. Between the press and the rules and regulations of being royalty, what I kept thinking all while listening to this book was: They aren't allowed to be human. Then you add in the age old tradition of palace intrigue, with a modern twist (fewer daggers and poisonings, more newspapers) and each member of the family acting like an entity unto themselves, I can totally understand the decision to step back from royal duty.
Amid all of this very heavy subject matter, there are some very interesting stories where he was happy. His love of nature in general and Africa in particular lead to many loving descriptions of land, animals, and people.
As nasty as war is, his telling of his time in the military made it very clear he found what he was meant for when he joined the army. He doesn't sugar coat it, and he isn't gleeful about the horrors of war, but he found a place and work that he fit into. It is of little surprise that he chooses to fight for the people and animals of Africa, as well as the for wounded veterans.
And there are funny stories, in most of them, he us laughing at himself.
Guess I have to say something about Megan Markle. I honestly know very little about the Dutchess other than she's married to Prince Harry and she use to be an actress. She seems cool, It is clear that he is goofy in love and its nice to read about a happy loving relationship, after all the drama that surrounded his parents' marriage.
It's well written. The audiobook is read by Prince Harry, and he does a good job.
I'm glad I read it.
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themovies-express · 3 years
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