#but pierre thooo
sainzstorms · 2 years
i think sometime this weekend im gonna die after watching pierre speaking french on interviews
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videostak · 10 months
49 50 51 52 73 85 86 141....... 🧛‍♂️🍷
omg thx! :^)
49: song of winter: only love can break your heart by neil young!
50: song of spring: dida by joan baez ^_^
51: song of summer: literally anything from singular adventures of the style council and camera talk by flippers guitar buuut if i had to choose one ummm my ever changing moods oooor long hot summer by style council orrr summer beauty 1990 by flippers guitar.. the latter gets a bonus point cause it played on shuffle when i was driving back home from the swap meet during the middle of summer when i was working for thee record store and there was some busy traffic and ther ewas this pickup truck in front of me with bicycle parts in the back and one wheel was spinning due to the summer breeze so i have a fond memory of that song and it brings to mind a comfy confident vibe
52: song of autumn: uuuuh im no expert on autumn buut hmm uhhh like like the the the death by silver jews or buckingham rabbit also by silver jews
73: best song(s) of the 50s: hmmm i really think u cant go wrong w/ bo diddley by bo diddley jusst that sound of it is insaaaane like the way it echos and reverbates while still being a cleanly defined pop song like it has a whole entire energy with the rhythm and feels like otherworldy u cant go wrong w/ it! was also gonna say cinq etudes de bruits by pierre schaffer but that apparently came out in 1948 but i love all that musique concrete electronic sstuff i also love gesang der junglinge by stockhausen both very tiemless works :D
85: best album of the 00: VESPERTINE BY BJORK! orrr KID A BY RADIOHEAD both have such idk early 2000s moody vibes that kinda feel like idk the early 2000s vibe and all the fears n stuff summed up really well id say vespertine is the best thooo.
86: best album of the 10: i honestly neeeeed to listen to more modern music cause i rarely do T-T blackstar by bowie and async by ryuichi sakamoto are def really great since they both have lots to do w/ death and acceptance n stuff while stil feeling like both artists couldve just continued making amazing music endlessly w/o ever running out of steam .
141: favorite song from a video game: HMMMM i think its probably splash wave from outrun.. any of the three outrun songs (four if u count last wave from the name entry screen) well any of those songs are like my all time fav . ridge racer 4 and earthbound also have flawless soundtracks but i think outrun is the undisputed champion of great video game music
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bambi-marquez · 3 years
"our front wing isn't the most robust" PIERRE PLS 💀
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