#but pls no more mass headcanon/question dumps fhgnfhgnfhg idk who it was but someone sent so many in one go last time
emelinstriker · 11 months
so having just binged the entier Eternal Servants AU, you made it clear that all of the Champions are solely devoted to their Master with little space left for affection for one another (not ZERO affection, just far less) but what if a Master ordered them to 'be together'? Like, instead of giving/receiving affection, they just wanted to *watch*, and so like, picked two of their Champions and gave an order like (using SWK and SEM as an example) 'Until this hourglass runs out (or something) Macaque you will act as if Wukong is me, and Wukong you will act as if Macaque as me', how (potentially very badly) would the boys take it? Is that a kind of order they could even handle? Or does it pull too far away from the whole 'Master is the most important being in existence' even to *pretend* to be devotedly in love with someone else, even if it's an 'order' (Since it was established the Champions *can* choose to 'interpret' orders and such)
They can most certainly try, but literally none of them would enjoy it. They would also struggle. Like, a lot. As in- You know how devoted and happy they're towards their Master- if they suddenly got dared/ordered to pretend another champion is their Master, that entire enthusiasm and devotion goes down the drain and you can just see even the talkative one be quiet af. Probably the one having the least amount of problems with it (depending on the other champion) would be Macaque, since he's got the best relationship with most of the champions. But pretending to be devoted towards one another would still be very much awkward for any of them.
Though, some would be a lot more awkward about it than others who are more tolerant.
Mink would just dip out the moment the order drops since he already is the one denying orders much more easier than the others. Or if he's told that he's gonna be seen as the Master in this, he'd still immediately dip out because he wouldn't be able to deal with any form of love and affection from these weirdos he was forced to work in a team with.
Macaque would just be so much less enthused about it and all that usual extreme happiness and obsessed love is gone. He might cuddle a bit with his brother if he's the one he's supposed to worship for such a dare/order, but he wouldn't do more than that.
Wukong wouldn't externally change much with expressions, but he most certainly is very reluctant about showing any affection towards anyone who isn't his true Master. If the champion he's supposed to worship is his brother, he'd literally just treat him the same as ever. Maybe cuddle a bit with him too, but that's about it.
MK and Red Son would be filled with so much confusion and disappointment. Like, why would you want them to do that? What's the point? Are they not good enough as servants for their Master?
Nezha do be a lot more grumpy. He usually is already easily angered, but if he was ordered to devote himself to another champion.. You can bet he'll glare daggers towards the other champions the entire time with how annoyed he gets about it. Depending on the champion, his glare is so much sharper. With MK being hit with the least amount of his annoyance.
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