#but probably just rdst
hiemaldesirae · 4 months
you knwo what. you know what. i can never fucking escape the game system trope no matter what fandom it is im just gonna play into it now
so actually the original concept for this was isekai where vox ends up getting booted into hell via a universal mishap but i think its funnier like this: where vox dies and since he did technically die for his friends, he ends up ascending to heaven but is greeted by a different angel instead of the seraphims who asks if he'd like a second chance instead
vox says yes thinking he'll just get sent down again and be back w the vees- this does not happen. instead he ends up back at the very first day he fell into hell with a "system" - one that tells him its a "gift" from heaven, no less, thats supposed to guide him through his time in hell to like . minmax his gains + his losses (emotional and material) if that makes sense . so the system walks him through his time in hell but suddenly there seems to be a problem . turns out an unanticipated side effect of the system is that vox has a similar presence to an archangel (the one who Gave him the damn thing) so a lot of people end up assuming hes some kinda fallen angel which makes it like 100% harder for him to go thru life^3
alastor in PARCTICULAR takes a very odd interest in him, wondering and asking if he has wings or if they were "burnt in your fall" meanwhile vox isnt quite sure whether he wants to take the chance to get close to al this time or just leave since deep down he knows itll end badly for him either way. the system makes the choice for him and starts to steer him away from al who in turn becomes even more intrigued by the fallen angel, who for whatever reason he swears feels familiar
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electriceyes · 4 months
I don't get how reciprocal RadioApple is seen as more canon or likely than Radiostatic and Radio silence is the only possible thing for VoxAl
Like hello?
I thought of the person who posted about differences in RDST and RDAP with hells greatest dad and stayed gone where vox and Al are put side by side but with a line while Al and Luci are against eachother
Like??? Vox and Al literally have imagery showing that *something* keeps them separated and hating eachother. That thought has a sister thought of "if it wasn't there, they would still be friends."
PEOPLE WHO WERE FRIENDS BEFORE AND IMPLIED TO BE COMPLICATED (meaning likely not just pure hate towards each other. There's still some good thoughts left. And the implication that just something is keeping them distant? That 'line'?) ARE WAY MORE LIKELY THAN (CURRENTLY) ACQUAINTANCES!!!!
*Disclaimer: This doesn't make either ship worse or better. People can play with these dolls however they like.
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hiemaldesirae · 2 months
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hiemaldesirae · 2 months
hmmm another fae au. i am also still very sleepy (moreso cause i hiked 2 hours today) bit hopefully this is more comprehensive than the ladt sleep derived rdst writing i posted
Vox struggled against his bindings as he was bound to the sacrificial altar, defiance blazing in his eyes as he glared at his former servants. There was remorse there, regret in their expressions, but in the end they had agreed to Carmilla's plan to sacrifice him.
He'd known from the start, of course, that as an adopted ward of the Crown, that he was far less valuable than the actual royal children, the Crown Prince and Princess. What he hadn't expected was that the Royal Advisor, in her cold calmness and cruel facade, would order for him to be sacrificed in order to quell the war of the faeries.
Tch. As if it mattered. The fae would kill him, then all the rest of them, and he'd laugh at them from his position down below (what? Vox was under no impression he was making it to Heaven, after all) and out of this mess.
And yet he hadn't been prepared for the fae that stepped through the circle next to the altar, having been summoned by his former servants. As expected, it easily tears through flesh and bone, decapitating the servants as if they were nothing more than cotton dolls. Black, writhing masses of tentacles and shadow pull at the corpses, dragging them underground and staining the grass where they'd fallen a deep crimson red.
The shadowy mass around the fae twists and turns like the tail of a cloak waving in the wind. It strides towards Vox with a confident gait, and Vox- never having been one to suffer in silence- decides that if he's to go in such a way, he's at least not going to go down quietly.
He starts to gnaw at the makeshift gag in his mouth made of cloth, wriggling harder against the post and banging his legs on the ground. Faintly, he registers the fact that there are silvery and red mushrooms growing round him in a circle, and he lashes out at them, kicking the fungi balls here and there.
It's of no use, of course. The fae appears before him in a cloud of black smoke, their face obscured still by the shadows that swim at Vox's feet. "And who are you, now? Those are robes of the Royal Family, are they not?"
It points at the twilight-coloured robes Vox wears, spiralling dyes of blues, purples and pinks blending into what looks like an approximation of the sky. He used to love these ceremonial robes, making the most of the occasions he'd had the chance to use them, but now... well, wearing them to his deathbed had changed his outlook on them somewhat.
Vox glares at it through his bindings, still resolutely chewing at the cloth. The fae seems to realize he can't respond properly, and in the next second Vox finds the gag missing, coughing as he tries to regain his senses.
"They're... they are robes of the Royal Family," Vox admits begrudgingly, "They wanted to sacrifice me to your... er, people, as a way to distract you in a bid to win the war. Or to make a deal, or something, but I'm pretty sure that was a cover-up."
"So, then. You were their prince, and yet they still offered you up as a sacrifice?" The shadows around the fae amplified, as if its eyes widened from the absurdity of the statement before breaking out into a bout of laughter. "And they call us the cruel ones. Poor fools. I suppose it takes one to know one, hmm?"
Vox rolls his eyes.
Surprisingly, he finds himself willing to talk to the creature. Maybe it's because, despite the fact that he knows it'll likely kill him just as easily as it did his servants, at least it wasn't the one to sign his death contract. No, that had been his family, his siblings and even the servants who served him. "Well, that's definitely not how they're gonna present it."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, they'll probably make up some bullshit like I'd volunteered to sacrifice myself for the good of the people."
Vox wrinkles his nose as he pulls harder at the bindings keeping his arms wrapped around the post, wanting to smooth out the material of the robes he was wearing. To his surprise, a shadowy tentacle reaches forward and- instead of cutting off his arm or something, like he'd expected, it unties the ropes keeping Vox's arms tied up to the post.
"Ah, uh..." Vox looks to the tentacle.
Making sure not to land himself at the fae's mercy by insinuating some sort of fee owed, he bows to it (well, as best as he can while still half tied to a post) and says, "I'm glad for the assistance."
"Clever," the fae laughs. "But you know you aren't going anywhere."
"Obviously," Vox frowns. He'd known that from the beginning, been willing to go down kicking and spitting but never stupid enough to believe he'd leave alive. "Even if you don't butcher and kill me here I'll never be able to go back. And the neighbouring kingdoms are either too far to reach on foot or hostile nations. I'm not under any false assumptions that your tentacle helping untie me means I'm surviving past today."
"You're not very optimistic, are you, my dear?"
"Don't call me that," Vox frowns.
"Then give me a name," the fae says. Vox thinks he can hear a faint smile as they speak, "And we'll make a deal."
"You must think I'm stupid," Vox says in reply. "I'm not making a deal with a fae too cowardly to show their face. And who's to say you won't fuck me over in a deal?"
"How's this as my word?" The fae asks, the shadows surrounding them slowly receding into the forest around them. As the shadows uncloak the fae, Vox notices the fae's dark crimson red hair and long antlers, sharp snd strong enough to use as some sort of stake. Their eyes shine a deep red with flecks of green and gold, but perhaps most damning is the diadem of shadow and thorns twisting around their head.
Vox's eyes widen involuntarily as he stares up at the imposing faerie. "You- you're the-"
The Unseelie Fae King smiles down at him. "The King? I'm quite well aware, my dear. After all, that is what the crown atop my head is for. Now, about that deal of ours... here's my request."
Cold, clawed fingers scrape against Vox's chin as the King clumsily- yes, that was the word he'd use for it, not careless, but clumsy- tilted his face this way and that, surveying him. The Fae King brushes against a semi-hidden bruise on Vox's cheek- a last souvenir he'd gotten from the court when he'd tried to reason with Val, tell him that what they were doing was insane... only to be betrayed by the man he'd called brother.
"I'm in need of an assassin, of sorts. A... ah, the title hardly matters. I've a position at court to fill, and I'd like for it to go to someone able to keep my court in line." The King pauses in his talking as a small tentacle sprouts from the ground and sticks itself to Vox's cheek, making him suck in a pained breath before relaxing himself. "It would be quite beneficial if my assassin was able to... permanently rid me of nuisances, so to say."
"You need someone who can use blessed iron?" Vox realizes, remembering Carmilla and her unfashionably expensive blessed iron decked-clothes, the biggest offender of which being her fucking ballet flats- as if she needed those things to be equipped with iron. "That's why you want to make a deal with me? So I can kill for you?"
"It's better than the alternative, isn't it?" The King smiles. "So, what will it be?"
Vox reaches out for the King's hand and places his in the fae's, gripping firmly in an awkward handshake. "Deal. I'll give you my name and kill for you, and you'll provide me a home in your court?"
"Why, look at you! A master deal-maker in the making," the King chuckles, clearly finding some sort of humor in the statement. "But yes. I'll take your name and your service, in return for shelter and belonging. Will you take our deal, or will you die here?"
The answer is obvious.
"My name is Vox," he tells the King, and for all of two awful seconds, he feels drained and sapped, cold to the bone and missing something he can't even describe, before everything is normal once more. "Wait, you-"
"Shh," the King says, and Vox promptly shuts his mouth. "We can talk more once we return, yes? For now, you can know me as Al."
"Just... Al?" Vox squints, not sure if it's a trick.
"More answers will come once we return," Al says, although Vox can swear that the King's grin is a little too wide to be genuine. "Until then, I hope you'll find your way around court easier than you did here with the humans."
"I don't doubt that I will," Vox murmurs. "I really don't."
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hiemaldesirae · 3 months
Tis Alice! I'm so glad you liked the new fem rdst update and my deer wife drabble!
I was honestly a little nervous about writing Vox the way I did because Vox is very sweet in my deer wife au and my fem Vox is much closer to canon Vox so I'm thrilled you love her! And oh yeah she is way more judgey and conniving than people think she is. I wanted her to have subtle Queen Bee vibes, badass bitch who is used to getting her way.
Also you said the think about it being like wicked and now i think i understand why the soundtrack has been playing in my head all day lol
Okay so I'm really fucking happy you liked the name for the shadow because i was so worried it was lame it's literally Alastor backwards lol i don't write a lot of sick fics but it seemed like a nice setting to try the shadow's POV in cause we get to see it being protective of Vox and also get how Alastor is really feeling.
HII ALICE to be completely honest im Always down for whatever u post . even if you posted a r*dioapple drabble tomorrow id probably give it a chance tbh thats how much i love ur characterization and writing
oh no i totally get why theres a difference between the two! i actually really adore just how varied ur characterization is across aus and how much u take into factor the dispositional factors affecting each character and their inherent personality traits . it makes for such compelling storytelling and universes that really feel like theyre sucking u into them!! also she totally gives off heather chandler vibes i love her go girlboss i support your warcrimes. the w in warcrime is for woman after all 🤗
LOL i made the connection after i saw the whole difference between vox and als social groups and i was like "holdon this is a bit familiar"
I DIDNT EVEN NOTICENLFMAOWI this is how shit i am with anagrams . its no wonder lemony snicket got me with so many of those while i was reading asoue. it honestly just sounds so cool though god i love rot as a nickname and rotsala also sounds like some sort of ancient deity people would worship even tho it literally doesn't exist as an actual name and thats a whole other spiel i cant afford brainpower to get into ... Anyway bottom line is it is Sooo cool and i love love love the concept of als shadow being a conduit for his true feelings <3
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hiemaldesirae · 5 months
Swap nonny again: thank you katenull877! That is Seir!!!
Also For just how obsessed Swap!Al is, he'll probably gift Vox a lab grown kid (made from both of their dna) for their next anniversary.
"Love, happy anniversary. Look, here's our Fawn. Isn't he lovely?" *places baby in Vox's lap.*
Vox: O_O
Alastor wants Vox completely. Yes, he now owns his soul, but he wants Vox's love like he once had. He wants Vox's complete surrender. (Vox is alive and Honestly that really all that matters. That and keeping Vox with him, now that he has him.)
HELP ME ????? oh that old man knows nothing about tech fs so he definitely forced some poor hapless voxtek employees into making a baby for him and their former boss 😭😭😭 good lord.... okay well at least theyd be cute, i hope ... !!!!
and oh i should have asked some time ago but since als 'love' for vox is so close to bordering on obsession, do you think its possible for them to actually have a healthy relationship in the end? <- take healthy as in a reciprocated love for each other since we arent really taking in any of the other factors that make rdst as insane as they are
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hiemaldesirae · 5 months
A small idea for your siren Vox au (I don’t know what it’s called) what if while Alastor was gone for 7 years Vox was still stuck in his tank and also starving he wants out and as quickly as possible because he has no clue when Alastor would be coming back so he just goes for it breaking his tank then crawling down the streets of hell trying to find some food Valentino finds him and just thinks “it’s probably someone’s kink” and takes Vox with him(poor Vox he keeps getting kidnapped) he stays with Val for awhile and they become quick friends then Vox starts Vox tech probably built himself some legs then started the Vees and now Vox is the leader of a huge media empire all is going well until he hears some terrifying news that the radio demon is back in town
Another small thing imagine one of Alastor’s minion being told to take care of Vox while he was away but by the time he actually visits the radio tower Vox already broke out
siren vox is fine ahaha ive just been calling it the mermay au in my head :) !! so long as i know what you mean though it dont matter what u call it lawl
okay but back to the ask. this is SUCH a good idea actually. it especially fits with the angle i kinda wanna shoot for which focuses a lot more on the dehumanisation aspect that alastor kinda accidentally inflicts onto vox by proxy of him not treating vox as an equal to him and instead as his pet ?? but by the time he would leave i want to have their relationship developed enough to the point where theyre actually on equal standing ground. so as interesting as this sounds im afraid it wont be used :( still i really love this concept!! really makes me think about how canon rdst probably broke up (als ego got the best of him and he couldnt bear being weak for vox anymore ...)
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