#but scar fans are thirstier
made-nondescript · 1 year
not to put the cart before the horse but there is a substantial chance that in the next few days we will see a techno vs. goodtimeswithscar poll. what is your statement regarding this eventuality (holding up a microphone)
we have GOT to make scar work for his victory ok because we all know technoblade is not winning that match up no matter his merits (which are significant; have you guys seen sexy anime techno) SO! i am throwing my vote in techno's direction. for the drama. that's my official stance
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extraspectrumed · 6 years
Hey mods?, like I ask to another blog: I just joined the fandom and I kinda wanna know what’s currently going on (like storyline/plot-wise). Is possible for you to get me up to get me up to speed in some sort a way on what’s happening? (Also I love your art and keep up the good work!)
{ ^^ Heyo and thank you! As of this particular point of time, we’re kind of in a transitional period of moving from the aftermath of the event to a nice and shiny new story ark. I’ll do my best to try and recap a few of the important things that have happened prior!
◉ An early Magic Anon causes the Big Angry Meatball (IE: Blixer)’s cave to be destroyed.
◉ Surprise, surprise! Forcefully yanking your arm out of a couple hundred pounds of rocks might hurt a bit! So that’s a few more scars for Blixer to show off.
◉ Sadcube (IE: Near) is reasonably upset that he couldn’t help Blixer before the angry meatball stomped off, and instead looks over a few nearby areas before finally getting some sleep.
◉ In the morning, someone decides that trying to stab Lycanthropy (IE: Lyca) with a syringe is a good and normal way to wake her up. Also the syringe can apparently cure corruption, but who knows if THAT’S true?
◉ Soon after, Lyca heads into Paradise to find someone who can figure out what’s actually in the syringe.
◉ Near goes to check on the Treeangle, and runs into Lyca, who is being unnecessarily sneaky for the fun of it. Wiggles ensue. 
◉ After a bit of harassment involving the mention of CTM, an anon tries to steal Near’s triangles and gets a face full of buzzsaws.
◉ … And a corrupted spy gal (IE: Bond/Try This) was watching! What a shocker!
◉ Bond takes a nice long walk/swim to a still undisclosed location to talk to Blixer in his shiny new cave with his shiny new tattoos.
◉ Oh yeah, and Blixer bit a child (IE: Wick/Wicked) who wandered into his cave. Pretty rude of him!
◉ Someone disciplines Blixer like a cat. It doesn’t work very well and also Wick wakes up!
◉ Bond is back and cares for Wick a bit! After a few asks questioning her morality, she has a change of heart, abandoning Blixer and nearly shattering herself using a triangle piece to slow Wicks corruption. Spy gal is now upgraded to spy mom.
◉ Someone rudely barges into Barracuda (IE: Arra)’s home btw. They weren’t very welcoming to their new guest.
◉ Heli (IE: Bell) brings Square (IE: Hope) over to Near, and they have a cute interaction.
◉ Someone retrieved and fixed Blixer’s guitar, and he cries like a baby while insisting that he is in fact NOT crying like a baby.
◉ Aaand then someone hands him a power up. Now Blixer has depth perception and fangs so the fans can be thirstier! Also he’s probably going to cause trouble, maybe.
◉ Someone tries to steal the entire 50ft Treeangle with their bare hands. The Treeangle gets upsetti spaghetti and spits out three whole shapes who proceed to terrorize this one poor anon.
◉ Local electro flower goes on a quest to figure out where Blixer is and what he’s planning! Also, remember the syringe? No? Doesn’t matter in the end, now we know what’s in it thanks to a local scientist (IE: Connie/Sevcon)! It’s probably a cure for corruption. Probably. Also it’s strong enough to shatter someone, so maybe don’t use it.
◉ The Treeangle Squad puts up a barrier and everyone flocks over to lick at it’s minty fresh walls. The Lickening ensues.
◉ An anon dies while accompanying our lovely flower friend on their adventure. This sparks a massive event, and a whole bunch of muns and named anons come together to infiltrate Blixer’s new cave tower.
◉ A lot of them shatter! But the final few make it to Blixer, and take some interesting courses of action! Actions of which wear down on Blixer’s patience, and he tries to kill everyone in the room. He’s interrupted by a broken window and gets several snakes to the face. Also one of the infiltrators smuggled in a ghost and says some pretty cryptic things!
Aaaand, that brings us to where we are now! I hope that helps!! }
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