#but she knows he has to log on when he needs to 'babysit' tubbo
chayannesegg · 7 months
what i love about pierre and tubbo's relationship is that to pierre, him and tubbo have a great close relationship. he holds sunny dear to his heart and thinks of tubbo as a mentee/nephew. they tease each other, they prank each other, they have so much in common, they talk about create problems, he looks out for tubbo (in his own kooky uncle way)
meanwhile to tubbo, pierre is simply the world's most annoying old man (whose a bit obsessed with him)
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guckies · 10 months
the real issue i have with entire "bbh is the best egg babysitter" argument that bbh defenders constantly bring up as a type of gotcha moment is that... in most times, it's not that bad is the best option: he's literally the ONLY option
simply put: before tubbo, he was the player that was online most reliably in the server, and the one that people would know "oh, he's gonna be on for sure", so if a last minute issue happened, no shit were they going to go to the one person who they know has scheduled in enough time on the server to take care of egg tasks
hell, roier used to do the same with flippa and tilín all the time, especially since they were both spanish speakers like him! and he did it when the tasks were daily!!!
bad didnt need to do leo's tasks until foolish started having to travel a lot more and then he had some internet issues. and even then, MULTIPLE TIMES foolish logged on with lag an everything just to take care of her tasks! and the times he had issues and didnt log in that led to bad having to take care of Leo he said "i figured someone else in the server would help", he never mentioned bad specifically.
fit always took care of ramon's tasks! hell, phil took care of chayanne's and tallulahs, AND he went to fit, cellbit and forever first for babysitting, only going to bad when he knew neither of them would be available. and now after that tubbo, niki and fit were his first options!
like. it's wild to me, how bbh defenders pretend like all the children were pushed onto bbh at by the other parents at the first chance, when -IN MOST CASES- it couldnt be furthest away from the truth
Anon you get me!!!!! Like yes!! Often times they don’t rely on Bad rather he puts himself forward to do these things for the eggs unprompted, which anyone on the server would do if they had time in their day.
Like ages ago Roier was easily one of the best egg babysitters because he started the trend of caring for multiple eggs. He only really stopped because of Bobby’s death yet he still interacts with them today and makes the time to have conversation.
With Foolish, he does try his best to always take care of Leo himself because that’s their dynamic. Like when he can’t it’s because he isn’t able to get on at all(outsider factors and launcher not working), can’t play cause of Lag, is travelling or has previously made plans to play games with other people at the time Leo gets on(which he can’t predict). Also it’s not like Bad was constantly taking care of Leo when Foolish isn’t on because Leo goes to Roier mainly for her tasks when she has the choice. Like I can only think of two recent examples of Bad taking care of Leo; one where Foolish couldn’t log in at all because it wouldn’t launch and Bad was the only one on. The second being the night they went missing in which Foolish had plans he couldn’t change after spending majority of his day waiting for Leo to log on plus Tubbo was also there with Bad taking care of Leo(and other eggs) just not on stream.
You’ve said the stuff with the other eggs perfectly cause that’s how it is with them. But then we have Pomme and Richas (occasionally Tallulah) who are outliers(due to having big families) that will literally will interact with anyone whenever they want.
Also I think bbh defenders forget that the others on the server aren’t strictly mcyts. Many of them are variety streamers with a tendency to play minecraft/have a mcyt past. As well as the fact that they are all in different timezones. All the parents do try their best and frankly to say bbh is the best egg babysitter/sacrifices a lot for the eggs is discrediting their parenting and the effort they put in for the eggs.
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