#but she would solve it by coming here with our gettoest friend
Ok now that I have a moment to write about this, let me tell you some kind of fucked up shit that happened today -.-
So we’re all hanging out in Hailey’s room(my suitemate) and I was telling Hailey that I was leaving for a week to go to Florida. Hailey gets sad and is like “What am I going to do without you?” and I’m just like eh you’ll be iight but she’s said. So I ask her cause she’s been asking for weeks now for me to take down one of my braids to see my actual hair. 
They all have this unnatural obsession with my hair. Their always touching it and I don’t see why they see it as so magical and shit. (I mean They as in Hailey and Angelina) After today tho, no one’s allowed to touching it cause it’s fucking weird.
So she goes yes please and I go and take down a braid that I’ve been meaning to redo for awhile but was lazy. So I take it out and show her. Everyone is in her room mind you, so there’s Hailey up in her lofted bed along with Angelina chilling up there too. Marissa is standing in the room along with 2 of Hailey’s guy friends (One I think was gay but every time he said he wasn’t he sounded like that one music video where the guy goes “I’m not gay” while defending gays). 
Anyways, I leave and come back with a braid out and I go and show them. They get all touchy feely with it and Angelina goes “Can you straighten it?” and I’m like Absolutely not! I’ve gone 3 or more years now without letting heat touch my hair, I will not subject my hair to it just cause yall are curious, even if you used heat protected, hell no! Plus since my hair was in braids my hair was already stretched and as straight as it was going to get. Then Hailey goes, “Can you take it all down?! Or before you leave take it down??” I go fuck no, they really did not understand how fucking long it takes me to do my own fucking hair every couple of months. This shit aint a wig that I can take off and put on in 2 minutes flat! Eventually they drop it and I go and grab the yarn that was in my hair…cause that’s what I use in my hair to braid it with, which I’ve mentioned countless times to everyone who asks about it.
So I come back to their room because they also often ask me how I braid my hair like this..So I have the yarn in my hand getting ready to put it in when Angelina goes “What is that? Is that yarn?! All this time your hair has been fake!?!?! Ewwwwww” And I go “duuhhh I’ve been told you this and you’ve fucking felt it many fucking times.” She’s still not getting the idea so I go “Haven’t you ever seen a black girl one week have braids down to her ass and the next week have them shoulder length and then a week later there to her ass again??” and she acts dumb and goes “My mind is blown right now, I thought they just cut their hair” and I’m like noo but then she goes back to saying “ewwwwwwww your hair is fake” and all this other shit that just pissed me off cause she kept saying eww about it. 
What is so disgusting about my hair?? Seriously?? I would love to know?? I would get it if it was real hair cause that’s a little weird but this is yarn.. Explain that.
She sits there and constantly asks me if she’s “Woke” yet just cause she’s learning not to say fucking nigga around me and honestly at this point she will never be any type of woke in my book especially when she still wants to say nigga and be so called “cool”. Like everyone else was like cool and didn’t make a big deal that it was yarn cause I guess they knew the deal with black hair but she became a huge bitch about it and at the risk of sounding like a baby, that shit got to me. Idk if she was fucking around like she sometimes does cause before I took it down she told me she had a black guy friend who apparently had braids and he took his down for her too. So idk what her deal was but it didn’t win her any points with me..
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