#but simultaneously Not complaining at the amount of soft cozy bed scenes this guy has while looking incredibly Poe
the-force-awakens · 2 years
soft kisses whilst cuddling in bed for the flyboy 🥺
gender neutral reader, some uh. some slight making out my hand slipped, okay?
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This was your favorite place to be, out of the entire fucking galaxy — and you'd seen many of its vibrant corners, stepped into its most vivid shadows. You've gone to more planets than you can count, sped through hyperspace so much that the initial lurch of a ship no longer disorients you, but none of that can even remotely compare to lying in bed beside Poe Dameron.
The room temperature is cool, colder than the rest of the base because it helps you both sleep and it makes your shared comforter all that much more cozy. You'd kicked your trousers off somewhere down towards the foot of the bed ages ago, and Poe had tossed aside his shirt around the same time, leaving him in just his gray sweatpants.
You're curled up against his side, his arm under and around you, fingertips gliding up and down your arm absentmindedly as you draw circles against his chest, breathing him in, one of your legs draped over his and you think that nothing can possibly compare to this: no supernova, no nebula, no sunrise, could ever make your breath stall in your chest quite like it does when you tip your head back to look up at Poe to quietly observe his profile as he watches the ceiling: the stubbled curve of his jaw, the softness of his lips, the wrinkles gathered at the corners of his eyes.
He'd been infodumping about ships a moment ago when he'd suddenly fallen quiet with the kind of sigh that told you he was all right but words were becoming too much of an effort as tired as he was. Or maybe even from how happy he was, given that he catches you looking at him and smiles softly at you.
His hand stills against your skin and abruptly he shifts so that he's lying on his side: your leg jams between his and a heavier breath falls from his lips as his dark eyes slide down your face to your lips and back up again, a question in his gaze that he starts to open his mouth to verbalize, but you beat him to it, leaning in to kiss him.
His arm wraps around your body, skimming up your spine to hold you firmly in place against him when you tease open his lips to press your tongue into his mouth, drawing a low noise from the back of his throat that makes your stomach flip.
Maker, you adore all the lovely noises he makes. You don't think you'll ever get tired of it.
You don't think Poe ever will either, not when you pull back to spare some attention to his neck, ghosting soft kisses along his skin, making him gasp and his grip on you grow tighter.
You've reached the junction of his neck and his shoulder when he whispers sleepily, "Love you," into the space between you.
You glance up at him, but find his eyes are shut, eyelashes fluttering slightly.
“Love you too,” you reply, touched that out of all the things that could have slipped out at this moment, it is a reminder of how much he loves you.
Poe blinks down at you, a crease appearing between his eyebrows. "You good?”
“Yeah,” you whisper, cupping his face with your hand and sweeping your thumb across his cheekbone. “I got you.”
The dorky grin you get in return is something you're gonna treasure for the rest of your life, you think. Especially since he leans back in, to kiss you softly a second time, and you can feel his smile against your own.
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