#but some lesbians will get fucking VICIOUS if a bi woman is butch or a dyke has a complex gender
one thing ive noticed is that for some reason there are a Lot more dogmatically exclusionary lesbians on tumblr than there are dogmatically exclusionary gay men.
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sighingtirf · 6 years
Just saw a conversation between a couple people about how they’d love to see a Hunger Games type of thing, but with “TERFs” as the contestants, and sending mutated dogs in after us and essentially just torturing us for fun and entertainment
And one of them said that we’d definitely be killing each other out of our own free will, because “knowing them they would kill each other and then their own allys because they dont agree a 100%"
And holy shit, the projection
Radical feminists consistently disagree with each other, and while there are certainly some groups (who are loud but make up the minority) who go around bullying people and harassing those who disagree with them, there’s such a bigger difference in opinion here, and (for the most part; albeit there are some topics “rudefems” tend to get vicious about and target people for) I feel safer expressing my varying views and opinions than I ever did while I was with the genderist crew. And unlike in genderist circles, if there’s people being nasty and awful because of a difference in opinion, there are other women who stand up for the person being harassed. Even if they truly disagree, there’s tons of posts calling out that kind of behavior during disagreements.
Meanwhile, among genderists, you make a casual post with one wrong word and immediately get 50 hateful anons. There’s constantly call-outs for people who use terms slightly differently. You’re constantly guilt-tripped and threatened to the point where you’re scared to even follow someone who has a slightly different viewpoint than you. You have to re-read a post that you made about your own personal experiences 95372984 times before posting it to make sure it, at the very least, has perfect wording and caters a million times over to apologize for the fact that your personal experiences aren’t perfectly in line with their thought experiments. You’re under immediate suspicion if you so much as reblog from someone who has been deemed problematic (for anything ranging from “I don’t think aces are inherently a part of the lesbian-gay-bi-transgender community” to “gender doesn’t exist”). 
You say “femme and butch are lesbian-specific terms with meanings that are rooted in the lesbian experience and culture” and get hundreds of people insulting you, threatening you, sexually harassing you, calling you “TERF”, messaging you to threaten you, kicking you and anyone who so much as considered what you had to say out of the group, stalking you on your post talking about abuse you faced so they can call you abusive (for saying please don’t use femme and butch outside of lesbian contexts) and demanding an apology and threatening to kick you out of the autistic trauma survivor support group if you don’t apologize.
Old ladies who haven’t even heard the term “transgender” can go to a trans activist event, ask someone at the back of the crowd if they’re cross-dressers because she genuinely doesn’t know and is asking to learn more, and the entire crowd will start chanting “SHAME” in her face until she walks away.
Open a feminist bookstore that has a few books written by radical feminists? Trans activists attend the grand opening to barricade the entrance and threaten anyone who tries entering, run around pouring wine on the bookshelves, trip the fire alarm, and scream at the women who poured their time and energy and money into creating the store.
Exist as an old woman and ask the question “who’s attacking?” in response to a “TERFS ATTACK, WE FIGHT BACK” and try to do your job and take photos of the event you came to take photos of? Trans activists beat you up and then blame you for it, saying you “deserved” it, “it’s your fault”, “you asked for it”.
Buy a billboard and put a dictionary definition on it? Get doxxed. 
Be a lesbian of mixed race, and work hard to direct a movie about a trans boy, and commit two crimes while making it: 1.) cast a cis girl to act as the trans boy, and 2.) include the phrase “I feel like a boy trapped in a girl’s body”? Trans activists put a sign at her podium reading “fuck this cis white bitch”, scream over her whenever she tries to speak at her event, shout “fuck you scared bitch” at her.
Silently exist as a biologically female person who is homosexual (aka, exclusively attracted to other biologically female people), or turn down a trans woman, or--god forbid--say the words “lesbians don’t like dick”? Lots of rape jokes. Normalized and celebrated rape fantasies. Gaslighting. Conversion tactics. Threatening people who so much as ask for communication before-hand as to “are you cis or trans” or state “I’m not interested in dating trans people”. Sexually traumatizing and abusing lesbians directly. Joking about how gang rape should be punishment. Talking about how “cool” it would be if trans women were filmed raping these women as a threat to other lesbians and showing how “lesbians secretly want it”. Turn around and scream at traumatized lesbians that “nobody says that / does that”, then go back to ignoring the problem and brushing this violence under the rug and minimizing the problem and agreeing with the perpetrators if ever forced to confront an incident.
A survivor of severe abuse can speak out and take a stand against her incredibly powerful and widely supported abusers, do an incredible amount to help other victims of sexual abuse, be open and vulnerable about her trauma to a world that hates her for existing and hates her even more for speaking out, but when she rightfully snaps at and yells back at a pedophile who came to scream at her at her own event, generists hate her. Didn’t matter how validating she was, the only thing she would have been allowed to do was sit there and take it and apologize profusely for somehow “not doing enough”. Her events were cancelled, people all over genderists circles were yelling about how awful she is and how much they hate her and how she deserves the worst of fates, comments are made about how they “hope she gets stabbed in her vagina”, etc. etc. etc.
I can go on and on and on.
Trans activism is a fucking cult where you’re under threat even if you nod and agree and conform as quickly as possible, while radical feminists consistently disagree and call out each other out if someone tries to settle debates with bullying and harassment. 
Maybe they somehow think that disagreement is an issue that should result in violence? If someone thinks that, doesn’t that kind of...make their statement about themselves?
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