#but sometimes erik fucks charles like a wild animal and I respect that. charles is definitely into it
jurassic-cunt · 3 months
an important part of erik's character is that he has zero chill. intense as fuck. that's why i love when erik body worships charles in fics. because yes, magneto is feral and down to kill but charles gets to see a side of him no one else can because it's charles
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widgenstain · 7 years
Secret Mutant Letter
Slightly updated version from two years ago. Yes, it’s still super long, but don’t be deterred by that, I’m grateful for any gift and I will squeeee over whatever you decide to write for me.
If there’s any confusion left after reading the prompts, here’s a guideline for the things I like and the things I’m not so fond of:
 - Well thought-through characters with emotionally relatable/understandable motivations and a natural growth or decline. I will always pick a simple, short story with fleshed out, “real” characters over a twisty-turn-y ride that gives its players an unnatural progression and gimmick-y problems for ze ultimate drama.
- Porn.
- Charles Xavier. Yes, he’s my favourite character, with all his flaws and faults, so I would prefer if the story/art was focused on him. I don’t really care if it’s pre-beach Charles, canon disabled Charles, sad hobo trash-baby Charles, old Charles, or dark!Charles (hell yeah!) just give me Charles as the main character (unless you pick the Logurt or Alex/Armando fic of course). Concerning the smut: I very much like to see him top.
- Pairings: I pretty much ship Charles with everyone in the X-men verse, MCU, Elementary verse or verse of an obscure fandom only people from the Shetlands know about. Erik only with Charles, Magda, Moira or Shaw (as an abusive/bad boyfriend, not a happy relationship) please. I’m pretty open when it comes to side-pairings and I can’t really think of any that I wouldn’t like. Fem!slash is also always welcome.
- Balanced power dynamics in relationships. One of the things that draw me to Cherik is that despite the horrible things those two dumb men have put each other through in all those decades, they treat the other as some sort of equal. So, in a healthy relationship fix-it, I’d like to see this form of respect and sense of equality reflected. In all aspects of their lives, including the bedroom. I like to see this in other pairings too btw.
- Speaking of fix its and happy ends: I love AUs, I can’t help myself. If canon is as sad and depressing as ours, AUs are the way to go. You can go wild here since one of the reasons I fell into this fandom is the wide variety of AUs; Noir, Western, Space, Inanimate objects, Animals, Dragons, Historical, Mythology, Vampires… you name it and I’m pretty sure I’ll love it!
- The same goes for kinks. Excluding the exceptions mentioned below there isn’t much that could shock me or turn me away.  Vore, watersports, dub-con, infidelity, incest (Charles/Raven hrrgggnnn), scat, awkward sex, premature ejaculation, intercrural, blood play, spinal cord injury sex, mpreg, caning… this list goes on and on. The previous years I always put genderbending and lactation on my No list but this has changed since. Bring on the genderfuck and men with breasts!
 As open as I am to all different kinds of pairings and no-vagina-no kinks in fanfiction, as picky I am when it comes to dynamics and certain characterisations.
- Nothing will turn me away quicker from a fic than when Charles ‘Leader Of The X-men’ Xavier is portrayed as a waifish, helpless, stereotypically feminine bimbo who cries all day and wantonly spreads his legs for every strong man he meets. He’s smart, an optimistic realist with a big forgiving heart; He’s caring in a traditionally paternal (actually quite patriarchal, hello canon!dark!Charles) sense, later on very confident in his abilities as well as his PAN PAN PAN sexuality and very very powerful. Show it, don’t tell and please don’t turn him into this cutsey-wutsey thing that needs constant protection and only lives to be fucked by Erik’s a giant pulsing cock.
- The other side of this coin: That characterisation of Erik. I love Erik. He’s the one I usually identify with (minus the genocidal tendencies) therefore, yes, great character. I see him as a passionate, honest, righteous, determined, committed, angry man who is proud of EVERYTHING he is and who can be hilariously camp (and funny) and truly good to the few people he cares about. He’s also an unstable drama queen, starved for love and admiration, unreasonable, stubborn to the bone and has troubles expressing his many more tender emotions. He’s basically a huge ball of issues, so if I see him written as this cool, in-control, hyper-masculine, I-only-top-hurr-hurr, Christian Grey-ish kind of super-dom, I do not only turn away, I run screaming.
- In a similar, if a little more focussed on the smut vein: Wolverine is a canon bi man, you cannot tell me that he never had a dick up his arse in the 200 odd years he spent on this planet.
- I used to love a/o verses for the self-lubrication, the (consensual) heat aggressiveness and all the possibilities I saw in it. A gender sand-box where there are no limits: Women impregnating other people, pregnant men, a fictional discussion of what exactly defines genders, are they limited to who carries the children and who sires them or is there more etc., how does sexual dimorphism play into this… blah blah blah. Instead it’s often used to write bodice ripper story lines where Beatrice, the busty maiden and her true-love, the brooding and mysterious Lord Fatcock are replaced by two men. Or it’s used to make up biology reasons that excuse rape. If you go for the a/o prompts: Please don’t do that.
- From rape to love story arcs. This No comes right after waifish Charles. I don’t mind non-con in fanfiction, even sexualised non-con (I’ve learned that I prefer the a little less common sadistic POV in those though), but if one character abuses the other for 100k words, I don’t want to read about them falling in “love” in the end and having babies. Show rape as the violent and destructive act that it is and deal with the consequences. Don’t romanticise it and have the victim fall for their abuser for the sake of a “happy end”.
- Shaw/Charles. I actually do enjoy this pairing and there are some very good fics that feature it, but I just feel that there are enough of them the fandom already. At least of the ones with the typical “Shaw tortures Charles” dynamic. Shaw is Erik’s demon and I like to keep it that way.
- D/s verses or hard-core BDSM. I like the latter occasionally, if it stays confined to the bedroom, but I really am not a fan of how these relationships are portrayed in fanfiction (balanced power dynamics, remember?). With D/s verses I sometimes have major troubles understanding what exactly qualifies as consent and a lot of those ‘raised to kneel at the table’ tropes that pop up in them squick the hell out of me. So I rather not read them.
- I also have very specific tastes when it comes to crossdressing, which would take hours to explain, so I’m putting this kink in the No section too.
 All of that said (phew, it was a lot), I hope one of my prompts will inspire you, write what you think feels right, and most importantly: enjoy yourselves and have fun!!!!
I can’t wait for the outcome!
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