#but soon after his birth he couldn't sense his soulmate
Missing Piece - Hendery
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Credit to the original owners of the images.
GN Film Studies Major Reader X Film Studies Major/YouTuber Hendery
Half of a jewelry piece at birth
Warnings: cursing
Y/D/N = your dog's name
"We've literally been studying for ten minutes", you deadpanned.
"And?" He questioned, his eyebrows furrowing.
"You haven't even studied anything yet. You've just played with the cat."
"I need food to think. And I'll pay for us both."
"Deal", you said. Pushing the book to the side of the bed. Hendery did a little dance as you moved to put your shoes and jacket on. You couldn't help but laugh at him and walked towards him.
"Let's go!" He said as he pulled you out of the door and locked his dorm door. His arm went over your shoulder as you walked, it was a normal thing for him to do with all of his friends.
"So have started writing your script yet?" You asked, assuming that he hadn't even come close to starting.
"Contrary to popular belief, yes", he answered, a bit of pride could be heard in his voice.
"What's it about?"
"It's a comedy about three friends who don't wanna find their soulmates."
"Sounds interesting. Anything else?"
"Nah, just the basics for the characters. What about you?"
"Two friends who somehow don't notice they're mates."
"That sounds ridiculous. How can they not notice the matching jewelry?"
"Some people are blind to little details!"
"Hmm sure", he said, obviously not convinced. The two of you let the silence take over as you walked to the pizza place of Hendery's choice. Upon arrival, he opened the door for you and waved to the workers as the two of you sat down.
"So this is the place you talk about all of the time?" You asked, slipping the jacket off of your shoulders and onto the seat next to you.
He began to rapidly nod and talk about how amazing the entire menu was.
"Hey Hendery, I was wondering when you'd be in this week", a male said as he walked over to the two of you.
"Blame them," he pointed to you. "They keep making me study when I could be eating."
"You're the one who asked me to help you study!"
"I didn't think you would be so strict with me!"
The waiter laughed at the banter between the two of you and said, "I can't believe it's taken you so long to bring your soulmate here." The two of you instantly paused and looked at him. Confusion written on your faces. The waiter looked just as confused when he saw your reactions.
"Wait did you guys not know? How did you guys not see the matching rings?" Your eyes moved to Hendery's hand where a ring that was quite similar to your own sat. His was a sun, yours a moon, but the two were obviously a pair.
"How did we not notice?" You asked, mainly to yourself.
"That explains why everyone always thought we were dating…" Hendery mumbled, causing the waiter to die of laughter.
"This is comedy gold", he mumbled as he walked towards the kitchen to give the two of you time to talk together.
"Dang it. This means you're right."
"That's what you're thinking about right now?"
"That and this is an interesting first date."
"Nothing else? Like being surprised that we're mates?"
"No, in all honesty, it makes a lot of sense. We get along quite well and I've always thought you were cute."
"Okay well if we're just spilling everything, I always used to get disappointed when I would look at you and think of how you weren't my soulmate."
"Well good thing I am then. Anything else?"
"Not that I can think of…"
"Well, I have something on mind. Can I kiss you?"
"Fantastic", he said and moved to sit next to you to be closer. One hand moved to your face and the other to your neck as he leaned in. You could feel his lips pull into a smile as they landed on yours. Soon after he pulled away, allowing you to see his smile.
"I'm so freaking glad you're my soulmate", he told you before leaning back in.
It was Monday, at 5 pm. You and Hendery had just arrived at class and sat down next to your friends, telling them the news. They each turned to each other and started laughing.
"You guys knew didn't you?" You asked.
"Yeah. We had a bet going to see how long it would take you guys to figure it out", Ten told you as he held his hand out to Y/B/F who rolled their eyes but put a twenty-dollar bill in his hand.
"We're the epitome of stupidity", You said as you looked back at Hendery, who nodded in agreement. The rest of you continued to talk while you waited for class to begin, which mainly revolved around the stupidity of you and your mate.
"Hey babe, can you come in here?" Hendery called for you. You already knew why it was to introduce your relationship to his subscribers. You walked into his room and sat down next to him on his bed as Hendery told the viewers you were joining the video today. You had been in numerous videos of Hendery's, to the point where the fans were disappointed when you weren't there.
"So yet again we have Y/N joining today. You guys know them and love them. So as you guys can tell by the title, we have another hilarious story for you. Y/N you wanna start?" He asked as he looked over at you.
"Sure. So Hendery's dumbass asked me to help him study. 10 minutes into it, he wants pizza. So of course Hendery said the most magical words ever, 'I'll pay'. So obviously I join him for pizza, and what happens when we get there?" You asked, allowing Hendery to take over.
"So we sit down, and a few minutes later the waiter comes over and we're talking cause I'm a regular there and I know all of the workers pretty well. The waiter says 'glad to finally meet your soulmate'. And we both just stared at him. Thinking 'what the hell is this dude talking about?'. So he points out our rings and was like 'You guys didn't know?'. And that's how we realized, we're soulmates."
"Yeah, we felt and still feel stupid as hell."
"And the funniest part is, our friends knew. In fact, they had a bet going to see how long it would take us to figure out", Hendery laughed.
"Ten won the bet", you informed the camera.
"Yeah, the bastard got twenty bucks out of it. But you know I got the best prize, I get Y/N as my soulmate sooo…" You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks and immediately covered them. Hendery attempted to pull them away and once he did he pressed a kiss to each of them.
"I love you", he whispered to you.
"I love you too", you whispered back.
"So guys can you guess what today is?" Hendery asked the camera. "If you can't, don't worry, I'll tell you. It's mine and Y/N's anniversary. We have been dating for five years now, we've known each other for, like seven years now. So I've decided it's time I finally propose", He said pulling a box out of his jacket pocket and holding it up to the camera as he opened it. "I'm hoping this goes smoothly and that they are really to take this step with me. So I'm not gonna show you guys the actual proposal, but I am gonna show you their reaction afterward. So I'll be back soon. Well for you guys it'll be soon", he paused the camera and slipped the box back in his pocket before moving into the living room. He was waiting for you to get back from the studio to start making dinner for the two of you. His plans were interrupted by the dog pawing at his leg. He could help but to smile and bend down and scratch his ears, causing the dog's tail to wag aggressively.
"You better not mess this up tonight", he told the dog. Y/D/N just continued to wag his tail before laying down at his feet, only to jump up the moment you open the door.
"Hey Y/D/N", you said as you moved to ruffle his fur. "Hey babe", you greeted Hendery, giving him a kiss before sitting down next to him.
"So I was thinking pizza for dinner", he told you. You nodded in response, it had become a tradition to have pizza on your anniversary.
"As expected."
"And you love it", he told you as he went to the kitchen to start dinner. As the timer was getting close to the end Hendery whistled for Y/D/N.
"Good boy", he told him, kneeling in front of him and reaching into his pocket. He pulled the box out and tied it to the collar. "Now stay in here buddy", he ordered, and thankfully he listened. Just as Hendery stood up, the timer went off. He pulled it out and cut it before putting it on the plates and going back to the living room where you waited.
"It looks great!" You exclaimed. Kissing his cheek before taking your plate. It didn't take long for the two of you to finish and Hendery decided it was time to ask.
"Hey Y/D/N, come here boy", he called out to the dog, who instantly responded. "Hey take a look at what's on his collar", he told you. Your eyes moved from the tv to Y/D/N and they widened. You could hear Hendery chuckle as motioned for you to take the box. You did, your eyes widened even more at the ring itself. It was exactly what you wished for, you looked at Hendery who had already moved to the ground.
"We definitely had an interesting start, how many people can say they didn't even realize their soulmate was right beside them for two years. While it may not have been the smartest thing we've ever done, I'm kinda glad in a way that we didn't know. It made us have a friendship beforehand, and we knew our attraction was genuine, it's not just that we're soulmates. And these years together have been so amazing, and I wanna spend the rest of them together. Will you, Y/N, marry me?"
"Yes!" You whispered as the tears flooded your eyes. He helped you put the ring on and to wipe the tears away.
"Would it be okay to get the camera he asked?" You nodded and he pressed a kiss to your lips before running into the bedroom and grabbing it. He recorded the ring and the two of you talking for a few minutes before shutting it off. This was definitely gonna be one of your favorite videos.
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all-hallos-eve · 3 years
Short Story #1 (the soulmate)
Everyone knows that at birth a song is planted in your brain that no one else knows except for you and your soulmate. You have always been so busy with everyday life that you never gave it much thought. The idea of a soulmate was just to good to be true.
And to find one? Just unreal! You would probably have to travel the world at least twice over to find him. But, you did like to daydream that he was a knight in shinning armour, kicking down the front door to your small house and sweeping you off your feet. Just to whisk you away to his castle far away.
But those daydreams only came when your boss would find someone else to pick on at your job, and not load you up with pages upon pages of work that could probably stack up to heaven if you tried to stack them. You've had a horrible day today, your boss being worse than normal, gave you the short end of the stick again.
You trusted home and dropped your bag and papers on the floor and made your way upstairs to your bedroom. You quickly changed and got into bed not caring about anything else but the promise of sleep that is soon to come. But in looking towards the promise of sleep you forgot to do one small thing. Close the front door.
You woke with a jolt. Someone is downstairs in your house. You can hear them accidentally step on the creaking floor boards, and stumble around some of the stuff on your floor that you forgot to pick up. You hear some quiet talking and make out a couple of words.
"Upstairs, finish, kill"
You turn a paper shade of white and your blood runs cold. You carefully get out of bed and creep towards your second story window. All the while hearing a pair of footsteps walking gently up the stairs. THUMP THUMP THUMP. A steady beat of either the footsteps or your heart pumping adrenaline into your veins, you couldn't tell.
You raise the window lane as far up as it could go planning on jumping and landing in the bushes that are right below you. That is until you Froze hearing someone whistle a tune. Getting closer and closer. You didn't freeze from how close it was you froze because you know that time.
It was the song you had ingrained in your brain that only your soulmate would know.
The door to your bedroom creeped open slowly and you see a man with sandy, curly hair, and green eyes looking back at you. You don't hesitate and launch yourself out the window. You land in the bushes with a loud third and scramble to your feet. You take off in a sprint only to be pulled back into a sturdy chest.
You make an 'omph' sound upon impact and tilt your head up to stare at the sandy haired man again. He must be jumped out the window after you. You lower your head and close your eyes, waiting for death to greet you. But after a couple of seconds the man holding you just whistle your tune again.
You start shaking, trying to hold yourself back from singing along with him. You will not be that one girl that begs for her life in the last few seconds that you have. Sensing a change in behavior the man behind you stops whistling and leans low next to your ear.
"Nice to meet you MATE."
You shake harder and try to trash about. That doesn't deter him though. He holds you up and throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and starts walking. He walks to the front of your house towards a black van. He opens the back door and puts you down gently, like you were a precious glass doll.
He then walks towards the passenger seat and gets in. He turns towards the wheel and thinks once. Another man comes running out and hops into said seat. The driver turns around and stares at you. Then he turns towards your mate and says "Soulmate?"
Your mate nods his head and then the van starts. You can't believe this. You are being kidnapped by you soulmate. You sit at the very back of the van pondering on what will happen to you now.
The END!
Thanks for reading!😘
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