#but still have a good amount of suspects for sophie's bio parents. even blonde people. but whatever ig
the-way-astray · 1 year
while i do think that, objectively, kotlc has too many blonde characters, i also can understand why shannon did that. one of the mysteries surrounding kotlc (or that's supposed to surround kotlc . . . hey shannon did you forget your story is supposed to have an actual plot?) is the question of sophie's biological parents.
through basic reasoning, it makes sense that at least one of sophie's bio parents would have blonde hair. as an audience, we intrinsically know something about any mystery where the answer to the mystery is a person (such as murder mysteries or in this case, the search for a biological parent) that sometimes the characters themselves don't know: that the mystery person is one of the characters we've been introduced to. sophie has no real evidence to suggest that she knows her biological parents or has even heard of them, but as an audience, we intuitively understand that she must've at least seen them a few times. because that's what makes a good mystery. the idea that the person responsible (or in this case the bio parents) was right under our noses.
now realistically, there would only be one, maybe two blonde people in the story aside from sophie. but then it's just too easy to have a guaranteed guess on at least one of sophie's parents. the mystery is gone, too easily solved. but with an unrealistically large cast of blonde characters, we now reach a stage where we can't just eliminate a couple through process of elimination and then can guess with almost absolute certainty who her parents are. the mystery still holds up. and while i don't understand a whole lot of choices that go into kotlc, i do understand this one.
although an easy way to fix this issue altogether is to just make sophie have dark hair but i digress
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