#but thank you to whomst ever scanned them
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RAW - August 31st, 1991
Nine Inch Nails interview by Dave Henderson
Live Photography by Tony Mottram
Haha it's a smashing guitar pun hahahahahaHAHAHA anyways source of Scan: [X]
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
History of Us Part 23- Game On
Summary: Once upon a time Todoroki and (y/n) were best friends. Now they haven’t spoken in years. When (y/n) is forced to transfer to UA, will she and Shoto reconnect or will their troubled past keep them apart? A childhood friends to enemies to lovers hybrid fic.
If you don’t want to see History of Us content blacklist #hopelesshou
Masterlist Kofi
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When Shoto arrives in the common room you’re sitting on the couch rubbing your temples with a scowl on your face as Denki looks sheepishly at you and rubs the back of his neck. Shoto feels a twinge of jealousy ripple through him when he notices Sero sitting next to you trying to talk you down. He shoves it down as he calls out to you. “Are you alright?” he asks. You look up and your eyes immediately brighten when you find the source of the voice. “Sho-Chan thank god,” you groan dramatically, opening your arms wide in a silent request for comfort. It would be a lie for Shoto to claim he didn’t feel a small measure of smug satisfaction as he comes to sit on your other side and you immediately fall into his arms and groan into his chest. “They’re so dumb and unhelpful I want to die,” you whine. “Hey ‘they’ are right here!” Sero protests. “Did she stutter?” Shoto asks with a raised eyebrow. You jerk back with a surprised laugh. “Maybe I am a bad influence on you,” you cackle. “So what did they do to distress you so much anyway?” Shoto asks, his eyes silently challenging Sero. You immediately scowl as you recall what had soured your mood. Denki goes from amused at Shoto and Sero’s obvious competitiveness to sheepish again. “I gave Denki ONE JOB for this evening. Buy snacks. That’s it and he FORGOT TO DO IT,” you growl. “I’m sure Sato would be happy to bake something if you’d like,” Shoto offers. “Whomst the fuck is Sato?” you ask, blinking at him. “Y’know. Sato. Tall dude, pretty built?” Denki offers. “Sugar rush quirk?” Sero adds. “Never heard of him,” you shrug. “Don’t worry, I can ask him if you’d like. Our dorms are close to each other,” Shoto offers. “Seriously? Ugh you’re the best Sho, thanks,” you gush, much to Sero’s chagrin. “I’ll go help, I feel bad I couldn’t help you out more here pretty girl,” Sero offers. “You know how to bake?” you ask him with a raised eyebrow. “What, like it’s hard?” Sero replies easily. “Once when we were 7 my mom tried to teach Sho-Chan and I how to bake and he nearly set the kitchen on fire. He had to freeze the oven to stop it,” you confess, causing Shoto to blush with a scowl on his face as Sero laughs. “Hey no scowling,” you tell him, poking his cheek with one finger. He rolls his eyes and bats your hand away but that only makes you laugh. “That was a long time ago, I can certainly bake now. As Sero put it, it’s not as if it’s difficult,” Shoto scoffs. “Why don’t you help me and Sato too then,” Sero grins. “Fine.” “Fine.” “Good.” “Good.” “You two are so fucking weird but thanks! Denki and I will finish cleaning up in here and rally the troops. Class B should get here in like an hour. I’m counting on you two!” you tell them, interrupting their odd back and forth before they both give you a nod and then head off in search of Sato.
You and Denki have just finished cleaning up and texting the class A group chats to come down when you hear a loud clatter coming from the kitchen. Both of you snap your heads towards the sound only to see a frustrated Sato pushing Shoto and Sero into the common room, both of whom are absolutely covered in flour. “Please watch them. I’ll be done with everything soon but just..... keep them far away from the kitchen until I am,” Sato sighs before going back to resume his work. You immediately burst into full on, belly clutching laughter. The kind that hurts your stomach and makes your eyes water. Kaminari is similarly howling beside you, although neither Shoto nor Sero seem to share your amusement. When you’ve finally managed to contain your laughter a bit more you wheeze out “How? How did you two do this?” “It looks like you two got into a fight with the flour and it won,” Denki adds. Sero’s sheepish grin is a contrast to Shoto’s slightly grouchy look. “It turns out baking is that difficult,” Shoto admits, and your face softens a little when you realize he’s genuinely embarrassed. “People are going to be here soon you two should get cleaned up. Denki can you go light a fire under people’s asses?” you ask.
With a nod the boys all move towards where the rooms are but you catch Shoto’s shoulder to signal him to wait. You carefully brush some of the flour off until just the two of you are alone in the common room. “You wanna tell me what’s up with you today?” you ask. “What do you mean?” he asks. “Oh c’mon Sho, you seem so upset cause Sato kicked you out of the kitchen and typically shit like that doesn’t bother you,” you elaborate. Todoroki’s eyes scan over your face and he wonders, not for the first time, how even after a decade and all the changes you’ve both been through, you can still read him like a book. “I wanted to be helpful since I wasn’t here to help you before and all I did was make a mess,” Shoto finally sighs. “I’ve been stressing over this shit practically all day and you just had me cackling. That is helping Sho. You were busy training with Midoriya, it’s fine,” you assure him. “What do you mean training with Midoriya?” Shoto asks, cocking his head to the side. It always reminds you of a puppy when he does that but you shove the thought aside as you realize what he’s responded. “I was going to ask if you could come down and help but Sero told me you were out training with Midoriya and I didn’t want to bother you.” “I didn’t train with Midoriya today.” “You didn’t?” “No.” “Huh, weird. Sero must’ve been confused I guess,” you shrug.
The conversation ends when Denki comes skidding back into the common room to ask you if he looks ok. “Oh, am I interrupting something?” he asks, looking between you and Shoto. “Nah, Sho should probably get cleaned up anyway,” you reply easily. Even still you give Shoto’s shoulder a quick squeeze of reassurance before he sends you an appreciative look and heads upstairs. “What was that about?” Denki asks. “He felt guilty for not helping more,” you admit as you watch your friend head up to his dorm. “See, irl simp eyes,” Denki says, pointing at your face. You immediately scowl and punch his shoulder. “Hey! If I wanted this abuse I’d have called Bakugo,” he whines. “Aren’t you the one who always says we’re the same?” you point out. “You right. I should’ve known better, you two really are the same,” Denki sighs. You punch him in the shoulder again as you protest “No we’re not!” “You brought up the comparison first!” “You weren’t supposed to agree with it!” You and Denki’s bickering is interrupted by Sato’s arrival with various baked goods which he lays out on the table in the main area. Shortly after that both classes A and B start to spill into the common room.
As it turns out, wing manning for Denki is a full time job. He gets easily flustered and frequently requires moral support so even when he is with Shinso he frequently wants you there as moderator. He’s going to owe you huge for this one, but he knows it and seems genuinely appreciative so you don’t mind too much. Finally, finally Shinso and Denki seem to hit their stride on a topic so you quietly duck out and head outside to get some air. The air is crisp now as the sun starts to set but you still take in a long deep breath before slowly releasing it out. You sit down on the ground and stare out over the grounds of UA. You don’t think you’ve ever been this social your entire life. Soon a familiar presence sits down next to you. “Overwhelmed?” Shoto asks quietly. “A little, yea,” you admit. “I get that. It was a lot for me initially too,” he confesses. “Does it ever go away?” “Not entirely, but it does get better.” “Good,” you sigh as you lean over to rest your head on his shoulder. He brings one arm up to wrap around you as the two of you sit there in silence for awhile before finally he speaks up. “So you and Kaminari are getting pretty close,” he brings up. “Yea,” you sigh, “I’m trying to help him out with Shinso but I did not anticipate how much work that would be.” “Shinso?” “Yea, that’s the main reason he wanted to do all this.” “I thought Denki liked you,” Shoto confesses, and it shocks you a little that he even noticed. “Oh, maybe a little but not seriously and not lately. He’s like gone on Shinso, it’s cute,” you explain. You notice Shoto seems to relax beneath you at the words but before you can press him on it Sero pokes his head outside and the tension instantly returns to your friend’s body.
“There you are! I was wondering where the life of the party had snuck off to,” Sero greets. “That’s a new one,” you snort, reluctantly lifting your head off Shoto’s shoulder. “Come on back in, may as well enjoy the fruit of all your hard work right?” Sero encourages and it’s hard to come up with an excuse not to rejoin the festivities. “Give me a sec, I’ll be right in,” you tell him. His eyes flicker between you and Shoto briefly before he gives you a toothy grin and says “Don’t take too long!” and ducks back inside. “Guess that’s my cue to re-enter the fray,” you sigh as you stand up, “you coming?” “No, I think I’ll stay out here a bit longer before I go back inside,” Shoto tells you. You nod in understanding, a large part of you wanting to follow his lead. “Maybe another movie night tonight?” you offer cautiously, but the soft smile you get in response is enough to reassure you. “Sounds perfect,” Shoto replies. You grin back at him before heading back inside to rejoin the others.
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A/N: No thoughts, head empty, just Grumpy Shoto and Soft Shoto.
Taglist: @sorrythatspussynal @miss-bakugo-writes @pixelwisp @larkspyrr @sokkaandzukosimp @akkaso @sunaispretty @shot0stea @todoplusultra @oliviasslut @lapysllazuly @immah0e4fictionalmen
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the-gamechangers · 5 years
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Patch hadn’t completely given up on the mystery of her shiny yellow fur, but she felt had memorized every available word on ‘strange’ morphs.  At four years old, she was quickly developing an affinity for space and space travel. Parker and Kyra were confused but supportive of this- their educational paths would differ, but their friendship, they felt, would be the same, no matter what.
The big stone building in the village center served as the library, so Patch and her friends had decided to go there to study. Parker found a book on fighting techniques and movesets, while Kyra settled down with something about the Mega-Council. Patch sat across from them, on top of the table. “I’m supposed to address any concerns brought to me with some level of concern and quick thinking if I’m going to be on the Mega-Council.” Kyra grumbled. “So both of you, tell me how your life sucks and I’ll try to come up with a good answer.” Parker, bored of having to read about fighting and then not being able to fight, smacked his head on the desk. “My head hurts.” Patch stifled a giggle. “Let’s see… how about, ‘do not apply brute force to your cranial area in the foreseeable future?’” Kyra asked. “You’re thinking on your feet, not becoming some kind of Poké-thesaurus.” Patch pointed out. “My turn! Oh Wise and Kind Elder Kyra, whomst has solved all of the world’s most pressing problems, and shaken paws with Mew themself… themselves? And calmed the rage of the mightiest storm with a single glance-“ “Get to the point, or I’ll apply brute force to your cranial area in the foreseeable future.” Kyra grumbled. Patch feigned offense. “My word! Such language from a Council member is unheard of! It’s shocking! It’s disgraceful! Anyway, I can tell you’re about to Force Palm my face in, so my problem is that I don’t know what to read.”
Kyra rolled her eyes at the dramatics, but pondered Patch’s request anyway. “Go find that big thick book on legendary Pokémon and read it.” Parker lifted his head. “Or fight me outside!” Kyra gave him a death glare. “Go back to applying brute force to your cranial area for the foreseeable future.” “Yes, Wise and Kind Elder Kyra.” Parker murmured in a fake disappointed voice.
Patch hopped down from the tabletop. “Come on, Parker. I need some muscles to carry that huge legendary Pokémon book.”
“On it, Renowned Scholar Patch!” Parker exclaimed, jumping up to help.
“Give me another problem to work out in the meantime.” Kyra mumbled. “Make it a hard one so I’m not just sitting here with the answer while you two search.”
Patch giggled. “Well, Wise and Kind Elder Kyra, what must one do to shake paws with Mew?”
Kyra’s glare melted into a sigh of acceptance as she slumped on her stool. “I’ll write down the details of how I did it while you two look... Renowned Scholar Patch and Famous Guardsman Parker.”
“Famous Guardsman? You believe in me that much?” Parker asked over his shoulder.
“Knowing you, you’d accidentally brute force your way to the top of the guard after getting lost on your way to make a poffin.” Kyra said, waving her paw dismissively. “Now shoo, I’ve got a story to fake remembering.”
Parker and Patch soon found the Book of Legends, bringing it back to the table where Kyra was waiting. Patch hopped back up onto the desk to study. “So? Do you have the story straight?”
Kyra studied her notes. “Narratively, it’s a mess. But you wouldn’t know either way, so here goes.” Patch, admittedly, had zoned out while reading. Something about the legendary Pokémon of Sinnoh had captured her attention. She was only brought back to reality on the end-
“And that is how one may shake hands with Mew themeslf.” Parker clapped, almost immediately getting shushed. “Bravo, but maybe don’t count on a dimensional rift to get you on the Council.”
“Not planning on it.” Kyra said. “I’ll do a more manageable task to get their attention, like studying hard. Give me another problem?”
“Uxie.” Patch murmured. “That is a- wait, what? Uxie isn’t a problem, they’re-“ Kyra started. “The Legendary Pokémon of knowledge. They created the concept of knowledge, and can bestow knowledge on those they meet.” “Cool!” Parker exclaimed. “Why is this a problem?” Patch bounced in place. “Not a problem, a solution! Because, if I can find Uxie, maybe I can finally get some answers about… my existence!” “Patch… I know you have this feeling that you’re part of something huge and grand, but…” Kyra peered over, scanning the page. “Uxie can also erase people’s memories just through eye contact. Is that really worth what you’re suggesting?” Patch re-skimmed the entry. “Okay… Maybe don’t make them mad, and they’ll help?” Parker and Kyra tilted their heads thoughtfully. “That’s your master plan?” Kyra asked. “Sounds awesome, I’m in!” Parker exclaimed abrubtly, and immediately getting shushed again. “Parker!” Kyra exclaimed. “You’re endorsing this?” Patch tapped the page curiously. “They’re found near Lake Acuity.” Kyra sighed again. “Give me a few days and I’ll set up a proper course so we don’t die on the way. You two, start training-we might have to wait until we’re Lucarios to take such an intense journey.” Patch nodded. “Unless we work hard!” “If it comes down to it, I’ll fight Uxie for you!” Parker exclaimed. “Thanks, you two!” Patch exclaimed. “You guys are the best friends ever!”
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