#but that means i probs won't work on as many of my smaller ones as i usually do
igarbagecannoteven Β· 2 years
Hey megs 🧑 I'd like to know πŸ“š and 😩 pls! If you haven't answered them yet ofc
heyo aria! thanks for stopping by! hope your holiday season's been kind πŸ’™
πŸ“š - how many wips are you taking into 2023? that is an excellent question let me check,,, oh wowza. okay. i've got around 27 5sos wips going into the new year *insert yikes emoji* i've also got 5 wips from other fandoms to round us out to 32 so. ya know. they will def not all get finished next year lol. and to think that's not counting all the new ideas i'm sure i'll create fresh docs for! i really am blessed with an absurd amount of fic concepts.
😩 - are there any ideas or fics you scrapped? well, i don't think any fic concept is ever ~truly~ scrapped, but i will say i very nearly went a very different direction with my fic exchange fic! it was going to be a soulmate au *and* a fake married (but real married in a legal sense) on top of them being roommates and annoyances to lovers but it turned out to be too much so i trashed it for something much more simplistic. it may come back someday but also it would be much longer and much more get-together-y than i normally write so probs not.
send me some emojis from the 2022 fic writer’s wrapped ask game!
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novemberfyshenuke Β· 6 months
Trigun AU
I was crying over my exams, so I went ahead and doodled a little more on the dentist au to cope. Here are the headcanons I came up with lol
Originally, Livio was meant to be a coworker or even an assistant to Knives in his clinic but I had a revelation. I think there's two things he is most likely to be: A dancer and self defense trainer. No one really expects a bulky guy like him to be so free flowing like that. I think it brings such a fun vibe to him.
He has a space above Knives' clinic and can often be seen picking up children from the ground floor.
He grew up in the church with Nico so he's someone who values God.
He slouches as if to make him smaller. The guy struggles to be stern with his students.
Razlo is most likely a prosecutor. Livio grew up in a dangerous and terrible environment before he was brought to the church, so Razlo can be fiercely protective over him. That doesn't mean he hasn't hurt him at some point.
Razlo is musically skilled. I like to think the two of them have a thing going on where Razlo starts playing a random tune out loud and Livio's starts vibing to that.
She's a journalist. Well, more like a blogger. Milly and her grew up in the same neighborhood and that's how she met Roberto. In her mind, she admires him and his job. As she grew older though, she did come to realize Roberto isn't the flawless role model she always thought of.
She's very perceptive and quite the smart cookie, but tends to get ahead of herself when she's too excited.
Loud unintentionally. It does benefit her with her work at times, but hanging out with friends? Just bury her six feet under, won't you?
She's studying accountancy because. Just because. I see her being stressed out at the data she's had to recompute for the past hour because Vash is being too loud.
She works part time in a cafe/ restaurant her family owns
Roberto is her uncle (DON'T ARGUE WITH ME)
She's really strong from the amount of groceries and stocks she's asked to carry by her family
Also studying accountancy because she saw how determine Meryl was with her studies.
I guarantee you she finishes the homework first and Meryl asks to doublecheck her answers to see if she (Meryl) got it correct.
Many would call her naive but really, she just likes seeing the good in people. Her parents raised their kids that way afterall.
Her family's restaurant is where the gang hangs out most days.
She's really into motocross and that's how she and Nico bonded over.
Isn't really sporty but will definitely join and demolish you in basically any sport. Basketball? Just try dunking that ball when she's guarding. Hockey? Bro those bruises are going to hurt.
She's got really good luck and she's also really good at board games.
She does tend to get overly emotional though and acts before thinking. Meryl is always quick to swoop in and steady her in these situations.
Nicholas D. Wolfwood
He's an actual priest. I know he has a lot of repressed feelings because of his duties. I mean. His entire inner monologue is just, "You shine so unbelievably bright. You create hope for the people around you like the very god I worship. But it's not like I'd kiss you on the lips or anything or...or whatever."
He's definitely looks older than he actually is.
Weak lungs when he was a child and he's still on medication. That doesn't stop him from smoking though. Everyone around him is always telling him to stop but his response is always, "They didn't fix my lungs just so I don't make use of them."
He can't grow a beard. The best he can get is his stubble and so he is so envious of Roberto's.
He's always dropping bible verses and then gets corrected by Knives about certain facts from the book. He hates him for it.
He's a fashion designer. He loves being in the field just not as the main focus anymore.
Elegant af in public and yet so unhinged with his crew.
He's got a wonderful voice; probs does voice acting on the side for animated shows/movies.
I like to think everyone takes a look at his work and then research him only to be jumpscared by his alt lifestyle on instagram.
He's cringe as hell to his friend group ngl. He'd sing his early 2000s Avril Lavigne in that overtly cartoonish emo voice.
He's a little obsessed with getting Knives to model for him after they shared one class in college.
An influencer and Livio's business partner.
Much stricter on lessons and I think that's why they're compatible.
She's also a lawyer, because I can see her fighting an argument for Livio and winning.
She's very mature...when's not with Legato. Then they immediately link and start bickering like siblings.
She's the type to use a number of pet names for everyone.
Red sportscar. Red lipstick. In her pajamas and wearing cat-eyed shades while holding her head because of the hang-over she has but she still has to pick up the tiny menace from middle school. (Zazie)
She's a wine aunt and you can't convince me otherwise.
Never had a bad hair day in her life
Terrible blunt about things it honestly causes more harm than good but she won't ever lie to your face.
He likes collecting happy meal toys and displaying them in a glass cabinet in the family house dining room. This has translated to him collecting every single mascot figurine from business partners and local businesses around the area.
In high school, he worked part-time promoting Milly's family restaurant by spinning a sign around in a beat up rented mascot suit. No one will ever know who the kid behind that giant dog head was.
Mama's boy...cough
He dresses like an 80s rockstar or a biker but he's never actually approached a bike because of Mama Rem's constant helicopter parenting.
People just assume he's a 'bad boy' because he has a piercing and is a little full of himself at times.
When he's not interning at Knives' clinic, he's an emergency medical volunteer.
He's always been more of an 'I excel in theory but not in practice' guy.
He once made a patient's gums bleed and had them sobbing because he was too focused on getting on with the procedure he messed up the prep work.
Sneaks candies from the jar on top of Knives' desk
He has a prosthetic because I think it's funny for boyfailure no.1 to randomly have the batteries die or it doesn't function correctly.
Dyslexic and was quite sensitive as a child so he often got picked on.
Boyfailure no. 2 is a well-known specialist who's always rebelled against his mom but still ended up following her footsteps in the field.
He's lazy. He really feels disgusted having to stick his hands in someone's mouth cavity, but dang does his morbid curiosity always win.
I like to think he's mellowed out here because Vash and him watched My Little Pony and at the same time Superbook. He's like super confused and yet enlightened by all these moral stories and going, "Yeah, you're right, Jesus. Twilight Sparkle did deserve better!" or something...
His older cousin, Tesla, always picks on him for going by Knives rather than the name their mom picked out for him.
Do I think Knives is a kid who decided to pick a chosen name when he was 12? Yes. Yes I do.
He excels objectively and fails miserably when it comes to subjective things.
He wears sandals. Rem always got him and Vash those Velcro strap shoes so he, although he doesn't want to admit it, doesn't know how to tied his laces. He also refuses to search it up because he's convinced himself that Vash has this wagered war of who learns from the youtube video first.
He has difficulty accepting affection despite having Vash and Rem around because as a child, Vash came first. He needed to be prioritized.
Imma get to the others another time.
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