#but that was a while ago and i didn't write anything down and i forgor 😞
keyleth-clay Β· 6 months
Hii, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on a critical role/venture maidens crossover? πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
Oooooooooh, well, I have a few ideas, but not much in terms of, like, specific plot stuff:
If I Had A Nickel For Every Time I Watched An Actual Play Group's First Online Campaign Where The Goth Elf Ends Up A Champion Of The Raven Queen, I'd Have Two Nickels - Which Isn't A Lot, But It's Weird That It's Happened Twice. (and by that I mean I would love for Arrnodel and Vax to meet.) EDIT: also a Two Nickels moment with Arrnodel and Fjord both being unwitting warlocks in pacts with a fuck-off giant snake patron and then end up changing patrons as a major part of their character arc.
Just... the insanity (and destruction) that would happen as a result of the Fate Maidens meeting The Mighty Nein, given that one of the M9's bffs is a Drow, and. Y'know. Everything with Kara.
Building off of this - adding Valerius and/or Gidget to Caleb and Essek and Veth's magic experiments and Wizard Hubrisβ„’.
I've only watched one episode of Favour so far, but I know for a fact that Aoife and Fearne would adore each other. Also maybe low-key distant relatives? πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
(Okay full disclosure this is just me taking my faves from each campaign and smooshing them together) But like I think that Keyleth and Sawyeh would have so much to talk about?? Like both of them being the youngest in their respective groups and having these expectations placed on their shoulders, and their respective elemental ties and how they feel about using those powers and their relationships with each particular element (Sawyeh generally being more drawn to fire on her own and water because of Persana [I still don't know how to spell the water elemental's name lol], and Keyleth being drawn more to air and earth [plus fire when she's pissed]). Plus throw Caduceus into the mix for some tea and meditation and growing up in an isolated religious/spiritual centre, and.... I'm gonna cut myself off here. πŸ˜…
HANG ON I JUST THOUGHT OF. PARALLELS. Rem/Isolde vs Allura/Kima???? Powerful WLW political leaders who are supporters of the party, one of whom is stabby and take-action and the other is a spell-caster and more cautious???? Is this something???? (I vote yes πŸ–€β€οΈπŸ€ πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ€Ž)
Also speaking of parallels - Ranna and Dorian? Enough said.
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rzyraffek Β· 1 year
hey its my birthday fan you write billy lenz giving me sloppy toppy and straight up cumming on my face
Bro wtf I just watched this movie hour ago😰😰 and now I get random request about it! Happy birthday by the way. And its 5:42 am here Requests open!
Tw:Billy Lenz, blowjob, choking? Also I mention y/n as 'you/your' so if that makes you uncomfy I warned you
Billy Lenz reciving oral
First of all, he is 100% virgin. Only watched people do stuff
He knew it will be nice but he didnt expect it to be this nice
His sweet sweet piggy sucking on his cock, taking it so well just for him
He loves the noises you make, the feeling of tounge moving inside, the idea of you trusting him enough to let him almost chocke you its all so so arousing
He will say a lot of nasty stuff, degrading mostly but sometimes he will say some praises like "you taking billy's cock so well piggy" stuff like that
He is always in goofy mood so he will probably cum on your face just for funzies and your reaction. He also loves the face you make after you get the whole load on your pretty skin. And little gaps when it gets in your hair or other places that you didn't want it to come
He also loves watching her do stuff without his help, he just stares right in the eyes while you take him whole. While he just lays down or sits comfortably
But at the same time oh how he loves moving inside you while he just holds your head. Its such good feeling for him! Its difficult for him to decide what position he should be in really.
After doing that first time he is going to do it everyday litteraly, if you disagree he will beg, no kidding he is kinda addicted
Also if you wanna receive oral he will experiment no problem! He is a curious being really! Also im sure he thinks that you are delicious!
But he prefers reciving it much more than giving. Its just so satisfying to see you under him
Also you need to teach him all about after-care because im not sure if he even knows what's words 'care' or 'comforting' mean
And he forgors that people need air to live, sometimes you have to smack him so he remembers that no, alive y/n is much better than dead y/n, so better let her breath
Cummin on face kinda became a habit, but he still tries to make it a surprise because he loves that shoked face when you realise that he just busted a nut in you
And any form of praise makes him melt, if u say anything positive about his size or position or movements or litteraly anything he will go 😍😳 either immediately cum or get ready for next round
After the whole thing, you go wash ur face he will just fallow you, its kinda how he shows affection afterwards, fallowing you behind probably hoping that you go lay in bed so he can cuddle and litteraly glue to you for next 5hours
Anyways i never wrote smuty stuff before,If any of my friends will see this im going to never get out of my house again btw. Also I had to google sloppy toppy😭😭😭 pls tell me if I did well πŸ˜₯i feel so so green. Also I'm always so spooked that I mistake Billy Lenz for Billy Loomis and imma confuse the hell out of person requesting
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wraenata Β· 1 year
i meant to send you an ask a while ago but irl stuff distracted me and i forgor ahsjdkdfk
but ANYWAY. now im here so 16 25 and 27 for the ask game! πŸ’œ
Oof sorry I took a bit, had to catch up on everything!
16. Thoughts on mint chocolate chip
I love mint chocolate chip. What kind of toothpaste are you all using that you think they taste the same?! XD I love mint. My tums which sustain me are mint flavored haha
25. Would you say you have good taste in music?
Oh definitely not. See, we were not allowed to listen to secular music growing up. That means anything that was not christian music. So for the longest time it was just songs from disney movies or christmas music. I actually grew to hate christian music. I told my parents and sister I just preferred quiet to music so I could mayyybe convince them to turn it down. So much fighting with my sister over this oof.
So yeah, in middle school I discovered the warrior cat fandom on youtube, and that was my first intro to "real" music. So many amvs (cause yeah I started when amvs were the things before maps got popular). Had to watch in secret though. I didn't really start listening to music until COLLEGE. And even then I only had youtube, so finding new music was relegated to what fandom video someone made. The first song I had an emotional reaction to was Talk by Coldplay lol. It was actually a tmnt idw panel video about the aftermath of city fall haha. I used to write the lyrics of these new songs I discovered in my notebooks during college lectures oof.
Though it's gotten easier over the years, that is primarily how I have discovered music. I probably tell you exactly where every song I have saved came from fandom wise. That's why I love when you guys make playlists, it introduces new music to me.
Sometimes I like to try and guess the artist of a song, or the decade, and my bestie is always proud of me when I get it right XD
So yeah my taste in music is really weird, it's whatever is thrown in front of me that I decide I like. The only band I can think of that I found on my own with no fandom connection would be AJR, and that's a stretch because it came off of She-Ra sort of.
27. What is your go to outfit?
You know all those shows growing up where there were always girl characters where they were always total fashionistas? Couldn't be me. Could never ever ever relate. Ever.
My preferred outfit is a graphic tee with a cute animal on it, and jeans or capris. Still getting used to wearing shorter shorts haha. If it's cooler I have several baggy sweatshirts I have amassed over the years. If I'm at home it's tshirts and pajama pants haha. I don't like to be fancy. All of my shoes are grey.
Thank you so much for the ask! I hope you have a wonderful day and no phone screen cracks!
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