#but the creator said well no ive got two daughtwrs why cant my show
fatcowboys · 2 years
its a widely accepted fact that if you have you are in a position where you have to watch a Ton of childrens television that bluey is, by far, the best option of the kids media out there. like its one of the few shows that thinks about the adults who end up watching these shows on top of the kids watching it and did small things to make it enjoyable for parents too.
like a major thing is the writing. it feels much more natural than shows that are specifically aimed at like. Teaching yknow theres no prompting kids to participate along or anything. the plotting is grounded - its just a show about a family. they arent super heroes, they dont go on grand adventures, they do normal, regular things.
i also read that for the voice acting of the kids in the show, rather than using professional adult voice actors pitching their voices to sound like kids, they often recorded actual children, many of them kids of people who worked on the show. which helps it feel much more genuine rather than faked
some Smaller things they do include the music. every episode is individually scored, so the musical cues dont get repititive and obnoxious (even if you are like me and work in a childrens hospital where bluey is often playing in the background) and also often incorporate classical music into the theme. Plus, the theme is easily the best one out there - no lyrics, just a fun little tune followed by characters saying their names. which is Far better than other theme songs that are usually just. repeating the same lines and the name of the show.
anyway. heres my unexpected bluey infodump. shout-out to the me who was almost a teacher which is part of why i find it so interesting to read abt why this show in particular is as loved as it is by both kids and adults lmao
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