#but the person's message did say welcome to the team so AAA
aesrot · 5 months
oh my god i think i may have gotten the gig
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puckngrind · 2 years
Senior Night Redo - S. Kuraly
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Warnings: mentions of sex, swearing
Thanks @luvsherleafs for the push on this one.
Word Count: 2,400ish
You couldn’t believe the twitter post or even the several friends sending you messages. Sean Kuraly signed with the Blue Jackets. He was coming home. The entire city was buzzing but all you felt were the butterflies in your stomach at the slightest mention of his name.
“You going to text him or just stare at his contact info?” Your best friend asked without even looking up from her phone. While you avoided it since July it was now September.
“Maybe, well… what do I say? Hi, welcome home.” You mumble.
“Um, that’s a start or maybe a let’s grab a drink and catch up. I want to know where we stand.” Your friend stops.
“Stand? We were never anything.” You flip to Instagram.
“Sure you weren’t. Maybe I want you to make me feel like that time you…” you launch a pillow at her head. “Okay, maybe just want to grab a drink?”
You scroll trying to forget what your bestie was implying. What seemed like a lifetime ago at Miami. Sean finally posted a thank you to Boston post. Holding your breath you reply, “Welcome home SK!”
“That is gonna get lost in all the comments you know. Just fucking text him. You aren’t strangers.”
It felt like it. Sean was your best friend since you could remember. Countless hours spent studying or just watching in the cold arenas while he practiced or was playing. His parents even would take you on road trips to watch him play for the national team as well as AAA Blue Jackets and Indiana Ice. You were his person and he was yours. It all changed senior night at Miami. Everyone already thought you two were together or at least fuck buddies but Sean had never even kissed you beyond a sweaty kiss on the cheek post game.
Sean walked you to your apartment as he did after most home games. You would be his sounding board for anything and everything about the game. Pouring drinks for the two of you as normal while he talked about everything from the arena music to a shift he could’ve done differently. Handing over his glass you dump it all over his dress shirt. He strips off the shirt as you round the island with a towel to dry him off. It was one look as you dabbed at his tight abs that your lips touched. He pinned you against the island, your leg gliding up his side. He curled his fingers around the back of your neck. Then suddenly launched himself back. Stammering to pick up his shirt. Whispered an apology and left.
“Well looks like it worked!” Your bestie points to her phone moments later. Your brain only on the flashes of that summer before he joined the Bruins and the awkwardness between you too that drove a wedge in your friendship. “Hope to see you at training camp. I’m pretty sure you know the rink well. Winky face sticking tongue out face. Damn, you would think someone would’ve taught him the art of emojis by now.” She chuckles then looks up at you. “Go to training camp. If you aren’t gonna text him at least show up at the damn rink you two fell in love in.”
“We were never in love.” You press your face into the couch.
“Oh, okay.” She draws out. “I’ll just look up open training camp sessions so we can go. You should wear his Miami hockey shirt you pretend not to have.”
You did. Nervously sitting in the arena you watched him so many times as kids. Now, he was about to hit the ice as a Blue Jacket. His dream as you two were growing up was to make it to the show and play for Columbus. He was making it happen. Tapping your feet nervously you noticed most in the arena were media. You dug in your bag to finish out a small note pad and pen to not look out of place. Doodling away while the first group of skaters made their way to the ice. Then you hear the most annoying whistling sound that brought your attention to the ice. Sean stood right below you. Helmet off, goofy smile on his face, and a twinkle in his eye that you missed.
“Hey stranger!” He shouted. You rolled your eyes and wave. “Meet me over there after practice.” He motioned to his mouth like he was eating then pointed to the door. You agree as he skates off again.
Over there was the Tim Hortons attached to the rink. You sat in a corner contemplating if you should just leave. “Aren’t think of boltin’ are ya?” Sean’s hand touches your shoulder with a laugh.
“Funny Sean. I was gonna order but I wasn’t sure what you were eating these days.” You look up at him. His face hasn’t changed much. A few added laugh lines from the last time you were in the same room after a Bruins game in Columbus.
“I’ll order. Your usual Princess Peach?” He drops your nickname as if no time had passed.
“Sure.” You croak out. Sean turns on his heals to return shortly with your favorite donuts and coffee just how you like it. He sits across from you and just stares while you sip.
“How have ya been? I mean I know the Instagram version and what mom tells me but seriously, how’s it going?”
“You look at my Instagram?” You press your eyebrows together in confusion. He hasn’t liked a single post that you could remember.
“Your account is still public, right? Me liking your posts would only cause people to go looking into who you are to me.” Sean matter of factly stated. Your mouth starts to react but he continues. “It’s why I deleted most of my posts. Why I don’t really interact on social media. Do you look to see who watches your stories? I’m gonna guess no. Go, look at your one from last night. You were in your closet and I’m pretty sure I could see my Miami jersey poking out.” Sean pushes your phone towards your hand. You open up your story, click on who viewed it and not only do you see Sean’s name but several others that shocked you.
“Why, how? I…” you try to formulate a response. ���And yes, that’s your senior jersey. I wear it when I go back for a game. When’s the last time YOU were at Goggin?”
“It’s been too long. I miss it and you.” Sean’s voice lowers.
“You don’t miss me.” You gain some confidence.
Sean reaches over to brush his knuckles with yours. The bolt that flew through you was unexpected. “I do miss you. You are… well were my best friend and I ruined it in one weak moment.” You sit up quickly pulling your hands and cup closer to your body. He tries to stop you but sits up too. “I royally fucked up.”
“But why?” You whisper then notice there is a very interested person sitting behind Sean. He follows your eyes.
“I’m renting a place in walking distance. Can we continue this conversation there?” He goes to stand as you nod. The walk was silent including the elevator ride and Sean fumbling with his keys just like he did in college. You walk into the apartment which seems so much like him without really speaking in the last few years.
“Nice place, Sean.” You break the silence finally.
“I’m so fucking sorry.” He blurts out behind you.
“Sorry about what?” You turn to see him just standing there kicking at his entry rug. His hands deep in his hoodie pocket.
“I’m sorry about how I acted senior night, definitely how I acted that summer, how I ignored you once I went to Boston and Providence. How I wouldn’t see you when I played here and actively avoided you when I would come home for summer.” Sean slumps, his eyes saying more than the years of apologies that were pouring out of his mouth.
“But why?” You hold yourself tight. Sean closes the distance.
“Why? I kissed my best friend. I didn’t just kiss you I wanted to do so much more.” Sean admitted.
“So why did you run? Why didn’t you finish what started? I kissed you back that night. Do you not remember that?” Your entire body was on fire recalling that night.
Sean touches your elbows and you shudder. “I didn’t want to ruin what we had.” He leans to meet your eyes.
“But you did. You threw away over a decade of friendship and ran.” You tried to shake him off.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“I would’ve followed you, you know? I was looking for jobs in all the NHL cities before graduation. I just took the one here to come home.” No one, not even your parents knew that about your job search to make sure Sean had a someone in the city he landed in.
“You what?” He runs his had over his face. “You did what?” He walks towards the couch swearing to himself as he crashes down on it holding his face in his hands.
You don’t move but place your bag on the table next to you and remove your shoes. “I thought you would need a friend and I was looking for an adventure.”
“Fuck.” Sean’s voice was muffled in his hands but it made you giggle. “Of course you wanted an adventure. Of course you would’ve been the perfect travel companion. Of course you wouldn’t have been worried at trade deadline. Damnit am I a fucking idiot.” You plop on the couch next to him. He drops his hands.
“Hi.” You giggle.
“Um.” Sean moves his body to face you.
“We made mistakes.” You smile. “We lost a damn good friendship from miscommunication.”
“You mean from a dumb hockey boy’s lack of being able to use his words.” Sean retorted.
“You are dumb but not in that way. I’ve watched your interviews for years and know your GPA from senior year.” You smirk.
“You know what I mean.” Sean shakes his head.
“Remember the time we tried to sneak back into the Blue Jackets locker room after one of your triple A games?” You change the subject.
Sean’s smile appears. “Yeah, they have better security than Gogg.” He runs his hand through his hair bringing back the best memory at Miami when the two of you snuck into the rink and skated on the ice after midnight. “We could totally run the tunnels now. Perks of the job.” He leans against his hand as it rests on the back of the couch.
“I might have to take you up on that.” You feel the blush returning to your face. Sean reaches over brushing his thumb over your rosy cheek.
“I wonder where we would be right now if I kept going and didn’t run?” Sean scoots closer to hold your face in his hands.
“Not sitting here awkwardly after stewing over that night for the last five years.” You answer in a hushed voice.
“You’ve dated. I’ve painstakingly seen the evidence.” Sean cringes.
“Doesn’t mean I haven’t missed my best friend?” You close your eyes to regain some confidence. “I’m sure you have multiple girls.”
“Not multiple. I’ve dated yes, but exclusively. I’m not like that, you gotta know that.” Sean’s face is close to yours.
“You could’ve changed in five years in the league.” You cannot look at his face.
“Yeah, my taste in liquor is better. My dating life is very boring. Haven’t been with anyone in some time.” Sean’s knee is now touching yours.
“Yeah, right.” Self doubt creeping in trying to push away the heavy feeling in the room.
“Somehow wanting to settle down in your late twenties isn’t sexy.” He plainly answers.
“Then those people aren’t for you.” You aren’t sure how you pushed the words out but you did.
“Those people aren’t you.” Sean leans so his nose is touching yours. “I’ve been thinking I would never get change to get back here. Reconnect with you. Show you what I should’ve done all those years ago.”
“You aren’t dating anyone right now?” You question.
“No, are you?” He inquires and you shake head no but you know he knows this. “Then come here.” He pulls both of your bodies off the couch and to the island in the kitchen. He strips off his hoodie to reveal his very toned body. “Here.” He hands you a towel as he splashes water on his abs.
“This isn’t necessary, Sean.” You look up at him. His eyes dark which you’ve only seen once before.
“Come on. Let me show you.” He places your hand with the towel on his abs. “Can I?”
“Yes.” Barely escaped your lips before his were on yours. Pressing you against the island just like that night. Sean’s hand moving up to your neck so he could curl his fingers into your hair. There was a familiarness to him but also a new sensation exploding in your body. “Sean, wait.” You push him away a bit.
“Sorry, did I hurt you?” He stands up a little checking your sides.
“No, not at all. This is just a make up from that night, right? Are you going to sleep with me then move on?” You lean your forehead into his chest not wanting to look into his eyes.
“Babe, this is not just a one and done. I want you to be mine. Do you want to stop and go on a proper date first? You still in love with that place down the street?” Sean’s hand moves to your chin to make you look at him.
“I am but I don’t think you could leave right now if you wanted to.” A little laugh follows as your hand rubs close to where his pants were tight.
“I’d figure it out for you.” His lips come down to kiss yours again.
“Promise?” You gulp.
“Promise, I’m not going anywhere.” Sean smiles with his eyes.
“And you aren’t seeing anyone?” You can see him trying not to laugh.
“Only person I’m having sex with is myself.” He laughs out.
“Ew.” You wrinkle up your nose.
“You asked Princess.” He pulls your hips to his.
“Are ya gonna finish here or are you going to show me the rest of your place?” You lean around him. Sean doesn’t answer but leans down to scoop you up with a squeal to take you towards his bedroom.
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hiswhiteknight · 6 years
Best Friends Turned Foes - Part 2
Summary: Reader is an up and comer with the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. The Reader’s relationship (lack thereof) with the one and only Bucky Barnes starts to become a problem, especially considering they’re usually moments from killing each other. They used to be best friends, but something in the past broke the bond. Y/N and Barnes bickering is now becoming too much, so Captain and Tony take it upon themselves to fix it by forcing them to work together.
This is a slow chapter, it should start getting interesting next few parts. Thank you so much to everyone that’s been interested in this story. I want to start doing requests, so just message me if you are interested.
I’m new at taglists, requests, and such - so please bare with me. 
Again, this is a mini series for @marvelatmytrash  #MAMTWritingChallenge. I’m not sure how many parts there will be. Hope you like this part.  I don’t own characters and not my gif.
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Words: 1300
Warning: Angst, potential cursing
You walked into the meeting room, sitting down at the table, furthest from the head of it. You blended in with the other agents, who didn’t give you any attention because they sat in a room full of Avengers, not all of them, but a lot. You preferred the attention being on them anyway. It was more than obvious the Avenger’s attention was on you. They didn’t like you trying to blend it, you were an Avenger just like them.
“Alright,” Tony stands, pacing around the room, “Everyone in this room knows I’m the best,” a chuckle erupts through the crowd. “But Cap here,” he placed his heavy hand on Steve’s shoulder, “Feels competition and growth is important for the best interest of the team. So every year, we have this silly competition to see who is the best. Well, it’s that time again folks. You’ll all getting paired up, placed on a few jets, flying out to the middle of nowhere and,” he paused for dramatics, looking around the room, “Kicking the snot out of each other in the claim of dominance and power – like The Hunger Games. Welcome to war games, kids!”
Captain stood up quickly, “I’ll take it from here Tony,” he smirked towards his friend and colleague. “This training exercise is about comradery, executing and growing skills, and letting off some playful steam. It’s about having a good time, not kicking the snot out of each other.”
A glow shimmered around the room, everyone loved this exercise. They took it very seriously because the winner’s get this vacation prize and money, plus huge bragging rights. It was like being crowned royalty for the next year. And usually there is no mercy. Tony grabbed everyone’s attention again, “So let’s start pairing off, but before you all moan over your pairing F.R.I.D.A.Y strategically placed people together for the best benefit of everyone, equally – so in a nutshell, I don’t care.”
Tony and Cap yelled out pairings. The last time you got to do this type of war game was your first year of recruitment. You didn’t win, but you sure got close. And this was the first year they were doing pairs, instead of individuals. The games are close to actual combat, but with Stark’s technology and money we could do it safely and with some humor. You’d be lying if you said weren’t excited about this, you were starting to be seen as a lead agent; this could be your real way to show them you have made it. You are not some little girl or rookie, you could train the best to be the best. Suddenly you heard your name being called, “Y/L/N and Barnes,” the room filled with tension.
Your whole body went numb besides the burning sensation of your face. Everything was put into slow motion and you were able to process what was just said. Wanda and Natasha made eye contact, you grinded your teeth, “I’m sorry,” you said, “What?”
Bucky was surprisingly quiet, Tony looked up, “Did I stutter,” he countered back to you, “Next,” he continued.
“Pause,” you stood up, pointing at him like you held a remote, “Rewind, repeat,” you instructed.
“You know, not that I think is this the time to confirm this, but you really are as freakish as everyone says. I like it and all, but now zip it and sit,” he pointed at you. You continued to stare, “Now.”
You grinded your teeth more not listening at first, “Y/L/N,” Cap caught your attention, “Any complaints are null, please take a seat,” he said softly with a stern undertone.
Nodding your head, you take a seat, continuing to let the steam roll poured from your ears. As soon as the meeting ended, Captain called out after you. It was completely obvious you were boiling pissed about this war game. And though you followed orders pretty well and you respected Cap more than anyone else – you ignored his calls.
Most people at this point would be strategizing with this partners before heading to the pre-game party where everyone would bond, smack talk, relieve some steam through alcohol, and call it a night. Tomorrow everyone would be shipped out to this secret location and two days later the games begin.
At this point, you’d rather not participate and lose instead of speaking to the Winter Soldier. So instead you went straight to the gym to ‘work out’ your aggravation, “If you hit that thing any harder, we might have to start calling you Captain, Y/N,” Natasha says from behind you.
Ignoring them, you continue to hit the bag, “You should feel lucky, Bucky is one of the best Avengers – it’s almost unfair you both being paired up,” Wanda continues.
“You should know people are placing bets about the pair of you,” Clint yells from across the mat, “Mine’s on you, babe.”
You continued your foot work, not looking to stop and talk to people. This was supposed to be a coping strategy, “That’s too bad that no one is going to get money because I’m not doing it. I forfeit my position and I’ll take pride in losing.”
Nat looks back at you, “Y/N, you have to participate. This could jeopardize your position among the organization. You have to take this seriously.” That statement caused you to pause and look at the trio, “You have a perfect record. Everyone looks at this like a game, but it’s an exercise as well. This could ruin you.”
“You are tougher than this,” Clint continued.
Wanda stepped in, “Aren’t you the one that says, get comfortable being uncomfortable,” she quoted a phrase you live by, “We know you are not a quitter. You got to believe in yourself, you are an exceptional person. Don’t waste it.”
“I,” you punched with everyone word, “Won’t. Be. The. Problem,” you finished, turning to them, “Y’all want me to keep close quarters with my nemesis and call it a training win.”
“Think of it as a challenge, we had to work with Loki, and it made us stronger,” Wanda continued to try to uplift you.
Clint hummed, “Aaa,” he suggested that he might not agree, but cut it as soon as Nat gave him a deadly look.
You looked down at your gloves, you hated letting people down, and not pushing yourself to be the best, “Fine, I’m only doing it to show under all circumstances I can kick anyone’s ass.”
“That’s my cocky girl,” Clint yelled again, “Get it.”
“Barton,” you yelled, trying not to laugh, “I can’t continue to be angry, when you are acting like one of the girls.”
“I can’t stop the charm,” he grins.
“Y/N,” Barnes yells across the gym, “Come here.”
You slowly turned towards him, cocking your head to look at him in annoyance. He did not just command you to come to him like you were a dog or something. Your hesitation caused him to shove up his hands in annoyance. You straightened up, lifted your eyebrows, and flipped him the finger before storming off to the locker room.
“Y/N,” he yelled after you, not moving from his place.
Wanda, Clint, and Nat watched the exchange with amusement and shock, “And so it begins,” Nat whispered.
Bucky storms off in the opposite direction, potentially trying to head off your escape to your room, “My money is still on Y/N,” Clint says, “Though I’m investing most of my money on them hooking up.” Nat and Wanda shake their heads starting to walk off, “If you don’t feel that sexual tension, you’re dead inside,” he continued after them.
Part 3
Taglist: @mia-at-work @loki-bxrnes @salty-buchanan @three17am. 
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