#but the shipping is literally almost the same price as the scarf
cotton-glass · 2 years
hey so uh
it's my birthday today(!!) and i've been having a pretty stressful time lately with uni and accommodation, so if you wanna help me get a really cute scarf to deal with the cold(shipping is so expensive) and support artists feel free to drop me a ko-fi
also. have two(2) cat pictures
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sun-sakura · 4 years
I POISON KISS I A Vampire x Dust story
IChapter 1.I
Dust sighed heavily, crawling on the pile of unmade sheets that were supposed to represent what was left of his bed. The skeleton looked around, noting that the room was completely destroyed. Of all the places he could have chosen to vent his anger, he had wisely decided to take refuge in his room. He looked up to the sky, feeling a vague sense of irritation towards himself, another disaster to add to the mess he felt in his head at that moment. Speaking of mess, the excessively loud voice of his deceased brother kept buzzing in his head, shuffling through the walls, mixing and blending in with his boss's earlier words. "Papyrus shut up!" he exclaimed exasperatedly, closing his eyes, trying to make pass with the sole will of thought what foretold an immense headache.
Incredibly, once in a while Papyrus had decided to take pity on him, because he immediately stopped talking, dissolving and disappearing from his sight. Dust puffed, honestly at that moment he didn't even care so much that perhaps he had offended his brother's spirit. All he wanted to do at that moment was sleep, but of course it was a luxury he could not afford. The most significant words in the brief conversation he had with Nightmare seemed to appear and disappear in front his eyes, haunting him like the ghosts of his past. "Dust this doesn't work, you're too weak. You're starting to become a dead weight for the team" "what?! Boss, what are you saying?! I have the same level of LOVE as the others, in fact, i'd rather say that i'm even better than all of them put together!" "That may have been true until a few months ago, but now? Come on, stop avoiding the truth, you know it too. The others are making progress and getting better and stronger every day, but you? I can't remember the last time i saw you take training seriously" Dust gritted his teeth remembering those words, part of him knew that Nightmare was right, but that didn't take away the fact that it pissed him off, not even a little bit. "I want to give you a chance Dust, since you have always been one of my best fighters. You have one week to increase your power by at least 5 levels, if you don't succeed and you show me that you are no longer useful to the team, i will make sure that the word dust is not the only thing that represents your name. Did i made myself clear?" God, the need to hit him, to wipe that constant air of superiority from his face had never been so strong. Dust could still feel the slight tremor in his hands, a sign that he needed to kill someone, to gain more exp, now. He got up, opening the door of the room with the simple use of his magic, his hands still had a slight tremor. Surprisingly, however, he was not the only one present in the corridor. "Damn, what's wrong? Bad day D?" The two-eyed skeleton took an annoyed look at what was theoretically close enough to be called his friend. As close as a colleague of killing and destruction could be called a friend. The other could honestly consider himself lucky enough to tolerate his presence enough not to kill him right there on the spot. Killer's almost permanent smile did nothing more than expand to the discontent of the other. Ignoring the clear death threats that the other had thrown at him with that simple glance, the skeleton with black tears broke away from the wall where he had previously rested, hastening his step, walking alongside the other. "So, judging by your bad mood i assume that the boss has spoken to you" Dust couldn't help but raise his eyes to the sky, a verse of mockery came out of his tightened mouth. Obviously Killer already knew everything. After all, he was literally Nightmare's little dog. Dust had repeatedly wondered whether there was anything more behind the scene of the boss and his loyal subordinate. He had seen them, the signs and marks on the body of the other. He would not know whether to interpret them as positive or negative signs, considering that each time it seemed that Killer had fought against some kind of beast. However, judging by the usual slightly less cold smile with which the other one returned to his room each time, Dust had ventured the hypothesis that the encounters between the two were more than consensual on both sides. Not that he gave a damn, if one fuck was enough to keep Nightmare's bad temper at bay, then as far as he was concerned they could spend whole days locked in their rooms. The hooded skeleton shook his head slightly, it would have been better if certain thoughts had never taken shape in his head. Regardless of the lack of cooperation in making conversation, Killer continued to talk to him. "you know, i wouldn't worry too much, i mean, if you start to do something right away, maybe you might have a chance to survive" sometimes Dust wondered why he allowed such idiots to consume his precious time. That conversation was getting him nowhere, as far as he was concerned, Killer at that moment was more than useless to him. In fact, all he was doing was increasing his boiling irritation. Dust fasted his pace, in the hope that the other one would understand the antiphon and decide to give him a break, at least for once. Killer chuckled at this, but understood the message, stopping in his footsteps, continuing to observe how the other one hastened to increase, one step after the other, the distance that separated them. "I know a way that will make you become stronger" Dust stopped immediately on the spot, his gaze, although the other could not see him, still seemed impassive; nevertheless, a spark of interest had begun to shine in the luminous irises. Slowly, he turned, half of his face was hidden by the blood coloured scarf slightly worn by time and monster dust. "Speak" Killer smiled, knowing he had him wrapped right around his finger. The skeleton took his time, reducing the distance that Dust had created a few moments earlier into slow, relaxed steps. He stopped right in front of him. The two of them stared into each other's eyes for very long moments, as if threatening the other one to give in first. In the end, Killer shrugged his shoulders. One of the hands constantly hidden in the pockets of his sweatshirt came out, revealing together the contents he was hiding. Dust looked skeptically at the small piece of paper the other was handing him. He looked up, staring at the other with a blatant irritation, mixed with a hidden temptation to murder. "what the hell am i supposed to do with a piece of paper?" "heh, go to the address on it, once there, tell him what you came for" despite the seed of doubt still clearly present in his gaze, Dust finally decided to take it. The letters that were written on it made his mouth twitch in a bitter and annoyed grimace. "They say that the guy who lives there is able to give you everything you want, but like everything else, this also has a price" Killer's voice was reduced to nothing more than a whisper. They danced temptingly to the side of his head, his warm breath almost sensually caressing the area where his ear should have been. "I advise you to be careful Dust, they say his words are particularly...sharp" Killer's laughter continued for several moments along the walls of the dark corridor, even when the skeleton was no longer present. Dust continued to stare at the slightly crumpled piece of paper in his hand. The words "AU: Vampiretale" followed by a series of coordinates apparently indecipherable to him swayed slightly in front his eyes. Dust clenched his fist, watching as the paper crumpled on itself with a slight protest sound. There was no way such a universe like that really existed, let alone a guy who could give you everything you want. Killer had simply mocked him, it was certainly not the first time. Yet why had his soul started beating at a slightly faster pace? Like some part of him really believed a bullshit like that? Doubt seemed to continue to prevail in his mind, stifling his other emotions, yet he could not deny that a part of him was curious. Dust hurriedly slipped the piece of paper into his pocket, starting to walk again as if nothing had happened. His mind seemed like a tornado in a storm, more violent than usual. There was only one way to find out whether or not Killer had lied to him, and as much as he wasn't so excited about it, he realized that his options were not that wide..
To be continued...
|So...I decided to write a story about one of my favourite ships. Honestly, these two should deserve a lot more attention and love, so i hope i can get other people to appreciate this magnificent ship!^^|
Dust!Sans belongs to: ask-dusttale
Vampire!Sans belongs to: vampireprinceloki
Killer!Sans belongs to: rahafwabas
Nightmare!Sans belongs to: jokublog |
|Comments, likes and reblogs are really appreciated! Always feel free to tell me what you think about my stories. I DON'T own any of the characters used in the story, credits go to the respective authors listed above. Do not repost on any other platform. Nothing in the story represents canon facts, this is a work of fiction, please respect the creators of the characters. See you in the next chapter~♡|
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mattiebluebird · 6 years
That’s the topic, but oh, do I have more to say.
Let’s start at the beginning, when Hearth was described as Magnus’s surrogate “mom” who takes the day shift, and then later when we saw him for the first time (platinum blond hair, all dark clothes except for a candy cane striped scarf) and discovered he was deaf.
I knew immediately he was going to be one of my favorite characters. Just. Immediately. Fucking. Knew.
Like, what??? You’re gonna give me a blond deaf emo with a strong b(romance) with another main character AND acts like another main characters (Read: Magnus’s) mother, and you expect me NOT to freak out???
Later in the book, we really get into Hearthstone and Blitzen’s dynamic.
Oh-ho-boy, do I have things to say about that.
Let’s start with the symbolism. Hearthstone is the day (comes from Alfheim where’s it’s always light, can’t stay conscious for long without sunlight, has light skin, eyes, and hair), yet he’s dark (personality, emotionally, and past-wise), and Blitzen is the night (from Nidevellir, where it’s always night, and turns to stone in sunlight, has dark skin, hair, and eyes), yet he’s the lighter counterpart (personality- and emotion-wise if not in past)? BEAUTIFUL. PERFECT. BELONGS IN A SHAKESPEAREAN PLAY, THAT DOES.
Then we REALLY start getting into Hearthstone’s character, and asdfghjkl???!!!!111!? I don’t even know how to articulate my thoughts right now, it’s 2:30 AM, what am I doing.
Anyways, let’s start off with more of the Hearthstone-Blitzen dynamic: I don’t think I have ever, I repeat, EVER, loved a “friendship” so much in my entire life. I love protective and loyal friends, and Hearthstone just, is the physical embodiment of all of that, and I almost died while reading those Blitzstone moments.
In fact, I specifically remember a point where I was reading a Blitzstone moment very early in the first book, and I thought, “They’re gonna ship them, aren’t they? Dear gods, I hope so.”
(AND YOU DID. Thank you, fandom~)
Then, we figure out Hearth can do MAGIC, but AT A PRICE, and his PARENTS SHUNNED HIM FOR BEING DEAF. Also, since Blitzen and Hearth have been watching over Magnus for two years, and Blitz says he’s twenty, that means (assuming Hearth and Blitz are the same age) that when they first met on the streets, Magnus was fourteen, and Hearth and Blitz were eighteen. Just think about that. Do you know how hard it must’ve been to trust these two older, slightly threatening men when you’re a fourteen-year-old who just lost his mother, thinks he’s going insane because she was killed by wolves with glowing eyes and wolves don’t have glowing eyes, and also is on the run from authorities and scared and alone? Can you imagine Blitzen or Hearth trying to coax Magnus out from some dark alleyway or something? MY HEART.
And also, since (in my opinion -I could be wrong) Hearth and Blitz were together for AT LEAST a year before they met Magnus, that means they were at the most seventeen when they met, and that just really melts my heart for some reason.
Side note: I don’t have a copy of the book with me at the moment, but at some point in time I remember Hearthstone saying he used the unlocking rune (forgot what it’s called) on the day he met Blitz. DOES THAT MEAN THAT HEARTHSTONE LITERALLY BROKE INTO BLITZEN’S HOUSE?!? Like, imagine seventeen/sixteen-year-old Blitzen coming home to find a pale, blond, deaf elf curled up on his living room floor, near death, and his first thought is, “Quick, a tanning bed!” Also, I like to imagine Blitzen running into a dwarven hardware store at two am and buying a bunch of ultraviolet lights (unless he just had them lying around, which is a topic that needs to be discussed), and the cashier just spends the rest of his life wondering why that strange dwarf was so anxious to by twenty UV lights and several UV lamps.
ANOTHER SIDE NOTE: Also, Hearthstone's dad (he doesn’t even deserve a name) implied that he had met Blitzen before? And Blitzen implied he had been to Hearthstone’s house before (or, at the very least, had been told a lot about it). WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN? HOW DID BLITZEN REACT TO HEARTH’S SHITTY UPBRINGING AND EVEN SHITTIER PARENTS? WAIT, AND DID INGE HAVE A CRUSH ON HEARTH AND DID BLITZ REALIZE? ARRRGGHH!
Also: Blitzen and Magnus both learned an entire language for Hearthstone, and Blitzen probably didn’t even have around anyone to translate. He and Hearth probably went through a very frustrating period where Hearth had to point at something then do the sign for it in order for Blitz to understand, or had to write it down then sign which must’ve brought up horrible memories of his childhood.
And, again, Hearthstone’s upbringing, like, oh my gods.
I love how it ended up being a sort of explanation for how emotionless Hearth is, and actually explained certain parts of his personality, like why’s he so attached to Blitzen (more on this one paragraph down) instead of just “here’s an emo, enjoy!” (and Uncle Rick totally could’ve done that, because everyone loves an emo and we wouldn’t have complained).
Also, how attached Hearth is to Blitzen. It totally makes sense when you know how they met (I mean, any friendship can become strong through time, but this one especially). Like, Hearthstone, a teenager who's been ashamed of himself his whole life, falls into Nidevellir, the world with no sunlight. He feels awful and knows he’s going to die soon, but breaks into a dwarven apartment with the hope that someone will save him (maybe that’s how it went down, it’s free to interpretation). And then the first dwarf he ever meets -probably the first person who wasn’t constantly sneering at him or trying to get on his good side- a race he’s been raised to hate, actually HELPS him, and CARES about him. And, like, actually doesn’t shun him for being deaf?? What is this witchcraft???
To Hearth, Blitzen is the one who pulled him out of the dark. Again, the SYMBOLISM. The night pulls the day from the dark, and in return, the day swears to protect the night? BELONGS IN A PLAY, I’M TELLING YOU.
Hearthstone as a character is just too powerful. The fangirls are screaming.
I feel like since I’ve been ranting about Hearth’s relationship with Blitz, I should talk about his relationship with Magnus.
Asdskjekjdgcf???!!!1?/jgdhfgjya are basically my thoughts about it, but I should probably be a little more clear for those who don’t speak fangirl.
Magnus’s interpretation of Hearthstone is amazing. Like, how a faint smile and the sign for Yay is essentially estatic fanboy screaming for Hearth, and Magnus knows that, is amazing. The fact that Magnus knows how much Hearth and Blitz mean to each other, is amazing. The fact that Magnus knows everything is right with the world as long as Hearth and Blitz are together, is amazing.
And the fact that Hearth somehow manages to be sarcastic with Magnus in sign language is amazing. I just love how Magnus jokes with everyone. I love him. I love them.
I just love everything about Hearthstone so fucking much I felt the need to write an essay about it.
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