#but the stuff under the cut isn't super relevant to the chapter itself
hot-cocoa-addict · 2 years
chapter 3 is up baby! now it’s time to detail the story of why the hell it took me so long to get this up, under the cut.
turnitin.com’s plagiarism checker.
“what do you mean by that?” i definitely hear you asking because you are definitely asking this yes you are shhhh. well boy do i have the answer for you!
y’know how i said i was writing consequences stuff for my nanowrimo project this year? yeah, so, we also did a nanowrimo assignment in my creative writing class. it was just the 10k goal of the young writer’s program (i say that like 10k in a month isn’t impressive, don’t get me wrong it IS i just wrote a lot more than 10k and had a goal 5 times that amount personally) . my teacher, upon hearing how much i had written, said it was okay if i only turned in a 10k or so segment of my story so she could see i had indeed written. this was the first chapter i hadn’t posted that was over 10k words, and hoo boy was i glad i waited this long to post it, because while i had 0% similarity it did for whatever reason catch a few sentence fragments that ultimately made no sense because nothing was ever in context. but one of the things it “caught” was from AO3 so thank god i waited to post this.
that is, in fact, literally the main. i know it’s not much, but in my defense i also do choir and theater through my school, we had a choir concert on wednesday last week and we have a show opening in a month and some odd amount of hours. so not a lot of time. please don’t expect me to post anything for a bit honestly guys i’m a lead in the show and i have had to clear my january calendar of literally everything not theater related i really do not think chapter 4 is coming until february. sorry.
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