#but the weird case here also is some people think Nagai did getter which *puts hands into head*
no1ryomafan · 9 months
Man not to get depressing about Ken Ishikawa because the man’s legacy has been honored and will likely continued to be but sometimes I think about how it’s sad how Getter is the only works of his that really gets acknowledgment when you compare him to his mentor, Go Nagai, who has at least three main series that come to mind when his name is mentioned. Ishikawa wrote so much in between the second and third arc of getter when toei stopped making an anime for it, his art style and narrative themes changing so much that in a way it shaped the later arcs of where Getter would go, but none of it gets super acknowledged despite the fact the getter OVAs referenced them.
Ryomas iconic appearance from Arma? Stole that fit from Shinichi, main character of Majuu Sensen. The entire time travel arc in new where they get sent to the past and the gods who show up later? All taken out of another one of his works, Kyomu Senki. Majuu Sensen got the luckier side of being translated but Kyomu Senki I hear still hasn’t gotten it, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg for the stuff he’s written that’s been forgotten about.
We were really lucky to get arc anime but will ishikawas other works ever see the light of day getting more adaptations in this day and age when they’re hardly acknowledged outside of his actual diehard fans? Probably not. Which is a god damn shame.
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