#but then again everyone is racist to Max in late seasons so I guess we're not supposed to care :))))))))))))))))
The thing about Charles that most enrages me, vis-à-vis his plotlines and development, is that his crimes and his punishments are mostly entirely disconnected. He gets comeuppances all the time, but only occasionally are they a consequence of him being Bad, as opposed to just being annoying—or, sometimes, just being an easy target. And then sometimes he does or says something utterly heinous and the narrative gives him nothing but a slap on the wrist. Hawkeye and BJ (and sometimes the entire camp!) will torment him for minor, petty things, like destroying his French horn because he was bad at playing it. But the things he said to Margaret in the supply room in Mail Call Three were so vile that the scene is usually cut from syndicated airings. And what does he get for it? She jabs him with an elbow and pushes him out of the room and then nothing bad happens to him for the entire rest of the episode. 
I have a whole half-written essay on the utterly nonsensical way Charles’ bigotry is portrayed on the show—the way it had to be portrayed, really, in order to make the character function—but this is the single worst result of that whole mess, to me. Because this mismatch between actions and consequences affects all the other characters, too. If Hawkeye, and by extension the narrative itself, gets angrier at Charles for snoring than for yelling about keeping his family’s bloodline pure (not to mention being racist against Max—you know, Hawkeye’s supposed fucking friend?), then that says something about both the protagonist and the show. Something extremely unflattering, to put it lightly.
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