#but there's ALSO the consideration that. with archery fighting style she's just more likely to hit with the lonbow than eldritch blast
flashhwing · 1 year
tasha's optional rules let rangers respec their fighting style when u reach a level that grants ASI ...... n the warlock initiate feat exists .... i think I can save Dev's build n it'll be funny coz she STILL won't be using any of her actual warlock class features but I can change her to two weapon fighting and give her green flame blade which will make her damage output a little bit insane but she will still have 13 ac so like. glass cannon build ftw
okay so what this will end up being is like. 1d6 (weapon) + 1d6 (slayer's prey) + 1d6 (hex) +1d8 (green flame blade) + 2 on the first hit (plue 1d8+2 on another enemy within 5 feet). then 1d6 (weapon) + 1d6 (hex) + 2 on the second hit. for a total of 5d6 + 2d8 + 6 total damage output. assuming both attacks hit and there's a second enemy within 5 feet.
which feels a LITTLE bit like cheesing but also remember that slayer's prey and hex are both bonus actions, so she needs to take two turns to get those up, during which she doesn't take a second attack at all because that's ALSO a bonus action. so win some lose some? hex is also concentration and costs a spell slot so it's not always gonna be there. so the above is like. OPTIMAL conditions which will not always be the case
AND this will make some sense narratively too because currently we have two frontliners, which are the Very Large Tank barb/fighter and the Extremely Frail Old Man cleric. why is the old man taking so many hits while our ranger, rogue, and gunslinger stay far far back. nah. Dev's gonna take out her swords and take some glory for herself dammit (not that she CARES about father raylen at all she definitely just wants to prove herself. if she's protecting him it's only because he'll be USEFUL to her down the line she is NOT fond of that old man. stop looking at her like that.)
(none of this is applicable until the next time we level up anyway fjdskl we levelled up last session so it'll be A While)
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S/O Overworks Herself ~ Mitsuhide, Nobunaga, Masamune
Exam session is draining me to hell, I need a break, and 12-16h of studying per day and no sleep ( thx insomnia ) ain’t fun...
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I mean, this guy is a functional mess too
Masamune mentioned on multiple occasions that Mitsuhide forgets to take care of his basic needs so he has to bring him food and lowkey force him to stop working and eat and drink
But that all changes as soon as he sees you’re doing the exact same thing as he is
Not that he would ever admit it, per se
But he cares and loves you more than he ever loved and will ever love anything and anyone in this world
Especially himself
So you, neglecting yourself???
Will literally pick you up from your work desk and bring you outside, to a nice tea house that serves delicious warm food as well and will order all your favourite food
Doesn’t matter if you can’t eat everything in one go, he’s more than happy to take everything home
At least he knows he has good things to feed you 
Also, if you think you can get away with working past the sleepy-sleepy time...You are wrong
He will make sure to hide all candles and will get you with him in the futon so you won’t be able to escape his cuddles
Will definitely tease you for being such a diligent and hardworking little bunny, especially if you protest to him stopping you from your work
Albeit, you know he’s right, but you still need to make sure everything is done perfectly, without even a speck of taint
In a very sweet and comforting voice - Something he doesn’t use too often - He will tell you that he’s concerned about your health and only wants what’s best for you
Really, he wants you to live a long life by his side, and what he’s most afraid of is for you to die before him, since he knows he’ll grieve for the rest of his days and it will mess him up big time
And while yes, habits are difficult to break, you’ll at least be more considerate of your work ethics and routines
But you’ll also keep tabs on his overworking 
Despite him literally taking care of a whole country
Mitsu is more important to you than anything else in this world
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There’s NOTHING and I mean absolutely NOTHING that will stand between you and your health
Nobunaga is a stubborn ruler and he is a man who always does as he pleases, as long as he knows it’s beneficial for everyone
And, without a doubt, you being in top form is beneficial to you, his most beloved Princess
He half-wishes you’d just stay around and play with make up and play cards, play an instrument for him or dance for or with him
But he knows very well that doing just that is boring as all hell, and would go insane if he had to be put in that position
And he wouldn’t want his beloved firecracker to lose her spark
So he gives you the easier tasks that he does so you’d feel good about being there for him and helping him out with any little thing you can
Nobunaga feels his heart swell with pride whenever he sees you working so passionately just to help him out, and he will show you off and boast about how amazing his Princess is to literally everyone, on every single occasion
But the line is drawn when he sees you working more than him, staying all night to read books to get more informed about said topics, your skin paling, getting subtle dark circles around your eyes, and overall being more quiet because you’re exhausted physically and mentally, but also because you’re so focused on your work
No, no, no, my baby won’t be subjected to such slavery!
May actually lowkey make Mitsunari work more so he would make sure to spend more time with you outside of the castle, on picnic dates, to the theater, maybe a hot spring escapade or just walking around through the flowery fields nearby
He obviously has the best chefs to cook for him, so whether you want it or not, you will have to eat at fixed hours and sleep at fixed hours, the same as him, so you won’t feel that you’re not equal to him, or that he’s a hypocrite.
Will compliment and thank you for everything you’re doing, but will also kiss your forehead and almost beg you to take better care of yourself because he wants you to see him achieve the unification of Japan and he needs you by his side
Because your bright smile can help him fight anything in his path
So, from then on, he’d have you do things that don’t require too much dwelling, or that you can go around shopping, get yourself a nice thing too, or visiting some of the other warlords that you made friends with - Anything to get you out in the fresh air and warm sun
And he’d claim that he wants you to play card games with him, or that he wants to see your make up skills...
Or maybe even that he just wants to lay his head in your lap while you stroke his hair and hum a pretty pretty melody of love to him
Because he can’t stand how tragic and heartbreaking most of the songs are
And he loves you too much to ever allow anything to make his daring Princess sad
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Awwww, his lovely little kitten wants to spend more time with him so she decided to help him out with work~?
That’s the most lovely thing you could do!
Albeit, he may or may not just keep you on his lap, his chin resting on your head, one arm around you while with the other he writes whatever document he has to do
Then again, he’d also like to just stay there and watch you write what he tells you to write, just to admire your calligraphy
Oh, did I mention that he also had you write his name oh-so-beautifully on a scroll that he hung in his room?
But this kind of work isn’t exactly what he does too often, his expertise being in the physical field, training troops and all that
And after the many incidents that put you in danger so many times before when you were taken as a lucky charm on the battlefield...
He would make sure you are very well trained - By HIS standards - And he has high standards
But he’s never tough on you, since you’re his woman and he has such a soft spot for his little kitten
You can see, however, that he’s still worried, so in between the work you do from home, you go to the forest nearby to train and train and train until you can’t anymore
It doesn’t take Masamune long to realise what is going on, especially when he sees how overly exhausted you are, and how you basically fall flask in his arms like you have no energy in you
Which you don’t 
So, instead of letting you train by yourself with no idea about what training ethics are, or how you should be training, he would come to the place where you’re training and bring you the heavenly food and tea he prepared for you and will properly instruct you on what to do and how much
Because overworking your mind and body actually works in your disadvantage
So he convinces you to live a healthier life style by taking everything in moderation, while also having a ton of fun
All while being together, because he wants to his kitten to laugh and be happy
If he ever sees that you’re even the littlest bit tired, he will pick you up bridal style, or put you on his back, get you home and it’s time for snacks and cuddles!
Also, more often than not, he will come up with intricate ‘training’ methods, including playing in the river, going horse-riding through the forest, crafting things, practicing archery, climbing trees and so many more
Because, in the end, no matter how scared he is of somehow losing you to the war, you’re still his beloved and would never be able to treat you like a soldier
You’re his cute little kitten and he will protect you no matter what
So keep on having your claws stuck in his clothes, and he will never let go either
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sadviper · 3 years
Woo Do Hwan: Interview with Kankoku TV Drama vol. 97 (Aug 2020)
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Once again, much thanks to @staidwaters​ for graciously reviewing and correcting!!! This was a really hefty interview, hope you enjoy~
Woo Do Hwan
Sword, bow, and horseback riding for the first time
A “Monstrous Newcomer” in a career-making, historical drama debut
In 2016, in the movie “Master”, Woo Do Hwan played the role of Lee Byung Hyun’s subordinate. Even though he appeared onscreen for just three minutes, he left a strong impression, attracting attention. Since then, he starred in “Save Me” (2017 OCN), taking on the nickname of “Monstrous Newcomer” and setting out on a brilliant career path. The next step he takes will be his first historical drama “My Country” (2019 JTBC).
Tackling a historical drama is an ideal chance for young and promising actors to grow; they have a rare chance to study in depth with multiple superb veteran actors over the long filming period. Woo Do Hwan did not miss this opportunity. His new work “The King: Eternal Monarch” (2020 SBS) leverages 120% of what he learned from “My Country”, and his popularity is surging.
Struck by a midwinter waterfall, the most dreadful and frigid opportunity to showcase yourself
--What kind of work is ”My Country”?
WDH: Each of the characters clash with the others for the sake of their personal convictions. This drama depicts their love and friendships. The country they are each reaching for … in a way, you could say they seek the same goal. Everyone wants a country in which they can live happily, but each person has a different path to that goal. This work skillfully depicts the conflicts that arise in the midst of this.
--Please introduce the role that you play.
WDH: Nam Seon-ho is an illegitimate child born to a family of nobles (yanban), and he has suffered greatly because of his birth. The poor guy is only able to relax his guard and laugh when he is with Seo Hwi (played by Yang Se Jong) and his younger sister Yeon (played by Jo Yi Hyun). However, even under such circumstances, he holds onto his ambitions. He doesn’t want other people to experience the same kind of pain that he has endured, so he strives to become the right-hand man of Yi Seong-gye (played by Kim Young-cheol), the future founder and king of the Joseon Dynasty. However, it doesn’t go as expected and I end up in opposition to Hwi, my dearest friend.
--What things did you pay attention to when creating the role?
WDH: Since it’s a period drama, it was difficult to get used to the way of speaking and tone of voice. It took me a while to get the hang of it. Now  I have the opposite problem, I’m doing my best to shake off the historical tone (laughs).
--The gorgeous hairstyles and clothing were a sight to behold.
WDH: Honestly, at first I thought “Long hair probably won’t suit me…” (laugh). So early on, I participated in many concept meetings and tried out different hairstyles. Even with long hair, there are many different hairstyles that can be made, such as wearing with armor or tying it up. I collaborated with the director to choose the most suitable style according to the situation in the drama. I was able to try on as many outfits as hairstyles, but I really enjoyed being  able to wear the special costumes such as the armor and the inspector’s garments; things we normally don’t get the chance to wear.
--How did you practice horseback riding, swordsmanship, and archery?
WDH: Before filming started, I studied martial arts for about two months. Filming lasted nine months, so in total I was focused on this work for a whole year. While filming action, it’s important to skillfully capture the scene, but the most essential thing is to not to get hurt. For that reason, the cinematographer, my co-stars, and I always had to be in perfect sync. It took time to match movements for the sword fights.
--You became the topic of much discussion when you revealed your magnificent physique in a waterfall during the opening of the drama. What are your secrets for managing your fitness?
WDH: I train on a regular basis. If I only started working out when I knew there were going to be scenes with skin showing, it’d be stressful trying to build up my body in a short period of time for shooting. After all, I don’t know when or where I will have to strip down for a scene! (laugh) Usually I play a lot of soccer, and I’ll go to the gym to train if I have time. If I take care of myself properly as a habit, then I don’t need to worry if my body looks good or if I should put in more effort during acting; I can just concentrate on my performance.
--Was the director’s reaction a good one?
WDH: He was extremely happy, hahaha. They keep trying to make me take my clothes off, so I was like, “Come on, give me a break!” The road to the filming location for the waterfall scene was rugged and steep and it was incredibly cold; it was the most difficult scene. Se-jong even said “I never want to go into water that cold again”.
--A lot of viewers said that “Nam Seon-ho is the most pitiful man in the world.” How do you personally feel?
WDH: I wanted to present Seon-ho as a tragic figure, so I was glad that the audience saw him the same way; it encouraged me to put in even more effort and I worked hard to build up his character. Seon-ho constantly stands on the boundary between life and death, living a life where he might die at any moment. He never manages to accomplish any of his dreams, and it is only at the very end that he realizes what is most precious to him. However, even though Seon-ho is a tragic character, if we just focused on the sadness the drama would be hard to watch and it wouldn’t be interesting at all. Therefore I wanted to show many things with him, such as him being a powerful figure, and the loneliness his power hides.
He was able to finish the drama because he was with Se-jong, his co-star of the same age.
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--At what points did you sympathize with Seon-ho?
WDH: There is always a conflict in Seon-ho’s life in that he always has to sacrifice something in order to get something he wants. Seon-ho’s situation is an extreme case, of course, but I think that in our lives there are many moments like his, even if they are small and trivial. Moments when we desire what we can’t have, or throw away things we shouldn’t throw away. There are also moments when we all have to give something up for the sake of a goal that we are reaching for.  In the midst of that, I worried about the things that I should protect, so I deeply sympathized with Seon-ho, whose ideals and emotions were in conflict with each other.
--Your portrayal of the character’s emotions was well-received. When was Seon-ho the most emotional?
WDH: It would be when he heard that Seo Hwi was alive. I had a deep rapport with Se-jong in all my scenes with him. From a certain point onwards, the events in the drama truly felt real, and I fell more and more in love with Se-jong (laugh). I deeply empathized with Seon-ho’s emotions, which made me want to perform even more intensely in this work.
--Concerning expressing emotions, are you the type to do a lot of preparation beforehand? Or are you the type to perform what you feel on the spot?
WDH: I think I am half-and-half. Beforehand, I’ll think, “So we’re filming this kind of scene today”,  why is this happening, and what was the situation before this scene? However, it’s difficult to continuously hold onto emotions because there are rehearsals and blocking out our positions with the director. So I will concentrate on creating the emotion in the moment when acting.
--And what about your mutually dependent relationship with Yang Se-jong, who played the role of Seo Hwi?
WDH: I believe it would have been very difficult if Se-jong hadn’t been there. I relied on him a lot. The make-up room was set up in a large van onsite, and while our hair was being done, we would go over our lines. If one person said their lines, then the other person would just naturally respond with their own lines. We are the same age, not just in the drama but also in real life, so in both the Goryeo and modern eras, we were always communicating well, back and forth.
Se-jong always helped me, and even though we were together on location for very long periods of time, not once did we fight or have a conflict of opinion. We spent our time together as good friends, always being considerate of each other.
--There were many scenes of Seon-ho and Hwi’s friendship that brought out tears, but was there a particular scene where you especially felt the friendship between the two?
WDH: All those scenes where we rescued each other. Especially that scene in the latter half, where Hwi took Seon-ho out of Yi Bang-won’s (played by Jang Hyuk) house; that was memorable. Then in the first half, during the massacre of the Liaodong Punitive Expedition advance party, there’s a scene where we cross swords in the midst of combat and I recognize my dear friend Hwi. That scene was very good and had a big impact.
--What is your impression of Seolhyun (AOA) as Han Hee-jae?
WDH: Seolhyun was truly a “celebrity” to me (laugh). She is one of Korea’s top idols; I’ve seen her movies. When I heard that she would be co-starring with me, I was very much looking forward to it. Once we were actually performing together, I was amazed that her acting was even better than I expected. Seolhyun was the youngest on location, but she had a very mature attitude during filming. In front of a large crowd of her seniors, she played a bold and strong woman. I was impressed.
--The antagonism between Seon-ho and his father was one of the highlights of the drama. How was it like to co-star with Ahn Nae-sang, who played the role of your father?
WDH: Ahn Nae-sang sunbae was like a real father, a very interesting person. Although he’d say “Seon-ho is an impertinent son” (laugh), he worked well with me, and did a lot for me. During breaks, he tells jokes and lightens the atmosphere on set, but once filming starts, his gaze radically changes and he becomes a terrifying father. He’s not someone who hands out advice left and right to juniors, rather, he is a person who reacts kindly and looks after us. 
Extremely jealous of Se-jong’s Japanese fanmeet
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--What are your thoughts on successfully wrapping up your first historical drama?
WDH: I wore hanbok, long wigs, and armor--I got to experience all of these things for the first time. I’ve also never done things like swordsmanship, archery, or horseback riding, so each one of those was a new challenge. Because I have never lived in that time period, I worried about how I should portray it. Despite that, I enjoyed everything. The remote locations that I visited were very beautiful, and during breaks it was a wonderful experience to enjoy the scenery and watch the seasons change instead of sitting in the dressing room. I’ve heard from my seniors that once you’ve done one historical drama, you’ll want to do another, and now I know what that feeling is like for myself.
--What was the most memorable location?
WDH: In the opening scenes, I often went to the countryside, but first I filmed the waterfall scene and the cliff scene. That cliff scene was absolutely terrifying. I scaled the cliff and did the action scene, but I thought...I might actually die if I fall (strained laugh).
--Watching the behind-the-scenes footage, you seem the quiet type but at the Japanese fanmeeting, I feel that you were skilled at speaking onstage. What is your actual personality?
WDH: Do I look like someone who doesn’t say much? I’m definitely not the talkative type, though. Hahaha. I talk a lot when I’m with Se-jong, but the interesting thing is, how much Se-jong and I will say changes depending on the day. On some days Se-jong speaks more than I do, and on other days I won’t shut up (laugh).
--Since filming continued for about a year, was it difficult to break free from the role of Seon-ho?
WDH: Honestly, I wouldn’t have thought about Seon-ho without today’s interview. However, Seon-ho’s sword is in my living room, so whenever I see it, I’m going to remember (laugh). But because I can’t use historical speech in the drama that I’m currently filming, I try to forget as much as possible.
--Currently you’re in the middle of filming the drama “The King”, right?
WDH: In “The King”, one person plays two different roles. The show depicts parallel worlds. In one world, Lee Min-ho sunbae plays the emperor and my character, Jo Yeong, has been by the emperor’s side since childhood and is the captain of the Royal Guard. In the other world, I am Jo Eun-seop, a social service worker whose personality is the complete opposite to Yeong’s. I’m having a lot of fun filming this, so please look forward to it.
--What does “my country” mean to you?
WDH: I believe it’s the people around me. I have family, I have friends, and I also have colleagues. A life where I can live happily with all of them, that is my dream country, I guess. No one goes on without desire, so I want to live together while caring for each other.
--You’ve been called the “Monstrous Newcomer”. With this kind of recognition, do you feel pressured?
WDH: I’m always under pressure. However, I tell myself I can’t lose to it, I have to work harder to overcome it.
--Finally, a message to your Japanese fans.
WDH: 2020 was the year I definitely wanted to meet all my Japanese fans, but filming for “The King” started earlier than expected and hasn’t finished yet. I was incredibly jealous when I heard that Se-jong held a Japanese fan meeting at the end of 2019. When “The King” finishes, I would like to meet you all. Until then, please take care of yourself and be happy. I will do my best to finish my work and greet you in good form. If you haven’t seen “My Country” yet, I definitely invite you to watch it.  I also hope you look forward to “The King”.
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You can direct fan mail to:
KEYEAST / 30, 11-Gil, Hakdong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06042 Korea
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autumnslance · 3 years
How did they learn to fight? Have they learned other martial or magical arts since then? (everyone or your pick)
Let's go! This got long since all the ladies are present!
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Dark Autumn was first taught basic lance and archery by her family, for hunting and defensive purposes. Later she joined the guilds in Gridania, and then a free company run by her mother's cousin. Dark picked up a good many martial skill basics there from her comrades.
After spending a few years recovering mentally and physically (much as one can) from Carteneau, she returned to the guilds in Gridania, and then, as she traveled to other city-states and after joining Gage Acquisitions, she picked up more and more martial skills.
Dark can't really use magic; her aetheric reserves are shallow, and nothing more than basic spells come to her, and just enough to use various abilities among the Eorzean martial disciplines. So she focuses on martial skills, using her strength, stamina, dexterity, speed, and long reach to her advantage. She is still primarily a Bard and Lancer, but also a Warrior when needing to tank, and keeps up the basics in other weapon skills.
Iyna learned to fight as a youth in Garlemald, as a soldier of the Empire. She's good with magitek weapons and armor, fighting with firearms primarily. She's learning the Bozjan style of using gunblades and how it differs from Garlean methods, and finds the Ishgardian Machinists fascinating.
But what's really surprising is her penchant for magic; it was never something Iyna studied before as a soldier, but in her time in Othard and Hingashi she learned Shinobi ways, and from there some basic magics. On arriving in Eorzea, she somewhat accidentally stumbled into learning Conjury and White Magic, and has also learned Black Magic along the way. She's a bit baffled by how it all happened, but also finds it freeing--particularly Conjury and White Magic, listening to the elements and tapping into a long-forgotten part of herself and a connection to the land she had forgotten she was missing.
C'oretta learned to fight from the Pugilist Guild in Ul'dah as soon as Hamon ran out of excuses to keep her out. He wanted her to go on to dance like her mother, but C'oretta was going to adventure. She ended up taking the job that introduced her to Widargelt, and became a Monk as well. More recently, C'oretta fell in with Troupe Falsiam and learned the Kriegstanz, becoming a different kind of Dancer altogether, now blending the ranged attacks with her pugilist and monk melee styles.
C'oretta's also relatively familiar with Ishgardian firearms, and not a slouch with daggers, either. The surprising turn though is her interest and swift grasp of Arcanima, and branching into Scholar and Summoner. What isn't fun about delving into forgotten lore and forbidden magics?! And anyway it's not like it's hard and oh hey Aeryn you made an error on that last formula oops gotta go...
Aeryn really wanted to learn magic as a girl, but never could manage while in Thavnair. Instead, she ended up learning various martial skills; sword, lance, and bow to start with, encouraged by her stepfather as those had been the disciplines her brother Zaine had studied, as a way to tie to their birth father's heritage. After she returned to Eorzea, Aeryn learned how to be a Bard and a Dragoon, but also picked up Red Magic, as post-Calamity something had shifted just enough, combined with returning to Aldenard's aether-rich lands, that let her tap into her considerable reserves. Waking as a Warrior of Light also might have played a part; Aeryn isn't sure.
What she does know is she has always picked up martial skills disturbingly quickly, taking months or even mere weeks to pick up techniques that can take others years to learn. Magic she seems to similarly learn quickly now that that floodgate's been opened. She attributes both to having the fundamentals down years ago and is just iterating on them. Right? Sure.
She tries not to think about what she learned on the First that might explain or influence that.
Put a weapon in Aeryn's hands, or introduce her to a new magic concept, and she'll quickly be able to use it to deadly effect in high stakes situations. She tries not to dwell too much on how very talented she is in the various ways of harming people. Especially when she'd much rather turn her abilities to defending, healing, and helping others.
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quazartranslates · 4 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game - CH110
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
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Chapter 110: Slaughter Secret Society (XII)
The seed of slaughter broke out!
Luo Yishan, whose protective cover was broken, sank into the seed of slaughter's control after it was triggered by the sudden crisis, and the crazy seed of slaughter turned into thorns piercing his body. The demon energy flowed furiously in the half-field and surrounded the altar, and the surging rain cloud of demon energy generally enveloped this half-field controlled by lava.
On the cave’s dome ceiling, the blue light of the thermophilic fungi was like a vast starry sky. Under this gloomy and strange blue light, the seeds of slaughter caused the believers to lose control one after another, devouring all reason in an instant!
Qi Leren’s, after loading the save file to resurrect himself, felt his eyes go red as the cold power ran down his neck. It was flowing through the current of his blood. That terrifying, destructive power encroached on his reason. At this moment, there was no memento ring before his eyes, no Ning Zhou. His eyes only sought death!
Luo Yishan, who had lost his hand, was the same. He forgot the wound that was constantly spraying blood, didn't even remember to pick up his amputated hand, and forgot the ring on his amputated hand. His healthy right hand roared at Qi Leren with a heavy stick, and thorns swept towards him like heavy rain!
The two frenzied men fought in the open space, and the Qi Leren, who was fully inspired by his fighting instinct, was as agile as a bobcat. Even under the control of the seed, he did not forget his shortcomings, and Luo Yishan’s powerful hits never connected. But even so, the significant difference in combat effectiveness between the two men was not enough for him to defeat this opponent. If Ning Zhou hadn’t helped with his archery, he would have been beaten in little more than ten seconds.
The half-field was in chaos, and Mrs. Kathleen became suspicious because of how quickly Ning Zhou had broken free, but at this time she was already riding a tiger*, so after consideration still she chose to believe him. She didn't let Luo Yishan's cronies control the whole situation. However, under the traction of the huge demon energy, all the believers had been caught in the outbreak of the seeds of slaughter, and the believers whose seeds were deeply developed had been pierced by thorns one after another. The large black thorns unscrupulously harvested the lives of believers and a melody of death rose from the spewing blood and death wails.
*{E/N: in a precarious situation}
There was no right or wrong, just killing for celebration, and celebration for killing.
A silver arrow shot a long line of electric light across the ground, exploding into frost and spreading. The extremely cold temperature made the magma around it freeze for a moment, to say nothing of the believers in that area, their bodies and thorns becoming covered with a layer of frost that slowed their movement. Ning Zhou drew his double knives out of their sheaths and rushed to the devil worshippers who had turned to ice, killing them amidst the blood rain.
On the edge of the altar, Qi Leren had turned around and climbed up the altar, fighting bravely with Luo Yishan. His clear consciousness had been suppressed under the desire to kill, but the countdown was progressing lower and lower.
The S/L Skill’s effect time was only… seven, six, five, four, three…
Luo Yishan's thorns swept over the rocky ground, and the limb that had been cut off by Qi Leren flew out. With its arc, it fell towards the magma.
Qi Leren, who was avoiding Luo Yishan's attack on the altar, suddenly woke up for a moment. If the ring fell into the magma, his recent painstaking efforts would be completely invalid!
Two seconds.
With a push of his foot, he jumped up like a cat lunging for his prey.
One second.
His hand was two meters away from the flying amputated hand. He was still rising, but the bloody hand was falling away.
Zero seconds.
He also began to fall, but was still half a meter short! Only half a meter away!
The save time had passed, and the skill cooling countdown was 0:59:59.
His feet were no longer solid ground but hot lava, and the terrible heat was on him, getting closer and closer…
He’d lost his center of gravity, falling upside down. The world was inverted before his eyes. Ironically, at this moment, he could calmly look at the absurd Slaughter ceremony not far away. In this upside down world, the blood gushing everywhere was like red rain falling from the sky, more dazzling than the magma.
A cold voice laughed wildly in his mind. It was the seed of slaughter’s consciousness, and it joyfully commanded him to die.
No, stop! There was still a way, there had to be a way... Yes, he could use the [Countercurrent Sand] to reset a skill card at will, but... Even if he reset the S/L skill here, he would still fall into magma in midair after loading the file!
It was over.
Once again, his sober consciousness was swallowed up by the seed of slaughter. Qi Leren looked at the hot red manga indifferently as he watched himself rush towards death.
"Qi Leren-! Grab the ring!!!” Ning Zhou's voice came from far away, waking him from his zen state like sudden thunder.
Qi Leren's consciousness once again overcame the seed of slaughter, and he realized that he was falling into the abyss of death.
To fall into magma was to fall into hell. He would be reduced to ashes and disappear here forever.
There was only one chance for him to survive…
Grab the ring!
Although his spiritual power left after breaking from his meditative state was weak, it made the impossible possible at the moment when it seemed lost. Qi Leren stretched his hand out hard and grabbed the hand at the moment when it was about to fall into magma. The cold temperature of the memento ring shocked his system, and he frantically screamed in his his mind-
Get out! Close the field! Get us out of here!
A white light flashed, and the half-fields was closed.
At this moment, this feast of the Devil of Slaughter’s dance…
Abruptly ended.
In front of him was a hot red. As if given an electric shock, Qi Leren sprang up from the sofa only for his legs to go soft, sitting back down.
At the last second in the half-field, the hot magma had almost touched his head, and the terrible heat seemed to have burned his soul. At that time, his S/L skill had run out. If Ning Zhou hadn’t woken him up at that time, if he hadn’t caught the amputated hand at that time…
The amputated hand was still in his hand, yet before Qi Leren could take off the memento ring, his hand was grasped.
An awkward Ning Zhou pulled his wrist, and his blue eyes were like the sea in the storm, brewing a horrible mood. Qi Leren was stunned, a little embarrassed.
"Oh... We’re okay," the old man Qi Leren said towards the ground, but he didn't have any confidence in his heart.
His wrist hurt, but Qi Leren didn't dare to look at Ning Zhou's face. Just now, he couldn't tell whether Ning Zhou was going to hit him or hug him... Probably hit him. He also knew that the image at that moment had been too thrilling, enough that someone watching would have a heart attack.
After leaving the half-field, his seed of slaughter was controlled, and now it was back to hiding in the back of his neck. Qi Leren was a little distracted thinking about it, only to suddenly hear Ning Zhou's voice: "At any time, living is the most important thing."
"...Um, I see." The atmosphere was too strange, and Qi Leren had no intention of arguing. He took his hand away and contacted the Trials Office with a walkie-talkie. "The ring is here, come quickly."
"Three minutes, wait on the roof," Al's calm voice came from the other end of the walkie talkie.
There wasn’t much time, and the Slaughter Secret Society’s belivers would surely come here. They had to leave before they arrived.
Qi Leren took the ring off the amputated hand and held it in his hand. He didn’t complete the ritual task or kill another candidate, so the ring didn’t belong to him, nor was he the Slaughter Secret Society’s keeper. At most, he could only use part of this half-field.
Unfortunately, believers summoned to the half-field could refuse to enter it, otherwise he could now pull all the believers into the half-field and escape with ease.
"Let's go and wait for the airship on the roof," Qi Leren said to Ning Zhou.
On the roof, the sun shone like blood.
The Nightmare Game had not explained why the Nightmare World had this strange weather in the Village of Dusk. This human sanctuary shrouded in the sunset all year round seemed to have been forgotten in time, together with the sunset that never fell.
But at this moment, the two people have no intention of appreciating such beautiful scenery. From the direction of the setting sun, a large group of bats were coming towards them like migratory birds. Looking down from above, believers wearing cloaks and masks appeared in the distant streets. They were coming here to stop them from taking away the memento ring!
The Court’s airship appeared at almost the same time. The helicopter-like airship headed straight toward the roof where the two were located.
Hurry up, hurry up. Qi Leren looked to both sides, praying that the speed of the aircraft would be faster than the approaching tide of bats.
He looked at Ning Zhou again, who had taken out his bow and arrow without saying a word.
Sure enough, there it was. Qi Leren was used to his style, but there were too many bats. Were there enough arrows? Or did he intend to use the frost arrows that could freeze bone dragons?
A dark arrow was draped over the metal longbow, and as the string was pulled back, the arrow shot out with a loud bang. Such a sound was surprising to the ear. The arrow shot out like lightning, and bats fell from the air like iron blocks. The sound echoed like thunder.
What kind of arrow was this? Qi Leren watched curiously, secretly looking at the bow and arrow in Ning Zhou's hand.
"Gravity increase," Ning Zhou said.
Qi Leren didn't really know whether this was a skill or something, but everything had been happening so quickly recently that he hadn’t been able to change his mentality. Not knowing how to pretend to understand, he nodded blindly.
Only two meters away from the roof, the nearby aircraft opened its door. Ning Zhou motioned for Qi Leren to go first, and Qi Leren struggled for a moment. He jumped high to reach the door and strained to climb up then turned back to Ning Zhou to stretch out his hand and pull him, but before he had turned around, Ning Zhou had come up.
Almost at the same time, the believers flooded onto the roof.
A man-made rain cloud condensed in the sky and the wind blew with thunder and lightning. Lightning as thick as wrists fell from the sky onto the roof. A shield popped open instantly on the aircraft, blocking the thunder and lightning.
The aircraft rose, getting farther and farther away from the roof. Through the translucent shield, Qi Leren saw the large group of believers wearing cloaks flooding the roof, and believers with ranged attack abilities were trying to break the shield and shoot down the aircraft.
In the crowd, only one person was not wearing a mask, and Qi Leren saw him at a glance.
In the violent, chaotic crowd, he looked up at him. Through the thunder and heavy rain, his childish eyes changed.
He had many things to ask and say. That encounter in the rainy night had turned out to be the beginning of a plot of destruction. His longing, his yearning, and his silent love were all false.
There was no Red in this world. What he had fallen in love with was just a carefully woven phantom.
Just as the day they had met, his first love, which had never started, came to an abrupt end in the midst of a rainstorm that clouded his eyes.
The crowd flocked to the aircraft, but Ashley suddenly turned around and left against the stream of people. He held Red’s mask in his hand, which broke from being clutched too hard. The fragment cut his palm, and the blood was dissolved and washed away by the rain.
"Ma'am, get out of here. The Village of Dusk is no longer safe," Ashley said to Mrs. Kathleen, who was hiding in the shadows.
In the heavy rain and thunder, Mrs. Kathleen looked at him wearily. Her delicate makeup had been washed away by the rain and her face had become blurred, decadent and ridiculous. She vaguely felt that her subordinate had changed and his youth had faded from his face, leaving no trace, and giving the outline of a mature man standing in the rainstorm.
"Pull yourself together... Let's go, let’s go to the Underground Ant City. The Village of Dusk’s enchantment has been broken by the Trial." Mrs Kathleen made the decision and gave up calling to her other subordinates. She would take Ashley to the border with her.
Ashley looked up at the flying aircraft, which had passed through the magic rain cloud and flew towards the distant sunset.
One day... Ashley carefully put the mask he held away into his item bar. One day, they would meet again.
At that time, he must not be what he was today.
Editor’s Notes: Next chapter, the final arc of Part 1 begins...
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ohnohetaliasues · 7 years
My London OC
 (Hey guys. This one is mine. I just thought I’d share her with you. I’ve been working on her for ages. If I’ve made any mistakes, please correct me. I’m always open to feedback. Also, It’s really long.)
Personification of: The City of London
Name: Audrey Kirkland (Audrey is an Old English name meaning strong and noble.)
Age: 21
Height: 5’3
Weight: 122 lbs
Birthday: October 13th (The first mayor of London was elected.)
Audrey is a girl in her early twenties who stands at about 5’3. She has blonde hair which reaches her shoulders with shaggy bangs, and mirky green eyes. The murkiness of her eyes represent the pollution of the Rives Thames' water. She has slightly bushy eyebrows, as she is a member of the Kirkland family. She wears a primarily dark blue ribbon which is bordered by brown, which represents the River Thames itself. She wears a diamond necklace representing the high society of London and the fact that Buckingham Palace is located there. She wears a tarnished silver ring that represents the Tower of London, and does not usually take it off. The tarnished appearance represents the tower’s dark history. As well as this, she carries a pocket watch to represent Big Ben. As for clothes, she wears a burgundy jacket which is unbuttoned, revealing a cream colored top that has brown ruffles stitched to the top and bottom of it. For bottoms, she wears a red and burgundy plaid skirt with cream lace sewn to the bottom that reaches her mid thigh. This is partnered with brown boots and a pair of black stockings.
Personality and Interests:
Audrey Kirkland is a well educated girl, representing the fact that many esteemed universities are located in London. She has wonderful manners in public situations, following the English stereotype. She enjoys her tea very much as well, and drinks it nearly every day.  She likes to read, and enjoys reading authors such as George Orwell, Charles Dickens, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and William Shakespeare. She has a rich, slapstick at times sense of humor, representing British comedies which have originated in London. She enjoys fashion and designing clothes, which represents London fashion week and the high fashion of the city. She also enjoys old fashioned and gothic architecture, as much of the architecture that dominates much of the city is built in this style.
When unbothered, She has a razor sharp wit, is blunt and hurts people’s feelings without realizing many times, and very pessimistic. She speaks her mind, and is fiercely loyal to her friends, even if it involves fist fights. She likes to go to pubs, and has a relatively high alcohol tolerance, and can hold more drink than Britain. Audrey swears like a sailor if she is not in high class settings, especially when she is around her friends. She is very proud, and comes off as pompous, but softens as you get to know her. She is also very stubborn. She enjoys sports very much, as she hosted the Olympics three times. Her favorites are Cricket, archery, fencing, and horse riding. She is very fond of Sherlock Holmes, and loves murder mysteries. She is not the best cook, and blames Britain for that, but she is still considerably better than him, which makes her feel a bit better. She speaks in a strong middle class London accent (Think Rose Tyler, sort of) which is laced with an upperclass twinge.
Fears: She has a great fear of fire and explosions caused by the Great Fire of London and the London Blitz. She has a slightly weak immune system caused by the bombardment of plagues in London’s history, and this includes the fear of rats, which were the very creatures that spread the diseases during these times. She refuses to go near them calling them “disease ridden beasts” and often stands on a chair or table if met with one in her kitchen or basement, and runs away when she sees on in the streets. Another fear she has is a fear of very loud and very sudden noises. They bring back bad flashbacks of the London Blitz, and she often has to sleep with the lights on during thunderstorms. She also turns to her stuffed Lion, Leon, during thunderstorms as well. (Lions are the national animal of Britain, and were kept in a menagerie in the Tower of London in the middle ages.)  
Roman London (43-410 AD)
As a child, London was called “Londinium” after she was established in 43 AD, seven years after Britain was invaded by the Romans. Audrey was taken from Britain and lived with Rome during this time, and found him very hard to cooperate with. She was around four or five at the time.  Londinium was established as a civilian town.  London, like Rome, was founded on the point of the river where it was narrow enough to bridge and the strategic location of the city provided easy access to much of Europe. Early Roman London occupied a relatively small area, roughly equivalent to the size of Hyde Park. In around AD 60, it was destroyed by the Iceni led by their queen Boducia. (Audrey has a scar on her lower back from the destruction caused by the attack.) Audrey’s city was quickly rebuilt as a planned Roman town and recovered after perhaps 10 years, the city growing rapidly over the following decades.
During the 2nd century Londinium was at its height and replaced Colchester as the capital of Britannia. The population was now 60,000 residents. Audrey was around eight then.
At some time between 180 and 225 AD the Romans built the defensive London Wall around the landward side of the city. The wall would survive for another 1,600 years and define the City of London's perimeters for centuries to come. The perimeters of the present City are roughly defined by the line of the ancient wall. Audrey has a jagged birthmark about three centimeters long on her right hip representing the wall.
By the 5th century, Rome was losing control of the land that he was occupying, and in around 410 AD, the Roman Occupation of Britain came to an end, and Audrey was returned to her brothers. But her happiness of the reunion was short lived, as by the end of the 5th century, the city was nearly abandoned.
Anglo-Saxon London (5th Century - 1066 AD)
(Audrey was around 9 at this time.)
By the early 7th century the London area had been incorporated into the kingdom of the East Saxons.
The permanent establishment of Christianity in the East Saxon kingdom took place in the reign of King Sigeberht in the 650s. During the 8th century the kingdom of Mercia extended its dominance over south-eastern England, initially through overlordship which at times developed into outright annexation. London seems to have come under direct Mercian control in the 730s.
Viking attacks dominated most of the 9th century, becoming increasingly common from around 830 onwards. London was sacked in 842 and again in 851. The Danish “Great Heathen Army” which had rampaged across England since 865, wintered in London in 871. The city remained in Danish hands until 886, when it was captured by the forces of King Alfred the Great of Wessex and reincorporated into Mercia. Audrey has a scar just below her belly button from the destruction and casualties caused by the attacks.
From this point, the City of London began to develop its own unique local government. Following Ethelred's death in 911 it was transferred to Wessex, preceding the absorption of the rest of Mercia in 918. Although it faced competition for political pre-eminence in the united Kingdom of England from the traditional West Saxon centre of Winchester, London's size and commercial wealth brought it a steadily increasing importance as a focus of governmental activity. King Athelstan held many meetings of the witan in London and issued laws from there, while King Æthelred the Unready issued the Laws of London there in 978.
Following the resumption of Viking attacks in the reign of Ethelred, London was unsuccessfully attacked in 994 by an army under King Sweyen Forkbeard of Denmark. As English resistance to the sustained and escalating Danish onslaught finally collapsed in 1013, London repulsed an attack by the Danes and was the last place to hold out while the rest of the country submitted to Sweyn, but by the end of the year it too capitulated and Æthelred fled abroad. Sweyn died just five weeks after having been proclaimed king and Æthelred was restored to the throne, but Sweyn's son Cnut returned to the attack in 1015. Needless to say, Audrey and the personification of Denmark don’t have the best relationship.
Soon enough though, London was invaded by the Normans. The Normans advanced to the south bank of the Thames opposite London, where they defeated an English attack and burned Southwark but were unable to storm the bridge. They moved upstream and crossed the river at Wallingford before advancing on London from the north-west. The resolve of the English leadership to resist collapsed and the chief citizens of London, including Audrey, went out together with the leading members of the Church and aristocracy to submit to William at Birkhamstead although according to some accounts there was a subsequent violent clash when the Normans reached the city. Having occupied London, William was crowned king in Westminster Abbey.
Norman and Medieval Times (1066- Late 15th Century)
(AKA The Middle Ages)
The new Norman regime established new fortresses within the city to dominate the native population. By far the most important of these was the Tower of London at the eastern end of the city, where the initial wooden fortification was rapidly replaced by the construction of the first stone castle in England. In 1097 William Rufus, the son of William the Conqueror began the construction of 'Westminster Hall', which became the focus of the Palace of Westminster.
In 1176, Audrey oversaw the construction of the most famous incarnation of London Bridge (completed in 1209) which was built on the site of several earlier wooden bridges. This bridge would last for 600 years, and remained the only bridge across the River thames until 1739.
In 1216 during the First Barons war London was occupied by Prince Louis of France, who had been called in by the baronial rebels against King John and was acclaimed as King of England in St. Paul’s Cathedral. At this time, Audrey had to live with France, and all in all, wasn’t overly fond of it. He wasn’t rude to her, and didn’t make unwanted advances, but Audrey was overcome with missing her brothers. She was heavily influenced by Francis, and he ended up teaching her French and about French culture. This greatly effected some English words. Over the following centuries, Audrey shook off the heavy French cultural and linguistic influence which had been there since the times of the Norman conquest. This change affected heavily in the development of Early Modern English. But following John's death in 1217, Louis's supporters reverted to their Plantagenet allegiance, rallying round John's son Henry III, and Louis was forced to withdraw from England. Audrey happily returned to Britain, and enjoyed returning to her beloved city.
During the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 London was invaded by rebels led by Wat Taylor. A group of peasants stormed the Tower of London and executed the Lord Chancellor,  Archbishop Simon Sudbury  and the Lord Treasurer. The peasants looted the city and set fire to numerous buildings. Tayler was stabbed to death by the Lord Mayor William Wallworth in a confrontation at Smithfield and the revolt collapsed.
Trade increased steadily during the Middle Ages, and London grew rapidly as a result. In 1100, and around the time that Audrey had just turned 12, London's population was somewhat more than 15,000. By 1300 it had grown to roughly 80,000. London lost at least half of its population during the Black Death in the mid-14th century, (Audrey herself got very sick and barley survived) but its economic and political importance stimulated a rapid recovery despite further epidemics. Trade in London was organised into various guilds, which effectively controlled the city, and elected the Lord Mayor of the City of London. During this time, the streets of London were narrow and twisting, and the buildings were made of highly combustable material, and fire was a constant threat. Sanitation was also very poor.
Tudor London:
The period saw London rapidly rising in importance amongst Europe's commercial centres. Trade expanded beyond Western Europe to Russia, the Levant, and the Americas. This was the period of mercantilism and monopoly trading companies such as the Muscovy Company (1555) and the British East India Company (1600) were established in London by Royal Charter. The latter, which ultimately came to rule India, was one of the key institutions in London, and in Britain as a whole, for two and a half centuries. Audrey was quite proud of the advancements her city was making. Immigrants arrived in London not just from all over England and Wales, but from abroad as well, for example Huguenots from France; the population rose from an estimated 50,000 in 1530 to about 225,000 in 1605. The growth of the population and wealth of London was fuelled by a vast expansion in the use of coastal shipping. This happened around the time that Audrey turned 14.
The late 16th and early 17th century saw the great flourishing of drama in London whose preeminent figure was William Shakespeare. Audrey never missed a production. During the mostly calm later years of Elizabeth's reign, some of her courtiers and some of the wealthier citizens of London built themselves country residences in Middlesex, Essex and Surrey. Audrey herself dressed in the extravagant gowns and jewelry of the era, and enjoyed an equally extravagant home in Middlesex. This was an early stirring of the villa movement, the taste for residences which were neither of the city nor on an agricultural estate, but at the time of Elizabeth's death in 1603, London was still very
Stuart London:
The 1700’s were Audrey’s aristocratic years. She was around 15 at the time, and the city was growing rapidly. London's expansion beyond the boundaries of the City was decisively established in the 17th century. In the opening years of that century the immediate environs of the City, with the principal exception of the aristocratic residences in the direction of Westminster, were still considered not conducive to health. Immediately to the north was Moorfields which had recently been drained and laid out in walks, but it was frequented by beggars and travellers, who crossed it in order to get into London. Adjoining Moorfields were Finsbury Fields, a favorite practicing ground for the archers, Mile end, then a common on the Great Eastern Road and famous as a rendezvous for the troops.
The preparations for King James I becoming king were interrupted by a severe plague epidemic, which may have killed over thirty thousand people. Audrey herself was affected, and was battered to near death by the sickness. The Lord Mayor’s Show, which had been discontinued for some years, was revived by order of the king in 1609. The dissolved monastery of the Charter House, which had been bought and sold by the courtiers several times, was purchased by Thomas Sutton for £13,000. The new hospital, chapel, and schoolhouse were opened in 1611.
During the winter of 1664, a bright comet was to be seen in the sky and the people of London, Audrey included, were fearful, wondering what evil event it portended. At the time, hygiene in London was very poor, and in poorer parts of the city, hygiene was nearly impossible to maintain. The bad hygiene caused an epidemic to break out known as the great plague. Audrey herself was so sick she was unable to do much by herself, and stayed in bed most of the time. She recovered abruptly, as the the Fire of London was one of the main factors that wiped out the epidemic.
The Great Fire of London
The Great Plague was immediately followed by another catastrophe, albeit one which helped to put an end to the plague. On the Sunday, 2 September 1666 the Great Fire of London broke out at one o'clock in the morning at a bakery in Pudding Lane in the southern part of the City. Fanned by an eastern wind, the fire spread, and efforts to arrest it by pulling down houses to make firebreaks were disorganized to begin with. On Tuesday night the wind fell somewhat, and on Wednesday the fire slackened. On Thursday it was extinguished, but on the evening of that day the flames again burst forth at the Temple. Some houses were at once blown up by gunpowder, and thus the fire was finally mastered. The fire had destroyed 60% of the city. Audrey now has a great fear of fire. It has lessened over the years, and when she was younger, just after the great fire, she would not even go near a candle. As of now, she isn’t as a afraid, but she still keeps her distance. The city was rebuilt slowly, with some bumps in the road planning-wise, but it got done. During this time, Audrey was quite weak, and places on her body were splotched with burns. They faded as the damage was repaired, and her strength was regained.
18th Century
(AKA Victorian Era)
The 18th century was a period of rapid growth for London, reflecting an increasing national population, the early stirrings of the Industrial Revolution, and London's role at the centre of the evolving British Empire.
Many tradesmen from different countries came to London to trade goods and merchandise. Also, more immigrants moved to London making the population greater. More people also moved to London for work and for business making London an altogether bigger and busier city. British’s victory in the 7 years war increased the country's international standing and opened large new markets to British trade, further boosting London's prosperity, much to her happiness.
During the Georgian period London spread beyond its traditional limits at an accelerating pace. This is shown in a series of detailed maps, particularly John Rocque's 1741–45 map (see below) and his 1746 Map of London. New districts such as Mayfair were built for the rich in the West End, new bridges over the Thames encouraged an acceleration of development in South London and in the East End, the Port of London expanded downstream from the City. During this period was also the uprising of the American colonies. In 1780, the Tower of London held its only American prisoner, former President of the Continental Congress, Henry Laurens, In 1779 he was the Congress's representative of Holland, and got the country's support for the Revolution. On his return voyage back to America, the Royal Navy captured him and charged him with treason after finding evidence of a reason of war between Great Britain and the Netherlands. He was released from the Tower on 21 December 1781 in exchange for General Lord Cornwallis.
In 1762 George III acquired Buckingham Palace  (then called Buckingham House) from the Duke of Buckingham. It was enlarged over the next 75 years by architects such as John Nash.
A phenomenon of the area was the coffeehouse, which became a popular place to debate ideas. Growing literacy and the development of the Printing Press meant that news became widely available. Fleet Street became the centre of the embryonic national press during the century.
18th-century London was dogged by crime, the Bow Street Runners were established in 1750 as a professional police force. Penalties for crime were harsh, with the death penalty being applied for fairly minor crimes. Public Hangings were common in London, and were popular public events.
In 1780 London was rocked by the Gordon Riots, an uprising by Protestants against Roman Catholic emancipation led by Lord George Gordon Severe damage was caused to Catholic churches and homes, and 285 rioters were killed.
In the year 1787, freed slaves from London, America, and many of Britain's colonies founded Freetown in modern-day Sierra Leone.
The 18th century saw the breakaway of the American colonies and many other unfortunate events in London, but also great change and Enlightenment. This all led into the beginning of modern times, the 19th century.
During the 19th century, London was transformed into the world's largest city and capital of the British Empire. Its population expanded from 1 million in 1800 to 6.7 million a century later. During this period, London became a global political, financial, and trading capital. In this position, it was largely unrivalled until the latter part of the century, when Paris and New York began to threaten its dominance.
While the city grew wealthy as Britain's holdings expanded, 19th-century London was also a city of poverty, where millions lived in overcrowded and unsanitary slums. Life for the poor was immortalised by Charles Dickens in such novels as Oliver Twist In 1810, after the death of Sir Francis Baring and Abraham Goldsmid, Rothschild emerges as the major banker in London.
In 1829 the then Home Secretary (and future prime minister) Robert Peel established the Metropolitan Police as a police force covering the entire urban area. The force gained the nickname of "bobbies" or "peelers" named after Robert Peel.
19th-century London was transformed by the coming of the railways. A new network of metropolitan railways allowed for the development of suburbs in neighbouring counties from which middle-class and wealthy people could commute to the centre. While this spurred the massive outward growth of the city, the growth of greater London also exacerbated the class divide, as the wealthier classes emigrated to the suburbs, leaving the poor to inhabit the inner city areas.
The first railway to be built in London was a line from London Bridge to Greenwich, which opened in 1836. This was soon followed by the opening of great rail termini which linked London to every corner of Britain. These included Euston station (1837), Paddington station (1838), Fenchurch Street station (1841), Waterloo station (1848), King's Cross station (1850), and St Pancras station (1863). From 1863, the first lines of the London Underground were constructed.
The urbanised area continued to grow rapidly, spreading into Islington, Paddington, Belgravia, Holborn, Finsbury, Shoreditch, Southwark and Lambeth. Towards the middle of the century, London's antiquated local government system, consisting of ancient parishes and vestries, struggled to cope with the rapid growth in population. In 1855 the Metropolitan Board of Works (MBW) was created to provide London with adequate infrastructure to cope with its growth. One of its first tasks was addressing London's sanitation problems. At the time, raw sewage was pumped straight into the River Thames. This culminated in The Great Stink of 1858. Parliament finally gave consent for the MBW to construct a large system of sewers. The engineer put in charge of building the new system was Joseph Bazalgette. In what was one of the largest civil engineering projects of the 19th century, he oversaw construction of over 2100 km of tunnels and pipes under London to take away sewage and provide clean drinking water. When the London sewerage system was completed, the death toll in London dropped dramatically, and epidemics of cholera and other diseases were curtailed. Bazalgette's system is still in use today.
One of the most famous events of 19th-century London was the Great Exhibition of 1851. Held at The Crystal Palace, the fair attracted 6 million visitors from across the world and displayed Britain at the height of her Imperial dominance.
As the capital of a massive empire, London became a magnet for immigrants from the colonies and poorer parts of Europe. A large Irish population settled in the city during the Victorian period, with many of the newcomers refugees from the Great Famine (1845–1849). At one point, Catholic Irish made up about 20% of London's population; they typically lived in overcrowded slums. London also became home to a sizable Jewish community, which was notable for its entrepreneurship in the clothing trade and merchandising.
In 1888, the new County of London was established, administered by the London County Council. This was the first elected London-wide administrative body, replacing the earlier Metropolitan Board of Works, which had been made up of appointees. The County of London covered broadly what was then the full extent of the London conurbation, although the conurbation later outgrew the boundaries of the county. In 1900, the county was sub-divided into 28 metropolitan boroughs, which formed a more local tier of administration than the county council.
London entered the 20th century at the height of her influence as the capital of one of the largest empires in history, but the new century was to bring many challenges.
London's population continued to grow rapidly in the early decades of the century, and public transport was greatly expanded..
During World War I, Audrey experienced her first bombing raids carried out by German zeppelin airships; these killed around 700 people and caused great terror, but were merely a foretaste of what was to come. Audrey lived in terror, her body covered in tender bruises and scrapes representing the destruction caused by the bombs. Little did she know, she would experience many more terrors as a result of both World Wars. The largest explosion in London occurred during World War I: the Silvertown explosion, when a munitions factory containing 50 tons of TNT exploded, killing 73 and injuring 400. It put Audrey into a coma for three and a half weeks, representing the time it took to rebuild.
Like the rest of the country, London suffered severe unemployment during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Audrey struggled to deal with the tipping economy, and was forced to steal for food. In the East End during the 1930s, politically extreme parties of both right and left flourished. The Communist Party of Great Britain and the British Union of Fascists both gained serious support, and Audrey was seriously divided over the issue.  Clashes between right and left culminated in the Battle of Cable Street in 1936. The population of London reached an all-time peak of 8.6 million in 1939.
Large numbers of Jewish immigrants fleeing from Nazi Germany settled in London during the 1930s, mostly in the East End, and Audrey did her best to open her doors to accommodate them.
During World War II, London, as many other British cities, suffered severe damage, being bombed extensively by the Luftwaffe as a part of The Blitz. Prior to the bombing, hundreds of thousands of children in London were evacuated to the countryside to avoid the bombing. Civilians took shelter from the air raids in underground stations.
The heaviest bombing took place during The Blitz between 7 September 1940 and 10 May 1941. During this period, London was subjected to 71 separate raids receiving over 18,000 tonnes of high explosive. One raid in December 1940, which became known as the Second Great Fire of London, saw a firestorm engulf much of the City of London and destroy many historic buildings. 
Audrey lived in fear, constantly hiding, and living in a fragile state. She dislikes loud noises, and her fear of fire intensified.
Having failed to defeat Britain, Germany turned his attention to the Eastern front and regular bombing raids ceased. They began again, but on a smaller scale with the "Little Blitz" in early 1944. Towards the end of the war, during 1944-45 London again came under heavy attack by pilotless V-1 flying bombs and V-2 rockets, which were fired from Nazi occupied Europe. These attacks only came to an end when their launch sites were captured by advancing Allied forces.
London suffered severe damage and heavy casualties, the worst hit part being the Docklands area. By the war's end, just under 30,000 Londoners had been killed by the bombing, and over 50,000 seriously injured,tens of thousands of buildings were destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of people were made homeless.
Audrey emerged heavily injured, but alive.
Three years after the war, the 1948 Summer Olympics were held at the original Wembley Stadium, at a time when the city had barely recovered from the war. Audrey was uncomfortable with having this large amount of people in her home so soon after such a traumatic experience. But the experience had positive effects, as it helped her become less timid. London's rebuilding was slow to begin. However, in 1951 the Festival or Britain was held, which marked an increasing mood of optimism and forward looking.
See more on The London Blitz:
Around the start of the 21st century, London hosted the much derided Millennium Dome at Greenwich, to mark the new century. Other Millennium projects were more successful. One was the largest observation wheel in the world, the "Millennium Wheel", or the London Eye, which was erected as a temporary structure, but soon became a fixture, and draws four million visitors a year.
The London Plan, published by the Mayor of London in 2004, estimated that the population would reach 8.1 million by 2016, and continue to rise thereafter. This was reflected in a move towards denser, more urban styles of building, including a greatly increased number of Tall Buildings, and proposals for major enhancements to the public transport network. However, funding for projects such as Crossrail remained a struggle.
On 6 July 2005 London won The right to hold the Olympics, and again in 2012, making her the first city to host the modern games three times. However, celebrations were cut short the following day when the city was rocked by a series of terrorist attacks. More than 50 were killed and 750 injured in three bombings on London Underground trains and a fourth on a double decker bus near King's Cross.
In the public there was ambivalence leading-up to the Olympics, though public sentiment changed strongly in their favor following a successful opening ceremony and when the anticipated organizational and transport problems never occurred.
England: England is Audrey’s older brother, though the two of them have differing political opinions. England is conservative while London and London is Labour, but they both care about each other deeply. They can be seen watching Doctor Who or Sherlock with a cup of tea. London refuses to drink with Britain, and views him as easily drunken, and when she does reluctantly drink with him, she is the one who has to drag him home and put him to bed. They are also often seen arguing about politics. (Brexit)
Rome: Audrey hates Rome, needless to say. She finds him hard to get along with and his flirtatious nature repulses her. She has no idea where he is now, but refuses to believe him to be dead. Despite the fact that the occupation he held on the Nation of Britain, he was still the one who founded her city, and can’t help wondering where he is. She resents him for abandoning her.
The Nordics (Mostly Denmark):  Audrey is not openly fond of Denmark (or the rest if the Nordics), though her brother has little problem with him. She finds Matthias loud and obnoxious, and does not remember the Danish occupation of London with much fondness.
Paris:  London has a slight rivalry with Paris, as they compete against terms of fashion. They do respect each other a great deal, though.
Tokyo: Tokyo and London are good friends, and can often be seen speaking about the differing terms of music in their cities.
America: London cares deeply about America, and views him as a little brother. Her opinion overtime has worsened, as American politicians have made some questionable comments about her city.
Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, and Dublin: The other capitols in the British isles, (especially the Irish capitols) do not get along well with London. They view her as a spoiled brat who doesn’t respect how well she has it. Their relations ate shifting constantly, affected by recent politics.
Lisbon: Lisbon is London’s closest friend, and they have been good friends since the Anglo-Portugal treaty of 1373. She trusts him more than almost anyone she knows. She has developed a crush on him n recent years, but has kept it hidden to lot ruin their long friendship.
Germany and Berlin: London holds resentment for the London Blitz during World War II, and slightly fears Germany. The relationship of both the Nation and his capitol with London have improved during recent years.
Madrid: London and Madrid share a mutual hatred of one another. Madrid and London share a kind of “Anything you can do I can do better, I can do anything better than you” relationship, and are jealous of each other’s achievements. Madrid is jealous of London’s friendship with Lisbon, and London is jealous of Madrid being neighbors with Lisbon and being able to see him more often.
(Please correct me if any of this information is wrong!)
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