#but theres something about rc specifically. idk what it is
magicruned · 6 months
reading the republic commando books is sooo. its such a breath of fresh air. idk why. but just reading about the clones and having them have culture and worries like the commandos do is so Good. i love when authors care about the characters they're writing and give them love
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fuck it i'm doing all of them
My favorite fic of yours ->
if i absolutely *had* to chose, royal colors/rainbow veins. maybe bc it was around the start of our close friendship, or bc i wrote so much for it, but it is just so good and i can't wait for the next chapter
My favorite chapter in my favorite fic of yours
the honey whiskey chapter where it's revealed that (spoilers) legend is vidow's kid. that was such a well written reveal and i loved it
The best character you've written for
vio, no doubt about it
The best ship you've written for
vidow, no doubt about it
A fic I haven't read yet from you, but I want to
I want to read the linked nightmares au so bad, but i feel like i have to do some research first
Something I remember vividly from reading one of your fics
the last line of one of the sbf chapters where vio is trying to convince green not to tear down the fire temple and vio ends up threatening green and realizes that they like the idea of green being scared of the, and *oh* that gave me chills it was a such a cool moment.
What made me the most emotional after reading
weirdly, it was "you smell like old books and smoke" idk why but that one really got me
What I like the most about your writing
but specifically the dialogue, y'all have mastered sadness, fluff, and absolutely hilarity and it is so fun to read!
A fic i'm excited for you updating/posting
rc au my beloved, but also the linksverse! super excited for that!
A character/ship I didn't enjoy/think about as much before you wrote about them
ravio/ravioli. y'all's stuff really shot my opinion of that ship up
Something I wish/hope you write
more rc, more sbf, just more vidow in general also this is really selfish but i loved what y'all wrote for my evil royal vidow au and i would love for y'all to write more about it
A fic of yours that i've re-read
i read that piece that y'all wrote for my evil royal vidow au so much, i have a screenshot of it and i can't stop reading it bc it is just so good
If i've ever shared/talked about your fic to someone else
i tried to badger my fellow loz writer friend to read the rc fic but she isn't a vidow shipper so she declined, which sucks
A fic I didn't expect to like so much
i'm not sure. i always expect to like y'all's fics/gen
A question I have about one of your fics
does the rest of the chain have shadows like truth and shadow? if so, who are they?
oh gods i did not expect you to do them all aha
and honestly, for the entire linked nightmares series theres no real research needed; in the main fic we are making leg and four go through ln2 stage by stage! and some minor things we could just answer so not too much research is needed, but no pressure to read it!
and,,,yes! they do! we may or may not have a wip that focuses on the shadows of the heroes! not all of em have names, but we have Shadow, Truth, and Storm off the top of my head. Storm is winds shadow
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