#but they didn't and the fact that he repressed himself so much definitely haunts him s3&4
metacrisisdoctor · 1 year
there are multiple reasons that i think the popular fanon interpretation of tenrose where they were having sex in season two doesn't make any sense and is objectively wrong but really when i entertain the idea that they were having an explicitly sexual romantic relationship the way people think they were (and yet we never saw them kiss, never saw them even LEAN IN TO KISS) i get very frustrated because that's a completely different relationship than what we saw on screen and it doesn't make me feel validated at all.
their relationship is deep and romantic and valuable without the kissing, because it's walking this thin line, where we know they want to be together fully and are almost there, but haven't quite fully realized it, especially toward the end of season two.
but if they were kissing and having sex and it was meant to be some sort of secret from the audience? i find that insulting and half assed writing, which it's not. tenrose is a story about a love so deep you are afraid to approach it because it will take you down. it's about wanting everything and taking nothing because you're afraid of losing it again and how your own repression hurts you in the end because you lost anyway. that's why we never see them kiss in season two, not because rtd is a prude or because that was all off screen.
doomsday is so painful because toward the end of season two the doctor is embracing his feelings for rose. he was starting to open up to her- and then it was all snatched away before they could do all of the things they wanted to because those things weren't in the cards for them yet.
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tellmeallaboutit · 5 months
knock knock (Raphael x F!Player)
Chapter 3, In Which Larian Introduces The Raphael Romance
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
SUMMARY: Careful which mods you install for BG3. Did you read the terms and conditions carefully?
TAGS: meta romance, psychological horror, smut, the character is the player, Raphael is after you, you wanted him, you invited him to our world, he accepted your invitation
RATING: explicit
Chapter 3
TW for the chapter: self-harm, cunnilingus, vaginal sex, masturbation, problematic mom-daughter relationship
After spending forty minutes on the tube and another twenty squeezed onto a bus with sweaty, boundary-ignorant strangers, you finally got home from your coffee date with the devil. 
In that time, you had more or less come to terms with the fact that you had truly lost it.
This left you with three options: First, you could go to a psychiatrist (how do you find a psychiatrist?) and tell the truth. Your laptop is talking to you, a devil is stalking you with the clear intention of fucking you and taking your soul, in no particular order. They'd chalk it up to psychosexual mania, Freudian theories of repressed desires and frustrations. Prescriptions for anti-psychotics and anti-hallucinogens would follow while they dug into your very much fatherless past.
The second thing a person haunted by the devil might do is go to a priest. The last time you set foot in a church was when your mother could make you go, so it would be as much a surprise for the priest to see you there as it would be for you to do so again. Also, you can't help but imagine walking into a confessional only to find Raphael smirking back at you from behind the lattice screen, which brings you back to option one.
The third option was to accept your madness and play along with it. It had already made the last week of your life more exciting than the entire preceding twenty-seven years combined.
It wasn't a difficult choice.
Since your arrival at home, you had not let your phone leave your side for a single second, not in the shower, not on the toilet. Meanwhile, you had begun your preparations for the rendezvous, and you had begun by scheduling your torture for the very next day. 
Your tormentor was a petite Vietnamese girl who promised her methods would not hurt, and the execution chamber was a rundown salon down the street that definitely condoned illegal employment practices. 
Not like you could afford anything nicer anyway.
You could barely scrape together enough cash for waxing (damn inflation), but imagining that Raphael had watched you straddle a Bad Dragon dildo all natural- unshaved legs and the rest - was way more mortifying than the idea that the devil himself was watching.
After the Vietnamese girl ripped hair from your most sensitive areas, you felt prepared for any infernal punishment. When questioned if it hurt, you lied through clenched teeth.
The rest of the Sunday was a shopping blur. The last time you went on a date was some nine months ago (prior to BG3 coming out), it lasted an hour but left enough of an impression to delete your profile from Bumble, so you were completely out of stock of anything half-way decent, not to speak decent enough for a date with Raphael.
You consulted with the Devil's Den about what to wear and what lingerie Raphael would prefer, which didn't help much as everyone had their own interpretation of his preferences, ranging from none at all to him wearing lingerie himself.
At the start of the working week, your bank balance had dropped by four hundred euros and you still hadn't received any calls on your mobile phone. 
Wasn't there a rule about waiting three days? Whoever came up with this shit should spend his afterlife as a lemure.
You went through the motions at work, barely awake during two team conference calls, only to be told you looked "exhausted". This, despite having spent the entire previous day in a facial mask. To add insult to injury, you were scheduled for a "personal development" meeting next week.
In between the conference calls, you took the time to write two essays on Tumblr. The first was about how Raphael would easily conquer the Nine Hells and anyone who doubted that was an idiot (you didn't actually write that, but you certainly meant it). 
The second was about how Tav was the real villain for robbing Raphael. Maybe these posts would flatter Raphael enough to prompt him into calling you. Both got a decent amount of likes and reblogs, but not the attention you were hoping for.
On Monday night, you spent a good two hours staring at your phone, desperately waiting for some strange email, some kind of notification, however unsettling it might be.
It's not like Raphael actually works for that bloody law firm, is it? 
Or maybe, for devils, the usual waiting time for a call is a couple of years. After all, Raphael was angry for a dozen years that one time.
when you remember you have a mother call me hope you have a nice day
Well, you asked for a disturbing notification, and now you've got one. Your mother had an uncanny ability to make you feel guilty with just one precisely aimed message. Despite being well acquainted with her tactics (which she vehemently denied having), they managed to hit their mark every time.
She wasn’t a bad person, no, far from it; God knows she had enough problems as a single mother in a small and predominantly Catholic town an hour's drive away. 
She was the first in her family to go to university, but had to drop out when she became pregnant with you. Went through several terrible relationships, which she ended for your sake. You were her walking shattered dreams. 
It hadn't been that long since you'd last spoken on the phone, maybe a week? 
OK, a week was long. 
“Hi mum," you sighed into your phone. "Sorry, I've been busy."
"With what?" her voice fizzed over the line, laced with a scepticism only a mother can muster.
A solid start.
"With adult life?" you said.
"Adult life is juggling a full-time job, a child and a house that needs constant attention, Anya. You don't have any of that."
"I have a full-time job, Mum, remember?"
"Oh yes," she said. "I know how 'busy' you IT people are. Anyway, I called to tell you something very important".
You were not IT people, you worked for an IT company, but for you mum, you were IT people and therefore by definition overpaid and underworked. 
"I was at Nadine's", she said, and made a dramatic pause.
Oh great. Nadine, the human drain on your mother's savings, which were far from abundant. How your mother reconciled her devout Catholicism with regularly going to a fortune teller (and with getting pregnant at twenty out of wedlock) was one of the things that defied your comprehension. She had an intricate system, which only she would call logic, to justify these contradictions; you gave up trying to understand it long ago.
"Don't get upset - it wasn't about you or anything”, you mum said. “Your name just came up in conversation and we ended up doing a reading - just ONE reading, but it was... enlightening."
As every single reading so far. 
"Yes?" you asked, not bothering to fake enthusiasm.
"Well..." She drew out the word. "The cards say you're going to meet someone special soon. A King of Pentacles, imagine! So, mature, financially secure, gallant…"
A gallant gentleman would not keep a lady dying for his call.
“There is more, Anja. There was also the Devil in the spread. Do you know what that means?"
You paused. "...the Devil himself is interested in me?"
Your mother let out a joyous laugh.
"Anya, sweetie, I love you, but I don't think THE Devil would be interested in you. Not this way, anyway”.
That stung a bit. After all these years of him supposedly seducing you into premarital sex and drugs, succeeding at the former and barely scratching the pot surface with the latter, and now he was suddenly not interested in you.
Well, that’s where you are wrong, mum. Hopefully.
"No, that means... Now I'm quoting Nadine here, Anya... Negative forces holding you back from reaching your full potential. NEGATIVE THINKING! That's what I've been saying all along!"
“Ah”, you said. “Right”.
You checked out and let the phone rest on the table on loudspeaker, allowing your mother to continue her monologue of small town gossip.The right-side neighbour was fooling around with someone else's wife, neighbour to the left doesn’t mow his lawn. You surfed on your laptop in the meanwhile.
queen-of-the-bored: now did you read that Raph smut I sent you
queen-of-the-bored: that one
You were hoping to get out of reading smut with Raphael and into living it. Ah, hell, maybe that would draw him out somehow. Maybe this would be about him and you, some meta stuff, a special surprise he wrote himself for you. 
You opened AO3 and began to scan the warning triggers that preceded the chapter. "Non-con", "pillory confinement", "rough anal sex", "face fucking" and "forced urination", and that was just for starters.
Absolutely fucking not. 
“Holy fuck”, you said, and promptly closed the web-page.
"Anya! Watch your mouth! But yes, you are right, of course”, your mom said . “All these years acting like she is the holy and mighty and knows best… ”
you: are you ok recommending stuff like that?
queen-of-the-bored: what queen-of-the-bored: come on now queen-of-the-bored: dude this you?
She sent a screenshot of your Tumblr post with five hundred likes and forty-one reblogs:
"I don't get Hope, I personally would LOVE Raphael to lock me in chains in his basement and do whatever he wants to me <3".
That was undeniably you. Was that what attracted Raphael to you? Is that what he came for?
A sudden epiphany dawned on you: you were far more vanilla than you had let on. Especially on the first date. You didn't want it to turn into a basement horror story. Well, maybe you did, but only if it went exactly according to your script (which categorically did not involve non-consensual rough anal sex), in the kind of basement you liked (stylishly infernal rather than Josef Fritzl one) and with thorough aftercare and lavish praise. 
You weren't entirely convinced that this vision was in line with Raphael's preferences. You were not entirely sure what those preferences truly were, for that matter.
You scrubbed all traces of the fanfic from your browsing history and briefly toyed with the idea of posting something along the lines of 'GET THERAPY YOU SICK FUCK' in the comments - just to make sure Raphael knew exactly where you stood on the matter. 
What you need to do is search for fanfics tagged with phrases like "Raphael spoils Tav with gifts and sweet nothings", "gentle" and "teeth-rotting fluff".
"And then she said, Anya... guess what, she said..."
Tuesday was the third day without a call. 
If he did not call today, you decided, you would go to that bloody law firm to drag him out of a conference room and if he was not there, well... you might do the unspeakable.
You might rob the House of Hope for the first time in your life. A woman who has not been called by her favourite devil for three days in a row is a woman in severe mental crisis.
After spending some time day-dreaming your revenge, you finally reach for your phone while still lying in bed.
There were notifications waiting for you, not the ones you wanted. The Raphael romance petition (which you’d passionately signed thrice, using different IPs) had triumphed. The new update included a post-credits dinner and something extra.
The fandom was thrown into chaos upon hearing this announcement (though, truthfully, any news tended to do that). Fans heatedly argued about whether it was pandering, too much fan service, whether it trivialized victims of sexual assault or if it was simply bad taste.
The discord channel buzzed with chatter about that new scene - some dismissed it as too vanilla; others lamented that Larian backtracked on Raphael being a bottom; while some celebrated it as the best thing since Andrew Wincott had cooed "good girl" on a live stream.
In different circumstances, you would be overjoyed and congratulating dmgdgoods for the success of the petition. But now? It felt like cold leftovers in comparison to what you truly craved - seeing Raphael in person, feeling his touch and his breath against your skin.
Regardless, you decided to get ONE bloody dinner you had been promised.
To your dismay, your boss chose today, of all days, to make you work and make you hate your work. You had four useless conference calls during eight working hours, each one an hour apart. 
The clock on your computer seemed trapped within some diabolical time warp.
You’d bring an audience with you, you thought as you absent-mindedly typed emails. That’s right, you’d bring an audience. 
If Raphael decides to talk to you through the screen, well, there would be your solid proof you were not crazy - and a digital trace - and a message to the whole world that it was you, you, who were his special mouse among the thousands that would rush to House of Hope tonight.
If he doesn't, well… he isn’t calling you either.
You dropped everything the minute the clock struck five, and lectured the rest of your remaining team about the importance of work-life balance and the toxicity of corporate greed. 
Then you fired up Twitch.
The witnesses, a twenty-strong user mob, were summoned from across the communities you were in; some you knew, some you guessed who it might be, and a couple of random users.
The House of Hope stood ready. 
In the main hall, a table was set for two, draped in red velvet with silver candelabras and a centrepiece of blood-red roses; Larian clearly knew their audience - those who craved Raphael Romance would also enjoy a side dish of gothic horror.
This notion you would subscribe to.
"Ah, my little mouse," Raphael's voice crept into your ears the moment Tav teleported into his domain. "I've been expecting our rendezvous."
His tone was molten honey and made you forget for a moment your annoyance at his lack of calls. 
Archdevils Supreme were, after all, notorious workaholics.
Raphael was in his cambion form, which you liked, but preferred the human one. Like this, he would barely fit into your room - how tall was he? Two ten? Two twenty? Your ceilings were two twenty. One flap of those wings could destroy your bookshelf. 
The Twitch chat room was quiet; you threw out a test message that elicited a few half-hearted responses. Still there, good.
"I owe you, little mouse," Raphael continued in that rich baritone that brought back memories of the coffee shop. "I owe you your unwavering loyalty. Your commitment. Your trust."
Raphael paused for dramatic effect before adding: "I appreciate those who deal fairly with me, because I have only dealt fairly with you."
His words eerily echoed a recent essay you'd written; it brought a smile to your face as you reached out to touch him.
cross_my_heart: are you touching your screen? cross_my_heart: jeez man cross_my_heart has left the chat
Your Tav, a drow warlock (whom you imagined as Raphael's personal warlock), was wearing her most "why-am-I-here" expression, arms crossed over her chest. It drove you mad, that standard #2 emotion.
Then they ate; clunky, clearly afterthought animations rehashed from Karlach's date dinner. The food they were served (meat, meat, lots of meat) made your stomachs ache (you had been on a crash diet in the irrational hope of slimming down for the rendezvous).
"You were the one who gave me the Crown of Karsus. You gave me the power to claim worlds, my little mouse, even your own." He paused before adding, "You hung on my every word, spread my vision... Every time we played, you offered the crown. My most loyal little acolyte".
A thrill of anticipation ran through you; he must be deviating from his usual script. He was now speaking directly to you.
luxaeterna: haha cool meta stuff luxaeterna: the game is probably checking to see if you have any save games where you killed him luxaeterna: and judging by the way you just stroked the screen (lol) you don't
"Come, my little mouse," Raphael beckoned. "Come and claim your reward. What is it that your heart desires?"
Your eyes scanned the four options presented to you:
1. Wealth beyond measure.
2. Godlike power.
3. Eternal youth.
4. You, Raphael.
"Well," you said aloud with a smile as your cursor hovered over option 4 (the only logical choice), "I'm not sure about immeasurable wealth, but an extra grand wouldn't hurt.” 
You wouldn't know what to do with godlike power anyway, and you were too young to dream of eternal youth.
A message appeared in the right-hand corner of your screen: GUESTUSER43214 donated €1,000.
You gasped. 
Oh yes. Yes, yes, yes. 
He was here. Raphael was watching you play with Raphael, which was the most Raphael thing that ever happened.
And he'd just given you a damn grand for nothing, with a simple click of his fingers - virtual numbers to him, but very real to you. 
You licked your lips with excitement. Easy money. The easiest money ever, for a joke and a smile. Tax free too. Is that how the girls at OnlyFans feel? 
papa johnes: holy fuck why didn't you ask for a million papa johnes: reload and ask for a million! DEVIL CREAMPIE: WOW WOW WOW  luxaeterna: is this a prank?  DEVIL CREAMPIE: SUGAR DADDY DEVIl
Would he give you more if you asked for it? Perhaps. Perhaps more than you could possibly imagine, enough to make all the worries disappear, but all in due time; that was not what you were craving from him at the moment.
luxaeterna:@GUESTUSER43214 are you Raph are you Raph Raph is it you? luxaeterna:@GUESTUSER43214 I can also stroke the screen for a thousand where do I sign up?
The user did not reply, but Raphael in-game did as soon as you clicked on "You and only you".
He walked up to your Tav and embraced her; tenderly, carefully, his clawed hands tracing the back of her spine. She looked frightened. 
Well, she only had so many expressions.
"You've always had a knack for making wise decisions," he purred in her ear. "It's one of your many talents, my dear. And once again you've chosen wisely. Now, how may I indulge you?"
papa johnes: ASK FOR A MILLION 
1. Fulfil my every dark fantasy. 
2. Let me put you on a leash and show you what pleasure is, devil.
3. Aren't you only bedding Haarlep?
4. Thanks, I'll pass. Haarlep has told me I’d be well advised to indulge elsewhere.
luxaeterna: Fulfil my every DARK fantasy lol who wrote this stuff a horny intern on her lunch break papa johnes: ASK FOR A MILLION GODDAMNIT
You briefly contemplated if you wanted Haarlep to join and thought that’s something you would save for later, so you went for the horny intern option.
"I will make all your fantasies come true," Raphael promised, as he stood up from his seat and approached Tav. "The ones you're aware of and those yet to be discovered. But for what comes next, little mouse, I prefer us to be alone. No prying eyes."
The game gave you three options to choose from: 
1. Yes, Raphael
2. Yes, Master
3. Yes, of course
luxaeterna: I think there might be an option missing  DEVIL CREAMPIE: lol any colour you like as long as it’s black right Raph
You nodded, chose “Yes, Raphael”, and got an immediate response:
Connection to Twitch lost. You clicked around, but the servers seemed to be shut down. Huh, you thought, Raphael can control Twitch servers. He could use it as a tool of mass indoctrination.
A deep sigh slipped from your lips. 
It was just the two of you now. 
But you wouldn't leave without proof. You pressed escape and positioned your phone camera on the highest shelf, angling it to capture everything that transpired on screen.
Raphael pulled Tav in a kiss the moment you resumed the game, something clearly modelled after Ascended Astarion kiss, with him standing, her seated, looking tiny in comparison to him. His clawed hand grasped her ebony neck and gave it a light squeeze. His expression was perfect - possessive, dark, animalistic, hers was screaming “I am about to shit myself” and completely out of place.
You are a Lolth-Sworn and a Bhaalspawn, Tav! What the bloody hell are you scared about? He should be scared of you!
"You taste ambrosial, my little mouse," Raphael whispered into Tav's ear. "I've lived thousands of years and never tasted anything better."
She doesn’t, you thought bitterly, she tastes like nothing but code, but I do, I do! 
Your hand traced up your neck mimicking Raphael's touch on Tav's skin and squeezed lightly. The pain made you aware of the bitter resentment against your own avatar - Raphael invited her, dined with her, was about to fuck her, not you, and it could be you now, should be you, not some character you cooked in an hour in the character creator. 
She didn’t do shit but follow your orders. It was you who ordered her to give him the Crown.
Next, Raphael shoved the dishes and the cutlery to the floor and gently laid Tav onto the dining table, positioning himself between her thighs. At first glance, it looked like they'd used Halsin's animation from a different angle until you saw his forked tongue glide across Tav's pixel-perfect hairless pussy, sliding in and out of her.
She did one of those high-pitched, perfectly fake screams that made your blood boil and that was exactly the reason you never watched mainstream porn. 
The very next gameplay your Tav is jumping off a very high cliff.
Tav threw her head back and moaned, the hair that should have fallen down remaining perfectly in place in her braid. It made it look fake the way video game sex sequences look fake, plastic dolls smashed against each other.  Every woman in Faerun and Earth would grab his horns and hold on tight, but no, Tav was not animated to do so.
At least Raphael looked real, every second more so, so you focused on him, and his eyes, and his face glistening in candlelight and Tav’s juices.
There was no way Larian would make it so explicit, a thought that floated in the back of your mind. Can’t be right. The moans, the animations, the visceral, explicit arousal - his and hers. Can’t be right. 
No way you’d be stopping to cross-check, either.
So, you watched Tav writhing under the devil's tongue, slipping your hand under your t-shirt, pulling aside the black lacy bra you'd recently bought for him and caressing your hardening nipples. 
You couldn't help yourself.
You wanted him, his lips on your pussy, your hands around his horns, you wanted to come onto his mouth, to grind around his cock like a fish caught on a hook.
But all you could do was stare, the pulsing of your clit in perfect rhythm with your heartbeats.
Raphael was looking at you, at you specifically, just like in the cafe. He grabbed one of Tav's legs by the ankle and lifted it high into the air as she arched her back in pleasure. The other leg was slightly spread, offering a view of your avatar's glistening pussy, which you couldn't care less about, unlike the ribbed, red, engorged cock between Raphael's legs, impressive enough to both arouse and frighten. 
He must taste so good. The very thought made your mouth water.
You shoved your fingers under your jeans, feeling the zipper scrape against them till it hurt, but you couldn't care less.
Fuck her, you muttered aloud as you rubbed yourself. Or better still, call me and fuck me. 
As if he could hear you (he could he could he definitely could), Raphael hoisted Tav’s ankles onto his shoulders and rammed into her with the force that would have been painful in reality but looked mesmerising on the screen. 
Hard, sure thrusts, sliding in and out, looking at you all that time, his mouth tightening in a sardonic smile. The promise in his eyes. The promise of all he could give and the promise of a hell of a price to pay. Despite all your fear for him, and because of it, you wanted him even more.
Tav screamed her cry again, exactly the same vocal line, her symmetrical, round, cookie-cutter breasts bouncing to the rhythm dictated by Raphael.
It’s me next time, you pleaded. Make it me. I deserve it. I’ll make it worth your while. Please.
Raphael moaned, loudly, like no man you've ever been with moaned - no man you've ever been with could pull off a moan like that - wild, lustful, deep, shameless. You have to talk like him to pull that off. You have to look like him.
You have to be that silver-tongued devil.
"You are mine. I owe you, my precious little mouse" Raphael said to Tav, hovering over her, folding her in two (would you be that flexible?).  "Be my good girl and say it." 
This is exactly the kind of talk you wanted from him, exactly the kind of talk that made your pussy throb, that made you click on everything with 'maledom' in it in a split second.  Such a shame you could see so little, had to imagine so much, their parts were barely visible in this position.
"I am yours," you whispered breathlessly, pinching your nipple as you plunged your fingers deep inside you. "I am your good girl. I am your little mouse. I am!”
Tav said nothing and Raphael raised his hand over her face. Slap her, you urged, hurt her, slap her hard, but he didn't, instead running his fingers through her snow-white hair and you moaned in frustration and pleasure.
This man brings out the worst in you.
Your pussy clenched around your fingers, a little moan escaped your lips and you bored into them, pretending it was his cock ramming into you. You would get the Devil's Dick from under the bed if you could just tear yourself away from the screen for a moment. 
You were right on the edge, so close, closer. Your eyes were fixed on Raphael's face, desperately trying to catch a better glimpse of his cock as he thrust one final time before the screen slowly faded to black.
"NO!" you screamed in frustration. "COME BACK! I'M NOT DONE YET!"
The scene changed to both of them lying on a crimson bed. You closed your eyes shut and gritted your teeth.
Of course, you could have used your imagination to fill in the rest, but you were tired of pretending. You craved the real thing - flesh against flesh, hot breath, his scent, beads of sweat, and taste of saliva, his saliva. Not just porn or smut or audio recordings – the actual physical experience. Sex that you had never had because all you knew was awkward fumbling and elbows tangling in your hair and ‘ugh do you really want me to talk dirty this is so weird’.
You would do anything to fuck him now. Bring me that damn contract, I'll sell my soul for a good fuck. Give me the fucking paper, Raphael, give it to me now.
You reluctantly pulled your sticky fingers away from your aching pussy and cursed under your breath. How many times did Raphael ruin the mood already? Cruel, sadistic, cold-hearted fiend, damned hellish beast. 
You wanted a different kind of torment.
"Raphael, you better call me," you growled at the screen. "Or I swear I'll come to your house, snatch your hammer, end you and..."
Your threat was cut off by a ring of the doorbell.
"Metaphorically speaking," you hastily added as the doorbell chimed again, more insistently this time.
The memory of blood blisters on guy's lips for lesser offences was still fresh in your mind.
"You promised you'd knock on my door, not ring," you muttered to yourself, feeling a tinge of fear run through your body. "And again... metaphorically speaking!"
The doorbell rang once more, louder and angrier than before. You wiped your slick fingers on a napkin and quickly adjusted your clothing before cautiously approaching the door.
A quick glance through the peephole revealed something red outside. But you didn't dare take a second look.
Your palm found its way to the cool metal of the doorknob. This was it, wasn't it? The moment where a stupid girl opens the wrong door at the wrong time and gets clawed to death.
Behind the door stood a teenage boy, around fourteen or fifteen years old, with acne and an ill-fitted t-shirt, casually chewing gum. He looked at you as if you were the one disturbing his peace all along.
"Why the hell were you buzzing my door like a maniac?" you asked.
He thrust a bouquet of red roses towards you without much ceremony. It was heavier than you thought. 
"I have a special delivery for you, ma'am" he announced.
"Why did you buzz my door like that?" you asked again, irritated.
"I get an extra hundred if I deliver these today. I was pissed that you weren't home," he replied with casual indifference.
"You can't just do that to people, you little shit," you shot back.
"Whatever, sue me, bitch," he retorted before walking away with a shrug and one last jab: "And zip up your fly."
You flipped him off, your fly still splayed open. It was funny how not too long ago, such a comment would have mortified and flustered you.
But now, being a bit (okay, a lot) crazy has its perks.
The bouquet he gave you was exactly the type that you used to mock in high school when the popular girls would flaunt their dozens of roses on social media. Over-the-top, showy, just plain vulgar in its excessiveness. How many were there? A hundred? At least. 
You absolutely loved it.
You loved the note attached even more. 
"Apologies for my silence. Had urgent matters to attend to. I promise to make amends and cannot wait to see you again -R."
Oh, and a box of Ladurée macarons which you never tried but you couldn't take your eyes off of them through the window of the shop! 
As if on cue, an incoming call lit up your phone screen. No Caller ID. You clutched the bouquet tighter and hurriedly answered.
“Thank you so much”, you said, momentarily hating the simpering, saccharine voice you adopted. “What a coincidence, just received your flowers”.
"It's hardly a coincidence," Raphael replied calmly. "They sent me an email notification."
You let out a small laugh at the mention of the "e-mail". It seemed like Raphael was still playing the “no, no, it’s not me Raphael the cambion, I just look like him” game. Whatever the hell for?
"You've had my home address this whole time, haven't you, Raphael?" you asked. "Why did you ask then?"
There was a moment of tense silence on the other end of the line, and you could sense Raphael's anger without even seeing him. 
One wrong sentence and everything could shift between the two of you in a split second. 
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he responded with firmness in his tone:
"It’s one thing you didn’t ask for my name - which I found impolite, but I can forgive a beautiful woman many things. Calling me another man’s name? That's something I will not tolerate."
You blinked in confusion as you read the note in your hand: "I cannot wait to see you again. -R".
"I'm sorry," you stammered, "Your note..."
He laughed. Soft, charming laugh of a rich and successful man perfectly content with his life. 
"Raul, at your service. Raul d'Avergni, if you're interested in doing some research in your free time."
"Raul?", you asked. It was not an ugly name, but it was foreign, mundane and not diabolical enough for your taste. It made you think of a Spanish soap opera, not of Avernus.
"That's right," he replied calmly. "Italian, in case you were wondering. From west of Pozzuoli. Not exactly a place you would be familiar with."
You couldn't help but feel a little hurt by the comment, even though you indeed had no clue where Pozzuoli was.
"Oh," you replied. "I hadn't noticed an accent."
"I would hope not, considering how much my father spent sending me to Eton," Raphael (you won’t call him otherwise, no) joked, although his voice tensed up at the mention of his father. 
Great, now Mephistopheles is here too? Did you accidentally invite all of Hells?
"I will be there by eight to collect you," he said very matter—of—factly.
You checked your Apple Watch and saw that it was only an hour away.
"Tonight?" you inquired.
"Do you have any other arrangements?" 
No, of course not. I've been waiting for your call this whole time, you wanted to make a joke before you realised it was no joke and therefore not really funny.
"No... none," you admitted. "Where are we headed tonight? Should I dress up?"
Or it wouldn’t matter because I would end up in a garbage bag and a “missing” poster?
You could hear him smile on the other end of the phone.
"You definitely should dress up," he said, his tone flirtatious again. "We are heading somewhere special. It might be a little unconventional for common taste, but I assure you, you'll love it. See you very soon."
He hung up before you could ask for more details on what kind of unconventional thing he had in mind. As you tried to calculate your chances of survival for this unconventional event and what exactly was considered unconventional by infernal standards, the odds seemed to get slimmer and slimmer.
Would they even find your body?
It suddenly struck you that 'Raul' never bothered to explain how he knew where you lived, and you still didn't have his phone number to call him back. This realisation prompted you to do something you hadn't done since childhood: call your mum twice in one day.
The only person you could trust to hunt down a devil.
"Mum? I have plans tonight. I'm going out with a man named Raul de… de… oh, God, Avergni or something. Yes, write down his name and look him up on Google. If I don't call you until tomorrow..."
"What do you mean by tomorrow?" your mother interrupted sharply. "Are you planning on spending the night with him?"
You were hoping to spend the night with him!
"I'm twenty-seven, Mum."
“Anya, you know better than to sleep with a man on the first date. Men are hunters, and if you give in too easily, they will lose interest. Trust me, I've been through it all before…”
You clench your jaw as she continues to lecture you on how to catch, tame, and keep a man.
"Mum?" you interject.
"Did it work with my father?”
Your mother let out an exasperated sigh and switched to her "I have the worst daughter in the world" voice.
"I hope you have a nice evening, but please remember to call me when you get home TONIGHT."
As you showered, dressed, moisturised your face and hands and tried to style your hair, you couldn't help but think of Laura Palmer wrapped in plastic. After all, she looked good dead, so you should too.
The marks of your own fingertips were still visible on your neck. You quickly covered them with concealer and briefly recalled a distant memory of cutting yourself as a teenager.
Why had you cut yourself? The reason was foggy in your mind, as was the pain, but you remembered the bitterness and loneliness. You didn't want to die, but you wanted something else - something you didn't have, or someone who could give it to you.
Being suicidal must be a package deal with being crazy. 
Your phone buzzed. The thing with your mother, she gets distracted too easily to remain offended for long. And you provided her with excellent food for distraction.
is he the managing partner of the law firm?
oh my god
they write “not married” on the website, god bless
he must have so much money, Anya, so much money.
so handsome
no offence love but how on earth did you manage it
(ah that’s why you were cutting yourself)
we can live with him being Italian, I think.
at least he is Catholic.
please wear black, it suits your figure.
remember POSITIVE thinking.
(Laura Palmer wrapped in plastic)
send me a picture when you are ready. OK? love
wear a cross too 
A cross? You let out a laugh. Unlike your mother, you were consistent in your beliefs. Catholic school was the perfect environment for raising atheists. Ever since you were a teenager, you had been against that rotten, bloody institution, full of pedos, crooks and who knows what else. 
If this was God's team, then you proudly allied yourself with the devil.
As you ranted internally against the church, you suddenly remembered that you now had some freshly made solo porn on your phone that needed to be deleted immediately. 
Not before you give it a little watch.
You wish you hadn't, you thought as it started to play. A high-quality video of you choking in front of a black screen, your hands clutching your throat with a fervour you didn't even know you possessed. A reflection of your face on the laptop: possessed, sickly, rapt. Moans escaping your lips as you pant, hands roaming all over your body, little tremors of excitement... at nothing.
A black screen.
You immediately deleted the video from your phone. If it proved anything, it was that you were gone. Far gone. Off the deep end. The way you moaned, salivating at the mouth, Christ almighty (Christ had nothing to do with it)...
Well, that was Raphael. You could tell by the simple knock. It was soft and polite, modest yet assertive; but he wouldn't wait long for you to open the door, so you had to be quick.
Your gaze drifted to the ornate golden cross, the crucifix in the centre; suffering, redemption, salvation, deliverance from evil and all the shit you did not believe in. 
In fact, you didn't believe in devils either. 
Besides, a cross won't help against the devils of Baator.
Then again, it wouldn't hurt.
Next: Chapter 4, In Which You Attend A Very Special Event
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spectre-writes · 1 year
Okay, I'm gonna say it again, cos it's still on my mind. My biggest gripe with stampede is something that a small change to the last two eps would have fixed... and that's just showing us some civilians. (Big spoilers ahead, be warned).
Like, I get why they didn't... they put their budget and time into the action (and boy did they deliver there) - it would be a pain to have to model a bunch of new characters for a small portion of screen time. Easier to just make them military police so you can re-use assets (and if they have their helmets on you don't have to animate faces either).
But for a supposedly huge city, July feels so... empty? We don't see crowds, we don't see people going about their lives, we don't see them running in panic when shit goes down... It's just the military police (one of which shot Vash, and another who set a cluster bomb off over an innocent town), and it just isn't the same?
I mean, think about seeing just... ordinary people facing that kind of threat? Seeing them screaming and running for their lives... heck, have the military police trying to help them evacuate (so they maybe do something other than be assholes for a change). Show us a crying child lost in the chaos. Show us someone cradling their cat as they run. Show us people in their pyjamas, show us neighbours helping to get an elderly person out. Humanise the whole thing.
When I see July vaporised, I don't want to just see a bunch of buildings gone. I want to have a sense of all those other lives that were snatched away - that's the tragedy. They gave us a death toll at the end, but honestly without them telling us you could just assume that maybe a hundred military police died and everyone else evacuated in time. It just.... the impact isn't the same? I know it would be backdrop to the actual fight going on, but man... it would have added so much, to let us catch a glimpse of the people unfortunate enough to have been there... to understand that they were erased...
Moving on to a second season, I'm curious how they're going to handle Vash's reaction to July. In the manga, he repressed the memory, and when he gets it back he's overwhelmed by it and he nearly loses control... but it's not necessarily just the event itself that distresses him so much, it's all the time before. Because, he actually spent some time in July before things went down. He got to know some of the people there, and saw, first hand, how kind they were. What he's dealing with isn't just 'oh I blew up a city' it's trying to come to terms with the fact that all those people he met, all their kindness, all their seperate lives, their hopes and dreams, he destroyed them all in an instant. It's not a bunch of buildings he sees, it's their smiling faces. And that's what haunts him.
So... how does that work for stampede? Either they just... don't give it the same impact, retroactively add in some stuff in some flashbacks, or... and I'm just tossing ideas out here... what if it isn't just Vash's own memory that he gets back?
Plant powers are all 'wavey hand magic' but I think they have some psychic abilities. What if Vash was able to take on some of the memories of the people in July? What if he sees things from their perspective? Gets a glimpse of the happy lives he tore asunder? See himself as a monster from their point of view?
It would definitely be a different take on things, but stampede's already doing that...
Idk, that's just... what's on my mind right now.
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