#but they didnt essentially make them permanent which is what jaiden and baghera did
atthebell · 7 months
can i just say i think it's really fun that baghera and jaiden are the only people to keep their tazercraft haircuts?
like even after skin changes because of serious lore, baghera kept the haircut & just had the pink fade (which, makes sense with the rest of her skin change + the logistics of hair dye, not that that matters much in mcrp but i digress). the pink mullet is just so iconic to bachera's cubito and has been since pac and mike made it that it's just cemented as part of her character and i love that!
and same goes for jaiden-- she has miku hair now and forever and when she did her lore skin change she kept the hair & tattoos, and after her recent skin change kept the hair and adjusted the tattoos but still kept them.
it's just neat that they liked the skins tazercraft made them so much that they're just their default skins now and that they totally changed so many fan depictions because of it, even though it was a goofy little event that most other people didn't maintain the looks from
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