#but they're not the highest of high nobility...they only have so many favors to use.
boleynqueenes · 5 months
What is your wildest headcanon?
Oh, idk, I've made some adjustments...as someone that toes that balance beam of remaining faithful to both historical sources while maintaining creative flexibility, I don't know how many are 'wild'...I suppose one, I 'fanoned' the idea that maybe AB had always, since she was a little girl, dreamed of naming her first daughter after her mother...and then from there, wondered if it's especially significant that Mary didn't name her children after her parents (although, plausible Catherine Carey was named after her aunt, Katherine Howard)? Like, we know Elizabeth Boleyn was Anne's 'most loved' woman in the world, but maybe this went both ways, maybe Anne was both her parents' 'favorite'....? And if so, what was that like for her siblings? Etc
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